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Evidencia 10: Selection criteria in distribution channels; Ceramicol Company

You and your team have been contracted by the company Ceramicol to carry out a
market study containing the following points:

Choose and manage the distribution channels most appropriate

according the nature of the product in this case would be the dishes.

Over time, distribution centers have gained importance, as companies have

become aware that transactions within the distribution area are a source of
opportunities for competitive advantage over the competition.

An efficient distribution center has a fundamental impact on the overall success of

the logistics chain, and it underpins two of the most differentiating factors today
(cost and service level). It is also important to make a description of the operations
performed within the Distribution Center to meet the Company Ceramicol logistics
practices employed there.

The distribution center is responsible for the circulation and delivery of the product
in the right place, with the required quantities and at the right time and if the
distribution center fails, can result in serious problems that are reflected in
dissatisfied customers and financial losses for the company. The idea is to identify
and initially describe the fundamental operations carried out in the Company's
distribution center Ceramicol such as storage of merchandise, order preparation,
the loading of containers, etc. in order to make the process of distributing and
everything involved to get the dishes to customers.

Then identifies and analyzes the indicators belonging to the range to help keep
track and monitor all activities carried out within this area. The purpose of
analyzing the indicators in the area of distribution is to find critical points and
provide solutions to problems that prevent proper operation of the range, this
analysis is done monthly and after analysis and search for causes, proceed with
the decision making and corrective actions to continuously improve and prevent
errors continue committing actions.

The distribution process dishes We Ceramicol Company is complex as higher

volumes handled and has a wide variety of clients such as Avon, Success,
Carrefour, among others that are around the world.
To ensure the availability of products should be controlled inventory in physical
wineries of each of the companies belonging to the company, through a single
information system called Infor Lx, through this program allocation, programming
and is performed billing orders.

logistics operators: Logistics operators offer their services consisting be a specialist

in controlling the distribution and transport through systems that integrate the flow
of products and information Ceramicol Company Which means that specializes in
the management of supply, storage, transport and final distribution to the customer.
Ceramicol Company has several companies that facilitate the performance of
logistics operations and among them are:

Logistics and Transport: The process of physical distribution, that is to say,

handling inventory and contracting with the carriers is in charge of logistics
operator Logistics & Transport, this company is responsible for managing all
distribution centers companies Organization (outsourced). On the other hand, it is
the part of the programming of the offices, which is composed of people who work
directly for Ceramicol Company. In short, the distribution is a shared and integrated
by two companies of the organization work: Ceramicol Company and L & T.

Selective Transportation: Provider of Logistics Services operations Ceramicol

Company subsidiary called Crown corporation Hotel ware supporting the
management and administration of the DY winery located in New Jersey.

Define the characteristics of buyer and market characteristics (USA).

USA It is not a homogeneous market, because considering its size and the varied
ethnic and religious composition of its population have resulted in the existence of
many different sub markets or markets, which would argue that there will always be
a niche in which venture

Because it is a highly competitive market, a new exporter must develop marketing

strategies that allow, in addition to highlighting the attributes of your product apart
from the competition.

The consumers

The average American citizen can be qualified as a person with high level of
consumption and always open to trying new products and experiment. This leads
to be demanding, be informed and be aware of what you consume, even with
environmental care.

In legal terms it is well aware of their rights as consumers and makes use of the
laws that protect it. In the case of being harmed, will no doubt bring a lawsuit
against damage caused by poor quality products, and will have institutions that
support it.
It is true that the price is a relevant variable in deciding purchases, but factors such
as quality, warranty and after sales service are equally or more important.

Develop a report on the most successful way to enter the American


The US market is highly demanding in terms of quality of products imported from

any country in the world. For this reason, entry to this market requires compliance
with international quality standards.

For SMEs first attempt to enter the US market as indirect exporters, it is highly
recommended to explore the market first of suppliers, with the aim to know the
market better and gain experience in the different export processes. In the sector
there are two main options for suppliers:

The US market is highly demanding in terms of quality of products imported from

any country in the world. For this reason, entry to this market requires compliance
with international quality standards.

For SMEs first attempt to enter the US market as indirect exporters, it is highly
recommended to explore the market first of suppliers, with the aim to know the
market better and gain experience in the different export processes. In the sector
there are two main options for suppliers:
As suppliers of fresh produce exporters. Usually these companies provide
technical advice on the different stages of cultivation and post-harvest.
Please check well in advance, to more than one company on the conditions
of employment in the planning stage of the crop; It should be taken into
account that most companies specialize in certain products, according to
market demand. The list of exporting companies, can be found in the
Directory of Exporters published annually -AGEXPORT-.

As input suppliers exporting companies, including among others: plastic

bags, cardboard boxes and wood, prepared wax, ice, chemicals, fertilizers,
seeds, etc.

Think about expanding internationally was ten years ago something only part of the
strategies of large multinational companies, at least it was with American
companies as European -of all size- have always been very prone to develop
international markets simply because their local markets are very small. Mexico
-while there is no recovery in the purchasing power will remain a small market for
many products. This, in addition to the traditional advantages of looking for
customers in other latitudes (very obvious to many people today, but it is worth
mentioning: -not have a position of defense-attack against competitors, diversify
risks and income and take advantage of economies of scale, etc.), it makes it
imperative that every business no matter how small should think from the outset to
seek other markets. This sounds interesting; however, there are a lot of failed
attempts to go international markets for companies of all types and sizes.

There is no "one" best way to access a market. The best way depends on the
competitive environment, legal environment, degree of urgency, among others. It
has been found that precisely the successful international companies are able to
access different markets in a variety of ways. To illustrate this, I will mention the
case of Bimbo, one of the most successful Mexican companies in international
markets. "Bimbo began to expand internationally by 1989, initially expanding into
Latin America.

His strategy was to acquire or ally itself with the number one location in each
market where Bimbo had something to offer in terms of technology or distribution
capacity. However, only would these alliances with companies that share their
values. Not find the above would enter the market from scratch "Citing its strategy
and three possibilities to access the market are emerging: acquiring a company,
make a strategic alliance or start from scratch.

To mention some specific cases in Costa Rica acquired the second bread maker in
the country in 1995; in Colombia they made a strategic alliance with Noel (market
leader in biscuits), while in Nicaragua put a distribution center bringing goods from
El Salvador and Costa Rica. The interesting thing is that each way to access a
market requires very different skills and of course each has its pros and cons. For
example, start from scratch provides the opportunity to choose all in line with our
corporate culture, develop our own people, but offers very high risks because they
have no previous experience in the market. In contrast, strategic alliances offer
great advantages in terms of market experience, but they have great problems in
terms of cultural, commercial or other integration.

A successful international company has the possibility to choose the best way to
access the market and generally not repeated again and again the same pattern of
expansion in different markets. It is now a "classic mistake" international expansion
have the same type of business in different markets.

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