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Name : Herizka Rizty Emelia

Class : XI Science 3

Example of SPOOF


When Suzy got home, she told her dad that she got 100 poin in school. Her
dad, Great! Lets sit down and tell me more about it. Suzy well, I got a 20 in
math, a 30 in science and a 50 in writing!
Name : Herizka Rizty Emelia

Class : XI Science 3

Example of SPOOF


One day after class, there was a safety drill at my school- a technology
vocational school. The instructor showed the importance of wearing safety gear
on a building site, such as a helmet, safety shoes, and gloves. He also mentioned
that we must always put on our seatbelt in a car. Then we all were given chance
to try on those safety gadgets.

When the drill was over, my friends and I walked to the car of one of my
friends. We always go home together because we live in the same housing

I sat in the front seat, Next to the Driver. I buckled the seatbelt, and I
turned my head facing my friends in the back.

Dont forget to buckle up, guys! Dont forget, safety first! to my surprise, their
exploded into laughter.

Hey, come on guys. You know that that Im right, I said to defend myself.

Yeah, yeah. Youre right. but you dont have to wear a helmet in a car.!

My gosh! I forgot to take off the helmet I had beeb wearing. I opened the car door
and ran to return the helmet. With a red face, of course.
Name : Herizka Rizty Emelia

Class : XI Science 3

Example of SPOOF

Pull, Not Push

A years ago, I visited my aunt in Jakarta. She showed me around and took
me shooping at some malls. I was really awestruck by the glamorous malls. While
windows-shooping with her, nature called. My aunt showed me the rest room.
She didnt come in, she waited outside. I entered one of the cubicles. When Id
finished, I tried to open the cubicles door. I pushed, pushed, and pushed again.
Nothing happened. I started to get panicky. I tried to push again. Zero, I cried out
my aunties name several times. I heard her coming, but she sounded panicky,
too. I said I couldnt open the door. Suddenly, in one fling, the door was wide
open. I heard people burst into laughter. Not knowing to what happened, I
stepped out of the cubicle. Later I found out that I was supposed to pull, not push
the door. I wanted the ground to swallow me up.

1. What does the text talk about........

a. The writers aunt
b. The writer
c. The people in the mall
d. The people in the rest room
e. The writers

2. From the text above we know the witer is.

a. Sloppy
b. Funny
c. Smart
d. Childish
e. Annoying

3. Which sentence makes the text a funny story ........

a. I wanted the ground to swallow me up
b. Later I found out that I was supposed to pull, not push the door
c. . ..I heard people burst into laughter
d. Suddenly, in one fling, the door was wide open
e. I said I couldnt open the door

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