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Putting Customer First

Types of Testing

Goutam Jha

Putting Customer First

Putting Customer First

Testing Overview and Testing Techniques

Software testing is an important technique for assessing the quality of a

software product.

The basics of software testing, a verification and validation practice,

throughout the entire software development lifecycle.

The two basic techniques of software testing, black-box testing and white-
box testing.

Six types of testing that involve both black- and white-box techniques.

Strategies for writing fewer test cases and still finding as many faults as

Using a template for writing repeatable, defined test cases.

Putting Customer First

Putting Customer First

Introduction to Testing

Software testing is the process of analyzing a software item to detect

the differences between existing and required conditions (that is,
bugs) and to evaluate the features of the software item.

Software testing is an activity that should be done throughout the

whole development process.

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Putting Customer First

The Basics of Software Testing

There are two basic classes of software testing, black box testing and white
box testing.

Black box testing (also called functional testing) is testing that ignores the
internal mechanism of a system or component and focuses solely on the
outputs generated in response to selected inputs and execution conditions.

White box testing (also called structural testing and glass box testing) is
testing that takes into account the internal mechanism of a system or

The classes of testing are denoted by colors to depict the opacity of the testers
of the code.

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Putting Customer First

Black Box Testing

With black box testing, the software tester does not (or should not) have
access to the source code itself. The code is considered to be a big black
box to the tester who cant see inside the box. The tester knows only that
information can be input into to the black box, and the black box will send
something back out.

Based on the requirements knowledge, the tester knows what to expect

the black box to send out and tests to make sure the black box sends out
what its supposed to send out.

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Putting Customer First

White Box Testing

White box testing focuses on the internal structure of the software code.

The white box tester (most often the developer of the code) knows what the
code looks like and writes test cases by executing methods with certain

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Putting Customer First

In the context of V&V

Black box testing is often used for validation (are we building the right


White box testing is often used for verification (are we building the software

Putting Customer First

Putting Customer First

Six Types of Testing

There are several types of testing that should be done on a large software

Each type of test has a specification that defines the correct behavior the
test is examining so that incorrect behavior (an observed failure) can be

The six types and the origin of specification (what you look at to develop
your tests) involved in the test type are now discussed.

There are two issues to think about in these types of testing one is the
opacity of the testers view of the code (is it white or black box testing).

The other issue is scale (is the tester examining a small bit of code or the
whole system and its environment).

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Putting Customer First

Unit Testing

Opacity: White box testing

Specification: Low-level design and/or code structure

Unit testing is the testing of individual hardware or software units or

groups of related units. Using white box testing techniques, testers (usually
the developers creating the code implementation) verify that the code
does what it is intended to do at a very low structural level.

For example, the tester will write some test code that will call a method
with certain parameters and will ensure that the return value of this
method is as expected.

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Putting Customer First

Integration Testing

Opacity: Black- and white-box testing

Specification: Low- and high-level design

Integration test is testing in which software components, hardware

components, or both are combined and tested to evaluate the interaction
between them.

Using both black and white box testing techniques, the tester (still
usually the software developer) verifies that units work together when
they are integrated into a larger code base.

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Putting Customer First

Functional and System Testing

Opacity: Black-box testing

Specification: high-level design, requirements specification

Using black box testing techniques, testers examine the high-level design
and the customer requirements specification to plan the test cases to
ensure the code does what it is intended to do.

Functional testing involves ensuring that the functionality specified in the

requirement specification works.

System testing involves putting the new program in many different

environments to ensure the program works in typical customer
environments with various versions and types of operating systems and/or

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Putting Customer First

Acceptance Testing

Opacity: Black-box testing

Specification: requirements specification

After functional and system testing, the product is delivered to a customer

and the customer runs black box acceptance tests based on their
expectations of the functionality.

Acceptance testing is formal testing conducted to determine whether or not

a system satisfies its acceptance criteria (the criteria the system must
satisfy to be accepted by a customer) and to enable the customer to
determine whether or not to accept the system.

Putting Customer First

Putting Customer First

Regression Testing

Opacity: Black- and white-box testing

Specification: Any changed documentation, high-level design

Throughout all testing cycles, regression test cases are run.

Regression testing is elective retesting of a system or component to verify

that modifications have not caused unintended effects and that the
system or component still complies with its specified requirements.

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Putting Customer First

Beta Testing

Opacity: Black-box testing

Specification: None.

When an advanced partial or full version of a software package is

available, the development organization can offer it free to one or more
(and sometimes thousands) potential users or beta testers.

These users install the software and use it as they wish, with the
understanding that they will report any errors revealed during usage back
to the development organization.

These users are usually chosen because they are experienced users of
prior versions or competitive products.

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Putting Customer First

Levels of Software Testing

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Putting Customer First

Thank You

Goutam Jha

Putting Customer First

Putting Customer First

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