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Lesson plan

School: coala gimnazial General Nicolae ova, Poduri

Teacher: Diana Maria Amirei

Date: Week 4 (5th of October 9th of October 2015)

Class: II B

Textbook: Comunicare n limba englez, limba modern I, clasa a II-a (English with Nino)

Lesson: I love parties

Structures and vocabulary: family members; this is my mother/father, etc.; the hat is ;
colours; clothers; fairy tales; where is , there on the

Aims: Ss look at the picture and describe the location of each character

Ss listen to a rhyme and repeat

Ss present their drawings with their family using the structures this is my mother,
father, etc.

Ss recognize the characters from fairy tales

Ss put the stamps on the right invitations

Ss describe the dolls from the pictures

Materials: textbook, multimedia CD, blackboard.

Interaction: individual work, whole-class


1. Checking homework : Ss are asked to present their drawings with their families in front
of the class, using the structures this is my and pointing to the family members. Ss will
receive grades and stickers. The Ss who have not brought their drawings are given an extra
week to finish them 10 minutes

2. Warmer (10 minutes): review of previously learned material (page 11 and 12)

listening (page 12): T explains Ss their task: Ss listen and look

at the picture; T may play the CD two times

speaking: Ss look again at the picture and make up sentences as

in the example provided in exercise 2 from page 12.
listening (exercise 3 from page 12): Ss listen to the rhyme and
repeat it.

2. Exercises

a) exercise 4 from page 13: Ss look at the postcards and at the stamps. Afterwards, they are
asked to match the postcards with the invitations. After the finish, T asks them say what
stories they discovered on the postcards. T tries to help the Ss with the appropriate language:
fairy tales 5-7 minutes

b) exercise 5 from page 13: T explains the task to the Ss: Ss listen and put the appropriate
fruit in the basket in order to make a fruit salad. T asks Ss about their favourite fruits and how
would their favourite salad would look like. T helps with the necessary language 5 minutes

c) exercise 6 from page 13: Ss look at the dolls. T provides the appropriate words for this
exercise: clothes. T explains the task for this exercise: Ss describe the dolls clothes using the
words provided by the T and the appropriate colours 5-7 minutes

3. New lesson (Mrs. Smiths Pet)

a) T tells the Ss that they are going to talk about pets in a new lesson. T writes the title on the
board and asks Ss if they have a favourite pet after the T explains the word - 2 minutes

g) Ss look at pages 14 and 15. T tells Ss that they are going to listen to something while they
are looking at these two pages. Afterwards, T asks Ss about what they heard: what they
remembered and what is unclear 5 minutes

3. Closing: T asks Ss to draw their pet(s) and then present it to the class. If there is no more
time, Ss finish the drawing at home.
Lesson plan

School: coala gimnazial General Nicolae ova, Poduri

Teacher: Diana Maria Amirei

Date: Week 5 (12th of October 16th of October 2015)

Class: II B

Textbook: Comunicare n limba englez, limba modern I, clasa a II-a (English with Nino)

Lesson: Unit 1: Mrs Smiths pet

Structures and vocabulary: colours, locating things: the preposition on, expressing likes

Objectives: Ss present their drawings with their family using the structures this is my mother,
father, etc.

Ss look at the picture and answer comprehension questions about what they see

Ss listen and repeat new/familiar words

Ss listen to instructions and put spots on the dogs

Ss express their likes and describe the dogs from the pictures

Ss count the coloured spots and say their colour

Ss listen to a song and sing along

Materials: textbook, multimedia CD, blackboard.

Interaction: individual work, whole-class


1. Checking homework : Ss are asked to present their drawings with their families in front
of the class, using the structures this is my and pointing to the family members. Ss will
receive grades and stickers. Ss also present their drawings with their pets. The Ss who have
not brought their drawings are given an extra week to finish them 10 minutes

2. Warmer (10 minutes): review of previously learned material (page 12 and 13)

listening (page 15): T listen and repeat the words from exercise
2. T may repeat the words again and ask Ss to repeat after her.

Listening and speaking: Ss look again at the picture and answer

with yes or no to the sentences they hear. T may play the CD again. If Ss have
difficulties, T may provide help and guidance and extra explanations.
2. Exercises

a) exercise 4 from page 16: T explains the task to the Ss: Ss will listen to some instructions
and then they will put the spots on the dogs from the exercise. T checks. 2 minutes

b) exercise 5 from page 16: T explains the task to the Ss: Ss look at the two pictures from
the exercise and express their like for a particular dog and attempt to describe it following the
example 5 minutes

c) exercise 6 from page 17: Ss look at the exercise and count the coloured spots. Ss say how
many spots there are and what colour they are: there are _number_ __colour__ spots 3

d) Sing along: Ss listen to the song Theres a Doggy in the House. T plays the song two or
three times and Ss try to sing along 5 minutes

3. Closing: T explains the task: exercise 6, page 16: Simon Says. T explains the rules and Ss
play the game 5-7 minutes.
Lesson plan

School: coala gimnazial General Nicolae ova, Poduri

Teacher: Diana Maria Amirei

Date: Week 6 (19th of October 23rd of October 2015)

Class: II B

Textbook: Comunicare n limba englez, limba modern I, clasa a II-a (English with Nino)

Lesson: Unit 1: On the farm

Structures and vocabulary: animals on the farm; locating things, its a

Objectives: Ss present their drawings with their pets using the structures this is my pet(s)...

Ss look at the picture and listen

Ss look at the picture and answer comprehension questions about what they see

Ss listen and repeat new/familiar words

Ss listen to animal sounds and say what animal it is

Ss play a game of SUDOKU and fill in with the missing animal

Ss describe a picture using the two prepositions they learned on and behind.

Materials: textbook, multimedia CD, blackboard.

Interaction: individual work, whole-class


1. Checking homework : Ss are asked to present their drawings with their pets in front of the
class, using the structures this is my pet, and point to their pets. Ss describe their pets. Ss
will receive grades and stickers. The Ss who have not brought their drawings are given an
extra week to finish them 10 minutes

2. Warmer (10-12 minutes): review of previously learned material (page 16 and 17)

listening (page 19): T look at the picture from pages 16 and 17

and listen. T may play the CD several times and asks Ss what they
managed to understand. Ss listen and repeat the words from exercise 2.
T may repeat the words again and ask Ss to repeat after her.
Listening and speaking: Ss look again at the picture and answer
with yes or no to the sentences they hear. T may play the CD again. If Ss have
difficulties, T may provide help and guidance and extra explanations.

2. Exercises

a) exercise 4 from page 20: T explains the task to the Ss: Ss will listen to some animal
sounds, they point and identify the animals. Ss answer with sentences: Its a cat, dog, etc. Ss
listen and check. 5 minutes

b) exercise 5 from page 20: T explains the game of SUDOKU and explains the rules to the
Ss. T allows the Ss 2 minutes to complete the table. After they finish, the Ss listen and check
5 minutes

c) exercise 6 from page 21: Ss are asked to look at the picture from exercise 6. T explains
Ss that they should describe the picture as in the example provided by the exercise: The hat is
on the table, etc. T provides guidance and support. 10 minutes

d) Sing along: Ss listen to the song Old McDonald. T plays the song two or three times and
Ss try to sing along 5 minutes

3. Closing: Ss play the game Simon Says 5 minutes

Lesson plan

School: coala gimnazial General Nicolae ova, Poduri

Teacher: Diana Maria Amirei

Date: Week 7 (26th of October 30th of October 2015)

Class: II B

Textbook: Comunicare n limba englez, limba modern I, clasa a II-a (English with Nino)

Lesson: Unit 1: The donkey

Structures and vocabulary: animals on the farm/wild animals; big vs small; long vs short

Objectives: Ss present their drawings with their pets using the structures this is my pet(s)...

Ss describe a picture using the two prepositions they learned on and behind.

Ss look at the picture and listen

Ss look at the picture and answer comprehension questions about what they see

Ss listen and repeat new/familiar words

Ss identify the animals on the farm from various animals

Ss listen to some animal descriptions and identify the animals to which the
descriptions belong to

Materials: textbook, multimedia CD, blackboard.

Interaction: individual work, whole-class


1. Checking homework : Ss are asked to present their drawings with their pets in front of the
class, using the structures this is my pet, and point to their pets. Ss describe their pets. Ss
will receive grades and stickers 5-7 minutes

2. Warmer (2 minutes): review of previously learned material: animals on the farm (page

3. Summing up the previous lesson

a) exercise 6 from page 21: Ss are asked to look at the picture from exercise 6. T explains
Ss that they should describe the picture as in the example provided by the exercise: The hat is
on the table, etc. T provides guidance and support. 10 minutes
d) Sing along: Ss listen to the song Old McDonald. T plays the song two or three times and
Ss try to sing along 5 minutes

4. New lesson (The Donkey): pages 22 and 23

a) Listening (page 23): T look at the picture from pages 22 and 23 and listen. T may play the
CD several times and asks Ss what they managed to understand. Ss listen and repeat the
words from exercise 2. T may repeat the words again and ask Ss to repeat after her 5

b) Listening and speaking: Ss look again at the picture and answer with yes or no to the
sentences they hear. T may play the CD again. If Ss have difficulties, T may provide help and
guidance and extra explanations 5 minutes

2. Exercises

a) exercise 4 from page 24: T explains the task to the Ss: Ss will circle the animals on the
farm and they name them 2 minutes

b) exercise 5 from page 24: T explains the task. Ss look at exercise 5 from page 24. Ss listen
to animal descriptions and put the right number under the animals.

5. Closing: Ss sing the Old McDonald and Theres a Doggy in the House songs. T wishes Ss
a wonderful vacation and the Ss are free to go out.

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