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PRESENT SIMPLE - Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
verbs in brackets:

1. Rose's brother, Jim _______________ (have got) a dog. He ___________ (play)

with it every day.

2. Jim's friends _________________ (not live) near him. So he __________ (go)

home alone after school.

3. Jim ________________ (not collect) stamps like his sister. He _______________

(collect) cans.

4. Rose: Jim, ________________ (you/want) to go out with me and my friends?

Jim: No, I _______________. Your friends ________________ (not do)
interesting things.

5. Roses friends: ___________________ (Jim/walk) to school?

Rose: Yes, he _______________. He _______________ (walk) to school every

Complete the sentences using the Present Simple:

1. My parents _____________ (start) work at nine o'clock.

2. Marion _______________ (not have) lessons on Saturdays.
3. John usually ______________ (finish) school at four oclock.
4. Students ______________ (not like) homework, they __________ (prefer) sports.
5. Coimbra __________ (have) a very old university.
6. __________ she usually __________ (go) to school by bus? No, she __________
7. How often __________ Sue __________ (play) tennis?
8. We ____________ (live) in a large town in the north of France.
9. Mike ____________ (watch) TV every day.
10. Peter and Sue __________ (go) to a disco once a week.

Write the sentences in the correct order:

1 I / football / play

2 get up / Mark / 6 o'clock / at


3 John / go to bed / 11 p.m. / at


4 go / to school / they

5 we / TV / watch / dinner / after


Write sentences with the words given:

1) Rose/many/spend/a week/swimming/hours/.

2) Kimberley/going out/like/her friends/with/?

3) listening to/Rose's brothers/not enjoy/Mariah Carey/.

4) not wear/Kimberley/dresses/.

5) live/where/William/?

6) Jennys / . / home/ go/ bus/friends/by/usually

7) Play/basketball/does/?/she/often

8) . / at / the / to / cinema / weekend / Jenny / the / goes / always

9) her/ . / usually / parents / before / dont / arrive / home / at / 6.30

10) pm / at / . / never / after / stays / she / 4 / school

Adverbs of frequency - Insert the adverbs in brackets in the correct place:

Jenny falls asleep after the alarm clock rings (sometimes)

Do they talk about boys? (often)

She is late for school.(never)

Her parents don't arrive home before 6.30. (usually)

DAILY ROUTINE Put the actions in the right order

My Daily Routine:

a) I wash my face.
b) I come home at 1 oclock.
c) I have breakfast.
d) I do my homework.
e) I brush my teeth.
f) I get up at 8 oclock.
g) I have lunch at home.
h) I have a shower.
i) I go to school.
j) I have dinner at 8 o'clock.
k) I go to bed at 10 o'clock.
l) I play with my friends.
m) I wake up at five minutes to eight o'clock.
n) I watch TV.

Jenny's daily routine - Order the pictures according to the text.

Trr... Trr... Trr... the alarm clock rings.

It's seven o'clock. Jenny gets up and still half asleep goes to the bathroom where she
has a shower that makes her feel better. Next she gets dressed and goes to the
kitchen to have breakfast. She usually has a glass of milk and toast with jelly. After
breakfast she makes her bed and tidies up her room. She feels very happy to give a
hand to her mother.
She always goes to school on foot because it is just down the street. After the morning
lessons she goes to the canteen to have lunch. During the lunch break she gets
together with her best friends and they talk about different things but "boys" is always
their favourite topic.
In the afternoon it's time to play different sports. As Jenny is a very active girl she likes
to practise them all but she is very keen on basketball.
At 4 pm she is home again. Her parents return from work by 6.30 pm so she is alone
for two hours and a half. She generally has a light snack and after that does her
homework. When she has some spare time she listens to music or watches TV.
Dinner time is at about 7.30 pm. Again Jenny helps her mother and lays the table.
After the meal her father clears the table and the dishes and puts them in the
dishwasher. He also tidies the kitchen. Before going to bed jenny prepares everything
for the next day. Her bedtime is at 10 pm but at weekends she can stay up till later.

Say if the following sentences are true or false

a) Jenny feels sleepy when she wakes up.

b) She usually drinks a glass of juice at breakfast.

c) She likes to help her mother.

d) The school is near her home.

e) She only likes to practise basketball.

Ask questions about the expressions in bold.

1. _________________________________________________________?
They have dinner at 7.30 pm.

2. _________________________________________________________?
Yes, she does. Jenny helps her mother after dinner.

3. _________________________________________________________?
Her father puts the dishes in the dishwasher.
4. _________________________________________________________?
Before going to bed Jenny prepares everything for the next day.

Daily Routine - A working mother, a working father and a pupil speaking

about their daily activities

After reading the text, choose the correct ending for the following sentences:

Working mother
Well my life is pretty busy on weekdays. One thing I can't say is that I have a calm,
monotonous life. Everyday I have a set of different activities to carry out. Let's see:
- I have the housework to do: cleaning, washing, vacuuming, ironing and so on.
- I take the children to school and next I drive to work as fast as possible because I
don't want to get late to the office.
- During the lunch break I eat a sandwich and drink a juice in a hurry because I have
to go to the supermarket.
- After a tiring afternoon sitting in front of a computer and feeling terrible backache, I
go back home but on the way I still have to pick the children up from school.
- As soon as I arrive home I have dinner to prepare. My husband returns home late
and the only thing he helps me with is putting the children to bed. - I finally fall asleep
while watching TV.

Working father
My day is quite different from my wife's. I drive to work very early in the morning
because I have to be there at nine o'clock and there is always a lot of traffic. My office
is in the centre of the city. During the day I have several meetings. I usually have
business lunches which means that I don't really relax during the lunch break.
My afternoons are like my mornings. I usually work till late because there are always
important decisions to make. When I arrive home I play with the children for a while
and I help my wife putting them to sleep. After that I usually watch TV or read the
evening newspaper.

My daily activities are very similar to any other schoolboy: in the morning I catch the
bus and go to school where I spend all day having lessons, talking and playing with my
friends. In the afternoon I practise sports. The one I prefer is basketball. At 3.30 I am
back home. During the afternoon I do my homework and watch TV. My day is not very
exciting, is it?

1. The working mother thinks her life is not very calm because she
a) works very hard in the office.
b) always has many things to buy at the supermarket.
c) has many different things to do during the day.

2. She falls asleep because

a) the TV programme is tiring.
b) she feels very tired.
c) she is tired of watching TV.

3. The working father doesn't have a quiet lunch because

a) there is always too much noise at the restaurant.
b) he has business meetings during lunch.
c) he receives many business calls during lunch.

4. The schoolboy thinks his day is not very exciting because

a) he doesn't do the things he likes
b) he does the same things every day.
c) he doesn't like going to school.

Family Relationships - Complete what Jane says:

Rose and Mary are my ________________.

Peter is my ______________ and my parents _________________.

Sue is my _______________ and my parents __________________.

Jenny is my mother's ______________ and my ________________.

I am James's _______________.

Bill is my mother's _______________. He is my _____________ and my cousins


Miriam is Bill's ______________, David and Kates _____________ and my fathers


David is Simon and Mary's __________________.

My uncle's children are my __________________.
Sports and Games Identify them through the descriptions made:

a) We like this game. And it is England's national game! We need two teams of
eleven players. To practise the game the players need a bat and a red ball. To
win we have to hit the ball with the bat and run before the ball comes back.

b) I like this sport a lot! You can practise it in the sea, in the ocean or in some
lakes with underwater caves. You need fins, a mask, a wet suit and an air tank.

c) This sport started in Hawaii. I practise it in the summer and in the winter with a
special suit: the water is sometimes so cold! You need to buy only one thing to
enjoy this sport: a surfboard.

d) Americans just love this game! You can play it indoors or outdoors on a court.
There are five players in each team. To play it you have to bounce and pass the
ball. It's much easier to hit the ball into the basket when you're tall and I mean
real tall!

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