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a] &. Zaki pT GH wae Galt ee 3 breakfast ot eight 0” elock Then she goes to ae 2 School: School starts at pine of ick Sloe geta || NS Oe Say set on? _& ome ot half past four. Then she plays with || = ap SULT .? her frends or watches TV. She alwys does ff 2 What her forbesfeer? pj hher homework in the evening. At ten o'clock || 3 What docs Sally do after school? J she goes to bed. eae eefs 04 4 When does Bobby’ smother come |e Dobby gets up at quarter to eight. Then he hme from won? fa has breakfast. He eats cornflakes with Twinn dats Ganj gos mnilk, After breakfast he puts on his clothes. schoo? Then Bobby says goodbye tohis mumand sees ss ‘goes to school, He gets ta school at ten BES GS | | & when dows Conny come home .& tonnine. School starts at nine and ends at four pr from school? an After school Bobby goes home, does his homework and fil wm mnsnonnnnnnnonnnnses [ga Plays with his dog. At six o'clock his mum comes home | | 7 Wet does Bobby sometimes do from work. They have dinner and watch TV. Sometimes he iene? vlays computer games. Bobby goes to bed ot haf past I sine docs hchamewankinine’” |. evening? , sl &. Conny gets up at half past seven. Then she has ||| 9. When dees Bobby goto bed? breakfast ond goes to schoo! with her brother. . Scheel starts ot half post nine, She comes | | 10.Whot des Bobby doafterh |” ge home from school at quarter past three. Then See a times plays tennis with her frie ao = ae Sains cman Nuamemceonanes ees to bed? guitor. After that she wotches TV or reads a | 99°93? . wd book. She goes ta bed at nine o° clock. & Tell the time: ‘Write about your daily routinet | eh 10.15 T get op ot en Pos sinamaaeaanen ‘nd T have breakfast at . . 520 ” 199 10 werroncren fg ot ‘School |, + stents at and ; ° al ete ends at Teer in the/do/atternoon./my hemework/E ~~~ home a fi & nse aso 810 Tee my _*& to/walks/always/schodl /She never/to bed/go/We/at nt °| ESR

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