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Perception of Brand Positioning of Aje Big Cola

Chaleeporn Leampriboon
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This research, The perception of band positioning of Aje Big Cola brand of consumers in Bangkok are,
aimed to (1) study the marketing and communication exposure of Aje Big Cola brand of consumers in Bangkok
area and (2) to explore the perception of band positioning of Aje Big Cola brand of consumers in Bangkok area.
This study was survey research. The data collection instruments used was questionnaires which were
responded by 400 consumers (the target group) in Bangkok area. Content classification and analysis, frequency,
percentages, means and standard deviations were used in analysis. The findings were as follows:
1. The marketing and communication exposure of Aje Big Cola brand of consumers in Bangkok area
1.1 Media in information exposure; most of the target group was exposured by television. There were 253
people (14.04%).
1.2 Information exposure or product brand name of Aje Big Cola brand from media and activities in the last 3
In term of type of media/ ways in information receptivity, this research found that overall target group
mostly exposed information from Aje advertising media of Big Cola through their father-mother/relatives/friends
etc. The mean was 2.98.
1.3 Newspaper media used in information exposure of Aje Big Cola brand
Most of the target group was exposed information or seen Aje Big Cola band from daily newspaper such
as Thairath, Dailynews, Komchadluek, Khaosod, Banmuang etc.
1.4 Information exposure of Aje Big Cola product through activities
The findings were also found that overall target group exposed information about Aje Big Cola through
several activities. Mostly, they exposed to information promotion-- Movable Giant World-Class Amusement Park
Super Giant along the Murngtaungtanee lake. The mean was 2.65.
2. The Perception of Band positioning of Aje Big Cola brand
2.1 The band of cola soft drink that the target group first recognizes was Pepsi (76.8%).
2.2 The Aje Big Cola brand positioning perception
The result in term of comparing with competitors found that the target group viewed Big Cola (Black
beverage) as non-caffeine and cheapest among black beverages. The perception of band positioning level was
much. The mean was 3.78.
Keywords : Perception, Perception of band positioning, Marketing and communication exposure,
Brand Positioning, Information exposure behavior, Aje Big Cola

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