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23rd European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO)


A. Guidotti, D. Tarchi, V. Icolari, A. Vanelli-Coralli, G. E. Corazza

Dept. of Electrical, Electronic and Information Engineering, Univ. of Bologna, 40136 Bologna, Italy

ABSTRACT areas, as well as improve the Quality of Experience (QoE)

5G communications will enable new paradigms architectures by means of intelligent routing that can off-load traffic from
and services, and the integration of satellite and terrestrial terrestrial networks. Future satellite systems (20202025)
networks can play a key role. Cognitive radios are seen as are expected to exploit larger GEO satellites, with capaci-
the most promising solution to dynamically cooperate, in or- ties ranging from hundreds of Gbps up to Tbps. This will
der to exploit advanced frequency sharing techniques. To this be achieved by means of hundreds of spotbeams, via higher
end, efficient sensing techniques for spectrum awareness are a order frequency reuse. In fact, the limited amount of ex-
must. In this paper, we provide preliminary results on energy clusive spectrum that can be accessed by the Fixed Satellite
detection (ED) and cyclostationary feature detection (CFD) Service (FSS) limits the actual system capacity. Current High
algorithms applied to a downlink Ka-band scenario. These Throughput Satellites (HTS) in Ka-band and above have
results show that coexistence between satellite and terrestrial gained momentum to reduce the large cost per bit and allow
networks is possible and cognitive radios can ease their inte- Ka-band satellites to provide the required capacity [24].
gration in future 5G communications. Higher frequency bands will also be used: for broadband
satellites, it has been proposed to move feeder links up to
Index Terms 5G, Satellite Communications, Cognitive Q/V bands, and focus is also on finding additional spectrum
Radio, Spectrum Sensing for the user link in Ka-band.
In this context, frequency sharing between terrestrial and
1. INTRODUCTION satellite networks would provide great benefits to both. Cog-
nitive Radio (CR) techniques are seen as the most promising
Future 5G Wireless Communication systems aim at realiz- mean to tackle the spectrum scarcity problem [5]. They allow
ing an ubiquitous ultra-broadband network that will provide to efficiently share some portions of the spectrum while lim-
highly efficient, ultra-reliable, dependable, secure, privacy iting harmful interference among different communication
preserving and delay critical services to everyone [1]. There systems. CRs potential has already been demonstrated in
are many challenges that 5G networks shall address, in terms wireless terrestrial services [6], while in SatCom their imple-
of key performance indicators, e.g., a large throughput in- mentation and study is still in its infancy. SatComs represent
crease (1000x in aggregate and 10x at link level), low service- a challenging application scenario for CRs, due to, e.g., the
level latency (e.g., 1 ms for tactile Internet), an extremely high geographically wide coverage of the spectrum allocation and
energy efficiency, global and seamless connectivity, com- the power imbalance among ground and user terminals.
pletely redesign architectures and services, etc. Furthermore, In this paper, we focus on spectrum sensing techniques for
5G infrastructures will also need to be extremely flexible, so a SatCom downlink Ka-band scenario [7]. Among several
as to meet both foreseen and unknown requirements and to Spectrum Sensing techniques [5], we will focus on energy
align with stakeholders expectations. In order to cope with detection and cyclostationary feature detection, that are de-
these requirements, 5G systems foresee a deeper integration scribed and assessed in the considered scenario. Simulation
of terrestrial and satellite networks than what has been al- results show that CR-based satellite systems can significantly
ready done during the last years. improve spectrum utilization, which would enable the inte-
The integration of SatCom and terrestrial networks can play gration between terrestrial and satellite networks in 5G, as
a key role in 5G systems from several point of view. Due to well as provide additional spectrum for both systems.
their inherent large footprint, satellites can complement and
extend dense terrestrial networks, by providing larger cells in
a heterogeneous arrangement that can be used for emergency
scenarios as well. SatCom can also efficiently provide back-
haul services to terrestrial networks in particular in remote ITU-R allocates the 19.720.2 GHz and 29.530 GHz bands
This work was partially supported supported by the EU FP7 project to downlink (DL) and uplink (UL) satellite systems, respec-
CoRaSat (FP7 ICT STREP Grant Agreement n. 316779). tively, on an exclusive basis, also allowing uncoordinated FSS

978-0-9928626-3-3/15/$31.00 2015 IEEE 2811

23rd European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO)

ing a statistical metric with a given threshold.

3.1. Energy detection

An energy detector (ED) aims at detecting the presence of in-

cumbent signals based on the energy estimated at the antenna
input of the cognitive terminal [11, 12]. It is a blind detec-
tion technique, as it does not require a-priori knowledge on
the incumbent signal, and therefore has a general applicabil-
ity in CR-based systems. However, it is highly susceptible
Fig. 1. Scenario A. Cognitive downlink of Ka-band FSS system with
to Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) wall problem, that prevents
Fig. 1: Reference
incumbent BSSSatCom
feeder link. I DL scenario
stands for incumbent, C in the 17.317.7 GHz
for cognitive.
from achieving the desired target probabilities Pd or Pf , as
band (C: cognitive link, I: incumbent link). Fig. 2. Scenario B. the uncertainty
Cognitive downlink of Ka-band in noise power
FSS system with estimation, N , can easily er-
Service (FS) links with priority protection (incumbent incumbent FS link. I stands for incumbent, C for cognitive
systems), Figure 2; roneously trigger the detection [13, 14].
Scenario C: this scenario refers to the use of CR tech- We consider two different ED techniques: i) Constant False
terminals. Other niques parts of link
in the return theofKa-band
a Ka-band FSSare also
(cognitive system) reusing frequency bands of FS links
allocated to
Alarm Probability (CFAR), in which Pf is fixed and parame-
FSS on a non-exclusive
with priority protection (incumbent systems), Figure 3.with Fixed
basis, as they are shared ters are set so as to reach the desired probability of detection;
Service (FS)Alland Broadcasting
of these scenarios foresee Satellite
the usage System
of non-exclusive(BSS) feeder and ii) Constant Detection Rate (CDR), where Pd is fixed and
bands allocated in secondary use cases under different con-
links [8]. ditions
Within to CEPT, ITU-R allocations
satellite applications. Table I provides aredetailed
followed and a target probability of false alarm shall be reached. From [15],
extended. specifications
In particular, of theDecision ECC/DEC/(05)08
considered frequency bands, which are [9] estab-
Pd and Pf are given by (1) at the top of next page, where
all in Ka-band [4]. It is worthwhile underlining that, in order
lishes that tothe band
assess from
the real 17.3 toof 17.7
applicability CRs to GHzSatComissystem,
it with- Q() is the Marcum Q-function, thr is the detection thresh-
out prejudice to the use
is of paramount by BSS
importance feeder
to analyze UL and
the current no terrestrial
old, 2 is the noise variance, Noss = 2BToss is the number
regime in order to identify hooks and hurdles that are to be
service is allocated on an incumbent basis.
faced when adopting CR, and the source of interference that CR techniques are of observed samples, and is the SNR at the end of the re-
considereda cognitive
the most promising
satellite system may have mean to
to tackle.allow
This analysis has been done in [8] and [9] highlighting that,
different sys- ceiving RF chain (i.e., it includes the RF chain noise). A crit-
tems to share
within spectrum
ITU (Internationalwithout interfering
Telecommunication Union)withregion each
2, other, ical parameter is the sensing (observation) time, Toss , related
the European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications
exploting the spectrum made available by Radio Regulations.
Administrations (CEPT) has adopted the following decisions: to Noss . It shall be set in both the minimum and the maxi-
In this paper, we consider
/DEC/(05)08 [10] thatthe givesSatCom
guidance on DL the use scenario
of the in the mum value, which are related to the desired Pd or Pf and the
17.317.7 GHz Ka-band
17.3-17.7 GHz band depicted in Fig.1
by High Density [7, 10].
applications in FSS The
Fig. 3.BSS
FS link.
Scenario C. Cognitive uplink of Ka-band FSS system with incumbent
I stands for fragmentation
incumbent, C for cognitive between sensing time and cognitive transmis-
(HDFSS), i.e., Scenario A;
feeder links are the incumbent
ECC/DEC/(00)07 [11] thatservice, while
gives guidance cognitive
on the use of unco- sion, respectively. The latter relation is motivated by the as-
ordinated FSSthelinks areGHz
17.7-19.7 alsobandallowed.
by FSS and FS, Interference
i.e., Scenario B;generated
that the
BANDS - S CENARIOS same receiving chain is used for both sens-
ECC/DEC/(05)01 [12] that foresees that the 27.5-30.0
from the cognitiveGHz bandFSS satellite
is divided betweentowards
FS and FSSthe incumbent
usage, i.e., Scenariore-Band / Usage inginand transmission.
cognitive Moreover,
satellite system / Incumbent usage the cognitive terminal char-
ceiver (BSS satellite)
Scenario C. is negligible: since the FSS and BSS17.3-17.7GHz (Ka-band downlink)
A Satellite acteristics,
downlink band to user e.g., sensed
terminals bandwidth, distance from incumbent
As it can be noted, these scenarios are all in the Ka-band,
satellites occupy two isseparate
and this selection the outcomeorbital positions,
of regulatory, standardization, interferenceIncumbent17.7-19.7GHz
user: Satellite gateway uplinks, BSS uplinks
downlink) chain, etc., influence the energy detector per-
is inherently
and avoided
market analysesthanks to the
[8]. Ka-band actual
is mainly usedantenna
for broadband pointing.
downlink band to FSS user terminals
formance as well.
user: Fixed terrestrial By inverting
links (microwave links) (1), the normalized detection
services, which are subject to market pressure for cost effective
this scenario, coexistence between FSS DL
end-to-end broadband services for consumer internet access. and BSS C
feeder 27.5-29.5GHz (Ka-band uplink, including the HDFSS band
thresholds for CFAR and CDR are given by the second terms
links is thus limited
It is also by highlighting
worthwhile the interferencethat the ratio generated
of the internet from theSatellite uplink band from the FSS user terminal to satellite
Incumbent inuser:
(1), where
Fixed is the
services (terrestrial SNR
microwave value that allows to meet the target
use is widening to 6:1 or higher, and thus the pressure is more
incumbent system towards the FSS terminal. In particular, probabilities Pd and Pf , i.e., for all SNR values above , the
a significant amount of aggregate interference may occur at target probability of detection is guaranteed. The parameters
a given FSS terminal due to the side-lobes of the receiving used for numerical simulations are listed in Table 1, while fur-
antenna pattern. CR techniques can thus be employed to fos- ther details for the satellite system set up are available in [7].
ter the coexistence between FSS DL and BSS feeder links, The detection thresholds have been computed by also tak-
as shown in the following sections. In the following, it is ing into account additional noise contributions as specified
assumed that the receiving chain at the cognitive terminal is in ITU-R Radio Regulations [8], in particular receiving sys-
used for both sensing and secondary transmissions. tem noise, fade margin, and the UL contribution to the over-
all satellite link noise (short-term interference). ITU-R also
3. SPECTRUM AWARENESS TECHNIQUES specifies values of I/N (Interference-to-Noise Ratio) related
to the maximum allowable error performance and availability
Spectrum sensing (SS) aims at detecting the incumbent user degradation of digital satellite paths arising from interference
signal by scanning a selected frequency band B [5,6]. It refers for systems below 30 GHz [16], and in this paper we consider
to the detection of an unknown or partially known signal, and a maximum value of 10 dB that shall not be exceeded for
a trade-off between the probability of false alarm (Pf ) and more than 9.5% of the year. All of these factors are included
the probability of detection (Pd ) is necessary for achieving an in in (1).
accurate degree of certainty in such detection. SS techniques Fig. 3 shows, in the CFAR case, Pd as a function of the SNR
can be modeled as a binary hypothesis test problem, compar- for the values of observation time and Ps shown in Table 1.

23rd European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO)

thr 2 (CF AR) 2  
Pf = Q q thr = Q1 Pf + 1 +

2 Noss
2 Sx (f ) = R
x ( )e
(1) = (2)
s !
2 ( + 1) (CDR) 2 1
  I() = max |Sx (f )|
Pd = Q q thr = ( + 1) Q Pd + 1 f
( + 1) Noss
N oss

ICT316779'CoRaSat' Deliverable'D3.2

Table 1: Simulation parameters.

Parameter Value Units

Target Pd 0.9
Target Pf 0.1
Sensing time Toss 0.6 ms
thr 1.0331
thr 1.0636
Sensed bandwidth 5 MHz
FSS terminal (LAT,LON)
ICT316779'CoRaSat' (51.73N,0.17W) deg.Deliverable'D3.2
FSS satellite LON 53E deg.

Figure 18 - Sensing time as a function of the SNR for achieving a target Pd with different noise uncertainty levels
Fig. 4 : CFAR: T to achieve the target P as a function of
oss in the CFAR approach. d
and N . for the CFAR approach, we can state that in low SNR conditions the energy detector
From simulations
is strongly affected by the SNR wall effect. In this case it is not possible to guarantee the detection
with the desired probability even with long sensing observation periods. Figure 16 shows the
probability of detection as a function of the SNR for a given observation time equal to 0.6 ms and a
given false for
alarmdifferent values
probability equal to 0.1.of In the
. case
In this this case
noise as well,
uncertainty worsensthe
the SNR
probability of
wall phenomenon
detection, hence increasing theis presentperiod
observation forshould
strongbe a noise uncertainties
feasible solution. However, asin-shown in
Figure 17 also in this case the noise uncertainty will prevent achieving the desired probability of
troducing an asymptote at about 0.5 for P
detection. In particular, Figure 17 shows the probability of detection . It is thus possible
f as a function of the sensing time
in to
the state (CF AR)received is(CDR)
worst-casethat, by fixing
condition, i.e. when the power
thr and thr equal to ,the
noise uncertain-
interference threshold that is
the minimum power signal level we must detect, I/N = -10 dB. Both in the ideal case and with low
noise do not allow to guarantee the desired probabilities. If we
dB = 0.1 dB, the desired probability is achieved. Instead in the high uncertainty

case, dB = 1 dB,an ideal case
an asymptote with no
at 0.3 prevents or very
to achieve small
the desired errorsof in
probability noise
detection 0.9 even
estimation, the choice between CFAR and CDR is given by
with long sensing periods. Figure 18 combines these two behaviors and shows the effect of the SNR
wall. The obtained results represents the minimum observation time as a function of the SNR that
the trade-off
guarantees in spectrum
the desired probability efficiency:
of detection if the
and of false alarm focusofis0.9on
respectively and max-
imizing spectrum exploitation, even if an incumbent user is
Fig.16 -3Probability of detection for given probability of false alarm and sensing time by varying the SNR The CDR methodology has been also considered. It is possible to fix the threshold for the energy
: CFAR: P with P = 0.1 as a function of and .
d f
with different noise uncertainty levels in the CFAR approach.
N present but not detected, the CFAR methodology would be
detector such that it guarantees the desired probability of detection for the I/N threshold. Differently
from the CFAR, in this case we need to reach the target false alarm probability. Since the false alarm
preferred rather than the CDR, which mainly aims at avoid-
probability depends only on the sensing time, we show in Figure 19 the guaranteed probability as a
ing interference
function of the sensing time. towards the methodology
Since the CDR incumbent users,a certain
guarantees at thedetection
expense probability
In this case, noise uncertainty worsens the probability of de- target of for
all the SNRexploitation.
values above a certain threshold, it is possible to avoid evaluation for different
tection and, thus, the target performance can be achieved by values of the SNR. Simulations have shown that with a signal under the threshold or in its absence the
Once the proper detection threshold has been set, taking into
behavior is the same as the one shown in the figure. Hence, thanks to the CDR methodology the
increasing the Toss . However, the SNR wall phenomenon pre- algorithm account after the trade-off
a given sensing timebetween spectrum
is able to correctly utilization
decide for the absence ofand inter- while
the interferer
vents from achieving the target Pd in high noise uncertainty in ference the oppositeavoidance, asiswell
case its detection a prioriasguaranteed.
the effectHoweverof also
the inSNR wall,
this case the SNRit wall
scenarios, even with long sensing periods. Fig. 4 shows the is possible to define a map showing the available bands. In
minimum observation time Toss as a function of , such that Release'1.0' particular, the whole 17.317.7 GHz band is analyzed in pag.'38'of'95 11
the target performance is guaranteed. The asymptotic effect sub-bands, each 36 MHz wide. This is performed by also
of the SNR wall on the sensing time is clearly visible. taking into account the location of the FSS terminal, the lon-
In the CDR approach, thr is set to guarantee the desired gitude of the satellite at which the terminal points, and the
Pd for the I/N threshold. Since Pf depends on the sensing sensing bandwidth (see Table 1). Figg. 6-7 compare the fre-
time only, it is more interesting to show the guaranteed prob- quency availability of the CFAR and CDR approaches, as-
ability as a function of Toss , as in Fig. 5. Moreover, since the suming N = 0 dB. It can be noticed that CFAR guarantees
CDR methodology guarantees a target Pd for all of the SNR that the vacant bands (white) will be not identified as occupied
Figure aboveof adetection
17 - Probability certain threshold,
for a given ittheisI/Npossible
SNR equal to todB)avoid
threshold (-10 evalu-
by varying the sensing (black), i.e., the ED chooses for the presence of the incumbent
time with different noise uncertainty levels in the CFAR approach.

Release'1.0' pag.'37'of'95

23rd European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO)

ICT316779 CoRaSat Del

Fig. 5: CDR: Pf as a function of Toss and N , I/N = 10


user when the band in vacant with a percentage lower than the
target Pf . However, in order to guarantee with a certain prob-
ability that occupied bands will not be identified as vacant, it
is necessary to sense for a longer time as shown in the fifth Fig. 5.10. Frequency assessments, CFAR, Noise uncertainty = 0 dB
band, in which a transition between false alarm and detection Fig. 6: CFAR: frequency assessment (N = 0 dB, Pf = 0.01
can be highlighted. On the contrary, a CDR approach guar- above, Pf = 0.1 below).
antees that the occupied bands are detected with a probability
ICT316779 CoRaSat Delive
higher than the target Pd but, in order to identify the vacant
bands, it will be necessary to sense for a longer period.

3.2. Cyclostationary feature detection

Differently from the energy detector, a cyclostationary feature
detector (CFD) exploits periodic features that are implicitly
present in the signal, due to, e.g., pilots, preambles, cyclic pre-
fixes, modulation schemes, etc [17]. A CFD allows to discern
among different incumbent signals, thus not only detecting
whether they are present or not, but also distinguishing them
from noise, which has no cyclic features. Thus, the SNR wall
phenomenon is not present, and the CFD provides good per-
formance in low SNR regimes. On the other hand, it is quite
complex from a computational point of view, as it requires
the computation of the Fourier series of the autocorrelation
function of the incoming signal: this function presents peaks
in the frequency domain at multiples of some cyclic frequen-
cies, which are related to the built-in periodicity of the signal.
By building the Spectral Correlation Density (SCD) function,
these second-order correlations can be detected, thus allow- Fig. 5.11. Frequency assessments, CFAR, Noise uncertainty = 0.1 dB
ing to discern among different type of signals and between
incumbent signals and noise. The SCD Sx (f ) is given by1.0
Release p
(2), where {R x ( )} = are the Fourier series coefficients

of the signal autocorrelation function, is the generic cyclic Fig. 5.14. Frequency assessments, CDR, Noise uncertainty = 0 dB
frequency, and x(t) is the incoming signal. In the considered Fig. 7: CDR: frequency assessment (N = 0 dB, Pd = 0.99
scenario, the incumbent signal is a DVB-S2 like signal, and above, Pd = 0.9 below).
thus the following periodicities can be detected: i) Start of
Frame sequence, which is always present; ii) pilot sequences,

23rd European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO)

Table 2: Simulation parameters for cyclostationary detection systems, and ease their integration in future 5G communica-
assessment. tion systems. It is worthwhile noting that, in this scenario, co-
existence between FSS and BSS is limited by the interference
Parameter Value Units generated from the incumbent system towards the FSS termi-
Incumbent modulation 4-QAM nal. Thus, it would be beneficial to also perform an estimation
Symbol rate 5 106 Baud of the interference received from incumbent trasmitters, in or-
Sampling frequency fs 50 106 Hz der to define the Quality-of-Service with which the available
Frequency res. fs /512 Hz bands can be accessed by the cognitive FSS terminal. This
Cyclic frequency res. fs /1024 Hz work is currently ongoing, and some preliminary results are
Observation time 106 , 105 , 104 s available in [18].

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