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Index of Evidence

Key: Evidence Folder ES = Evidence Statement

Placement Folder PS = Personal Statement
Learning Contract WT = Witness Testimony
RS = Reflective Statement
Standard Evidence Location
1a Professional autonomy and
1a.1 Be able to practice within ES:2 Describe the role of the Evidence Folder - p4
the legal and ethical boundaries Health Profession Council
of their profession ES: 2 List the requirements for Evidence Folder - p4
becoming a registered
Biomedical Scientist
ES:2 Explain the importance of Evidence Folder - p4
the HPC Standards of
Proficiency for safe professional
ES:12 What is CPA (UK) Ltd? Evidence Folder- p14
Explain the process for gaining
ES:12 Describe the eight Evidence Folder - p14
sections which comprise the CPA
ES:12 What is the purpose of Evidence Folder - p14
laboratory accreditation?
ES Describe, with reference to Placement Folder - p13
legal and professional
requirements, how the laboratory
in which you have been trained
stores and disposes of human
1a.2 Be able to practice in a ES:8 Explain your Evidence Folder p10
non-discriminatory manner understanding of equal
opportunities. How could this
relate to a laboratory situation?
ES How I practice in a non- Placement Folder - p15
discriminatory manner
1a.3 Understand the ES: 7 Describe the purpose of Evidence Folder - p9
importance of and be able to the Data Protection Act
maintain confidentiality ES:7 Make a list of where you Evidence Folder - p9
can find confidential patient
information in a laboratory
ES:7 Describe the systems in Evidence Folder - p9
place in a laboratory that ensure
patient information remains
ES:10 What to do if a friend Evidence Folder - p12
asks you to look up the result of
a laboratory test to save having
to make a GP appointment
ES:10 What to do if a patient Evidence Folder - p12
arrives in the laboratory and asks
for a copy of their test result
RS:1 Specimen reception and Evidence Folder - p31
reporting test results
1a.4 Understand the ES:7 With reference to Evidence Folder p9
importance of and be able to local/national policies, describe
obtain informed consent how informed consent is
obtained for laboratory
ES Choose an example from Placement Folder - p19
your laboratory of a
procedure/test to which the
patient has given informed
1a.5 Be able to exercise a ES:3 What is the IBMS code of Evidence Folder - p5
professional duty of care Professional Conduct and what
is its purpose?
ES:3 Describe how you will Evidence Folder p5
follow this Code to demonstrate
your professional attitude to work
WT That a professional attitude Learning Contract - p49
to work has been demonstrated
on a regular basis
1a.6 Be able to practice as an ES:5 Describe the main roles Evidence Folder - p7
autonomous professional, in the laboratory of the following
exercising their own professional staff grades and how their
judgement responsibilities differ
RS:1 Specimen reception and Evidence Folder p31
reporting test results
ES Describe the departmental Placement Folder p21
structure in your training
laboratory. Some staff have extra
responsibilities, make a list of
these specialist roles and give an
example of when to ask for their
PS How I am aware of my limit Placement Folder p25
of practice
WT Showing you know when to Learning Contract - p51
ask for advice
1a.7 Recognise the need for ES Describe the pattern of Placement Folder p27
effective self-management of workload in your training
workload and resources and be laboratory and the measures that
able to practice accordingly are taken to manage it effectively
ES Conduct a turn around time Placement Folder p29
audit; suggest measures that
may improve TAT if necessary
ES List the samples that are Placement Folder p31
categorised as urgent in your
laboratory; state why these
samples are considered urgent
and describe how they are
WT Automated serology Learning Contract - p47
1a.8 Understand the obligation ES:1 What is a professional Evidence Folder - p3
to maintain fitness to practice portfolio and what is its purpose?
ES:4 What do you understand Evidence Folder - p6
by a registrant's fitness to
ES:4 Explain the role of Evidence Folder - p6
Continuing Professional
Development in maintaining
fitness to practice
ES:8 Explain the purpose of Evidence Folder - p10
the European Working Time
ES:8 How does the European Evidence Folder - p10
Working Time Directive relate to
the maximum number of hours
that may be worked in a
pathology laboratory?
ES:14 Describe how the Evidence Folder - p17
laboratory health and safety
policies and procedures achieve
the requirements of health and
safety legislation
ES:15 Explain the role of the Evidence Folder - p19
occupational health department
RS:1 Specimen reception and Evidence Folder - p31
reporting test results
Lectures attended during Placement Folder - p89
1b Professional relationships
1b.1 Be able to work, where ES:5 What Evidence Folder - p7
appropriate, in partnership with sections/departments might you
other professionals, support staff, expect to find in a modern
service users and their relatives pathology laboratory?
and carers ES:5 List the main staff grades Evidence Folder - p7
you would expect to work with in
the pathology laboratory
ES:6 List the other hospital Evidence Folder - p8
departments and staff groups
that you may have contact with
as a biomedical scientist
ES:6 Explain the benefits of Evidence Folder - p8
teamwork to the role of the
biomedical scientist
ES:6 Reflect on an example of Evidence Folder p8
how you have contributed to
team working during a university
practical on in a hospital
WT Communication skills Placement Folder p33
Telephone Requests Placement Folder p44
1b.2 Be able to contribute ES:6 Comment on the role of Evidence Folder p8
effectively to work undertaken as the pathology laboratory as part
part of a multi-disciplinary team of the multi-disciplinary
healthcare team involved in the
diagnosis and treatment of
patients. Describe the
importance of the pathology
service to these users
ES List the different areas of Placement Folder - p35
the laboratory in which you have
worked and give a brief
description of they type of work
undertaken in each area
1b.3 Be able to demonstrate RS:1 Specimen reception and Evidence Folder p31
effective and appropriate skills in reporting test results
communicating information, ES Conduct a review of the Placement Folder - p37
advice, instruction and records in your training
professional opinion to laboratory and list some of the
colleagues, service users, their medical terms and abbreviations
relatives and carers that are commonly used and
write a brief explanation of each
1b.4 Understand the need for ES What do you think is the Placement Folder p41
effective communication most effective way of engaging
throughout the care of the with service users and why?
service user How can user feedback
questionnaires be used to gain
feedback from service users
about aspects of a laboratory
ES List the various ways or Placement Folder - p43
situations in which information is
given to and disseminated
between staff within your work
area. Which do you think is most
2a Identification and
assessment of health and social
care needs
2a.1 Be able to gather ES State what types of Placement Folder p45
appropriate information specimen you laboratory
receives that require specialist
preparation techniques and
describe any particular action
that is taken upon receipt of such
WT Specimen reception Placement Folder - p47
2a.2 Be able to select and use ES:20 Explain how a clinical Evidence Folder p26
appropriate assessment audit is useful when evaluation
techniques new analysers or techniques
PS Testing and evaluation of Placement Folder p49
new test (Syphilis RPR/VDRL)
ES Give examples of Placement Folder - p53
quantitative and qualitative
techniques used in your scope of
practice and the difference
between these techniques
Investigation performed Learning Contract p7,p19-20,
Antenatal screen p25, p29-30, p53-57
Investigations performed Placement Folder p81
Investigations performed Blood Placement Folder p73-74, 83,
cultures (+ WT) 85

2a.3 Be able to undertake or PS Testing and evaluation of Placement Folder - p49

arrange investigations as new test (Syphilis RPR/VDRL)
appropriate Specimen journey Learning Contract p5-7
Hepatitis B investigation flow Learning Contract p21
Serology immunoassay Learning Contract p31-33
WT Automated Serology Learning Contract p47

2a.4 Be able to analyse and ES:24 Point of care testing Evidence Folder p30
critically evaluate the information PS Testing and evaluation of Placement Folder p49
collected new test (Syphilis RPR/VDRL)
ES List the investigations in Placement Folder - p55
which you have been trained and
a brief description of their
diagnostic purpose
2b Formulation and delivery of
plans and strategies for meeting
health and social care needs
2b.1 Be able to use research, ES:21 Using examples, explain Evidence Folder - p27
reasoning and problem solving what you understand by the term
skills to determine appropriate evidence based practice and
actions how it is applied in biomedical
2b.2 Be able to draw on ES:13 Describe the main Evidence Folder - p15
appropriate knowledge and skills features of a laboratory
to determine appropriate information management system
judgements ES:20 Describe how a Evidence Folder - p26
laboratory evaluates a new
analyser or technique before its
incorporation into routine use
PS Testing and evaluation of Placement Folder p49
new test (Syphilis RPR/VDRL)
ES Describe how you apply Placement Folder - p59
your IT knowledge and skills
ES Give an example of a new Placement Folder p58 (+49)
technique or procedure that has
been introduced into your
laboratory recently. How has this
improved service delivery?
RS: Reflection on skills Learning Contract - p85
2b.3 Be able to formulate ES Write a report of an Placement Folder - p61
specific and appropriate adverse event of incident that
management plans including the has occurred in your laboratory.
setting of timescales Include actions that were taken
and an analysis of the possible
causes and provide a conclusion
that considers how this may be
prevented from happening again
2b.4 Be able to conduct ES:16 Describe the correct Evidence Folder - p21
appropriate diagnostic or procedures that are followed in a
monitoring procedures, clinical laboratory for handling
treatment, therapy or other samples that may contain hazard
actions safely and skilfully group 2, 3 and 4 pathogens
ES:19 Describe common Evidence Folder - p24
causes of non-analytical
variables and errors and the
implications of these for the test
ES:22 Explain the following Evidence Folder - p28
terms in relation to automated
analytical procedures: accuracy,
precision, sensitivity, specificity
and linearity
ES:22 It is important that Evidence Folder - p28
automation and other laboratory
equipment are maintained in
working order. Explain the type
of maintenance that may be
performed and what type of
simple faults in equipment may
you be required to deal with
ES:23 Explain the significance Evidence Folder - p29
of and how to determine a
reference range
ES:23 What do you understand Evidence Folder - p29
by the term calibration? How
would you use reference material
to calibrate an analytical
instrument before use?
ES:23 Describe how you would Evidence Folder - p29
use calibrators to produce a
calibration curve for use in an
ES:23 Explain why it is Evidence Folder - p29
important to use QC materials
when performing an analytical
ES:24 Point of care testing Evidence Folder - p30
RS:2 Specimen handling Evidence Folder - p32
Serology immunoassay Learning Contract p32
Maintenance history reports Learning Contract p35-41
WT: Automated Serology Learning Contract p45
Architect and Vidas
Sample journey Learning Contract - p3-42
2b.5 Be able to maintain ES:9 What are the possible Evidence Folder - p11
records appropriately implications of errors in the
ES:9 Describe the principles of Evidence Folder - p11
error logging
ES:9 Give examples of error Evidence Folder - p11
logs or error logging systems
that may be found in the
ES:9 Explain the importance Evidence Folder - p11
for backup storage of electronic
ES:13 What is a standard Evidence Folder - p15
operating procedure and why are
they important in a laboratory?
ES:13 Describe the main Evidence Folder - p15
features of a laboratory
information management system
ES:18 What are the minimum Evidence Folder - p23
patient identification criteria
required for patient's samples
accepted for testing in the
WT: Specimen Reception Placement Folder - p47
2c Critical evaluation of the
impact of, or response to, the
registrant's actions
2c.1 Be able to monitor and ES:11 Explain the difference Evidence Folder - p13
review the ongoing effectiveness between internal quality control
of planned activity and modify it and external quality assurance
accordingly including examples of the type of
data required by each
ES:23 Explain the significance Evidence Folder p29
of and how to determine a
reference range
ES Look at some sample Placement Folder - p65
request forms. Make a table of
investigation requested and
indicate which tests you would
perform to provide the
appropriate result
WT Automated serology Learning Contract p45
Architect and VIDAS Learning Contract - p53-54
Serology IQA
2c.2 Be able to audit, reflect on ES:11 What is a quality audit Evidence Folder - p13
and review practice giving examples of different
types of audit
ES:11 Explain what an audit Evidence Folder - p13
trail is and its importance
ES:21 Explain the benefits of Evidence Folder - p27
case conferences and multi-
disciplinary team reviews
RS:3 Health and safety in the Evidence Folder - p - p33
ES Conduct a vertical audit on Placement Folder - p67
a specimen with reflective
Case presentation Hepatitis B Learning Contract - p59-83
3a Knowledge, understanding
and skills
3a.1 Know and understand the
key concepts of the bodies of
knowledge which are relevant to
their profession specific practice
3a.2 Know how professional ES Describe an example Placement Folder p69
principles are expressed and where a technique or test has
translated into action through a had to be modified to
number of different approaches accommodate a particular
to practice and how to select or sample or situation
modify approaches to meet the ES Complete a table listing at Placement Folder - p71
needs of an individual, groups or least four common laboratory
communities techniques; include examples of
what these techniques are used
for in the different BMS
3a.3 Understand the need to ES:10 What to do if you find Evidence Folder - p12
establish and maintain a safe someone in the lab that you do
practice environment not recognise
ES:14 Four principle laws and Evidence Folder - p17
regulations relating to health,
safety and security and what
aspects they cover
ES:15 List two different types Evidence Folder - p19
of disinfectant used in a
pathology laboratory and how
they work and when they may be
ES:15 What action do you take Evidence Folder - p19
if the fire alarm sounds while you
are performing an urgent test?
ES:15 List personal protective Evidence Folder - p19
equipment that should be
available in a BMS laboratory
and indicate when each item
should be used
ES:17 List three types of Evidence Folder - p22
microbiological safety cabinet
stating the purpose of each and
how they differ in principle
ES:17 Explain when a fume Evidence Folder - p22
extraction hood/cabinet should
be used
ES:17 Explain the principles of Evidence Folder - p22
an autoclave as a method of
sterilisation and list other
methods of sterilisation that may
be used
WT To confirm you know how Learning Contract p43
to conform to the health and
safety requirements in the
laboratory and work in a safe
COSHH assessment on Placement Folder p86
substance used during training
Types of hazardous and non- Placement Folder - p88
hazardous waste in the
laboratory and how they are

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