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OPINION are often, contentiously, considered to be

anatomically and functionally different
Beyond the Gspot: clitourethrovaginal from each other, which further complicates
attempts to define the anatomical basis
complex anatomy in female orgasm of CAO and VAO. This article discusses
these provocative issues and provides evi-
Emmanuele A.Jannini, Odile Buisson and Alberto Rubio-Casillas dence supporting the novel paradigm of
the clitourethrovaginal (CUV) complex,
Abstract | The search for the legendary, highly erogenous vaginal region, the Grfenberg which might increase understanding of the
spot (G-spot), has produced important data, substantially improving understanding of multifaceted sexual responses in women. In
the complex anatomy and physiology of sexual responses in women. Modern imaging addition, we aim to analyse whether pelvic
techniques have enabled visualization of dynamic interactions of female genitals floor surgery could affect the function of
during self-sexual stimulation or coitus. Although no single structure consistent with the proposed CUV complex and, therefore,
a distinct Gspot has been identified, the vagina is not a passive organ but a highly sexual function.
dynamic structure with an active role in sexual arousal and intercourse. Theanatomical
relationships and dynamic interactions between the clitoris, urethra, and anterior The vaginal wall and orgasm
vaginal wall have led to the concept of a clitourethrovaginal (CUV) complex, defining Upon publication of the book The G spot
a variable, multifaceted morphofunctional area that, when properly stimulated during and other discoveries about human sexu-
ality in 1982,3 many scientists began the
penetration, could induce orgasmic responses. Knowledge of the anatomy and
search for a specific, discrete organ or a
physiology of the CUV complex might help to avoid damage to its neural, muscular,
site within the anterior vaginal wall (AVW)
andvascular components during urological and gynaecological surgical procedures.
with a high nerve density that could explain
Jannini, E. A. etal. Nat. Rev. Urol. 11, 531538 (2014); published online 12 August 2014; the increased sensitivity reported by many
doi:10.1038/nrurol.2014.193 women in this region. This suggest ion
was in contrast to the classic anatomical
Introduction and in the absence of direct stimulation and gynaecological literature, wherein the
As a relatively well-defined and exact of the external clitoris: 2 we proposed to human vagina is described as poorly inner-
field of biomedicine, gross anatomy rarely name this type the vaginally activated vated, with little chance of being itself an
provides opportunities for controversial orgasm(VAO). erotogenic structure.4,5 Nevertheless, the
disagreements over hypotheses; however, The anatomical structures that might existence of such an erog enous zone in
the anatomy of the organs, tissues, and provoke VAOs rather than CAOs have thevagina remains a subject of debate,
structures involved in the subjective orgas- not been completely and unequivocally andthe results of the relatively few anato
mic experience in women seems to be an described, probably representing a unique mical studies that havesought to address
exception. For experts in sexual medicine case of remaining major uncertainty this issue to date have addedto this con-
and specifically andrologists, urologists, regarding human gross anatomy. In fact, troversy rather than providing clarity. In
gynaecologists, and urogynaecologists several issues relating to this gap in our an immunohistochemical study,6 in which
with a necessary interest in female orgasmic anatomical knowledge remain contro biopsy samples from various regions
function as well as the related clinical and versial. First, the functional relationship of the normal human vaginal mucosa
surgical aspects, the current nomenclature between the clit oris and the vagina is were labelled with an antibody target-
and, consequently, the taxonomy, represent still debated. Second, disagreements over ing a general neuronal marker (PGP9.5),
important areas of contention. Whereas a whether the vagina is sufficiently inner- differences in innervation were found
single male type of orgasm is classically vated to provide pleasure, or is poorly sen- (Table1). Interestingly, biopsy tissues
recognized, at least two distinct varieties of sitive to facilitate the processes of labour from the anterio r wall of the vagina
orgasms are described in women.1 The first and birth, have not been resolved. Third, were generally more densely innervated
type of female orgasm is obtained through whether the Grfenberg spot (G-spot; than samples from the posterior wall. 6
the direct stimulation of the external cli ahypothetical, discrete, highly erogenous Furthermore, distal areas ofthe vaginal
toris, without any kind of internal stimu- region of the vagina) is a discrete entity, wall had a greater numberof nerve bres
lation. Herein, we refer to this orgasm as a complex structure, or a gynaecological than proximal regions.6 Song etal.7 con-
the clitorally activated orgasm (CAO). myth created for journalistic purposes, or firmed these findings in a microdissection
The second form of orgasm is described as with the aim of supporting surgical aesthe and immunohistochemical study, and also
that obtained during vaginal penetration tic manipulations of the female genitals, found that the distal AVW is markedly
remains unclear. Finally, whereas the thicker than the proximal AVW. Together,
Competing interests functional anatomy of men is, rightly or these studies support the existence of
The authors declare no competing interests. wrongly, considered to be constant, women locoregional differences in theability of the


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Table 1 | Evidence for and against locoregional differences in innervation of the human vagina
were suggested to function in the vaginal
pacemaker that generates the electrical
Finding Method Study
waves and that signals smooth muscle
Evidence in favour to contract.15 On the basis of these find-
More nerves are present in the distal than Immunohistochemistry with an Hilliges etal. ings, it has also been hypothesized that the
in the proximal vagina antiserum against the general neuronal (1995)6 vaginal pacemaker might increase sexual
marker PGP9.5
arousal during coitus, and might repre-
More nerves are present in the distal than Microdissection and Song etal. sent the Gspot.14 However, the proximal
inthe proximal vagina, and the distal AVW is immunohistochemical study (2009)7
signicantly thicker than the proximal AVW of the human vagina
posterior positioning of this pacemaker
is not in keeping with traditional think-
ICC are present in the smooth muscle Immunohistochemical investigation Shafik etal.
ofthe vagina using the specic ICC marker ckit (2007)15
ing regarding the location of the Gspot,
or the proposed role of the CUV complex
Evidence against
No differences in the nerve density in the Immunohistochemistry with the Pauls etal. On the basis of these findings, one can
distal with respect to the proximal vagina. antibody against the general neuronal (2006)8
All women from this study had prolapse marker protein S100
conclude that the vaginal wall might have at
least two active roles that could contribute
Abbreviations: AVW, anterior vaginal wall; ckit, mast/stem cell growth factor receptor Kit; ICC, interstitial cells of Cajal;
PGP9.5, ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase isozyme L1. to VAO. First, the transmission of pressure
changes caused by penetration to the eroto
genic components of the CUV complex.
vaginal tissues to triggerthe erotic stimuli forming the CUV complex, could explain Second, the production of electrical signals
and, therefore, seem to be consistent with the pleasurable sensations that lead to VAO, has been hypothesized to regulate smooth
the possible presence of a Gspot. On the rather than any distinct region of increased muscle contractions during coitus. This
other hand, another immunohistochemical innervation. However, other factors might vaginal pacemaker might increase sexual
study of biopsy specimens that examined explain the controversy regarding the exis- arousal during coitus, and has been con-
the distribution of a different neuronal tence of a specific erotogenic region of the sidered as a possible representation of
marker (protein S100) reported that no vagina. For example, anatomical and clini- theGspot.14
vaginal location had an increased nerve cal findings have indicated that large dif-
density, with the vaginal nerves found to be ferences in vaginal anatomy are observed The complex CUV relationships
located regularly throughout the anterior between women.1113 Our knowledge of clitoral anatomy has
and posterior wall of the vagina, includ- Other findings further suggest that evolved over time. In 1998, OConnell and
ing apex and cervix, as well as proximally the vagina is to be considered a contrac- colleagues16 demonstrated that the distal
and distally within each wall. 8 However, tile organ, having important roles during vaginal wall, the urethra, and surrounding
although discrepancies regarding the sexual intercourse,14 rather than a passive erectile tissue were closely situated within
locoregional variation in innervation of canal. In particular, the vagina was shown the perineum, caudal superficial to the
the vagina clearly exist in anatomical lit- to exhibit electrical activity in the form of pubic arch. Detailed dissections revealed
erature (Table1), the idea that the vagina slow waves with a regular rhythm and more that the spongy tissues that closely flank
is a poorly innervated organ is no longer random action potentials, and the action the distal regions of vagina and urethra to
tenable, and so, independently of the exis- potentials were associated with eleva variable degreesreferred to at the time as
tence of the Gspot, the stimulation of ted vaginal pressure that was assumed to bulbs of the vestibulewere in fact related
abundant nerves in the AVW might have reflect increased muscle contraction. 14 most closely to the clitoris. The research-
a key role in VAO. Importantly, distention of the vagina, using ers therefore recommended that these
A possibly more important scientific an inated condom to simulate penetration structures be termed the bulbs of the cli-
question is whether any evidence supports by an erect penis, produced an increase in toris.16 In addition, OConnell etal.17 noted
a relationship between an area of higher the frequency of the electrical impulses that the distal vagina is a structure that
nerve density in the vaginamost probably and vaginal pressure.14 Thus, it has been is so interrelated with the clitoris that it is
located in the distal region of the anterior postul ated that penile thrusting during a matter of some debate whether the two
walland the potential to achieve VAO. coitus stimulates a vaginal pacemaker, are truly separate structures, and coined
Conclusive data demonstrating such a which was localized to the proximal vagina the term clitoral complex to reflect this
relationship have not been reported to date. rather than the supposedly more highly concept. 17 Indeed, although the distal
Nonetheless, the association of particular innervated distal vaginabased on the vagina and the urethra are not erectile
regions of the vagina with an increased caudad spread of the electrical waves dis- tissues, these structures are intimately
likelihood of VAO might be inferred by the covered using regional anaesthetization of related to the bulbs and cavernous bodies
findings of invivo ultrasonography studies the vaginal wall.14 Interestingly, subsequent of the clitoris (Figure1). The three struc-
of the female genitals during self-sexual research by the same group demonstrated tures share vasculature and nerve supply,
stimulation or coitus. Such studies have the presence of interstitial cells of Cajal, and respond as a unit during sexual stimu
demonstrated that when the AVW is stimu which are involved in the stimulation of lation. 17 Unlike the thick capsule that
lated, the pressure exerted is transmitted smooth muscle contraction, in the vaginal encloses the clitoral body, the bulbs of the
to the urethra and the surrounding erec- wall (Table1).15 The highest concentration clitoris are surrounded by a considerably
tile tissues, including the clitoral bulbs.9,10 of these cells was observed in a proximal more delicate membrane that might permit
Thus, interactions between these elements, posterior region of the vagina and so they greater expansion of the bulbs as a result

532 | SEPTEMBER 2014 | VOLUME 11

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of sexual stimulation,18 potentially bring-

a b Posterior Anterior
ing the clitoral structures in closer prox-
imity to the vagina. The same relationship Clitoral
with the clitoral bulbs applies to the female raphe Bladder
urethra. 17 In addition, the biochemical Clitoral
machinery mediating peripheral excitatory cavernous
signalling is expressed in tissues surround-
ing the distal regions of both the vagina and Pubic bone
the urethra. This machinery includes blood Vagina
vessels (corpora cavernosa) lined by cells
rich in phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5),11 Urethra
nerves characterized by nitric oxide syn- bulb Clitoral bulb Clitoral
thase (NOS) expression, 12 and exocrine cavernous body
glands (female prostate glands) capable Vagina
Clitoral glans Clitoral
of producing the prostate specific antigen raphe
(PSA), which are found at sites along and
around the urethra in some women. 1921 Figure 1 | Clitourethrovaginal (CUV) complex and its relationship to female anatomy.
These observations further support a a|Representative echographic image of the CUV complex in a healthy nulliparous woman,
pivotal role of the vagina, in conjunction showing the double arch made of the two cavernous bodies and two bulbs. Between the vagina
with the surrounding urethral and clitoral and the double arch, the urethra is visualized. b | Ultrasonographic 3D reconstruction of the CUV
complex, revealing the close relationship between the vagina and clitoris. Permission obtained
tissues (the proposed CUV complex), in
from John Wiley and Sons Buisson,O. & Jannini, E. A. J. Sex. Med. 10, 27342740 (2013).
sexual arousal and VAO.

The proposed CUV complex changes observed in the CUV complex be used to quantitatively analyse various
In studies describing the histology of and associated blood vessels and muscles biological parameters before, during,
female vaginal tissues, no single anatomi- during sexual stimulation or orgasm and after sexual arousal. Assessments of
cal structure within the AVW has been suggest that sexual pleasure cannot be clitoral volume and the relative regional
unanimously identified as the Gspot.7,8,1013 attributed to a single organ, providing blood volume seem to be the most reliable
However, the available evidence is not a rationale for the replacement of an old arousal indicators, 24 and further explain
incompatible with the original findings term (G-spot) and unproved concept that the theory of the CUV complex, which
of the eponym Ernst Grfenberg, who is deeply rooted in our society. This change should be considered a dynamic and func-
reported that the female urethra and the in terminology could help medical doctors, tional entity rather than a static anatomical
AVW were erotogenic structures in some gynaecologists, urogynaecologists, experts region. During sexual arousal, changes in
women,22 which formed the foundation for in sexual medicine, and the general public the female genitalia are particularly evident
the Gspot paradigm.3 Indeed, being so rich to understand that the erotogenic anatomy in the clitoris, especially the body and the
in nerves, blood vessels, muscles,16,17 and associated with VAO extends beyond a crura (cavernous bodies), and MRI has
exocrine glands,12,1921 as well as express- single sensitive area of tissue in the AVW. shown that the size of the clitoral bulbs
ing the biochemical machinery of human increases, together with a slight increase in
excitation, such as NOS and PDE5,11,12 this Imaging female sexual arousal the signal raised by the minor and major
anatomical region cannot be considered In general, anatomical changes accom- labia, suggesting greater blood flow to
irrelevant to female excitation. pany changes in the functional status of theseareas.25
On the basis of the anatomical relation organs and tissues, and such changes are Ultrasonography is another investiga-
ships and the dynamic interaction between particularly important over the course of tional imaging modality that is relevant
the clitoris, urethra, and the AVW evi- sexual stimulation and orgasm. Modern to studies of the external clitoris and
denced through ultrasound imaging imaging techniques enable objective CUV complex. The technique is simple to
during coitus (Figure2), 10 Jannini etal.2 dynamic visualization of the anatomy in perform, nonintrusive, and closely repli-
concluded that the clitoris and vagina live individuals, which offers the oppor- cates the findings of MRIat consider-
could be seen as an anatomical and func- tunity to obtain unique insights into such ably lower cost. 26 Another advantage of
tional unit being activated by vaginal pene- changes, which are not attainable using ultrasonography is that examination of the
tration during intercourse. To additionally classic dissection studies in cadavers. MRI genital anatomy is possible during volun-
recognize the probable involvement of the has been used to obtain a multiplanar rep- tary perineal contraction. Such examina-
urethraand the female prostate in this resentation of clitoral anatomy invivo, tions have demonstrated that the clitoris
anatomical and functional unit, we have which revealed that the bulbs and caver is not an inert organ: in fact, the vault of
proposed a change in the nomenclature.2 nous bodies forming the erectile root of the clitoris descends, the clitoral body and
Specifically, we named this anatomical the clitoris closely flank, and are extensively glans angle, the angle of the double vault
region, which we envisage to be key to related to, the urethra, and that the clitoral the double arch comprising the bulbs
triggering the VAO, the CUV complex bulbs also partially encircle the vagina and cavernous bodies (Figure1)becomes
(Figure1)a definition that more accu- (Figure1). 23 In addition, MRI permits more acute (towards the vagina), and
rately and scientifically describes the true visualization of the changes that occur in movement of the perineal raphe pushes the
nature of the Gspot. In fact, the dynamic the genitalia during sexual arousal, and can glans anteriorlydownward.27


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described.33 However, in women, the pres-

COITUS Anterior
ence of different types of orgasm, each with
Clitoral Clitoral differences in the inducing stimuli and/or
cavernous cavernous underlying mechanisms, has been variously
body body
19.50 mm 19.50 mm
claimed as fact, treated as a hypothesis, or
Vagina even strongly denied.1 Unfortunately, not
all of these positions are evidence-based.
8.14 mm
Clitoral bulb Clitoral bulb Although the classic opinion of Masters
7.91 mm
and Johnson, 5 that all female orgasms
dorsal vein are mediated by direct or indirect clitoral
stimul ation, is not supported by robust
data, that the CAO is the easiest and com-
Penile corpus
cavernosum Penile corpus monest way for a healthy woman to reach
cavernosum climax is almost universally accepted.34,35
The existence of the VAO, based on the
opinion or experiences of a number of
spongiosum women, has often been rejected, largely for
political rather than scientic reasons.36
The fact that the feminist revolution tended
Vagina Vagina to deny the machist vaginal penetration
and to emphasize the feminist clitoral
Figure 2 | Ultrasonographic coronal plane image taken at the top of the vulva during coitus in stimulation is well known. 37 Neverthe
ahealthy nulliparous woman. The image obtained during vaginal penetration shows the close less, the proportion of women who have
proximity of components of the clitourethrovaginal (CUV) complex, specifically the clitoral bulbs experienced VAO, according to subjective
and cavernous bodies, and the vaginal wall. Dynamic echography demonstrated that the CUV experiences reported in population studies,
complex is stretched and stimulated by the penis during coitus. This observation suggests that is estimated to be 6083%. 1,38 Moreover,
such stimulation of the CUV complex could contribute to the attainment of vaginally activated
several studies have provided evidence
orgasms. Permission obtained from John Wiley and Sons Buisson, O. et al. J. Sex. Med. 7,
27502754 (2010).
that direct mechanical stimulation of the
vagina or cervix, in the absence of direct
clitoral stimulation, can generate orgasms
Importantly, both MRI and ultrasono through hypervascularization of erectile in women.3942 Assuming that these reports
graphy can be used to assess the modifi- tissue.29 These phenomena probably affect are accurate, the evidence, therefore, sug-
cations of the genitalia that occur during all the components of the CUV complex, gests that the VAO is a reality. 2 In the
coitus. In 1999, Schultz etal.28 used MRI and such modification and dilatation of the absence of a defined hypersensitive region
to examine a couple having intercourse, CUV complex might increase its coaptation of the vagina (the Gspot), the concept of
and obtained some of the first images with the erect penis during coitus, which the CUV complex could explain how sexual
that directly demonstrated how a curved, is in turn reinforced through intensifica- pleasure from vaginal penetration, leading
bow-like, erect penis stretches the CUV tion of the pressure effects described. This to orgasm, could result from indirect
complex and applies pressure that stimu- mechanism could explain how the CUV stimulation of the inner clitoris, in line with
lates the clitoris, which is gently squeezed complex would function to increase sexual the hypothesis of Masters and Johnson, as
between the AVW and the pubic symphy- arousal, possibly leading to VAO. well as from the direct activation of the
sis.10 In 2010, sonography of genitals during Imaging methods that provide additional structures composing the CUVcomplex.9,10
coitus (Figure2) was used to describe, for physiological data are vital to understand- Importantly, we do not currently know
the first time, the specif ic modifications ing the sexual function of the genitals in the exact percentages of women who are
and displacement of the clitoris under women. Relevant techniques that can be unable to describe their own orgasm(s),
penile thrusting.10 Similar to the MRI find- used to assess the dynamic local changes who have knowledge of only the CAO,
ings, ultrasonography revealed that penile in blood flow during sexual stimulation or who are able to experience VAO. How
thrusting exerts pressure on the AVW, include duplex Doppler ultrasonography ever, individuals from the latter group often
which causes movement of the entire CUV using flowmetric measurements, 30 cli describe substantial differences between
complex against the pubic symphisis.10 The toral photoplethysmography,31 and vaginal types of orgasmic experience. For example,
AVW was seen to be pushed against the photoplethysmography of vaginal pulse orgasms attained through direct clitoral
root of the clitoris, which was stretched in amplitude, 32 although photoplethysmo stimulation have been reported to be
an ascending direction and the component graphy is not yet well validated in this sharp, bursting, short-lasting, superficial,
parts were widened, and the Kobelt venous setting and needs to be improved. and more localized, being confined only
plexus seemed to be repeatedly compressed to the pubic area.41,42 By contrast, the VAO
by the penis.10 In an earlier study that used Functional anatomy of orgasms has been described as more diffuse, whole
Doppler ultrasonography, pressure applied The ability of men to achieve orgasm body radiating, psychologically more
on the distal part of the vagina was shown usually accompanied by ejaculation satisfying, and longer-l asting. 41,42 These
to increase blood flow in the clitoral arter- through the same general mechanism upon descriptions suggest that anatomophysio
ies, which enhanced the size of the clitoris different types of stimulation has been well logical differences exist between CAO and

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VAO. The difference in sensory quality of the components ofthe complex) seem to be active only during vaginal stimulation,
stimulating the clitoris, vagina, or cervix be associated with theability to attain this whereas evidence suggests that external
is probably attributable to the involve- type of orgasm. stimulation exclusively activates the glans
ment of different nerves receiving sensory In an ultrasonographic examination of clitoris. These functional findings support
activity from each of these regions. The the stimulated clitoris during either direct the hypothesis that more than one type of
clitoris is innervated mainly by the puden- stimulation of the external clitoris or vagi female orgasm exists, and that CAO and
dal nerve,the vagina primarily by the nal penetration,9 the components of the cli VAO are not only psychologically, but also
pelvicnerve, and the cervix by the hypo toris (glans, raphe, and bodies) moved in a functionally distinct.9 Together, these data
gastric, pelvic, and vagus nerves.42 If several manner dependent on the type of stimu suggest that the CUV complex has a critical
neural pathways are activated during CUV lation. Under digital external stimulation of role in sexual arousal during penetration,
complex stimulation (the pelvic, hypo the glans and the raphe without voluntary and support the hypothesis that functional
gastric, and vagus nerves), whereas during perineal contraction, the clitoral cavernous interplay between the active components of
clitoral stimul ation, only the pudendal bodies were almost inert, and movement this complex heightens stimulation of the
nerve is directly stimulated, this could, of the root of the clitoris did not seem to highly innervated clitoris. These findings
at least partially, explain pe rception be involved in sexual arousal.9 Moreover, could explain why the distal anterior wall
differences between CAO and VAO. the Kobelt venous plexus did not seem to of the vagina was postulated to harbour a
The anatomy of the CUV complex be involved during external sexual stimula- hypersensatory Gspot that, if sufficiently
cannot be understood if separated from tion, as colour Doppler signal assessment stimulated, could result in VAO. However,
its function.12 The functional anatomy of revealed that the veloc ity of blood ow individual sexual preferences are prob-
thefemale orgasm is a concept based onthe in these veins was not enhanced.9 During ably also important in determining sexual
macroanatomy of the CUV complex and vaginal distension due to tampon penetra- arousal: some women prefer clitoral stimu-
evidence that movements of the compo tion, genital reexes were triggered, leading lation over vaginal penetration to achieve
nent structures change when sexually to contraction of the bulbocavernosus and orgasm and viceversa, and variation in the
stimulated during vaginal penetration ischiocavernosus pelvic muscles. These subjective representation of sensory infor-
and during volunt ary or reex perineal perineal contractions (whether reex or mation from the genitals between women
contractions.10,27,28 Gravina etal.43 demon voluntary) generated a descending move- might result from differences in central per-
strated that women who report VAO have a ment of the clitoral cavern ous bodies, ception and processing. Such influences are
larger distance between the urethra and the together with an anterior movement of exemplified by the finding that, on average,
vaginal mucosa than women who report no the raphe that pushed the glans anteriorly orgasms achieved by women with the
experience of VAO, suggesting a bigger and anddownward subsequent to penetra- aid of their partners scored higher in terms
possibly more active CUV. This finding was tion and thrusting, such that the root of of pleasure and sensation than orgasms
confirmed by other researchers, who found the clitoris came closer to the distal AVW, experienced without partners being pres
that VAO was associated not only with a enhancing the contact between the vaginal ent, although some women reported self-
thicker but also with a longerurethrovagi- wall andthe richly innervated clitoris. 9 stimulation as more physically pleasurable
nal septum.44 Although theurethrovaginal These vasomotor changes are also known than sex with a male partner, even when the
septum is to be considered an approximate to result in the well-documented increase latter provides sufficient sexual arousal to
representation of thesize of the CUV, the in clitoral vasocongestion, and enhanced generate an orgasm.47
distance between the external clitoris and clitoral volume during sexual arousal,18 and
the vagina could also influence the ability this activity in erectile tissues might fur Implications for surgery
to experience orgasm. A cross-sectional ther increase the proximity of the clitoral Considering the possible existence of a
study 45 obtained detailed clitoral measure- compon ents and the vagina, andcould Gspot or the role of the proposed CUV
ments using noncontrast MRI of the pelvis contrib ute to sexual pleasureand VAO complex in sexual arousal and orgasm,
to assess whether differences were evident during coitus. In addition to the poten- gynaecol ogical or urological interven-
in women with anorgasmia compared tially important role for engorgement of tions, and particularly surgeries involv-
withwomen with normal orgasmic func- the vascular erectile components of the ing the AVW, might have adverse effects
tion. The findings of this study indicated CUV complex during sexual arousal, 46 on sexual function.48 However, evidence
that closer proximity of the clitoral glans these tissues were found to be located to the contrary has been reported when
to the vagina might be critical for enhanced supercially below the mucosal layer of sexual function has been evaluated in
sexual sensation, assessed using sexual the vagina in a cadaveric autopsy study, so women who have undergone such surger-
health questionnaires. 45 A greater dis- tactile contact near the clitoral bulbs from ies. For example, a marked improvement
tance of the clitoris from the vagina and a inside the vagina, just above the urethra, in sexual function was demonstrated after
smaller clitoral glans were noted in women might have a considerable effect on female the repair of AVW prolapse, according
with anorgasmia, suggesting that clitoral sexual arousal andorgasm.46 to a questionnaire focused on this condi-
size and location could be key influences Vaginal sexual stimulation elicits more tion (the Prolapse Quality of Life [P-QOL]
on sexual function, specically orgasm.45 complex anatomofunctional interactions questionn aire). 49 Similarly, a study that
These findings might be compatible with between elements of the CUV complex used a quality-of-life questionnaire with
the importance of the CUV complex to than those observed during external cli- sexual domains (the electronic personal
VAO, in that factors that would increase toral stimulation. Indeed, the functional assessment qu estionnairepelvic floor)
the interactions during coitus (larger cli- unit of the clitoris and vagina identied in revealed that vaginal surgery for prolapse
toral tissues and closer proximity between cadavers by OConnell etal.,16,17 seems to generally improved sexual function, but


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also reported that the improvement was a study that assessed clitoral blood flow on the sensitivity of these organs. 59 This
greater after anterior repair than posterior using Doppler ultrasonography before and possibility exemplifies the requirement for
repair.49 These findings have been consid- 6months after surgery for urinary inconti well-designed scientific protocols that use
ered to support the case against the exis- nence, clitoral blood flow was reduced appropriate instruments and outcomes,
tence of a distinct anatomical region in after tension-free vaginal tape procedures, and that must include both control and
the anterior vagina that is responsible for but not transobturator tape procedures.56 experimental groups. Most studies to date
sexual pl easure and orgasm. 36 However, The change in clitoral blood flow might have only compared the sexual function of
since human sexual function encompasses be a result of the fact that the tension-free women before and after the surgical pro
multiple domains that are involved in deter- vaginal tape is passed via the retropubic cedure, and have not compared scores
mining overall sexual function, it might space in close proximity to clitoral tissue, (baseline or postsurgery) with a control
be that vaginal surgery, although associ- whereas the transobturator tape is placed group of healthy women. Conclusions
ated with increased sexual function scores through the obturator membrane, poten- regarding the positive effect of gynaeco-
overall, could still have negative effects on tially avoiding this area. Changes in inner- logic surgery on sexual function based
arousal and orgasm, particularly the ability vation and blood flow in the clitoris would on data from women with disorders that
to achieve VAO. During coitus, both the be expected to influence the interactions could have substantially impaired base-
distal vagina and the proximal vagina are of CUV complex components and might line sexual function and satisfaction are
active, and a posterior repair in conjunc- affect the capacity for VAO. not completely valid. That an unhealthy
tion with an anterior repair can cause Abnormal uterine bleeding, endometri woman reports improved sexual function
dyspareunia.50 Normal functioning of the osis, and ovarian or uterine pathology are after surgery, once factors such as pain,
vagina seems to be dependent on anatomi- known to decrease sexual activity, prob- bleeding, and inflammation are alleviated,
cal and neurovascular factors, including ably primarily as these conditions cause is notunexpected.
the vaginal pacemaker, containing inter- pain during coitus. 57 Urinary inconti Another factor that could hinderdetec
stitial cells of Cajal, which was reported nence and pelvic organ prolapse can tion of possible negative effects of gynae
as being localized to the posterior wall of affect sexual function through a variety of cological surgery is the duration of the
the vagina. 14,15,50,51 Damage to this pace- means, including embarrassment result- postoperative follow-up period. Moststud
maker incurred during posterior vaginal ing from urinary leakage during inter- ies evaluate changes in sexual function
repair might negatively affectvaginal con- course, coexisting depression, discomfort, within a short timeframe after surgery, and
tractility and could explain the negative and body image issues.57 Surgery for such a longer follow-up period might identify
effect of such surgery on sexual function.50 conditions would be expected to improve changes in sexual function.60 On the other
Interestingly, a study of sexual function overall sexual function, and enhancement hand, it might be that partial damage to
in 68 women at 6months after posterior in sexual function after hysterectomy has tissues and nerves of the CUV complex
vaginal repair of pelvic organ prolapse that been reported.58 Areview of the current lit- upon gynaecological surgery does not
used a questionnaire focused specifically on erature found that sexual function gener negatively affect overall sexual function.
sexual domains (the female sexual function ally improves after benign gynaecological In his work Metaphysica, Aristotle wrote
index [FSFI]), revealed a marked improve- surgery, including hysterectomy, bilateral that The whole is more than the sum of its
ment in sexual desire, satisfaction, and pain salpingo-oophorectomy, tubal ligation, parts. This famous phrase perfectly reflects
domains, but not those on arousal, lubrica- anti-incontinence surgery, and pelvic organ the complexity of female sexual anatomy
tion, and orgasm.51 This finding indicates prolapse reconstruction. 57 Aconflicting and physiology. Women are able to experi
that, although general sexual function can report notes that a corresponding enhance- ence sexual pleasure or achieve orgasm
improve after posterior vaginal surgery, ment of sexual function is not consistently through stimulation of different genital
specific domains related to arousal and seen after surgical correction of the pre- and nongenital areas, and some women
orgasm might notimprove. existing urological problem, and that have been reported to achieve orgasms
Studies have also provided evidence deterioration in sexual function can occur by imagery alone.42 With the understand-
that surgical treatment of incontinence after surgery.52 Komisaruk etal.59 proposed ing that human sexuality represents a
can be associated with deterioration of that discrepancies in the effects of surgery, complex interaction of biopsychosexual,61
some sexual domains. For example, trans specifically hysterectomy, on sexual func- cognitive-a ffective, 62 neurophysiologi-
obturator tape procedures can affect the tion might be explained by differences cal, and biochemical mechanisms, 63 the
orgasm domain of sexual function in some in the reported outcomes depending on idea that women might have the capacity
women,52 possibly as the tape is passed via the preferred mode of genital stimula- to compensate for anatomical damage to
the obturator foramen through the dorsal tion among the women surveyed. These their genital tissues through enhancement
nerve of the clitoris.53,54 During this pro- researchers noted that the lack of data on of other sensory and erotic areas, and/or
cedure, vaginal dissection could dimin- this aspect was a glaring omission from by deriving increased pleasure from emo-
ish sexual function because of scarring the available literature.59 They hypothesized tions and fantasy, seems plausible.64 Such
and reduced elasticity of the vaginal wall, that no deleterious effect of hysterectomy complexity highlights the difficulties in
resulting in a reduced blood supply to the on sexual response would be expected if defining the mechanism of sexual arousal
erectile tissues of theclitoris.55 the patient preferred clitoral stimulation, and orgasm in women, not only after uro-
Arousal involves the blood flow to the but if vaginal and/or cervicalstimula- logical or gynaecological surgery, but also
clitoris, and adequate engorgement might tion was preferred,sexualarousal, and among healthy women who are each indivi
be particularly important for function- possibly reported sexual function, might dual, with wide-ranging physiological and
ing of the postulated CUV complex. In be compromised by the effect of surgery psychologicalcharacteristics.

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