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Digital Bangladesh

Digital Bangladesh means an ICT based modern country where there will be an adequate
power supply, well-networked infrastructure, use of the internet, use of open-source software, e-
banking, e-commerce, and e-governance. Of late, the phrase Digital Bangladesh has been
much talked about. On the eve of the election, Bangladesh Awami League first declared vision
2021 with the aim to turn Bangladesh into a digital country by the next decade.

However, it refers to an estate where all its activities of governance, commerce, education,
agriculture etc will be powered by the computer and the internet. To cherish such a dream is
easy, but it is too much difficult to materialize this dream. Land phone, mobile, computer, laptop,
magazine and diary, e-book reader and many more tools of information technology will be
available in every nook and corner of the country.

People will no more have to stand in a queue to collect tickets, results etc or to deposit and
withdraw money or to buy and sell things. Broadly speaking, a digital society ensures an ICT
driven knowledge-based society where information will be readily available online and where all
possible tasks of the government, semi-government and also private spheres will be processed
using the modern technology. So, Digital Bangladesh must guarantee efficient and effective use
of modern ICT in all spheres of the society with a view to establishing good governance.

For materializing the plan, we need to ensure power sufficiency, better network infrastructure,
proper use of the internet, use of open source software, high English literacy rate, use of
modern technology in agriculture, e-learning and e-commerce etc. Time has come for
Bangladesh to develop her information technology and to turn her Digital Bangladesh. We need
to bear in mind that to be away from enriched information technology means to live like a frog
living in a well.

We should look at the advanced countries of the world so that we can get modern ways and
strategies from them to bring about a revolution for our ICT-based society. Like Mahathir
Muhammads Malaysia, we have to have our all-out efforts to materialize our desired Vision-
2021 for our betterment and own existence.
Digital Bangladesh: Dreams and reality

The slogan of Digital Bangladesh of the Government of Bangladesh has special significance for national
development. Digital Bangladesh with Vision 2021 is a big impetus for the use of digital technology in
the country. In spite of several bottlenecks and limitations, works are in progress for the realisation of
Digital Bangladesh. Several projects for digitalisation have been completed and a big number of projects
are under progress. The nation now, with over 12 crore mobile subscribers and 4.3 crore Internet
subscribers, enjoys the fruits of digitisation in numerous areas of activities. The ultimate objective is to
make more and more services available at the doorsteps of the people with increased digitalisation
where possible.
A few examples of available digital services are: registration for admission to academic institutions,
publication of results of examinations, registration for jobs abroad, registration of pilgrimage, collection
of official forms, online submission of tax returns, online tendering, etc. Online banking systems have
sped up the financial activities of the country. SMS services for lodging complaints to police stations,
online bill payments for utility services, instant communication with persons working abroad, and e-
passports are some more examples.
Telemedicine services, videoconferencing for the treatment of diseases, and video conferencing for
administrative activities are examples of e-services available to rural Bangladesh. Setting up of nearly
five thousand Union Information Service Canters is a great boost for Digital Bangladesh, especially for
rural areas. Turning eight thousand village post offices and approximately five hundred upazila post
offices into e-centers and the introduction of mobile money order and postal cash cards are significant
achievements in the recent past. Union Information Centers, District Information Cells, National
Information Cell are also revolutionary additions.
There are many more developments in the line. Deputy Commissioner Offices in districts and UNO
offices in upazilas provide a large number of e-services to rural clients. Direct digital services eliminate
middlemen and save both time and money. Without such online services, our cities and towns would
have turned into difficult places to live in.

Actions to be Taken
Bangladesh has an impressive track record of growth and development and aspires to achieve middle-
income status by its 50th birthday. The country needs faster growth which depends on increased
investments, development of human capital and enhanced productivity.
We have mentionable progress in ICT considering our previous condition. But keeping in mind our
current rank and status in comparison with other nations and the rapid development of ICT, the journey
ahead for Digital Bangladesh will not be smooth. Each new technology requires new skills and training.
Human capital is a key factor to develop and adapt innovative ideas and technologies. Quality ICT
education as well as ICT-based education from the primary to tertiary level, along with the orientation of
general mass in ICT should receive top priority.
Elimination of the digital divide between rural and urban areas and between Bangladesh and other
nations is essential in order to be at par with middle-income nations. A peaceful political environment is
essential for intellectual, social, cultural and economic development. Time and time again, the nation's
dream for Vision 2021 and Digital Bangladesh has been shattered by the turbulent political situation.
The country dearly needs a tranquil political environment for the development of all sectors, including
ICT, and for the realisation of Vision 2021 and Digital Bangladesh.

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