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Expresiones del Ingls
Lesson 1
A bit: a small amount, some
(un poquito, un poco, un pedazo)
- Mary, would you like me to cut a piece of chocolate cake for you?
- Yes, please. It sounds delicious
- Would you like a large piece?
- No. Im on a diet, so just give me a bit

About time: finally, but late

(al fin, ya era tiempo)
- Its about time you arrived. Ive been waiting for an hour
- Im sorry but I had a little problem. I couldnt get my car started
- My battery was dead
- Youve had lots of problems with that battery. Its about time to get a new one

About to: ready to, going to

(listo para, a punto de)
- Whats your hurry?
- I must hurry. My train is about to leave and there wont be another til tomorrow

Above all: especially, most important

(sobre todo, particularmente)
- Where are the children going?
- They said they were going to the park to play
- Children, be careful and above all, look both ways before you cross the street

Whats the matter?: what is wrong, not as it should be

(qu pasa?, qu ocurre?)
- You look worried. Whats the matter?
- I think Ive lost my wallet. Its got my drivers license in it
- Well, I hope you find it soon

A number: many, a large quantity

(una cantidad, bastante)
- Are you enjoying the party?
- Yes, but there are a number of people I dont know
- Dont worry. Just move around and youll get to know them

Any number: many, various

(muchos, varios)
- Do you know how to get to the airport?
- Yes, I can show you any number of ways to get to the airport, but Ill tell you the fastest way

to get there
Anyway: no matter what happens
(de cualquier modo, de todos modos)
- How are you today?
- I dont feel well. I think i have the flu
- Are you going to work or are you staying home?
- I have lots of work to do, so Im going to work anyway

Apart from Aside from: besides, except for

(aparte de, con la excepcin de)
- Whos the new girl working with you?
- Her name is Lisa. She just moved here from New York
- Oh really?. Does she know anybody here?
- Apart from her sister, who lives here, she doesnt know anyone in the city

At the top of ones voice: as loudly as possible

(con voz alta, con voz de cuello)
- Whats that noise?
- Thats johns mother calling him at the top of her voice
- Boy! She sure can yell!

Back and foth: backwards and forwards, from side to side

(de un lado al otro, de aqu para all)
- Whats the matter? You look pale
- I feel a little sick
- Is this the first time youve been on a boat?
- Yes, I think the rocking back and forth of the boat is making me sea-sick

To back up: to move backwards

- You seem a little worried. Whats the matter?
- I have to have my driving test today and Im too nervous
- But you drive well
- Yes, but I always get nervous when I have to back up the car and park

Beats me! : no explanation, not able to understand

(no me lo explico)
- I just dont understand how Charlie does it
- Does what?
- It beats me how he can eat so much and not gain any weight

To blow up: to destroy by explosion, to break
(estallar, reventar)

- Have you heard what is going on downtown?

- No. I havent. What is going on?
- Some terrorist got into City Hall and are threatening to blow up the building!

Brand new: as new as when it was first purchased, not worn

(enteramente nuevo)

- Thats a nice blue suit. I dont think Ive ever seen your wear it before
- Its true. Its brand new. I just bought it.

To break down: to fall apart, to stop functioning

(descomponerse, dejar de funcionar)

- Why are you so late in getting to work?

- My car broke down. I was coming on the freeway when all this smoke started to come out
of the hood of the car and then my radiator blew up
- I think its about time you got a new car

To bring up: to raise, educate

(criar, educar)

- Have you met Johns daughter yet?

- No, I havent. But Im looking forward to meeting her.
- Yes, she seems to be a very fine young lady. Her parents certainly brought her up to be very

To bump into: to meet unexpectedly

(tropezarse con alguien, darse de cara con alguien)

- Remember Art who used to work for Jim?

- Yes, I remember him. What about him?
- Well. I bumped into him this morning downtown, and he told me he had gotten married.

By heart: by memory, to memorize something

(de memoria)

- I need to call the T.V. repairman. Do you know where I could find the number?
- Dont worry, you dont have to look it up
- I know that number by heart, its 463-2373

By mistake: by error
(por equivocacin)

- You look like you have a problem

- Yes, I do
- What is it?
- Well, by mistake I sent the wrong check to the telephone company and now they are going
to turn my phone off.

By the way: as an added fact

(a propsito, entre parntesis)

- Well, Im going to work this afternoon on a new account

- Good luck
- By the way, Ill be late for dinner

To call off: to cancel, to postpone

(cancelar, posponer)

- I didnt expect to see you here for lunch. I thought you were busy.
- The boss call off the meeting he had planned, so there I am!

To call up: to call on the telephone

(llamar por telfono)

- Did anyone call me up while I was out?

- Yes, Mister Smith called you up and wants you to return his call.

Cannot help: cannot be prevented

(no poder contenerse)

- I called you last night to go to the movies, but you werent home
- Oh, too bad. What did you see?
- I saw this new comedy with Richard Pryor. Its really funny, I just couldnt help laughing
throughout the whole movie

To be carried away: to have strong feelings, to be distracted by emotion

(entusiasmarse, arrebatarse)

- What happened when you told your boss that you had hit his car?
- He was carried away with anger. He started yelling and screaming!

Lesson 2

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