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Extending Grabber

Blurb: Participants will create a device that will be able to pick up objects that are various
distances away and that vary in weight and size. Discussion will focus on engineering
structural design principles, resistance, and trial and error.

Topics/Skills: STEM, design and strategic planning

STEM Principles:

Trial and error

Strategic planning
Weight distribution


To understand how the force of gravity can influence the effectiveness of a device.

To understand how to develop and implement design ideas.

Objective: To have participants work together to create a device that can grab various
objects and move them to varying location, using STEM and leadership principles.


To use STEM principles to create a structure that can reach and move various
Relate STEM principles used in this activity to their personal lives.

Time: 30-45 minutes


Milkshake straws

Craft sticks


Rubber bands

Pipe cleaners



Break youth into teams of 2-3

Provide them with instructions and let them pick their supplies that they would like
to use (from a designated place)

Allow them time to work on creating their grabber.

When they finish working, have them test the strength of their grabber by picking up
various objects.

Closing: Large group discussion

Reflection Topics Could Include:

Design principles
Strategic planning
Trial and error
Weight distribution

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