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Understandings Statement: (what would participants come to understand

more through this experience?)
Participants will come to understand the different sections of a song: verse, chorus,
bridge, outro

2. I can Statements: (what specific skills and/or knowledges will participants

be able to affirm they can do at the end of this experience/)
I can identify different parts of a song as well as keep a steady tempo through
3. Materials: (what piece of music will you use and why?)
The piece of music I will be using is September by Earth, Wind and Fire. This is a very
upbeat and catchy song. It is a great beginner song for students to have because of the
simplistic layout and smooth, yet definitive transitions between each section.
4. Detailed Procedure: be sure that you have multiple sets of movements that
are single coordinated, double coordinated, single alternating, and double


- Head nod- single coordinated

Verse 1:
- Hand flicks left side (4 beats)- double coordinated
- Hand flicks right side (4 beats) double coordinated
- Hand flicks left side (4 beats)- double coordinated
- Hand flicks right side (4 beats) double coordinated
- Hand flicks left side (4 beats)- double coordinated
- Hand flicks right side (4 beats) double coordinated
- Hand flicks left side (4 beats)- double coordinated
- Hand flicks right side (4 beats) double coordinated
- Hand flick left hand (4 beats)- single coordinated
- Hand flicks right hand (4 beats)- single coordinated
- Hand flick left hand (4 beats)- single coordinated
- Hand flicks right hand (4 beats)- single coordinated
- Hand flick left hand (4 beats)- single coordinated
- Hand flicks right hand (4 beats)- single coordinated
- Hand flick left hand (4 beats)- single coordinated
- Hand flicks right hand (4 beats)- single coordinated
- Wave ya hands in the air (4 beats)- double coordinated
- Shoulders forward (2 beats)- complex
- Shoulders backward (2 beats)- complex
- Wave ya hands in the air (4 beats)- double coordinated
- Shoulders forward (2 beats)- complex
- Shoulders backward (2 beats)- complex
- Wave ya hands in the air (4 beats)- double coordinated
- Shoulders forward (2 beats)- complex
- Shoulders backward (2 beats)- complex
- Roll out (8 beats)- complex

- Jazz hands lean to right for 2 beats and lean to left for 2 beats (32 beats)- complex

Verse 2:
- Hand flicks left side (4 beats)- double coordinated
- Hand flicks right side (4 beats) double coordinated
- Hand flicks left side (4 beats)- double coordinated
- Hand flicks right side (4 beats) double coordinated
- Hand flicks left side (4 beats)- double coordinated
- Hand flicks right side (4 beats) double coordinated
- Hand flicks left side (4 beats)- double coordinated
- Hand flicks right side (4 beats) double coordinated
- Hand flick left hand (4 beats)- single coordinated
- Hand flicks right hand (4 beats)- single coordinated
- Hand flick left hand (4 beats)- single coordinated
- Hand flicks right hand (4 beats)- single coordinated
- Hand flick left hand (4 beats)- single coordinated
- Hand flicks right hand (4 beats)- single coordinated
- Hand flick left hand (4 beats)- single coordinated
- Hand flicks right hand (4 beats)- single coordinated

Chorus 2x:

- Wave ya hands in the air (4 beats)- double coordinated

- Shoulders forward (2 beats)- complex
- Shoulders backward (2 beats)- complex
- Wave ya hands in the air (4 beats)- double coordinated
- Shoulders forward (2 beats)- complex
- Shoulders backward (2 beats)- complex
- Wave ya hands in the air (4 beats)- double coordinated
- Shoulders forward (2 beats)- complex
- Shoulders backward (2 beats)- complex
- Roll out (8 beats)- complex

Verse 3:
- Hand flicks both right and left (32 beats)- double coordinated
Chorus 2x:

- Wave ya hands in the air (4 beats)- double coordinated

- Shoulders forward (2 beats)- complex
- Shoulders backward (2 beats)- complex
- Wave ya hands in the air (4 beats)- double coordinated
- Shoulders forward (2 beats)- complex
- Shoulders backward (2 beats)- complex
- Wave ya hands in the air (4 beats)- double coordinated
- Shoulders forward (2 beats)- complex
- Shoulders backward (2 beats)- complex
- Roll out (8 beats)- complex


- Disco- complex

5. Assessment: (how will you specifically know that participants have

developed your stated understanding and I can statements?)
By observing the other students and how they react to the movements.
Through asking questions after and having them discuss with partners.
Ex. What movements stuck out the most to you? Which section of the song did
that movement happen? Which movements do you remember? etc.
After this, they will try it again with even more understanding of each section of the

6. Extension: (how could you make this experience longer, alter it, or use it to
bridge to a new experience to give the feel of continuity for the participants?
I could have them come up with their own movements for each section of the song.

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