Exam Practice English Oxford B1 Bachillerato

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Exam practice | Basta temtcmiCenone ‘A Thre have been many saves ns he ate of appes, and on fay cnc seams be tat spending money on if perce, ed of meal tes, makes humans api Tiassa quston of how nay ‘eipences we shuld ry tft, ant just tan we shut ty tbactiow ths. Pope uh i'n Be monet hat isin tn poser tine wine planning for te atu) ae Garb peyton a avin a hedonic ime reseciye They se be exermely hay But whys ‘ate cbs and stad weal toad B Onto wis, pyctoepa sis have shown Sat pl who I in the moment anf ho ves with new ‘epererces exgeroncepstve ematan moe faquety tan ose wno fc nt past These eatin, sc as) lo, ameseent and conpasson tave ingot pial bene to The mae you experience aang postr maton, te mre ofa haa eal srtnin you ven your ances Serotonin es rete deep, nd ‘sists nemo and lesing © Becais they oto onoy new exer peopl who ty totvin the moment are ton at at ong wth anges and ne challenges. is sully ett nt hav @ ‘ag way of dong ings, an hereto beng moe tele ‘wien cumstances nt os pane. Ante ig beet is that inching tke on ne exerinces, people wi be more sosate recent tess have show hat exter (peo who ar mae caging td ob bsp than mare Ineovord poop There ar, however dcadvartagestllvngin ihe moment an ling ye wth aw oxeronces es tht peopl wit acon te perspecte ay be vr ond _tpannngacves filha ie, ut ey 3a so ‘xgarze wen comes i sevng ney. Francis Iss one a he bigest corte o aera happiness. “Thao, wha oat on te pasts neds to ba bared wih laning how much ou spends ta you rai tet a ts. Pereps the best anser woul be to ik carey about athe tings you watt active wii see ‘ine ae thn save mney i realie hee gol Incas, ppl are wring tucet Isso exprance tat ty ‘reno have the tin, rd ten akg hese happen ‘wt caret panning Tis way pele gan company Pannng advertise and excthent whe working tondis asin fw ues to cover the cst Reading 1 choose he comet answers. 1 any saves nt apps aon tha 2 spending money mates pp 8 spensngironey on ns hinge makes yous sper neonatal gots rakes ou happe. 2. When ope hop ey esr: 2 tine B enn aout tr erotons sep ete and ever mo 3 Oncof henge conto a haps 2 being ale tse ore sStopnng enous ony fel sere € be nh 2 Summarize the textin English. Take the main points from the text, butuse your own words. (Max. 30 words) Use of English 13. Find words or expressions in the text te match the detintions. 1 way ooking a things para.) 2 feding sympathy for people ara. 8) 3 detinte(poa 4 Complete the sentences with the covet form ofthe verbs in bole 1 Most prose would ely ike (have mor ree ne # they col 2 cont ke the ides of ‘spend al ry money os mate goods 3 Howlonghave you (save fr your ay? ar (read) 2 arte about haporess while was aking the bus Rem. was arazng! Writing 5 choose one ofthe task. Write 100-150 words. 1 ite about an expeence tht you've had which you fel changed youre forthe beter. 2 Wie an era withthe folowing tl: People can lean ae rach utsde a dasroom as they ca inside one Discs Exam practice 2 Predicting the future ‘A Paola though abut the feof mankind Tvoushut te ages Where redicos ae hy scents ting to dtr how we wiles suri in a ow and allen einen or arts and writs inagirg ron wo, res to rap ot wha to come seams o bea ey parte erg bran. Some thee ies wl tay segs ton bu sone vr ies predcns have comeme, B InDecenber 1800, an mera engineer ame Joon ‘etn Wate wot rte ar te Laces ame Jura ‘maga wich peice wha fe woud be tk in the ‘ar 200, Tes rditens were bast on inten with Import Anercan soot an acidonie Wake arte accurate presi mai tenes, he popltye pe repre meas nd tevin. Say, sone os preditons ot coe te, but whats ieresing show sours we ‘xn be tpesig what wl hanpen te wider wor CC Sounat tou pedctens beng mae ow? Found te wr eri rowing ruber of og who nyse Gata wart hw we wl ie 10 ease nom There Ismuch oat tot whe gig bo he, bu there ‘a sue ky homes en Pow wo live ath bogenig ot tne erty seca cont. May of tes cs on option (yout andthe envermant D ith been etirated athe goal opin willbe ‘urd 10 lon by 2115.45 We wl ae ods ast ruber feces th save aout and that we have tty. are rein hat we wl raed To farm cosan io mot doar Ti wi at mean jt fang rh tee wl an eee ning age 38 ‘soe ofl ad they mg as be usd 1 feed oer “nai in he od protucbon chan. thas been suneted ‘hat genetically mode sata aloe cose used 0 ‘rn ech ater from the coans. Te weld rover he "vst ware ht some aces have pedi wl hapen Inthe ns cert What abot ennoneent? Thr are shendy re Ua ciate cage wilt wether pats, nd make ‘canons ss preocabe However, many scents inte US “upper. a posrenme exe meio geongneerig ‘he Ents mat nd usng techno to protect apanst ‘he worst fers of nate charge Ste weather exit twchmlgyaosy ee fer eapl, wan ae rain butte ure we may be ale ool th econ ‘srajingsun-etucing parties io He atmosphere. Ito Tooger term, some aos have even seit at ar wi bw enjrete become able Uateve agpens were we vo wba ory ret piace a whats tos. Reading 1 Read the taxt and mark the sentences true or false. Provide evidence from the text to justify your answers. 1 Ting to predic the future ean idea tha ape to both create ard enti mins, 2 any cirri recs a Row we ook in fat 1 Scns pedi hat we won't nals make ary anges to the way we get ou food 2 Choose the corect answers. 1 John ele Watkins’ predctons about the future wer: ‘based on populares ram cence fiction, B completely wong © theres of recesch and dcston 2. Scents telove we wile age a= [A asurc of ood. Ba source offs {© source of ood nd fuel 3 The goal of geoengieeing is: A. make weather more predictable combat the affaceo cimate change {© make cain where we want Use of English Schild ee oenscnieesenh aan em - sng nn tan " dates serceme EE se 2 Peope oremating imeresig pedictoceat the momar 3 ce sans OFe. ok 23 “Scents hve dake gusis about what the good === populaton vill be. Gomes toe been woke ty Writing 5 Choose one ofthe task, White 100-150 words. 1 te are f book arf st the future. Say ey you thnk vison ofthe fate key or nike 2 We your rections ot what Me i be ke 10 years from na, Give reasons for your precctors Exam practice 3 The effects of 3D cinema ‘A.30fmsheve been runt for log tire the fst fim ‘were he auarce were 3D glasses wa shown 1822 830 yer tha the ‘gene of 20 l-making een whan big stsoe stared opt mney nfo rete ‘ang the tema. This was con ey to an ausonces aay fa verre popu alesions an ack the ‘rena, Dung tis peed many ins were aserisa 35 axing power eet nt aucences was sugested Ina re wold ev utlones socked amaze, bt ch of tis was just an ait a ain mare pub i 2 ‘captive wi neat in 30 ns ray dead. B Inreen years 80 ema has retuned i ur ses. “This tun as provided at of debate ove est nt quality, Crs thnk that 30 ges cna te care tone ‘ice prs, ant sane sgn pa the ‘efectos pete andofinunecesary, tome “upper fo at 30 cou sae tel ny. Thay bef a made 9D techngy makes gig be ema moe rent a pesoal expeece, Bie? ume recon esearch yO ronan Raney of Uirersty Caos Dut, hs ehown hat 30 cama cous hao yal ani pyehtgeal elects nthe vow Scat ‘6d sotes of eperments in whit vers wore ase to ‘ale eg erent sot tn cps wna arena crema, 2 a 1 _eving ear menied oven huarreand pesovaton D Ate wating te ps, 3D auton sai tat they burt he snes more asta peal in tho 20 group Tey aloha ihe ear ats han te 2D grup. ‘Soil tlve hal his occurs because eis ted ‘emt nat ey were seeing was ea. Tey et use. or cre becuse ote mages, se Dears ea est, ‘Ths sate oa noma reaction to 320 fm because what pee sehen resis, 9 viewers can ening ‘hemlet ot alte rans lp keep ter cm, Aug esearch nt the ess of 20 cam avery ‘ety tage, is makin pal tk about ow hese fects ay be usd ty ln stuns inh uur. also malas us ask ‘arses bowel we wat oc fins be, es inthe Fare in it a wth hath aig. Saran that happened wit thse 'shekig 3 is of 0 yer ag, 2 3 1 2 2 Reading 1 Read the text and mark the sentences true o false. Provide evidence from the text to justify your answers. ‘30 enema has aays been popula, ‘he ener tothe fet of 3D cnema tite minds and bodes. ‘The eam of 30 coma doen affect viewers 2. Choose the corect answers Dutng the 1850s, ‘30 cinema becare more expense BB TVbecare moce and mate popu. © enema audiences grew much ivge, Modeen 30 fins ae often cried beau ‘A they cost too much to make B trey ae of poor ait. thoyare expan ose. Dutng the experiment, people who watched 30 fms ‘had higher bear ates han people who watched in 20. B were calmer than peope who watched in 2. © had lower heart rates than peoole who watched in 20. “The sci chose sa ttterng cipssottatpeope | Use of English ‘wuld ere iy to have an enotoal sponse The 3 Find words or expressions inthe text to match the ‘ewer ere dived into two guns one geup wale definitions. te cps 20, ana he tr int 30 frat Ding to aa gage hecte (paragraph C) happened (saragrapt D) 4 Join the sentences using the relative pronouns. 3D isa typeof cinema, cats bac 1 1915 which) ‘ire Se ny ities 36 cn Ty ay 108 expense (who) “hat the Gara We wath 30 fins there. where) Writing 5 choose one ofthe task, Write 100-150 words. write biography ofan ata, aces, characte fom 2 fim you have watches ‘wrt an informal emai oa frend recommending the lst fim yu sa Ak your rend question abut the recent i exces, Exam practice 4 A (eSUatetea-Cono mnt Pee LUCY ‘A tnrecnt years etiemert ape in many courts Nas ‘tango because peg ae longa What ore, ‘sm ompiyesare nw chosing to stay en at wrk ator te noma retrement age. Asa consequence, erployes ae ‘wrkgou oto del wha worktcewher ee may bean age capo more tan 3 yeas Deteen re oltest ant youngest employees Vary aes en mean vaning ates, sng os of qesosebot how companies can ‘ete mst fom wares who tink bout werk een, 1 corto asearch tre re fran generates Inthe were -Tadoats, aby Boones, Sanat ‘and Generation, Thay tn eilerin the number of ‘empresa hy tare werd the bya oa ‘exmpany, tir undestacig otal. 2rd how tay ‘ee there Dtten werk ne € Gerraton usualy meaning peste barn at 1980) arte fastest owing sacton of he ware. ntact ina few yrs hse nie who sated weking since the irri) wi acon or anost 0% of al apoyo. “These workers are ore techologealy aware tan ober employes and have mos exe appa work ‘often werkigong tous away om he fice Many othe tutes cme ora beter untertaningfdgtl mela = nillenisare mor se to beng able acesirfoton ‘when ad wh hey want D Having empoees om arr generations does raxneecto bea die. Werk nan integer tenerenmert wit peopl al age urs canbe exreney ‘se 3 telat peroecives and ees of ach ‘erection cana ioe soe ofa hie. employes tend tee difeences ae naire ht employes sharia with oe anther, gee wok lator ‘seul bing rvards. Th techrelgyconpany ica Stor Isone ofthe ads in ths fel ard has Son postive esas Inemplyes ates. eosin obalzaon is meant tat compare od tobe more undestanng of ctu erences at work Now, ih retention wrkgces, eos aso be on understanding arenes ue age TeSe ‘trees bing mare oporuntes fr socal lesig, where employes from sient generations colaborateon tasks io teach oe enter sl. notes postive arora ito have eriieg sions wheeler ampoyes pass ones an Inornaton to younger peteraons Tsing ef ppeah ‘lows ernie to buléa nee unto were, nd al wt te chalengs of relator at wok Reading 11 choose the correct answers, 1 Worforces have changed a lt recently because ‘A. mary peopl are eting B norte ae geting younger. there ae more enrators working togetre 2 Inafew years Generation ¥ wil acount foe A the wrgst grt ofthe workforce. Borer 50% of the workforce, © stunser 50% ofthe workore 23 ergenerational woskforees A alsayscause dices, B canmake a company mow success © costa tof money. 2 Summarize the textin English. Take the main points from the text, but use your own words. (Max. 50 words) Use of English 2 ind worse xpresions inthe txt to match he ciation 1 re sen 2 chan ego ©) 3 wor together pagan) Complete the sentences with the words in the box spolgiaed. shed sugested tol 1 her what kindof job she was interested in, 2 "Why dont you tok for work abroad?” Alex ay tomy manage for beng late api. 4 rebee that work wth people of diferent generations canbe gute normative. Writing 5 Choote one ofthe tats. Write 190-150 words. 1 white an infermal eal to end aking about hi art- time ob ancl recent expences nce nfomstion about your recent experiences 00. 2 Wiiteadscusion esa wth the following tie: "Social retworing fas made teas ohare ot of ations sth peope, but rately kaw anyone, Dsus. Exam practice 5 a ivaete Relea Ll) iets ‘A The musi stops Theres 2 sot pause ten sutenly ‘he seur of pong isthe wom. apie seems tobe @ spl appreciative espns owt we av eat —cur ‘ay ot saying hak yar Hower, ree esearch nas ‘shown th the quay of 2 pertermanca rat ha main factor behind hw aout of zplase an autence ges. Insta sci al h Uivrsy of pla ave raed tat capi is cotagau -itpreaés rom one person to rae Anton ng he taping sts al ince by am tes ine aus bere 1 esate tue vee of ndegaciieo thy ‘tts presentations The cuca were ita he resrtons meee, by shou show a aprecation ‘wen they ened The ims he ausence showed hat vk ony one or to pec to ca ete teappase ‘st Adon ae one orto tsa ore pause toc ou Fesnarcrsobstrie a tsartng epng reaction as caused ty th eal oe of ound in te ‘oon rater an hal he person et soeone was ‘ng THs rows ect, ad ter arena ten referred spi cntagn, € Si cantagnis ayo escrirg tow people ‘tang mer betavourn espns tes New behav ‘win a grup uscaly emerges tt ie pol, veto ‘acy spreacing to eerooy ase. By suing he way actos ke ping staan snp sets toe to beter ‘plan imlarbehavour meter ess. Tha sles could rode moe oration on haw trends conein ae goat ‘fin tow eas pen the ramet and wy Pow Tecnoagis ae apt. The uses my stow uy sch tings become urpaput swe For soil networking ses, andthe business at use han for acversig bese ress ‘wile inpartant orsoquences. 1 ping ate be tings to. Tere are fo ings ite more erasing tan eating tat you arte ei person making ans ina crowded eo, but tates ote cr when peopl clap in ha wor! ‘suaton, Casal mse comers ar one lace where ths beevouris nmetinescpayed, ard Capping ee has ‘species’ For many audenoe menbers ard perme, ‘eping at teen of perferance s weconed the ‘ining ots pluses ngorent For moe serous pees ‘of msi adances shud aut oink sot the msc telescoping nf cue, appingin the mia @ preance thought tobe par atavou: However, muse Petra ave covered ht i evar ny Bgan a te stot the taes century. era ures, auences dapped won they ward eS sci eotagion isos, can change realy evr ie Reading 1. Read the text and mark the sentences tue o fase. Provide evidence from the texto justly your answers. 1 People dap because a perfomance is good 2 hen you af i 8 rw he person nearest yu fet you te mos. 3 any comoanies wil be interest in the reser, 2 Answer the questions using your own words and fll 1 hats te efecto he volume of peopleclaping? 2 Wat appers when behaviour spreads by socal contagent 2 How har behaviour at dascal msi concer changed? Use of English 3 Find the words or expressions inthe toxt to match the detinitions, 1 stop completely paragraph 8) 2. begs paacraoh ©) 3 shown paragraph 4 Completa the sacond sentence so that thas the same smearing 2s the fest 1 is posse that he started coping because others dd He dlapona because hes to. 2 tmswe eked the presentation because he dpe. He the presentation because he dip 3 Don't eat ding the concer. tsa ue yeu uicg the concerts ale Writing 5 Choose one ofthe task. Weite 100-150 words. 1 Yeu hae ead about language exchange rosranre online. We a informal ema explaning ha You ate and what yeu want tage fom the programme. 2 Wie adscusion esse with the folowing ie: We are ‘who we are because of those round us ics, Exam practice 6 Design solutions ‘A et fhe ms npn cert ee nr {res and tu et gat Oy St lle inbe savin be ey ihc eats 8c et aH, ie pl Ns hers med fox more staal waa ‘stove. Constuctn buldngs romana aaals such 5 create and gas Ras agate tet on te nent, ans boning ceasing ares, One posse design stn ths rss Pousing mig ete pom capo B Carga athe rong rate of sing tt ship crtanrs as Rosi unis The coir can be und a compact made hes al tng ogee heap cotecton o Legon. ese contr re ease stg and comeing em ro 2 home uses au roqured a rese Be sod in tor ways esata at re aru 18 millon ‘ecg cafes cure nus, ution of ese ae Shed emayeaantctoe ‘caramels, fondox © ce of beefing companies in carpets Tengen, The canpany wes ome ‘ore tan en years agp 0 ete ata rousng sates frst eters as anamatn e ster acammointon he cy was exrene cut toi 204 He consany ws ing et 4 conten ames per nek Fom tis began, Tepo-usng moved ine se8gnng uz wor sccreodn, cat superar. an ofc bulking and even be ie of obi nie 1 Now many ober cite ekg shiping antainar ousng fr stirs, Unrate Brin have recent proved pans ana unis be but Myo he Use te sland i,t se dul able Unie ara fr shares vig Tae lar combines uns harap el 2s axa Yop shas ‘aagaltis in fuepo aden Za Cormete aces rand word tht usc confor sve tesa gre el of enya atts lar avs of between 205 per cet “anpare to vacioa beg mets Bu 0 Wales tis, nar at anf a cota (Gui topos wasn scoandlane oe ant gunbingintn, en, vette ad a ‘atoning in jst vee weeks. This means a the us are spac use as tempera Rous aerate. nat any ofthe earbestcanags of agptote tan Be ond ars wher staal ave deste cretion hoes Reading tons aconding to the information given In the text. Use your own words and fll sentences en Botame se amd ek Fae ows AP. ene tcee Ae hes Stl 2 Why ws argotcte edn Asem? Bifre has o Jet of. pk Hote, 2 2 choc the cmect anew fan 1 beveoping nator ace probes because re pepo ae gown, here shocage of concrete and ss {there ina hortage of nerpenve haveing. 2. Comering sping conan rt ang [8 thesome amount of energy 2 ecg the tek Wes ene tan eoelna the sel ara energy tan vecycng th ste 2 Contacerunt buicings have been ectney wed 9 A Pe nospials ‘paper soos, galeries CB otsrenna oral di Use of English 3 ind words or expressions inthe text to math the dso. . 1 spenaaragaph cea 2 Gheneenans peewee, ela’ 3 ual praraph Dy 4 Write questions forthe answers according to the information in the txt. 1 ie eipensive ar hae large environmental impact. 2 prot 18 ion 3 Becaise tears the only ue 508 to 86 ofthe amount of energy and materia \ Writing 5. choose one ofthe task. White 1092350 words. 1 White cussion ey with the folowing te soning Eas would benef mare rm having accesso cheap ‘wees than many fon chaites' Dsus. 2 Wiiteadescrpton of an invention that you tink has Signfcany improved cries. Incuderasors for cee ee Exam practice 7 Cite moter mu cout e a ‘A Donating cay someting tat mast oop at ‘sme ortin tales. tay be at we ela sree ‘sia respensbilty or crating cou be a ay saying ack’ a serie ropanizan tata ipore sinines of ow. Mes fs fo ati we Fad ere mane, we wou ‘orate oor causes Ts cette pte wit many ulnar ho ote te ae cheques to met ‘community needs sui as eovsten huge: Bt eee grin numberof piantropsts wha want odie, baton te esis of gag are wort B This preach to donating which asthe alo "tatforatioal change is rato ty poe he Laure and Jon Aro Teen hae afte foe 8 tin, ‘wi they lan ve aay tocar but oy caies ‘at can prove tat fe wo ey wl ake set eter ‘bough lasing changes. Toc is he ols sean ertinetal opr tang nal dentos ae given totes he cnc ef sbces fers rh oe aur are ‘outed Theis uses a eto smart cna hat has boon ‘sos cern kd of ekg. © Ono area tat the mols are terested infra s reseachino ces. Thy ae paying oa $26 on ty tat uses ecnogy toon at eas of fd on our bade Tepe i tte eu hs sy can bo used totale the oes rs tat aig he US, and atctng afar Rater an ging many to improre exis faites, th Ars appa ook at ager slsors. Wes ess at Frey may every eget» hates te donations wil depend co whee ter mney ‘wll have an fect fr ote ft. 1 Howere thr fsa to work tar done tthe moment hie ees ve trem ores fr tase nes. he loa cya ovson Tras, he Amoi ave funded food enktesrs nd packages food i cst ne mary ‘alsin ned, The fond ark cies oa ona oy ‘sipemarets and al fams But een docs oda tots cau was bandon etait stowed at many op hore od rom food tank ao hatch problems wth eat and ney The Aol oka at is iomaton abut owas sire fd Bank srt and ‘Gece ta 2 elas promo ficiency in dbutng ‘oo eco 0 work tough eat bank tach bevels. Now the fo bank's coring feng ny od bt ting, aie racials, 6 {asin fr dabets. ing achque bmp ngs 3 srt wa ot enough ae Aral hy kr tre a bea way to git bg te charge Fm haf gg. Reading 1 Read the text and mack the sentences ve of. Frovide evidence tom te wrt 1 ay your ener 1 The Arolis give money o chats that they ae seimentaly tached to 2 The Acro recencrned about ih fed thal obey having on Arencan heath. 3. The fod Barn ouson supporediby the Arcelds wil only stibute fd inthe future 2 Choose the corect answers. 1 John and Laura Arnot donate to chars. A byrelaring as, B that are area success, {sing sitar pracices to those a some bankers 2. The Arrole chase to danate ta food bank because ‘A. itwasaacal cay, B itcoulé hepa arg number of peooe thoi suds chow twas aeady 2 eh way to ‘etrbute fod a information. 2 The Aeros inst that ther donations must | improve things for yeas to come, Bbeveed for scenic resaren © be aed to bul new facies. Use of English 3 Find he words inthe txt to match he definitions. 1" scordien vue penne ort jsrogam 3 2 coon pane) 2 er ngagh 9) 4 Complete the sentences with the correct form ofthe verbs in bald 1 i goverment gave mare money to cary, fm sue (solve) a oro! problems. 2 The arois (donate 10 3 cause onl changes acy 2 fthac't ead about the hor | (ot donate} ony 0 Writing 5 choot one ofthe tasks, White 100-150 words. 1 tan pein ey th tebe: ‘hary wot sat be need eda peop shud lok after eran 2 Wht bout an epererce youve had where you heed SomeareDescibe nha youd ana ew fos fe Exam practice 8 eC L.eg ‘A Tie sof he a-inchsie olay wa st iret in ‘he 18505 by Began sgorsman Gera Bit From is set pining a cleo of army ets, te cocepthas ee in a hugo nus Fr mills a lsyalars word, ‘ease of paying ator apr oerytng you wl need inabance es povedexremey papa As spr, aces ood anc rare ead pa fo ors can ej rsa ates wiht crying any mane. B However resis cawbsck tis nancy ‘toes es. Ress hat have so mary dese sles ‘vlebe ean tat mrss at eye aso to “nye nthe cour tey sting ntti ects cal etaurants ad iw ues, and may mean rede ncoe rom ery fees trata rare hestape Stes Ta compere, fen cued age vereas usieses make pots whl al caramures get tn raft search ee nT fur tht ony to pe ‘atthe money set on cure olds oud i ay to the al conor. Cts ot en te nck ofmeney tat act thos aay ‘sestiatonsHoldaymak, adh oars at hy say Inu sigan more enrgy and water ian acl pope. ‘Aa, be ancut of waste goat by ebusneses means tmatine envcental impact conser n he pat, ‘acer aot he lcs of ich ors led gverenis tn conser baning l-ndusive esos. Such an apoeach ‘wes stdin arta in hat 190s, ith a hane impact en te oral esr sist brs al ks otra dors D Inte stew ears, mat due ae al ecxnonic ‘i. alse aids have Beare a iceasny pula fr oople wi iid bude eoy break inte un, Renu bo ergnd tat comgaris who rn nse ents are proving a end sence, nd song Intasrucre deal wih grning tours andes rg ‘sey take the pressure ot cal governments, ar ee any reat impacts by ceteasng he spears. Bu wat canbe done dal th same of emoreau sues th alse oid aie? For tu compan oealy contre othe estos ty ws, ey med i ik about acing tte ca conan. Many -incusive es x ound in areas ‘ic have aera figh le of uteployantand overt Tes probs ight bested yarn local employee bat wae and werk condos Bu perhaps re iota, caganies ned took et supporting lal farsa tung fod an produce aly On ints way ‘il none be shared, ging even afar dea, Reading uestions according to the information given pata 1 why are abindusve holy increasingly popular ceies? 2 ‘Whats he fail inpac of alice das on He ‘estnations? 2 What ae the benefits of al incive ly resort for destination counts? 2. choose the conect answers. 1 People staying in abincusie reson ‘uly pend 2 lt of money in the lca commun. produce less wars tha lee commutes. {© tne ere recurs thn local communis, 2. Tretan on atincusve naidysin Gare ‘A had a negate impact, B hada postive impact had no impact. 2 Oneroliten tothe impact of aici ha cout ‘Ato increase te employment of acl people. to support local busieses and produces © to have more wave companies owned lolly. Use of English 2: Find word or expresions inthe ext to match the deters 1 atvacieoragaon 8) 2 thesetof sens and fais ina ace para) 2 thesmton someone wos intaagaph 4 Choose the best options to complete the sentences. T isqutechesp abroad tee das A tot a tavleg 2 Iravenely avedenough money a gped ot Riot 8 beck 2 Topas Aa mah ese thn ued tobe Rieion 8 tating Writing 5 Choose one ofthe task, Wite 100-150 words. 1 White descrotion of a county that you woud Ike to vist and say why appeals tou 2 Write an opinion ey wth the faking ie: our rarely benelis the counties tout st” Exam practice: Listening Listening 1 1 Check you know the meaning ofthe words inthe box ecestr neurosientst process scan 2 41350 Read questions 1-8. Then listen tothe radio Interview and choose the corect answers 1 The presenter says thatthe human ban: A wes 36 the bogs energy B ses 536 ofthe bodys eveay ts 19 ofthe bey energy D es 20% ofthe bodys ener Dr Colgan beseves the bans complex A bacase thas so many newer because can do so may Hinge because people inthe past helped it develop. because hasbeen deveoning for a ong tne 3 According to Dr Colgan the ban can ‘A rove ables around move asl acura, serch, D do the work of computes. 4 Bdence of brans reorganizing therseues comes A Sudies on ban damage B cules on computing aude on bain waning suds on very old peop 5. The Moken people can see Geary underwater 1 because ofa rata action, B because they'e From Thaland because they were aught a len. 1D because the brains make ther pups small, 6 Research har shown that the Molen have 18-20% beter undenate ison than European 8 20% beter undewater sion than chide twice the undensater sion of Europeans tice the undensater son of cise. 7 Neurowientsts have compared the rains of: A Lone’ and tax ves, tax rues and train divers Londoners and ave dives. neon bus vers and London tax dries 18 We knowwhere ings are because of A pil ewrcse 8 bran venie. te hippocampus. D bran see stenig a peaking pace Listening 2 1 check you krow the meaning ofthe words inthe box, demand diaser phenomenon shrage 2 408.02 Read questions 1-8. Then listen tothe radio Interviw and choose the correct ansvers. 1 Tha pester describes bees as A atheat to feo production Being important othe wey humans ve € a good subject for fms 2. Wid bes are needed to patina: A alle wots cops Bless hana theo the worlds cons, moe than 23% ofthe wore cops 3 Fach yea, bone rom the UKs sol fr £200 milion B bien © esobiion, 4 Dr Wood says that since 1961 the bee populaion 18 has stayed the same, B has increased has dees '5Aezoaing 1 Or Wood, having mare bees ‘A asdsto the problem, Bisnecesary to sohe the problem, might estoy food cops 6 Coloy colapsecsader A isa bee does, B atece sick bee. cases bees fo eave thei home 7 Famesuse pesicdes A tohp ther bees, B soget eof some ise € in European counties ony 8 Unusual weather patterns mean 18 bees have to.go further to srve tamer plant the ops ate igher empeatures kills. Exam practice: Speaking Speaking 2 Speaking 1 1 Look atthe photos and answer the questions 1 Compare the photos. How ae these foms rtetanment iar and ifn? Do rik thre ae any benefits totes ons 2 Has ener form of entertainment changes your ite? 2. Many peopl think that young people spend 0 ‘uch time in front oftheir computers. De you ‘re with this? Why? / Why not? Use phrases for ‘expressing opinions and discuss this witha partney, ‘ving reasons 2 In pairs, debate whether schools should spend more money on computers and other technology {ohelp students learn more efficient. Use opinion ‘expressions to help present your argument. 1 Look at the photos and answer the questions. sin and diferent? De you thnk theese any bene to traveling? When ofthese Holiys would you pete? Why You are planning to spend a gap year travelling round the world and are talking with fends, bout what it might be lke. Prepare and practise 2 mace ‘moter cet a Shut es (5) _Oring te siring sage ofthe {tahon event des wear Prtcie OctargDevce EoD wee pace slong te ote {oteep satan The POD cesta weak sta ld at constr, Petaps the clever yf eeig people fe om stars these fa repeet c ‘raetom chee tn fom the base dad ta te sel cn har Known o avo Tes of is epalet have been rer sce nd ete ae pars (rode pale whichcada be town ithe aera ghgto nate any ars Swim ana. (ation seen sugested ht hesbsance old be wed nse ‘Gea ten icon o everyone wo ens un nts. ‘A This probably because, when viewed fom below, surfer ana oad ook sina to the sitauete of large se 8 Researcher hope that ths ptr ll courage sharks from taking abe out of 3 © The best way 1 avo shark ataks so Say away fam places where there re age umber of fn or sea There ae aso proposal or it tobe ads 0a Spray used on sufbous Thies because their eth can tl th difference betwen humans and he oer cet they prefer toast F This mears they see things in shades of grey 1G This uses technology which was invented n South Aca and was est Seen by many people during the Sydney Olin 2000 rg sure 2. Read the text and answer the questions in your own words. which part of London is Fnchuren Steet in? The Snaciat detect. How tals 20 Fenchurch Steet? ‘What da the windows of the bulina do? How dd ical bisinessnan show pecolehow hot te sunbeams were? Wy was the buldngS orignal design changed? How do Sore people ink bulla tke 20 Fenchch Stet could improve urban ing? E B2 exam practice: Listening 1 0402 Youwitlhear people talking in eight different stuations, For questions 1-8, choose the best answer (A,B, oF, 1 Youhear a young man talking onthe ado about a ace. nat des he say about hs recent experince? A He was unlucky because he was inured 8B kwasa good opportunity to meet people He'd someting similar inthe ute 2 Yourher two frend taking about a probe nt isthe it worred tout? A being bores B going toa new sehen feeing sone 3. Youhes part fa aso programe about a mebie phone app ‘whats the woman’ pinion of the app? A Its tooeipensie 8 sunecesany © bseay ou, 4 You esr two peopl taking about hodoys The woman thinks the man shuld A chang is plans. 8 cosomeshopoing ty siferent foods. 5 Youhesr wo people taking ona train ‘whys te man annoyed? {A The weather to hot 18 He wants sme information He haste get of his tan 66 Youesramesage on an answering machine ‘whys the speaker cating? A To acept an invitation B Toakatout amatch To ie information about a party 7 Youresrarman anda woran king about 3 bock they have both ead The woman tks that te Book A oepresing B tool, © fanaste {8 You heor man taking abou raving, ‘wats he ding? {8 Belaining how aft waving can be. Giving his reasons or wanting € Stresing the importance af having excteg adverts. exam prs Listen 2 41404 You wil ear a radio report about a form of charity fundraising that i ‘becoming popular. For questions 1-10, complete the sentences with one to ‘three words each, 1 Lucy says that he way we donate money hasbeen influenced by 2 The charity Free Cakes UK provides birthday cles to fames who cant 23. "Boke for mps aed E27, 600 fora Caled pars 4 Sparks als wsed the campaign to increase the number of ‘oat thas At 3 DinerdGoad dinner nary donate money to the hoa chosen chart 65 Holeing anes party gies peope the chance to dics the canis they ae 7. Since 2009 oodeyclevolunizers have made ver reas 18 The orgarizes of Food eleve the ners in the charity due to greater krowlede abcut food 9 Baking for charty could be geting more popular because people naw want 0 fe! that they are ace in making 10 Therhas been some cts of campaigns where customers ae encouraged to buy alan Te give te someonein need B2 exam practice: Speaking 1 Workin pairs to ask and answer the questions. + What’ the most interesting place youve ever vied? ll me about it) + How do yeu ke spend your ree tie? Why do yeu eno + What do you thnk you il onthe ute? Why? / Where wl you be?) + Da you use the internat tearm new thngs? (What sort of things do you look fo?) + Do ou ke spending eon your omn orth other people? (hy?) + Do you ke going o artes (ell me about a good party youve been ta) + Whats your favourite subject a schon? Why do yuki?) + Doyouthnkits important fr people ta do things to help the environmen? Why? / Wy not) + Do youlke going othe cinema? (hy? ¥ty no?) 2 Thus four hots sow peopl on ferent Kinds of hay Fs tak about our hts on Yfurown ana anon question kyu pane asin Rk caopl. ia Haas a, OF MEK - (seams inde ot oldaye appeal to pcgle? AL + BAPE wnrsstmte bot nes C sudo EASY KET ig. TA hokey oR? 1 what ao you thine ese people vi etn fom thei Maly expences? + « 2 Have you ever lesint anything fom sholiday experiance? What you learn? ED 2 es pacts spate) 3 Work in pois. You are planning shor tip with you class. Look atthe information in your ‘advertisement then ask and answer questions before deciaing where to stay Student & Student 8 Youth hostel Budget hotel ++ Neat he own cere, dove g retcurant ond night Mi “Gre! vole €20 pr parson per ight > Stowdoon i 3 Cane obi nity = 4 Work in ais. Look atthe situations. Choose ane and start the conversation, Student & + Student is your fend Could you suggest OVD wort watching? Student werk for 9 chart. Could you give me some advice on the best nay fo ase money? Student 8 + Student As your fiend 1 what are your plans fr next weekend? + sudent works a tourstinfomatin offi, {xcure me, cout you recommend thing ado around the tun? B2 exam practice: Use of English & Writing 1 Choose the comect options to complete the text. (1) has been done 2s an example. 1 2 3 4 5 A smarter city $s 4 ome fromthe South Korean capa of Soul, Song i an epernertl cy (ube smart tennaagy tine he ling experience offs Whats (2) Seoul aeaty fonsidered a tech urban ertronmert,Songeo goes re () te rote tecnoloy las ih ‘ereryday ie Th oy Pas been equipped ith sersors to check tonperstire energy use nd ttf levels helping people and athoriies beter understand the ving space Tere te ‘charging sadons or elocrc cary and ysis wich cary rabbis dec rom houses to be ‘Sine andrcycied (4) sme of he rubbish wi be wed create renewatle energy However te desgnofSongdolenot just ebou vanced technology The cy deanery {hey chose to copy te best steers ofocaions ike New York an Vere van atenptoceste ‘futurist ty thas (8) enjoyable to lve A pecorng ars cure sa (8) he Spey ‘pera Hose hasbeen bultto provide an cote entertainment venue anthers large cota Dark which atacts ran fames Deters ae hoping all tis wil atractinablans of Seo ‘tho are loking ora bater quay oe Avho Bhat whch haw ‘ABecause B Athough © As Now yy Ainspite 8 sve © because ot demite ie Atnay 8 wiieerd € monduion Devel : Ain” baad oH oi ws eS, Ae Blo et Dh 2 Complete the txt with one appropriate word in each gap. Tokyo 2020 The 200 Sure Ovo wibe he acon ir hte Gre nC) HEM toc Eater ie ht ooarhorhonedon yes ert eat fe Gonct Sevecriruge changes The cy canto (gt sfonde by bung work (WHIM, plore say wilh. cost

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