Sex, Lies and Virtual Reality: Scientific Correspondence

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1998 Nature America Inc. http://neurosci.nature.


scientific correspondence

correction mechanism, we would expect the interval between

the SS and the CS to depend on the delay between the move-
ment and the feedback it causes; for these cells, which display
Sex, Lies And Virtual
activity related to the monkeys visually guided movements, Reality
this interval is appropriate.
Such a subtle rise in SS activity may be undetectable with-
Isabelle Viaud-Delmon1,2, Yuri P. Ivanenko1,3, Alain
in a single Purkinje cell on a trial-by-trial basis, but 15 or 20
Purkinje cells converge on each nuclear cell, and hence even Berthoz1 & Roland Jouvent2
a small change in SS across such a group of cells might have a 1
significant effect on activity in the nucleus. There may be fur- LPPA, CNRS-Collge de France, 11 Place Marcelin Berthelot, Paris 75005,
ther convergence from the cerebellar nuclei to the inferior 2 CNRS UMR 7593, Hpital de la Salptrire, 47 bd de lHopital, Paris 75013,
olive, and it is this combined input to the olive that would lead
to a CS. Then, through LTD, the CS would down-regulate the 3 On leave from: Institute for Information Transmission Problems, Russian
average SS activity across a small number of Purkinje cells. So Academy of Sciences, 19 Bolshoy Karetny, Moscow 101447, Russia
in this framework, the apparently random CS activity that
occurs between movement trials may be correcting cerebellar Do male and female brains differ with respect to spatial pro-
errors that follow parallel fiber-Purkinje cell LTP. cessing? Gender differences in spatial abilities14 as well as in
Why would the olive correct for cerebellar errors even in cerebral organization5,6 have led to suggestions that the sex of
1998 Nature America Inc.

the absence of movement? When examined from the view- subjects should be taken into account in neuroscience stud-
point of the ascending cerebello-cerebral projection, the pre- ies7. Here we demonstrate gender differences in the response
dictive nature of the Purkinje cell discharge may act as a to a visuovestibular information conflict created by a deceptive
feedforward motor correction, fine tuning ongoing process- virtual environment.
ing in higher motor centers. Discrepancies between cerebel- The visual system interacts strongly with the vestibular sys-
lar predictions and sensory feedback could arise during tem, as both sensory modalities are directly related to spatial
movement because the cerebellar output is inappropriate for processing. When visual and vestibular signals conflict, the
the current motor state of the animal or because of external dominance of vision in perceiving spatial orientation might
disturbances. Of course, external perturbations may not be cause recalibration of the vestibular system. Alternatively, the
predictable, but this should not stop the cerebellum from try- brain might ignore vestibular inputs altogether. Differences
ing to predict them. Exactly the same causes of discrepancy in the response to conflicting visuovestibular information
are present even without active movement. Thus there may be could characterize inherent gender-related spatial abilities and
one neural mechanism, LTD of parallel fiber synapses driven be related to the increased susceptibility of females to motion
by complex spikes, which seeks to maintain accuracy of the sickness8.
cerebellar output during active movement, during external The experiment used a virtual reality display to induce a
perturbation, and during steady posture. With this finely twofold visuovestibular discrepancy for angular whole-body
honed output, the cerebellum can then contribute to the nor- displacement. Twenty-six right-handed undergraduate stu-
mal smooth and coordinated control of stable posture and of dents (13 males and 13 females) rotated themselves by 90 in
active movement. a virtual visual room (Fig.1a) by controlling a rotating chair
with a joystick. The speed of these rotations was controlled by
the experimenter, and the subjects used the joystick as a start-
stop button. A gain of 0.5 was introduced between the move-
Acknowledgements ments of the chair and the visual feedback given. To achieve
This work was supported by a Wellcome Trust Senior Fellowship to RCM and a 90 rotation in the virtual room, subjects had to rotate the
by a NIH grant to WTT. chair by 180. Subjects performed 180-200 rotations, alter-
nating to the left and right, during 45 min of this visuovestibu-
lar stimulation (VVS). The magnitude and the mean speed of
1. Ito, M. Ann. Review Neurosci. 12, 85102 (1989). rotations were the same for all subjects. Before and after expo-
2. Marr, D. J. Physiol. (Lond. ) 202, 437470 (1969). sure to VVS, passive whole-body angular displacements (45,
3. Albus, J.S. Math. Biosci. 10, 2561 (1971).
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5. Crepel, F. & Jaillard, D. J. Physiol. (Lond. ) 432, 123141 (1991). profile, 11/s2) were administered in random order to blind-
6. Mauk, M.D. & Donegan, N.H. Learning & Memory 4, 130158 (1997).
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8. Nelson B., Mugnaini, E. in: Strata P. (ed) The olivo-cerebellar system in ten informed consent to the study after the procedure had
motor control. (Experimental Brain Research series 17) Springer, Berlin,
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9. Miall, R. C., Weir, D. J., Wolpert, D. M. & Stein, J. F. J. Motor Behav. 25, Vestibular stimulation in darkness elicited a sensation of
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12. Carlton LG. J Exp Psychol Human Percept Perform 7 10191030 (1981). nificantly different in males and females prior to VVS. After
13. Thach, W.T., Goodkin H.P. & Keating J.G. Annu Review Neurosci 15, exposure to conflicting VVS, decreases in turning estimates
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14. Thach, W.T., Kane SA, Mink JW and Goodkin HP. In: Llinas R and Sotelo were significantly greater for males than for females (F(1,24)
C, eds. The cerebellum revisited. New York: Springer-Verlag, pp. 427460 = 7.96, p<0.01) (Fig.1b), although some females did adapt
(1992). more than some males. Interestingly, recalibration of vestibu-
15. Sugihara, I., Lang, E. J. & Llinas, R. J. Physiol. (Lond) 470, 243271 (1993).
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nature neuroscience volume 1 no 1 may 1998 15

1998 Nature America Inc.

scientific correspondence

a b

Decrease in vestibular
perception (%)
Females Males
(n=13) (n=13)

Fig. 1. Virtual room and gender differences in adaptation to sensorial conflict. (a) Subjects seated on a rotating chair were given the experience of
being placed in the center of a virtual square room (non-stereoscopic) by means of a head-mounted display. (b) Decrease in turning estimates in
darkness for males and for females after exposure to conflicting VVS relative to those before VVS.
1998 Nature America Inc.

Our results provide evidence for the necessity of taking sex dif- Acknowledgements
ferences into account in psychophysical studies involving dynam- Supported by GIS-Science de la Cognition, SmithKline Beecham, HFSP, FRM.
ic spatial processing. It has been proposed that females are more 1. Halpern, D.F. Sex differences in cognitive abilities (Lawrence Erlbaum,
influenced by visual cues, using tasks that involve spatial memo- Hillsdale, NJ, 1986).
2. Stumpf, H. Mem. Cognit., 21, 828836 (1993).
ry4 or the perception of verticality10. Here we found differences in 3. McBurney, D.H., Gaulin, S.J.C., Devineni, T. & Adams, C. Evolution
adaptation to sensorial conflict during immersion in a virtual envi- Human Behav. 18, 165174 (1997).
ronment. Female subjects were less susceptible to the plastic 4. Eals, M. & Silverman, I. Ethnology Sociobiol.15, 95105 (1995).
5. McGlone, J. Behav. Brain Sci. 3, 21563 (1980).
changes induced by exposure to conflicting visuovestibular stimuli. 6. Wittelson, S.F., Glezer, I.I. & Kigar, D.L. J. Neurosci. 15, 34183428 (1995).
The role of visual dependence and other factors influencing rota- 7. Berkley, K.J. Trends Neurosci. 15, 331332 (1992).
tion estimates has to be further assessed. Studies of dynamic mul- 8. Lawther, A. & Griffin, M.J. Aviat. Space Environ. Med. 59, 399406 (1988).
9. Ivanenko, Y.P., Viaud-Delmon, I., Siegler, I., Isral, I. & Berthoz, A.
tisensory integration may contribute to a better understanding of Neurosci. Lett. 241, 167170 (1998).
gender-related differences in spatial processing. 10. Scholan, K. & Smith, M. Percep. Mot. Skills 71, 763768 (1990).

16 nature neuroscience volume 1 no 1 may 1998

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