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Socio-economic aspect of the feasibility study shows how the economic activity affects

the society. Ones socio-economic standing impacts the behavior and attitudes and how they

think of our business. Each group or community that is attached to the business should be given

appropriate consideration. These groups are the customers, employees, suppliers, local and

national government and society in general.

The socio-economic impact of this study will clearly state its relevance to the external

aspect of the business.


To determine the contribution of the business in the Philippine Economy

To describe the benefits of the business to the community and whether it enhances the

standard of living of the community it operates and to the Filipino as a whole

To ensure the active participation in the maintenance of cleanliness in the environment

Socio-economic contributions

In the Philippines, establishing a new business is really helpful. It not only helps the

government, but also the Filipino citizens. For the Government benefit, Businesses helps the

government in the aspect of Trading and Industry, where the businesses pays business and

income taxes that is used as a fund or for payment of its government expenditure. For the

Filipino citizens benefit, it gives them an opportunity to have a job that will help them to have
money for their living expenses. Businesses have an implied duty to help in maintaining the

cleanliness and orderliness of the environment.

These benefits can only be achieved if the business establishes do their part, like paying

the right amount of taxes and exercising their duties and responsibilities to their customers,

employees and for the well being of the society, as a whole.

o Contribution to the Philippine economy

Sweet Paradise will definitely contribute to the government by paying, on

time, the right amount of taxes. Through this the Philippine Government can

perform their functions in supporting the education of the Filipino children, building

of roads, bridges and infrastructure, providing equipments for the military defense,

supporting the expenses of public hospitals that provide services for the health and

welfare of every Filipinos and for the protection and support of the business in the


o Employment Generation

Sweet Paradise will give job opportunities to people. They will give priority in

providing jobs to Filipino Citizen and provide them a satisfying working environment

and experience. Every society wants its qualified citizen to be gainfully employed.

Thus being employed means that they can send their children to school, provide
them a shelter to live, a food to eat, and medical allowance whenever needed and

they can send their children to school. Management will also provide them an

opportunity to grow in the field that they excel the most. They will also give them

incentives, if they perform well. Sweet Paradise will help lessen rate of

unemployment and poverty. This will also lessen the crime in the society and will

somewhat lessen the malnutrition.

Sweet Paradise will also conduct events that will showcase the abilities of

people who are interested in designing cakes. These events will be held in special

occasions, like Valentines Day, Independence Day, Halloween, Christmas Day and

etc., the participants will design the cake based on the theme or occasion, and we

will conduct online voting system on social media. The top 3 designs will be put into

display and may become the goods that will be limitedly offered. Portion of the sales

will go to charitable institution like hospitals, day care center, Home for the aged,

and etc. or we will conduct feeding program to some parts of the slums in the


o Contribution to Environment

Sweet Paradise will observe proper waste disposal for the cleanliness and

orderliness of the environment. This will lessen the cause of diseases and health

problems to Filipino citizen. They will ensure that the products that the business will

use be environmental friendly. Sweet Paradise will allocate enough budgets to

sustain the execution of the program for waste management. They will also have
partnership with environmental organizations on their activities, like tree planting,

cleaning and etc. by providing them with what they need like funds, materials, or


One of the factors that will help the business to be successful is establishing a good

relationship with the society. Helping the government by paying taxes, giving job opportunities

to Filipino citizens and protecting the environment may not provide quantitative benefits but it

will provide qualitative benefits such as having a good business society, motivated employees,

and nice place to do business.

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