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Survey Research with SPSS

Survey Research with SPSS

Course Code: CIT 2733

Semester: Spring 2003

Instructor: Sungbong Park

Credits: 3
Prerequisites: Courses covering introduction to statistics, varying by academic Departments
Program: Day time

Course This course is providing an essential introduction to various functions of

Description: SPSS such as data management, analysis and plotting graph etc. in the
basis on statistics. It is especially focused on survey research that covers
critical topics such as to design a questionnaire, to code and enter responses,
to manipulate and analyse data and eventually to prepare a final report that
concisely and clearly summarizes results. At the end of course, group project
will be assigned to conduct virtual survey on the subject which group has

Course Aims: After completing this course, students will be able to

Deal with their own social science survey results according to statistics.
Process the various data analysis procedures that are most frequently used
in social science.
Create an analysis file with this data-set in SPSS format.

Organize raw data into interpretable results and possess report-writing skills
required to present the findings of social survey research.

Readings: - Using SPSS for Windows: Analyzing and Understanding Data, Samuel B.
Green, Neil J. Salkind and Theresa M. Akey, Prentice Hall, 1997 (optional)
- Supplemental materials(handouts, lecture slides and assignments) that will
be posted on the L:drive, \\TEROUTE\LECTURE\Sungbong\ (mandatory)

Class SPSS is so rare to be found that class time would be the only time to use this
requirements: program. Hence, course demands faithful efforts for attendance. For the
record, total attendance and attitude in the class will be reflected by final
grade. As the works required are of both individual and group nature, it is
important that you plan in advance your assignments and leave yourself
sufficient time for group meetings, becoming familiar with new software. Please

Computer and Information Systems Center
Survey Research with SPSS

review carefully the lecture materials updated lesson by lesson. If you regularly
attend classes and keep up with the assignments, you will be successful both
in mastering the software package and receiving a good grade. Since all
assignments are due on the day nailed on the syllabus, no late assignments
will be accepted. Even if accepted, your mark will be compromised. In the spirit
of equal treatment to the entire class, no exceptions will be granted.

Evaluation: -Assignment #1, Mid-term exam #1 (individual, written) after 1st session (5 weeks)
-Assignment #2, Mid-term exam #2 (individual, written) after 2nd session (5 weeks)
-Group project (Group, written and verbal presentation) at the end of semester.
This will be substituted for final exam.
Grading Assignments (2) 10% 2
weights: Mid-term Exams (2) 20% 2
Group project 30%
Attendance and contribution 10%
TOTAL 100%
Grading 90-100% A+ 67-69% C+
Scale: 85-89% A 63-66% C
80-84% A- 60-62% C-
77-79% B+ 57-59% D+
73-76% B 53-56% D
70-72% B- 50-52% D-
below 50% F

Group The objective of this project is to provide students with some experience in
Project: applying the concepts and methods of survey research to understanding social
phenomena in real world. The project team that consists of four or five persons
will conduct a survey on its own, analysis the results through SPSS and
make a final report (made up of PowerPoint slides). Verbal presentation by one
of the group members is required as well as previous submission of the report.

Feedback: If you have any questions or concerns about the lecture contents, teaching, or
grading, please do not hesitate to discuss them with me.
Your suggestions for improvement will contribute to a better class both now
and in future. (Office hours by appointment)
Office Telephone E-mail
#326 (old building) 70-42-90

Course schedule

Computer and Information Systems Center
Survey Research with SPSS

Week / Date Lecture topics Calendar

Session 1
Getting started with SPSS
Lesson1: Overall introduction to course
Jan. 14 -orientation of course
-basic definition of statistics
-overview of SPSS
Lesson2: Processing raw data
Jan. 16 -entering data
-data view vs. variable view
-open various data format
Lesson3: Modifying data value
Jan. 21 -using SPSS:TRANSFORM to adjust data
-recode variables
-adding cases and variables
2 Lesson4: Descriptive statistics to summarize
Jan. 23
-frequency distributions
-graphical representation
-using FREQUENCIES procedure to summarize data
Lesson5: Point estimates and dispersion
Jan. 28
-measures of central tendency
-measures of dispersion (variability)
3 -DESCRIPTIVES procedure
Lesson6: Techniques for subgrouping data
Jan. 30 -CROSSTABS procedure for combining variables
-EXPLORE procedure for exploring distribution
-using DATA:Split File to conduct subgroup analyses
Lesson7: Creating a chart
Feb. 4 -using GRAPHS:INTERACTIVE for plotting
-creating chart in the form of bar, dot, line, pie etc.
-creating a standard chart
Lesson8: Working with output
-using the pivot table editor Mid-term Ex. #1
Feb. 6
-adjustment of graphs according to needs Study guide
-using predefined formats:TableLooks
Lesson9: Additional functions in SPSS
Assignment #1
Feb. 11 -time saving procedures with syntax
-how to get a tip from the help system Due on Feb. 20
5 -creating custom menu items

Feb. 13 Mid-term Exam #1

Computer and Information Systems Center
Survey Research with SPSS

Session 2
Advanced analyses through SPSS
Lesson10: Probability distributions
Feb. 18 -definition of Normal distribution
-plotting normal curve with FREQUENCIES procedure
-sampling distribution of means
Lesson11: Inferential statistics
Due of
Feb. 20 -point estimation and sampling error Assignment #1
-confidence intervals up to 6 p.m.
-Z-tests for comparing a large sample to a population distribution
Lesson12: Comparison of two independent
Feb. 25
-t-test for comparing a small sample to a population distribution
-t-test for 2 independent samples
7 -ANALYZE:Compare Means procedure
Lesson13: Comparison of two related samples
Ex. #1 results
Feb. 27 -independent vs. related observations
-t-test for 2 related(dependent) samples
- ANALYZE:Compare Means procedure
Lesson14: Analysis of categorical data
Mar. 4 -Z-test of proportions
-independent vs. dependent and nominal vs. ordinal
-performing ANALYSIS:Nonparametic Tests
8 Lesson15: Measuring association between categorical
Grouping of
Mar. 6
-defining the existence and strength of relationships project teams
-nominal data: Chi Square, Goodman & Lambda
-ordinal data: Gamma & Kendalls tau
Lesson16: Measuring association between continuous
Mar. 11
-ordinal data: Spearman rho correlation
-nominal data: Pearson Product-Moment correlation
9 -CORRELATE:Bivariate Correlation procedure
Lesson17: Introduction to multiple regression
Mid-term Ex. #2
Mar. 13 -REGRESSION:linear and CORRELATE procedures
Study guide
-the multiple regression model
-inferences for the slope and correlation
10 Mar. 18 Lesson18: Introduction to multivariate Assignment #2
Due on Mar. 27
-association and casuality
-controlling for other variables
-type of multivariate relationships

Computer and Information Systems Center
Survey Research with SPSS

Mar. 20 Mid-term Exam #2

Session 3
Multi-dimensional application of SPSS to various surveys

Lesson19: Between factor ANOVA designs

Mar. 25 -Between Groups single factor ANOVA design
-One-way ANOVA procedure
-multi-factor ANOVA designs
Lesson20: Within factor ANOVA designs
Due of
Mar. 27 -a priori and post hoc comparisons between group means in ANOVAs Assignment #1
-repeated measures: Single factor up to 6 p.m.
-randomized block design: Two factors
Lesson21: ANOVA designs with a covariate
Apr. 1 -analysis of covariate without interactions terms
-analysis of covariate with interactions terms
-comparing adjusted means
Lesson22: Mixed ANOVA designs
-one between and on within factor design Ex. #2 results
Apr. 3
-set up of the mixed ANOVA
- a priori and post hoc comparisons
Lesson23: Case Study I
Due to submit
Apr. 8 project proposal
-Psychology (A4 1 page)
Lesson24: Case Study II
Apr. 10
-Marketing 1

Lesson25: Case Study III

Apr. 15
-Marketing 2

Lesson26: Case Study IV
Apr. 17
-Marketing 3

Apr. 22 Presentation of group project 1

Filling up
Apr. 24 Presentation of group project 2 course-evaluation

Computer and Information Systems Center
Survey Research with SPSS

Computer and Information Systems Center

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