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On the time periodic solutions and the asymptotic

stabilities of GFDs and the related equations

Chun-Hsiung Hsia

National Taiwan University

joint work with Ming-Cheng Shiue, Bongsuk Kwon, Shih-Shin Chen, Chang-Yeol
Chang, Thien Binh Nguyen

Dec 24, 2014

Chun-Hsiung Hsia On the time periodic solutions and the asymptotic stabilitie
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
1 Oceanic fluid is made up of a slightly compressible fluid with
Coriolis force.
2 Often described by Navier-Stokes equation, Boussinesq
equation and primitive equation.
3 Important characteristics : stratification, rotation, temporal
periodicity, steady states
4 Only the stable flows could be observed in real world or
numerical experiments.

Chun-Hsiung Hsia On the time periodic solutions and the asymptotic stabilitie
Time periodic flows
(A) (Bona-Hsia-Ma-Wang, 2011) The Hopf bifurcation diagrams
of the double-diffusive equation ( Boussinesq equation coupled
with temperature diffusion and salinity diffusion ) is clearly
classified according to the regions in the phase space of
temperature Rayleigh number and salinity Rayleigh number
under suitable physical conditions. This demonstrates a
mechanism that produces time periodic circulations due to
(B) (Hsia-Shiue, 2013; Hsia, Jung, Kwon, Nguyen, Chen, Shiue )
The analysis for Navier-Stokes equations and viscous Burgers
equations demonstrates the existence of time periodic flows
due to the time periodic external force. The rigorous
mathematical analysis shows that there exists at least one
(stable or unstable) time periodic flow with the presence of
time periodic force in the GFD system.

Chun-Hsiung Hsia On the time periodic solutions and the asymptotic stabilitie
The effects of time periodic force in GFD
Let f denote the amplitude of the external force in certain
appropriate norm. There exists two positive numbers 0 < f1 < f2
such that
1 For 0 < f < f1 , the time periodic flow is temporal
asymptotically stable (Hence, the time periodic flow is
2 In case f1 < f < f2 , the numerical experiments show that
there exist several locally temporal asymptotically stable time
periodic flows.
3 If f > f2 , the numerical experiments show that there does not
exist stable flows.

Chun-Hsiung Hsia On the time periodic solutions and the asymptotic stabilitie
Physical Implications
Intuitively speaking, it is reasonable to expect that the time
periodic external force produces the time periodic flows. This is
verified by rigorous mathematics in our analysis for a wide class of
model equations. However, while the force is too large (f > f2 ),
the time periodic flows lose its stabilities which means it cannot be
captured by physical or numerical experiments. Only the flows
generated by small time periodic force (f < f2 )could be observed.

Chun-Hsiung Hsia On the time periodic solutions and the asymptotic stabilitie
The Primitive Equation

v v 2v
+ (v )v + w + f v + p = 1 4v + 1 2 + F1
t z z
v+ =0
+ (v ) + w = 2 4 + 2 2 + F2
t z z

Chun-Hsiung Hsia On the time periodic solutions and the asymptotic stabilitie
Large-scale moist atmosphere model (primitive equation)

v v f 2v
+ v v + w + k v + = 1 4v + 1 2 + F1 ,
t R0
= (1 + aq)T, (2)
div v + = 0, (3)

T T bP 2T
+ v T + w (1 + aq)w = 2 4T + 2 2 + F2 ,
t p
q q 2q
+ v q + w = 3 4q + 3 2 + F3 , (5)

Chun-Hsiung Hsia On the time periodic solutions and the asymptotic stabilitie
The Primitive Equation
1 v = (v , v ) is the horizontal velocity
2 w is the vertical velocity in p-coordinate system
3 is the geopotential
4 T is the temperature and q is the mixing ratio of water vapor
in the air
5 P is an approximate value of the pressure at the surface of the
6 p0 is the pressure of the upper atmosphere (p0 > 0)
7 the variable satisfies p = (P p0 ) + p0 (p0 p P ).

Chun-Hsiung Hsia On the time periodic solutions and the asymptotic stabilitie
M = S 2 (0, 1),
The boundary conditions supplemented to the system (1)-(8) are

v T q
on = 1 (p = P ) : = 0, w = 0, = T, = q, (6)

v T q
on = 0 (p = p0 ) : = 0, w = 0, = 0, = 0. (7)

Here, and are given positive constants.

Chun-Hsiung Hsia On the time periodic solutions and the asymptotic stabilitie
Let e , e , e be the unit vectors in -, - and - directions of the
space domain M respectively which are defined by
e = , e = , e = .

Chun-Hsiung Hsia On the time periodic solutions and the asymptotic stabilitie
1 1922 Richardson
2 1992 Lions, Temam and Wang
3 2006 Kobelkov
4 2007 Cao and Titi
5 2007 Ju
6 2010 Tachim

Chun-Hsiung Hsia On the time periodic solutions and the asymptotic stabilitie
Cao-Titi, Kobelkov
Let F1 = 0, F2 H 1 (M), (v 0 , 0 ) V1 V2 and T > 0, then
there exists a unique strong solution (v, ) to the system of 3D
viscous Primitive equations on the interval [0, T ], which depends on
the initial data continuously in H1 H2 .

Chun-Hsiung Hsia On the time periodic solutions and the asymptotic stabilitie
Reformulation of w and p
Z z
w(x, y, z, t) = v(x, y, , t) d
Z z
p(x, y, z, t) = p0 (x, y, t) (x, y, , t) d

Chun-Hsiung Hsia On the time periodic solutions and the asymptotic stabilitie
Integral differential equation
Z z
v v
+ (v )v ( v(x, y, , t) d) + f v
t h z
Z z
+p0 ( (x, y, , t) d) = 1 4v + 1 2 + F1 ,
h z
Z z

+ (v ) ( v(x, y, , t) d)
t h z

= 2 4 + 2 2 + F2 ,
v v v
= = 0, v ~n = 0, ~n = 0,

z u z b l ~n l

= = 0, = 0.
z u z b ~n l

Chun-Hsiung Hsia On the time periodic solutions and the asymptotic stabilitie
1 R0
v = v(x, y, z, t) dz,
h h
v = v v.

Chun-Hsiung Hsia On the time periodic solutions and the asymptotic stabilitie

+ (v )v + (v )v + ( v)v + f v
Z z
+p0 (x, y, , t) d = 1 4v + F1 ,
v = 0,
v ~n|M0 = 0, ~n|M0 = 0,

Chun-Hsiung Hsia On the time periodic solutions and the asymptotic stabilitie
Z z
v v
+ (v )v ( v(x, y, , t) d)
t h z
+(v )v + (v )v (v )v + ( v)v + f v
Z z Z z
(x, y, , t) d + (x, y, , t) d
h h
2 v
= 1 4v + 1 2 + F1 ,
v v v
= = 0, v ~n = 0, ~n = 0,

z u z b l ~n l

Chun-Hsiung Hsia On the time periodic solutions and the asymptotic stabilitie
Theorem 1
Let F L (0, T ; L2 (M)3 ), F/z L (0, T ; L2 (M)3 ),
(v 0 , 0 ) V1 V2 , v 0 /z L4 (M)2 , 0 /z L4 (M), and
T > 0. Then there exists a unique strong solution (v, ) to the
system of 3D viscous Primitive equations on the interval [0, T ] with
v/z L2 (0, T ; L4 (M)2 ) and /z L2 (0, T ; L4 (M)), which
depends on the initial data continuously in V1 V2 .

Chun-Hsiung Hsia On the time periodic solutions and the asymptotic stabilitie
Main Theorem
Let F = (F1 , F2 ) L (0, ; (L2 (M))3 ) C(0, ; (L2 (M))3 ))
and F/z L (0, ; L2 (M)3 ) be nontrivial and periodic in
time with period T . Assume that |F |L (0,;(L2 (M))3 ) and
|F/z|L (0,;(L2 (M))3 ) are small enough, then there exists a time
periodic strong solution (v, ) to the primitive equation. Moreover,
this time periodic solution is a global attractor of the solutions of
the primitive equation.

Chun-Hsiung Hsia On the time periodic solutions and the asymptotic stabilitie

|v 0 |2H 1 + |0 |2H 1 + | v 0 2 0 2
z |L4 + | z |L4 1 ,
|F |2L (0,;(L2 (M))3 ) + | F 2
z |L (0,;(L2 (M))2 ) 2 ,

then we have
2 2 v(t) 2 (t) 2
sup |v(t)|H 1 + |(t)|H 1 + | | 4 +| | 4 C(1 , 2 ),
t0 z L z L

C(1 , 2 ) & 0 as 1 + 2 & 0.

Chun-Hsiung Hsia On the time periodic solutions and the asymptotic stabilitie
Sketch of Proof for the Main Theorem
Step 1. Let = 14 min{1 , 1 , 2 , 2 }. Choose 1 and 2 small
enough so that the constant C(1 , 2 ) in the Lemma satisfies

C(1 , 2 ) < .
2(1 + )

Let (v 0 (x, y, z, t), 0 (x, y, z, t)) the solution with initial condition
(v 0 , o ), where (v 0 , o ) satisfies the assumption in the Lemma. For
another solution (v 00 (x, y, z, t), 00 (x, y, z, t)), we define

(u, ) = (v 00 , 00 ) (v 0 , 0 ).

Chun-Hsiung Hsia On the time periodic solutions and the asymptotic stabilitie
The difference
(u, ) satisfies
Z z
u u
+ (u )u ( ( u) d) + f k u
t h z
Z z
0 0 u
+(u )v + (v )u ( ( v 0 ) d)
h z
Z z
v 0 Z z
2 u
( ( u) d) d = 1 4u + 1 2 .
h z h z

Z z 0
( + )
+ (u )(0 + ) ( u d) + (v 0 )
t h z
Z z
( v 0 d) = 2 4 + 2 2 ,
h z z

Chun-Hsiung Hsia On the time periodic solutions and the asymptotic stabilitie
Z 0
u d = 0,
u u u
|u = |b = 0, u ~n|l = 0, ~n|l = 0,
z z z

|u = |b = 0, | = 0.
z z n l

Chun-Hsiung Hsia On the time periodic solutions and the asymptotic stabilitie
Taking the L2 inner product of (u, ) with the difference equation,
we obtain

1d u
|u|2 2 + 1 |u|2L2 + 1 | |2L2
2 dt L z
Z Z z
= b(u, v 0 , u) + ( d)u dM,
M h
1d 2
|| 2 + 2 ||2L2 + 2 |z |2L2 = b(u, 0 , )
2 dt L

Chun-Hsiung Hsia On the time periodic solutions and the asymptotic stabilitie
R Rz v 0
|b(u, v 0 , u)| = | M (u )v 0 u dM M ( h ud)
u dM|
M |u||v 0 ||u| dM + M | u|L2 (z) | v
z ||u| dM
|u|L2 |v 0 |L3 |u|L6 + c|u|L2 | v
z |L4 |u|L4
(By Sobolev and Ladyzhenskayas inequalities in R3 )
1/2 1/2 0
c|v 0 |L2 |v 0 |H 1 |u|L2 |u|H 1 + c|u|L2 | v
z |L4 |u|L4
C(1 , 2 )(|u|2L2 + | |2L2 )

Chun-Hsiung Hsia On the time periodic solutions and the asymptotic stabilitie
0 0
|b(u, , )| = | u ( ) dM ( ud) dM|
M M h z
|u||0 ||| dM + c | u|L2 (z) | ||| dM
M M z
|u|L3 |0 |L2 ||L6 + c|u|L2 | | 3 ||L6
z L
(By Sobolev and Ladyzhenskayas inequalities in R3 )
1/2 1/2 0
|u|L2 |u|H 1 |0 |L2 ||H 1 + c|u|L2 | | 4 ||H 1
 z L

C(1 , 2 ) |u|2L2 + ||2L2 + | |2L2

Chun-Hsiung Hsia On the time periodic solutions and the asymptotic stabilitie
Z Z z
| ( d)u dM| h||L2 |u|L2 |u|2L2 + c||2L2
M h 2

where c depends on h and 1 .

Chun-Hsiung Hsia On the time periodic solutions and the asymptotic stabilitie
d u
|u|2L2 + (|u|2L2 + | |2L2 ) c||2L2 ,
dt z
d 2
|| 2 + 2(||2L2 + | 2 2
z |L2 ) C(1 , 2 )|u|L2 ,
dt L

Chun-Hsiung Hsia On the time periodic solutions and the asymptotic stabilitie
Z t
|u(t)|2L2 + et es (|u|2L2 + | |2L2 ) ds
0 z
Z t
et |u(0)|2L2 + cet es ||2L2 ds,
Z t
2 2t 2 2t
|(t)|L2 e |(0)|L2 + C(1 , 2 )e e2s |u|2L2 ds.

ce1 t
t 2t
|u|2L2 + |(t)|2L2 e |u(0)|2L2 + e + |(0)|2L2 . (9)

Chun-Hsiung Hsia On the time periodic solutions and the asymptotic stabilitie
Now, set for m > k,

v 00 (x, y, z, t) = v 0 (x, y, z, t + (m k)T ), 00 (x, y, z, t) =

0 (x, y, z, t + (m k)T )

By (9), we see that (v 00 , 00 ) is a Cauchy sequence.

Put t = kT . We see that (v 00 (mT ), 00 (mT )) converges to some
(v000 , 000 ).
We can show that the strong solution with initial condition (v000 , 000 )
is a time periodic solution and this solution is a global attractor of
the solutions of the primitive equations.

Chun-Hsiung Hsia On the time periodic solutions and the asymptotic stabilitie
Theorem (Guo and Huang)
Let F1 = 0, (F2 , F3 ) H 1 (M)2 , (v 0 , T0 , q0 ) V1 V2 V3 and
T > 0, then there exists a unique strong solution (v, T, q) to the
system of 3D viscous primitive equations of the large-scale moist
atmosphere on the interval [0, T ], which depends on the initial data
continuously in H1 H2 H3 .

Chun-Hsiung Hsia On the time periodic solutions and the asymptotic stabilitie
Assume F = (F1 , F2 , F3 ) L (0, ; L2 (M)4 ),
F/ L (0, ; L2 (M)4 ), (v 0 , T0 , q0 ) V ,
v 0 / L4 (M)2 , T0 / and q0 / L4 (M). For (v, T, q),
the strong solution to (1)-(8) with IC (v 0 , T0 , q0 ) such that if
(v 0 , T0 , q0 ) and F = (F1 , F2 , F3 ) satisfies

v 0 2 T0 2 q0 2
||v 0 ||21 + ||T0 ||21 + ||q0 ||21 + | | +| | +| |
4 4 4
1 1 , (10)
F 2
|F |2L (0,;L2 (M)4 ) + | | 2 4 2 2 , (11)
L (0,;L (M) )

Chun-Hsiung Hsia On the time periodic solutions and the asymptotic stabilitie
Then we have
n v(t) 2 T (t) 2
sup ||v(t)||21 + ||T (t)||21 + ||q(t)||21 + | |4 + | |
t0 4
q(t) 2 o
+| | K(1 , 2 ),

Chun-Hsiung Hsia On the time periodic solutions and the asymptotic stabilitie
Suppose F = (F1 , F2 , F3 ), F/ L (0, ; L2 (M)4 ). There
exists a positive number 2 such that if
F 2
|F |2L (0,;L2 (M)4 ) + | | 2 4 2 , (12)
L (0,;L (M) )

then for any two strong solutions (v 1 (t), T1 (t), q1 (t)) and
(v 2 (t), T2 (t), q2 (t)) of the system (1)-(8), we have
lim |v 1 (t)v 2 (t)|22 +|T1 (t)T2 (t)|22 +|q1 (t)q2 (t)|22 = 0. (13)

The convergence rate in (13) is exponential.

Chun-Hsiung Hsia On the time periodic solutions and the asymptotic stabilitie
Let F L (0, ; L2 (M)4 ) C(0, ; L2 (M)4 ) and
F/ L (0, ; L2 (M)4 ) be nontrivial and periodic in time
with period T . There exists a constant 2 depending on the
diffusivity coefficients i , i , i = 1, 2, 3, the boundary condition
, and the size of domain such that if
F 2
|F |2L (0,;L2 (M)4 ) + | | 2 4 2 , (14)
L (0,;L (M) )

then there exists a time periodic strong solution (v, T, q) to the

system (1)-(8). Moreover, any other strong solution tends to this
time-periodic solution asymptotically in L2 sense.

Chun-Hsiung Hsia On the time periodic solutions and the asymptotic stabilitie
Serrin 1959
Reynolds number = V d/. Suppose the force term is a time
periodic function and the Navier-Stokes equation has a solution
with Reynolds number less than 5.71 and this solution is
equicontinuous in space variables for all the time t > 0. Then
there exists a asymptotic stable time periodic solution to the
Navier-Stokes equation.

Chun-Hsiung Hsia On the time periodic solutions and the asymptotic stabilitie
The Burgers type Equation

ut uxx + uux = F, x (0, 1), t 0, (15)

F (x, t) = F (x, t + T ).

u(0, t) = u(1, t) = 0, t 0, (16)

Look for solutions that satisfy

u(x, t) = u(x, t + T ), x [0, 1]. (17)

Chun-Hsiung Hsia On the time periodic solutions and the asymptotic stabilitie
Abstract form
+ Au + B[u, u] = F, t 0, (18)
u(0) = u(T ). (19)
F (t) C 1 (0, T ; H 1 (0, 1)2 ) and F (0) = F (T ), (20)
and let
M = sup |F (t)|2L2 + sup |F 0 (t)|2L2 . (21)
0tT 0tT

Chun-Hsiung Hsia On the time periodic solutions and the asymptotic stabilitie
Galerkin Method
Aej = j ej , j = 1, 2, .

ej H01 (0, 1).

um (x, t) = dj (t)ej (x).

Vm = span{e1 , e2 , , em }

Chun-Hsiung Hsia On the time periodic solutions and the asymptotic stabilitie
Suppose F C([0, T ]; H 1 (0, 1)), and M is given in (21). Then
there exists a time periodic strong solution u belonging to

C 1 ([0, T ] [0, 1]) L (0, T ; D(A))

of (15). Moreover, there exists M0 > 0 such that if M (0, M0 ),

then the time periodic solution with period T of (15) is unique.

Chun-Hsiung Hsia On the time periodic solutions and the asymptotic stabilitie
For each m, there exists a solution um C 1 ([0, T ]; Vm ) of the
nonlinear differential equation
, ej + a(um , ej ) + b(um , um , ej ) = hF, ej i,
dt (22)
um (0) = um (T ),

Chun-Hsiung Hsia On the time periodic solutions and the asymptotic stabilitie
For fixed w C([0, T ]; Vm ), there exists a unique solution
um C 1 ([0, T ]; Vm ) of the equation
, + a(um , ) + b(w, w, ) = hF, i, Vm
dt (23)
um (0) = um (T ).

u(t) + Au(t) = F(t),
u(0) = u(T ),
Z t
u(t) = e u(0) + e( t)A F( ) d.
u(0) = u(T ) = e u(0) + e( T )A F( ) d

Chun-Hsiung Hsia On the time periodic solutions and the asymptotic stabilitie
Theorem (Schaefers Fixed Point Theorem)
Let X be a Banach space. : X X is a continuous and
compact mapping. Assume that the set

{u X u = (u) for some 0 1}

is bounded. Then has a fixed point.

Chun-Hsiung Hsia On the time periodic solutions and the asymptotic stabilitie
A Priori Estimates
There exists a constant C(T, M , ) independent of n such that

sup |un (t)|2L2 C(T, M , ), (24)

sup kun (t)k2 C(T, M , ), (25)
sup |u0n (t)|2L2 C(T, M , ), (26)
|Aun |2L2 dt C(T, M , ), (27)
ku0n k2 dt C(T, M , ), (28)

for each solution un of (22), n = 1, 2, 3 .

Chun-Hsiung Hsia On the time periodic solutions and the asymptotic stabilitie
A Priori Estimates

sup |Aun |2L2 C(T, M , ), (29)

sup ku0n (t)k2 C(T, M , ), (30)
|un (t)|2L2 dt C(T, M , ), (31)

for each solution un of (22), n = 1, 2, 3 .

Chun-Hsiung Hsia On the time periodic solutions and the asymptotic stabilitie
There exists a constant M0 such that if M (0, M0 ), the time
periodic solution with period T of (15) is globally asymptotically
stable in V . Namely, any solution of (15) tends to this time
periodic solution in H 1 as t exponentially.

Chun-Hsiung Hsia On the time periodic solutions and the asymptotic stabilitie
Let w = v u.
|w|2 2 + kwk2 = b(u, w, w) b(w, v, w)
2 dt L
= b(u, w, w) b(w, u, w)
2C12 kwk2 . (32)

Chun-Hsiung Hsia On the time periodic solutions and the asymptotic stabilitie
d 1
|w|2L2 + (2 4C12 )kwk2 0. (33)
|w|2L2 (t) |w|2L2 (0)e(24C1 )t . (34)

Chun-Hsiung Hsia On the time periodic solutions and the asymptotic stabilitie
Integrating (33) from t0 to t0 + 1, by mean value theorem, we see
that there exists t1 [t0 , t0 + 1] such that
1 1
1 2
kwk (t1 ) (2 4C1 ) 2
|w|2L2 (0)e(24C1 )t0 . (35)

On the other hand, the integration of (33) over [t0 , ) gives

Z 1 1
kwk2 (s)ds (2 4C12 )1 |w|2L2 (0)e(24C1 )t0 . (36)

Chun-Hsiung Hsia On the time periodic solutions and the asymptotic stabilitie
kwk2 + |Aw|2L2 = b(u, w, Aw) b(w, v, Aw)
2 dt
= b(u, w, Aw) b(w, u, Aw) b(w, w, Aw)
2kukkwk|Aw|L2 + kwk2 |Aw|L2

|Aw|2L2 + 1 (4kuk2 + kwk2 )kwk2

|Aw|2L2 + 1 (4C1 (M, T, ) + kwk2 )kwk2 .
kwk2 (2 1 kwk2 )kwk2 + 8 1 C1 (M, T, )kwk2 . (37)

Chun-Hsiung Hsia On the time periodic solutions and the asymptotic stabilitie
Solving the differential inequality of (37), we see that, for any
t t1 ,
Z t
2 1 tt kwk2 (s)ds
kwk (t) e 1
kwk (t1 ) + 8 1 C1 kwk2 ( )d
(24C12 )t0
Ae , (by (35) and (36) ) (38)

where the constant

2 4C 2 )1 |w|2 (0) 1
A = e2(2 1 (1 + 8 1 C1 )(2 4C12 )1 |w|2L2 (0)

is independent of the choice of t0 .

Chun-Hsiung Hsia On the time periodic solutions and the asymptotic stabilitie
2 (24C12 )(t1)
kwk (t) Ae (40)

Chun-Hsiung Hsia On the time periodic solutions and the asymptotic stabilitie
Thank you very much for your attention!!

Chun-Hsiung Hsia On the time periodic solutions and the asymptotic stabilitie

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