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sPE 9421 1

differentiation. Evidently, diflbrentiarion with respevt to For small composition perfurbations, the Taylor expansion
composition provides properties derivatives which are only -
indicates that
slightly aJlected by the normalization in the conceutration of
the remaining n-l cornponents. However, as expected such an or = fs(2,)az, =
effect is negligible.
During an investigation of a large PVT database which
includes {uids with composition descriptions up to C2*, for = Ir,k,hr, *froft,ri """""""""(2)
each fluid', a plot was generated of the derivatives of the pVT
properties produced from an EoS, as described above, versus Equation 2 can be extended o allow for larger inuemental
the ascending order of the components' carton number. It was I
changes betweer two operating points and 2 by simply
verified that the change (either positive or negative) in the integrating both parts :
derivatives values at each carbon number varies smoothly
between different fluids and depends on the overall fluid
cha'acterization and on p and T. & =P.+T,is,(,, n,.T.I"*, hr,'-..'.'"......,.....(:)
Let us consider the example illustrated in Figure I with the
GOR at the bubble point derivatives plot for a subset of the
available fluids. The values read in the vertical axis indicate
When operating in the "familiar" composition and
operaiing conditions region spanned by the measurements, the
the change to tho GOR value which will take place if l% of
second term is negligible due to both ttre integration and the
each component is added to the system. It can be readily seen
summation, thus leading to accurate prediction. However,
that all derivatives curves display smooth shapes along the
wher PVT properties predictions are required outside this
componcnts axis. Obviously, the higher the volatil of the
region, the additional term becomes significantly large leading
fluid, the higher the values ofthe derivatives thus rendering iis
to predictions quite offtle correct properties values,
GOR more sensitive to composition yariations. The abrupt
As it will be slrown in the following sectior different EoS
decrease in the GOR derivatives with respect to the tunings may lead fo entirely different properties derivatives
concentration ofC12*, as shown in the graph, is due to the fact
values and deriyatives plots than the ones shown in Figure l.
that the heavy end is always appreciably heavier than C12.
By slely requiring rninimisation of the regression model's
Furthermorg all curvcs cross the x-axis somewhere between
error with respect to the measwgment, erroneous derivatives
nC5 and C6 depending on the fluid's volatility. Similar curves
might be produced. In this case, fhe tuned model could predicl
cffn be obtained for the GOR of the oil phase at lower presswe
for iqstancg a larger increase in the oil density by incrqasing
steps as well as for the Bo and the other PVT properties.
the fluid's C6 coocentration than by changing C1 at an equ
The derivatives were produced from the purg Robinson
mole fraction.
EoSe and the properties oithe componsnts were btained by
using the Kesler Leero correlations while those of the heaw
end where obtained fiom the Twuil correlations using thl Results and d'rscussion
For demonstrating the principle of utilizing the PVT properties
reported molecular weight and specific gravity. The
derivatives for quatifying EoS hrnings, a flrid of medium
interaction coefficients used were obtained fiom the Oellrichl2
volatility has been employed, the mmposition of w!ich is
given in Table 1. The Peng Robinson EoS model of a
commercial PVT package was tuned against the bubble point
Tuned EoS behavior at extrapolated conditon
pressure and the 8", GOR and oil densty at its bubble point
The PVT properties preclictions of an Eos model as weil as
and at the first three pressure steps of the differential
their derivatiles depend skongly on the input components
propefiies (T", p", or) as well as on the selected interaction
vaporzation study conducted in e laboratory at treservoir
temperarure (Table 2).
coefficients, the values ofwhich according to currsnt practice
Three differet tunings were performed, More specifically,
are affected by the hrning procedure.
for tuning 1, the critical pressurs and temperature of the
An EoS model which has been tuned sufficiently well pseudocomponets from C7 fa C72a, the acentric factor,
against a set of lab measurements usually performs fairly
molecular weight and volume shift parameterl3 of the C12.., e
accUretely at the composition ad operating conditions region interaction cosfficients between Cr; Q,'C: and C1s, Cl,o Cr:*
spanned by the measurements; although the physical and fheir constant nr2 were used. For tunings 2&3, the acentric
soundness ofthe PVT properties derivatives obtained from it
factors and the volume shift paramefers of Cio ard Crrr as w6ll
can be questioned. By forcing the model to pass through the
as the inleraction coefficionts between C and Cro, Cir, Crz*
measurement points, cartceling effects in the deivatives errors
were rrther included. Tunhgs 1&2 were performed allowing
may occur" Let P and s(z) denote a specilic PVT propetry and
five regression paraeters to be aonsidered at each iteratiortr
its partial derivative wi respect to the mole tiaction of the i
while tuning 3 was performed allowing for ten. The resulting
component produced by tuned EoS. Let us also exptess this
values for the regressiou parafireters carr be formd in Table 3.
partial derivative as the sum of jts thermodynamicirlly coi.rect
Il can bs readily scen from F'igures 2 and 3 that aI three
value s(z) ard of ar additional term so(zi) which was tunings match acrrately the lab measurements for pressures
generated as a result ofthe tuning : down o 2328 psi (third pressure step). The ma<imum error
r(r)= r, (r, )+ .o L, ) ............ ...........,.... ( l) eqmls 222Y. and it occurs for the prediction of the GOR ar
fhe third pres$ure step (Table 4). However, the prediction

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