Campbell - Spotlight On Yugoslavia (Roman Catholic Ustashi Terror) (1995)

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(The contents of this booklet are based upon lectures given by the author, across

Northern Ireland during the Spring of 1995.)


Alan Campbell has an Honours Degree in History from London University,
and is Head of Religious Studies at a High School near Belfast. He is the
author of some three dozen other Biblical and Historical Study booklets, and
has lectured extensively on Protestant and Prophetic platforms across the
United Kingdom, the United States and in Canada and Australia.
The decision of the Bosnian Serbs to hold United Nations troops, including
British and French soldiers as hostages, and to use them as human shields,
to prevent further N. A.T.O. bombing of their positions, has once again forced
the ongoing three-cornered Civil War in the former Yugoslavia onto the front
page of our newspapers and to the forefront of our Television News
For four years we have watched with increasing horror as Yugoslavia, an
apparently secure and civilised European nation, has disintegrated before
our eyes. We have been amazed as we have seen a country which has been
at peace for almost fifty years, and whose Adriatic resorts had become a
virtual Mecca for British tourists in search of the sun, sink into one of the
bloodiest civil wars in recent history, which because of its cruelty has brought
a new phrase into our vocabulary:- "ETHNIC CLEANSING". It seems
somehow inconceivable that Sarajevo which just a decade ago was hosting
the Winter Olympics, or historic Dubrovnik, should have been turned into
battle grounds. It is incredible to witness scenes reminiscent of World War
II taking place daily before our eyes in another European country, and
thousands of people very similar to ourselves fleeing their homes as refugees;
yet this is the reality of Yugoslavia today.
What has happened to bring it all about?
To find the answers we are not just going back to the bloody events of World
War II in which 750,000 Serbs were slaughtered, nor will we begin our study
with the gunshots that rang out in Sarajevo in 1914 plunging Europe into
the bloody abyss of World War I. We are going to go right back to the Book
of Genesis, where all things have their beginning, to the dim and misty
origins of the Serbs, Bosnians and Croatians who have torn a country apart,
and are locked into a bloody genocidal conflict to which there appears to
be no end.
So let us put our spotlight on Yugoslavia.

Tracing the Racial Roots

The Bosnians, Serbs and Croatians whilst they are of the White race, are
not in any way of Israelitish origin, in fact the Israel element within their
population is negligible, possibly as little as five percent. History does record,
that what they call Germano/Celtic people (whom we know to have been
the migrating tribes of Israel in dispersion) did maraud through the area,
advancing as far as Delphi in Greece where they plundered the famous
Temple of the Oracle in 280 BC. However in the following year they suffered
a devastating defeat, and following the suicide of their leader Brennius they
were completely driven out of this Balkan region.
In the tenth and eleventh chapters of the Book of Genesis we find that the sons
of Shem, the son of Noah, were Elam, Asshur and Arphaxad. In the years that
followed the scattering of the peoples from the Tower of Babel, (man's first
attempt to establish a one-world government, economy and religion), Nimrod kept
on building cities, eg., Erech, Accad, Calnah and Nineveh. He extended his rule
over the whole Shinar region, attacking and conquering the cities of Asshur. It is
in this period of upheaval and population shifts that we will find, strangely
enough, the ancestors of the peoples locked in deadly civil war in the former
Yugoslavia in 1995. However for further clues we must jump ahead for a moment
to Roman times and ask an important question:

Who Were the Illyrians?

When the Romans at a much later date conquered the Balkans and subdued what
is modern day Yugoslavia, they called the region Illyria and lumping all of the
inhabitants together, called them Illyrians. Some of these people claimed descent
from Aegnor, a Phoenician King, whose son Cadmus is credited with bringing
civilisation to the Balkans, whilst the city of Venice at the mouth of the Adriatic
claims traditionally to have been founded by Phoenicians.
Whether these people were truly Canaanite Phoenicians, or whether they had an
Israelite element amongst them, their descendents were to be found only along the
coastal strip, whilst inland the various Balkan tribes were a very different people.
However, the name Illyrian which the Romans used does give us a clue to racial
origins. In Greek ILLINOS meant "THE GOD" and "ILLIL" referred to the false
god BEL or BAAL. The name Illyrian, therefore, meant THE PEOPLE OF THE
GOD, not the true and living God, but rather the false god Baal. The original
Semetic name of Babel was Bab (the gate) and Ili (the god). There seems little
doubt that when the Sumerian people were scattered from the Tower of Babel, a
section of them, the people of the god Baal or Bel, migrated into what is modern
day Bosnia.

One Region Different Peoples

Language often provides evidence of origins and according to the Encyclopaedia
Britannica (11th edition) the ancient Illyrian language was divided into two
groups. Whilst the Serbians and the Croatians share a similar common language,
the Bosnians have an older language. Britannica states:-
"The Serbs ethnically and by language are the same as the Croats . . . there can
be no doubt. . . the Servian and Croat languages are almost identical."

In an article on Illyria, the Britannica goes on to say that the Serbs and Croats

"two groups of tribes who spoke a single language and were so closely related
that the origin and distinction between them is obscure."

However the origins are not so obscure if we go:

Back to the Bible

In the fourteenth chapter of the Book of Genesis we find a coalition of Kings who
took Lot captive but were subsequently defeated by Abraham. These Kings were:-



Bullenger's Companion Bible seeks to take a closer look at their identity and in
so doing show there already were two groups of Elamites, ruled by Chedorlaomer
and Arioch, and these we identify with the Serbians and Croatians. The Bosnians
on the other hand are of Sumerian origin. It seems likely that Chedorlaomer, leader
of the coalition, is the one described in cuneiform tablets as Kudur-Lahgumal,
Amraphel is identified with Hammurabi, Arioch as an Elamite Prince, and Tidal as
Tudghula, Chief of the Barbarian tribes known as Ummanmanda.
Apparently what took place in this turbulent period of ancient history was that
the Sumerians moved westward migrating to the Balkans and re-emerging as
Bosnians. It surely cannot be co-incidence that just as the ancient Sumerians had
built towns on lakes and inlets, so also did the people who moved into the
Balkans. These people were known as the Urnfield culture and remnants of their
lake villages extend over much of Bosnia and of Yugoslavia south of the Danube
and Sava. It is of interest to note that cuneiform writing has been found on rocks
near Visegrad.
After about a thousand years the Elamite kingdoms collapsed before Assyria and
Babylon. The Elamites in turn migrated West following the trail of the Sumerians
whom they had earlier dispossessed. Ultimately all three
groups re-emerged in the Balkans as Bosnians, Serbs and Croatians. Additional
back-up evidence is supplied by the evidence of:-

Place Names
In the Encyclopaedia Britannica (11th edition) under the article "Persia" there is
reference to the town of SERBAZ located on the map at latitude 26 and longitude
62. In another article on "Elam" mention is made of the river called CROATIS
which flows into the Persian Gulf and is known as Hindyan.
Furthermore, recent archaeological discoveries in the area of ancient Sumeria
have unearthed the WHITE TEMPLE, which predates other artificial towers and
was the work of Sumerians. Can it be just co-incidence that when they came into
the Balkans they established BEOGRADE, which means White Fortress, the
forerunner of the modern Yugoslav capital of Belgrade. It sits upon a cliff of white
chalk called the Kalemegdan headland, which is some three hundred feet high at
the confluence of the Save. Did it remind them of their ancestors' White Temple?
When the later Elamite immigrants, the modern day Serbs with their Hallstadt
culture, arrived they once again pushed the Sumerian immigrants into the hills and
mountains of Bosnia, and occupied the site.
The bitter hatred and rivalry which has torn Yugoslavia apart, has its origin in
ancient Sumeria in the period following the Tower of Babel incident. However
those hatreds and rivalries have been exacerbated by the introduction into the
region of:-

False Religion
Over the many intervening centuries the peoples of Croatia and Slovenia became
devout, even fanatical Roman Catholics. The Serbian people adhered to the
Eastern Orthodox faith, whilst at first the Bosnians embraced the beliefs of a
heretical Christian sect called the Bogomils, but later after the region was
conquered by the Turkish Ottoman Empire, they embraced the Islamic religion of
their overlords. Nationalism and religion became closely intertwined, which
increased the rivalry between Croats, Bosnians and Serbs and set the stage for

The Path to World War I

The late nineteenth century witnessed the gradual decline of the Ottoman Empire,
so much so that Turkey became known as the "Sick Man of Europe". This
situation was especially true in the Balkans. First Greece, then Serbia,
Roumania and Bulgaria all gained independence from the Turks, but by 1912 they
were themselves fighting Balkan Wars over who should control which parts of the
liberated territory. Watching over the region were two great Empires, each in turn
looking for their share of the spoils. They were Roman Catholic Austro-Hungary
and Czarist Russia, champion and protector of the Eastern Orthodox Slavs.
By 1908 the Austro-Hungarian Empire had acquired control of the region
known as Bosnia-Herzegovina, a hotch-potch of nationalities, Croats, Serbs and
Bosnians. The region was a hot-bed of sedition and revolutionary nationalism, and
it should have been no surprise that when Archduke Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-
Hungarian throne, visited Sarajevo on June 28th, 1914, that he and his wife should
be assassinated. The Austrians now had the excuse they had been waiting for to
invade Serbia; Russia came to the Serbs' defence, Germany backed Austria, France
backed Russia, Britain was dragged into the conflict in defence of Belgium and
World War I had

The shots that took peace from the Earth Sarajevo 1914

The arrest of Gavrilo Princip after the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand
and his wife at Sarajevo, June 28, 1914.
begun. Europe was to be drenched in blood for the next four years and millions
would lose their lives.
The assassin was Princip, a member of a sinister oath-bound secret society
called the Black Hand. However, as in almost all such cases of political murder,
much more powerful forces were at work behind the scenes.
There is no doubt that the Vatican intrigued for and welcomed such a war which
they believed would destroy Protestant Britain and the anti-clerical French
Republic, and which would allow Roman Catholic Austria to conquer the Balkans,
thereby striking a serious blow against Eastern Orthodoxy and advancing the
interests of the Roman Church.
At the same time there seems little doubt that International Zionism welcomed
the war but for different reasons. They realised that if Turkey could be drawn in
and destroyed as an Empire then the gates of Palestine would be open for Zionist
immigration. At the same time the War would bring about the destruction of their
hated foe Czarist Russia, and it is noteworthy that it was the gold of an
international Jewish banker in New York which helped finance the Russian
Revolution, a high percentage of whose leaders were of Jewish origin, as was
pointed out by Churchill and other statesmen of that day.

A New Nation is Born

The hopes and schemes of the Vatican were frustrated by the defeat of the Central
Powers in 1918. From the ruins of the old Austro-Hungarian Empire, which
collapsed after its defeat in the War, a new nation was to come forth in the
Balkans. As a result of the Versailles Peace Conference of 1919 there came into
being a new state to be known as the United Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and
Slovenes. It was a merger of Serbia, Montenegro and the former Austrian
territories of Slovenia, Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina. It subsequently changed
its name to Yugoslavia, and was ruled by the Serbian Royal Dynasty in the person
of King Alexander. From its inception the Vatican was determined to destroy the
new state. It would not accept the Catholics of Croatia and Slovenia coming under
the rule of the Orthodox Serbs; and so there commenced:-

The Decades of Intrigue

By 1930 the Vatican was deeply involved in intrigue to establish its influence and
control over the nations of Eastern Europe. The restoration of the temporal power
of the Papacy and the establishment of the Vatican City State by Mussolini in
1929, gave a base for operations and soon an alliance of Roman Catholic
organisations sprang up in the targeted nations, including
Yugoslavia. This alliance was known as the Intermarium Confederacy, its name
referring to the fact that it operated in the nations "between the seas", the Baltic,
Black, Aegean and Adriatic Seas. Amongst it goals was the destruction of both
Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia, and its members included the Slovakian Hlinka
Guard, the Hungarian Arrow Cross, the Slovene People's Party and the Croatian
Ustashi. These were not merely political but para-military movements, prepared to
gain power by bullet or ballot box. At secret meetings between Mussolini, his son-
in-law Count Ciano and Anton Pavelic, the Ustashi leader who had fled to Italy as
a wanted terrorist, it was decided to assassinate King Alexander of Yugoslavia.
When the King arrived in Marseilles on October 9th, 1934, a Ustashi agent ran
alongside the state coach and to the cry "Long live the King" he shot both
Alexander and French Foreign Minister Barthou. The assassin was killed on the
spot but Pave|ic escaped back to Italy.

King Alexander of Yugoslavia, assassinated by Ustashi agent, Marseilles, France,

9th October 1934.

Alexander's son Peter, aged eleven, was too young to rule and so a Regent,
Prince Paul, took control. Paul delegated much of his powers to Prime Minister
Stoyadinovich, who styled himself Vojda or Leader ard built up a Fascist style
movement, the Green Shirts. By 1939 he had failed to pacify Croatia and was
replaced by Tsvetkovich. On August 2nd, 1939 Croatia was given limited
autonomy inside the Yugoslav Kingdom and attempts were made to draw up a
Concordat to appease the Vatican. It was all to be in vain. With the outbreak of
World War II a new phase was to be entered.
World War II
The spectacular successes achieved by the Axis Powers left Yugoslavia more and
more isolated, especially with the fall of France. Prince Paul decided the best
option for his nation was to ally itself to Germany, Italy and Japan, who he
believed would soon be the winners. This he thought would secure Yugoslavia's
territorial integrity. Instead his decision resulted in a pro-Allied Coup which
removed Paul from power on March 27th, 1941. The new Royal

The dismemberment of Yugoslavia in 1941.

Government of King Peter did not last long. On April 6th, the Germans invaded
and whilst the Nazi Luftwaffe pounded the gallant Serbs in their capital Belgrade,
the disloyal Roman Catholics of Croatia rose in revolt and welcomed the invading
Germans as friends and liberators. In fact the treacherv of a Croatian officer,
Colonel Kren, resulted in the destruction of
the Yugoslav war planes on the ground. Whilst Belgrade burned, and King Peter
fled to Britain, Pavelic broadcast to the Croatians telling them:

"Use all your weapons against the Serbian soldiers and officers. We are already
fighting shoulder to shoulder with our new Allies, the Germans and Italians."

He was soon to have his reward. He arrived in Zagreb, the Croatian capital, on
April 13th and was blessed by Archbishop (later Cardinal) Stepinac on the 14th.
At Easter 1941 Stepinac announced from Zagreb's Roman Catholic Cathedral, the
establishment of the Independent State of Croatia and on June 28th he prayed for

"We implore the Lord of the Stars to give his divine blessings to you the leader
of our People."

The nightmare of the Serbian people was about to begin.

Croatia The Roman Catholic Ustashi

At Easter 1941 Cardinal Stepinac announced from Zagreb Cathedral the
establishment of the Independent State of Croatia. Technically it was to be a
Kingdom with the Italian Duke of Spoleto as monarch under the name King
Tomislav II; however, real power was to reside in the Ustashi leader Anton
Once Pavelic had returned from Rome, where he signed a treaty with Mussolini,
and received the blessing of Pope Pius XII, it was time for the "Catholic Terror" to
begin. Andrija Artukovic, Minister of the Interior, issued a decree that all the Serbs
residing in Zagreb, the capital of Croatia must leave within twelve hours, any
citizen found to have given them shelter was to be executed on the spot. The
genocidal policy of the new Catholic State was enunciated on June 2nd, 1942 by
Dr. Milovan Zanitch, the Minister for Justice:-

"This state, our country is only for Croats and not for anyone else. There are no
ways and means which we Croats will not use to make our country truly ours
and to clean it of all Orthodox Serbs. All those who came into our country three
hundred years ago must disappear. We will not hide this our intention. It is the
policy of our state and during
its promotion we shall do nothing else but follow the principles of the Ustashi."

In a subsequent interview, when asked what that policy would be for the
Orthodox Serb minority, he replied:

"For them we have three million bullets."

On July 22nd, 1941 the plan was again outlined by another Croatian
Government Minister Dr. Mile Budak:-

"We shall kill one part of the Serbs. We will transport another and the rest of
them will be forced to accept the Roman Catholic religion."

These policies resulted in the extermination of 750,000 Orthodox Serbs, in

massacres and concentration camps like that at Jasenovic, where a Franciscan
monk Miroslav Filipovic was Camp Commandant. Some 12,000 Serbian children
died in this camp, many as a result of caustic soda being added to their food. When
Dr. Katiric of the Red Cross denounced the happenings at Jasenovic, Pavelic had
him put into the Stara Gradiska Concentration Camp.
Space forbids detailed accounts of this Vatican-inspired Holocaust. We will give
a few examples and present some photographic evidence:-

1. Glina 600 Orthodox Serbian males over fifteen years of age were done to
death with guns, knives and sledgehammers.

2. Crevarevac 500 Serbs including women and children burned alive in their

3. Gorevac Eyewitness accounts speak of three year old children being

impaled by Croatian soldiers and of men with their noses and ears sawn away
and tongues and eyes ripped out.

4. Vlasenica and Kladny, in these villages even the Germans were horrified to
find little Serbian children impaled on stakes, writhing in pain like insects stuck
upon pins.

Orthodox Serbs, our gallant allies in two world wars were shot, stabbed,
clubbed, starved, impaled, burned and even crucified by the Roman Catholic
The magazine of the Catholic Crusader movement declared on June 6th, 1941:-
"Christ, the Ustashi and the Croatians march together."

At the village of Tramosnica, Roman Catholic priest Ante Klaric led the Ustashi
massacres and speaking from his church pulpit said:-

"You are old women and should put on skirts, for you have not yet killed a
single Serb ... forge weapons out of old scythes and sickles, so that you can cut
the throats of Serbs whenever you see them."

Little wonder that the Orhtodox Bishop Platon of Banyaluka in Bosnia, was
taken to the outskirts of town by Croatians who plucked out his beard, lit a fire on
his naked chest and finaly killed him with hatchet blows.
At the Roman Catholic Church in Gorica "Father" Sreko advocated mass
murder in these words:-

"Kill all Serbs, first kill my own sister who is married to a Serb . . . then when
you finish the work come here to the church and I will confess you and free you
from sin."

As a result of this pious Papist sermon, some 5,600 Orthodox Serbs were slain
on August 10th, 1941.
Priest Filipovic killed a Serbian child with his own hands in the village of
Drakulic in front of his Ustashi battalion. He urged them to:-

"Rechristen these degenerates in the name of Christ follow my example."

As a result fifteen hundred more Serbs were executed that day. "Father" Petar
Pajic wrote:-

"Until now God spoke through Papal Encyclicals and they closed their ears.
Now God has decided to use other methods . . . world missions will be upheld
by army commanders led by Hitler sermons will be heard with the help of
cannons, machine guns, tanks and bombers."

The following pictures tell the rest of the sordid story of life in Catholic
Pavelic and the Nuns

Nuns hid guns and dynamite in Roman Catholic convents prior to the Ustashi take-
over. They then prepared uniforms and first-aid kits for the Ustashi and ran
orphanages for little "Orthodox'' children forcibly converted to Rome, after the murder
of their parents.

Pavelic and the R.C. Hierarchy

The brutal Croatian dictator had the full support of the R.C. Hierarchy as seen above.
Mgr. Dionizije Minister of Cults presided over forced conversions whilst Archbishop
Stepinac implored "the Lord of the Stars to give divine blessings" to Pavelic.
Pavelic and the Priests

Many R.C. priests were Ustashi officers, Concentration Camp Commandants and
led the massacres of the Orthodox Serbs.

Mass Conversion to Rome

The Orthodox of this district have three ways out - to accept the Catholic Faith -
move out or he cleansed with the metal broom (shot)." "Father" Djuric.
"Up to now I have received into the Catholic Church thousands of Orthodox by
bring converted you will be left in peace in your home." Mgr. Aksamovitch
Converting the Orthodox of Miklevs 1942

Until now we have worked for Catholicism with the cross and the book of the mass,
the day has come to work with the revolver and the gun". "Father" Mogus
More Forced Conversions

"Any Serb who refuses to become a Catholic should be condemmed to death."

"Father" Juric Confessor to Pavelic
Two Kinds of Clergy

Roman Catholic Prelates give the Heil Hitler salute.

Orthodox clergy rounded up and either murdered or sent to Ustashi Concentration

Two Faces of Rome

"Franciscan monk Miroslav Filipovic in the robes of a priest and in his Ustashi
uniform as Commandant of Jasenovic Concentration Camp where 40,000 Serbian
Orthodox men, women and children died."

Hand in Glove

"Roman Catholic Priest preaches from a Ustashi pulpit, flanked by Pavelic's storm-
troopers prior to the forced conversion of the Serbs of Zemun."
"Drunken with Blood"

"Rome's Croatian Ustashi drain the blood of an Orthodox Serbian victim into a

Following World War II, the Vatican assisted the Croatian War Criminals to
escape justice by hiding them and providing them with new identities and false
passports to reach Argentina, Australia and the United States.
Only Stepinac the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Zagreb paid for his crimes.
Imprisoned by the Tito regime, the Vatican made him a Cardinal and conferred an
aura of martyrdom on him. Following the recent revival of the Croatian state swift
moves were made to honour Stepinac's memory and to exonerate him of War
Crimes. Is it any wonder the Serbs are terrified and are ready to fight to the death
for their physical, spiritual and cultural survival?

The Bosnians
The Bosnian Moslems were also keen collaborators with the German occupation
of Yugoslavia. They gave their whole-hearted support to the puppet state of
Croatia and eagerly joined in the atrocities against the Orthodox Serbs.
To illustrate this fact, one only has to examine the career of Bosnian President
Alija Izetbegovic, who is portrayed in the Western media as a champion of
freedom and democracy.
In 1940 Izetbegovic at the age of sixteen was one of the founders of the "Young
Muslims", a religious political terrorist movement, who pledged to fight by "fire
and sword" to spread Islam throughout the Balkans. In the Spring of 1943, as
leader of "Muslim Youth" in Sarajevo, he welcomed Aminel Husseini, the Grand
Mufti of Jerusalem, the friend of Adolf Hitler, and Britain's bitter foe in Palestine.
In the same year Izetbegovic was one of the founders of the notorious Waffen SS
"Handzar Division" (Handzar means to slit the throat). These twenty-five thousand
Bosnian Moslems pledged to fight for Hitler, commanded by German officers and
wearing German uniforms and Nazi insignia, committed such horrendous crimes
against the defenceless Serbs that even the Germans were disgusted. The result
was that the Handzar Division was withdrawn from Bosnia and sent to fight on the
Eastern Front. Can anyone blame the Bosnian Serbs in 1995 for fighting to resist
their inclusion in a new Bosnian state headed by such a man?
With the ending of World War II, Izetbegovic was arrested in 1946 and served a
three-year sentence for his war crimes.
In 1970 he published a book entitled the "Islamic Declaration" which was
republished again in Sarajevo in 1990. In it he makes a clear and ringing statement
for the absolute validity and dominance of the Moslem religion.

"There can be neither peace nor co-existence between the Islamic religion and
non-Islamic social and political institutions."

This same man declared on January 26th, 1992 that he was willing to:-

"sacrifice peace for a sovereign Bosnia."

It is crystal clear who the aggressors in Bosnia really are.

The Slovenes
The Slovenes have been immune to the bloodshed and massacre that has swept the
rest of Yugoslavia, but we must not overlook the fact that their secession from the
Confederation was part of the overall plan to destroy Yugoslavia. This is not
surprising when we recall the part played by the Roman Catholic Slovenes during
World War II.
With the collapse of Yugoslavia in 1941 Germany annexed the former Austrian
province of Styria, part of Northern Slovenia, whilst the Italians annexed Southern
Slovenia, the former Austrian province of Carinola. However, after Italy
capitulated to the Allies in September 1943, Hitler moved
quickly to establish a puppet Slovenia modelled along the lines of Croatia; this was
done with the help and assistance of the Roman Catholic Slovene People's Party.
General Rupnik was appointed President and installed with due pomp and
ceremony on 22nd September, but real power came from Bishop Gregory Rozman
and the People's Party. A new army of Slovene collaborators, known as the
Domobrans was raised to fight for Hitler. Slovene youth were urged to enlist with
the slogan:-

"The fist is firm, the heart is hot, our nation shall not die."

Whilst Slovenia's puppet leaders stood to attention giving the Nazi salute, the
good Catholic men and boys of the Domobrans swore a solemn oath by Almighty

"to be faithful and courageous, to obey my superiors in the common fight with
the German Armed Forces under the command of the Fuhrer ... for this fight I
am prepared to sacrifice my own life."

The Domobrans like the Ustashi maintained a reign of terror. Their intelligence
section, the Crna Roka (Black Hand) organised and carried out atrocities and
assassinations. Many of their victims were taken to the Church of St. Uhr outside
Ljubljana where they were cruelly tortured and executed, their bodies later
exhumed from mass graves adjacent to the church.
As the Germans began to go down into defeat in 1944, Domobran propaganda
became more desperate. Urbanic, their chief propagandist, exhorting over Slovene

"God Himself has sent General Rupnik to us. It is our duty to repeat over and
over to the point of exhaustion, there is only one way, the way of General

The good Roman Catholic General was subsequently tried and executed in
1946. Roman Catholic Bishop Rozman, his partner in crime, was more fortunate.
This emissary of Rome, who in a Pastoral Letter had urged his people to support
the Nazis to "assure our existence and better future", was allowed to "escape" to
Switzerland in 1947, due to Vatican pressure. There he spent his remaining years
in Berne, laundering Fascist treasure to fund supposed anti-Communist "freedom
fighters" in Yugoslavia.
These are the hard facts suppressed by the media, and it is little wonder that the
Vatican and Germany have rushed to recognise the new Republic of Slovenia.
Slovene Catholics mobilise for Hitler in the Domobrans. Here seen
parading in the Slovene capital Ljubljana in October and November
Roman Catholic Bishop Rozman and puppet President Rupnik of Slovenia review a
March Past of Domobrans swearing the Oath of Loyalty to Hitler.

Current Events
At the end of World War II the Monarchist Serb resistance movement was
betrayed by the Allies, Chetnick leader General Mihaylovic was killed and the
reconstituted Yugoslavia placed under the Communist dictatorship of Josip Broz
Tito. Under his administration which he managed to keep free of Soviet control,
the country was divided into six federal republics, which allowed a certain amount
of local autonomy but with the final control remaining with the central
government in Belgrade.
This solution, although not ideal, kept the national and religious rivalry subdued,
and a prosperous peaceful Yugoslavia began to emerge. However with the death
of Tito and the collapse of Communism across Eastern Europe, it did not take long
for the old animosities to rise to the surface once again.
The event which really triggered the present three-sided ethnic/religious war in
Yugoslavia was the unilateral and illegal secession of the Roman Catholic
Republics of Slovenia and Croatia from the Federal Republic. What led to war
was the foolish and hasty international recognition given to these states and
subsequently to Bosnia-Herzegovina. That world recognition was given without
any thought or consideration for the three million Serbs trapped inside the
boundaries of these states where their cultural and religious rights would be
endangered. These Serbs would be left at the mercy of those who had liquidated
them in the very same region less than fifty vears previously.
The Bloodshed Begins
Not long after Croatia declared itself independent on 25th June 1991, Harsh
measures were directed against the Krajina Serbs. The Roman Catholic Croatian
Government subjected them to harsh discrimination, they lost the jobs, their
political and cultural rights were abrogated, then their homes and churchs were
attacked. It was a re-run of events in 1941. The Serbian population either began to
flee or take up arms. The Krajina Serbs, the children and grandchildren of those
who were butchered by the Roman Catholic Ustashi and the Moslems between
1941-45, rose in revolt under the slogan "Never Again". Serbia was morally
obligated to come to the aid of their own people. The Civil War had begun.

Enter Germany and the Vatican

In August 1991, whilst Croatians were driving Serbs from their homes in an
organised campaign of "ethnic cleansing", Pope John Paul II, speaking in Croatian
at the Hungarian city of Pecs, called on the world to:-

"help the legitimate aspirations of the Croatians".

The Vatican had made its agenda clear to the leaders of the world. Yugoslavia
was to be dismembered, Serbia crushed, the defeat of 1945 avenged, Roman
Catholic Slovenia and Croatia were to rise again, as the Pope advanced his long
term dream of a United States of Europe, Roman Catholic from the Atlantic
shores of Portugal to the Ural Mountains of Russia. It is little wonder that Mikhail
Gorbachov writing in the Italian magazine Stampa on March 2nd, 1992, stated:-

"Everything that has happened in Eastern Europe in the last few years would
not have been possible without the presence of Pope John Paul."

Despite the fact that even the U.N. Secretary General Perez de Cuellar and
special envoy Cyrus Vance warned that recognition of the two Roman Catholic
Republics would "widen and intensify" the Civil War, Germany continued at the
Vatican's behest to press for recognition.
In mid-December 1991 a meeting of twelve European nations voted eleven to
one against recognition. Germany pressed on alone. On December 25th 1991 the
very day that Germany Foreign Minister Genscher visited Pope John Paul in the
Vatican, Germany recognised the Republics of Slovenia and Croatia. On 13th
January 1992 came Vatican recognition and on 15th January the nations of the
European Community did an about face and granted recognition as Germany and
the Vatican demanded.
Students of Bible Prophecy will see in this a clear fulfilment of Revelation
chapter 17, where the Harlot (the Roman Church) rides the Beast (controls the
nations of Europe) and the Kings of the Earth (the leaders of the EEC nations),
commit fornication with the Harlot (ally themselves to the Vatican and fulfil its

Illegal Recognition
The* recognition of Slovenia and Croatia, and the subsequent United Nations
recognition of Bosnia-Herzegovina was in clear breach of international treaties.
Clause IV of the Declaration on Principles guiding relations between
participating states in the Helsinki Conference Final Act on Security and Co-
operation in Europe 1975 had stated:-

"The participating states will respect the territorial integrity of each of the
participating states. Accordingly they will refrain from any action against the
territorial integrity and political independence or the unity of any participating

This was violated and Yugoslavia torn asunder at the Vatican's desire, and illegal
recognition given to two provinces of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, whose
only other brief period of independence had been as Nazi puppet states during
World War II.
Furthermore the recognition was in clear breach of the Montivideo Convention
of 1933 which laid down as the basis for the recognition of new states:-

1. A government in full control.

2. Clearly established frontiers.
3. A stable population.

Such was not the case in either Croatia or Bosnia where there were huge Serbian
minorities who actively opposed the destruction of Yugoslavia or their inclusion in
hostile Roman Catholic Croatia and Moslem dominated Bosnia.
An old Austrian census of the population of Bosnia-Herzegovina as far back as
1878 shows that Moslems were only 33% of the population and Orthodox Serbs
44%. Even after World War II when 250,000 Orthodox Serbs were liquidated in
Bosnia and the flight of tens of thousands more; the census of 1991 showed that
Moslems were still less than half the population (43%) and certainly not a
Despite all of these facts international pressure and hostility is whipped up
against Serbia and the Serb minorities in Croatia and Bosnia. An example of this
blatant hypocrisy was a call by the then U.S. Secretary of State Jim Baker in
Lisbon on May 24th, 1992 for U.N. sanctions against the government of what had
been Yugoslavia for continuing to give support to the Serbs. Why no call for
sanctions against Croatia or the Bosnian Moslem regime for their genocide of the
Serbian people. By May 30th, tough sanctions had been imposed, having refused
even to grant a hearing to Yugoslavia's U.N. Ambassador. No nation it appears
must be allowed to withstand the Vatican programme for a One World
Government, Religion and Economy.
The gallant Serbs who fought as Britain's allies in two world conflicts are to be
sacrificed on the altar of One-Worldism.

Atrocities The Fake and The Genuine

During the present conflict in the former Yugoslavia, there has been much
propaganda regarding atrocities.
Without doubt in any war, especially a civil war of this nature involving ethnic
and religious grievances, dating back hundreds of years, horrible crimes will be
committed, such is the nature of warfare. However, an orchestrated campaign has
been carried out world-wide to demonize the Serbs and present them as ruthless,
cruel aggressors, when for the most part they have been the victims.
A well financed (and we can guess by what soure) Croatian/Moslem public
relations campaign was mounted in 1992, accusing the Serbs of running
concentration camps, and of raping 60,000 Moslem women. One German member
of Parliament, Stephen Swartz, actually claimed that Serbian doctors were
performing medical experiments on Moslem women, a claim never verified.
In January 1993, a team of E.E.C. investigators claimed 20,000 Moslem women
had been raped by Serbian soldiers, seeking to drive the Moslems from Bosnia. By
1993 a Commission on Human Rights which conducted an impartial investigation,
meeting doctors and examining medical records, reduced the number of women
raped in the Civil War to 2,400 which included Moslems, Croatians and Serbs.
On January 29th, 1994 the Secretary General of the United Nations issued a
report on investigations of rape cases. The experts who met with the Bosnian
Moslem Government were only able to obtain authenticated data on 126 cases,
and yet the one-world media propaganda machine continues to churn out the lie of
60,000 victims raped by the Serbs.
The Czech newspaper Rude Pravo repeated a storv from a German publication
Sueddeutsche Zeitung of how Ruth Suesmuth, President of the
German Parliament went to a hospital at Dorija Stubica in Croatia to visit women
raped by Serbians according to propaganda. She brought 185,000 German Marks
to distribute to the women, but found only wounded Croatian soldiers.
The intention of this black propaganda, blaming the Serbians for so-called war
crimes, is to destroy any sympathy that there may be for their cause in the West. In
stark contrast to the fake atrocity stories of Croatians and Moslems, let us look at
the real victims of ethnic cleansing, the Serbs. Believing that one picture is worth
one hundred words, I will keep commentary to the minimum.

1991 Serb victim, tortured and killed by Croatians

This Serb in Petrinja (Banija) was tied to this concrete pole. He was forced to chew
it, breaking his teeth. His face was then broken against the pole. After further torture
he was finally murdered by Croatian armed forces, September 1991.
Inhumanity and unimaginable torture, by murderers who "wear crosses around
necks as well as carry rosary beads", is exposed. Members of the Croatian armed
forces - to whom the cross serves "as the gospel calling for nobility and humanity"
- receive the blessings of their Church. The world must not close its eyes to an
evil for which absolution brings forgiveness. (Quotation from "Danas", Croatian
weekly, 26 November 1991.)

Another example of Catholic Croatian terrorism

This Serbian family was massacred by retreating Croatian forces in Vukovar, November
1991. Slumped at the bottom of the stairs are members of this murdered man's family.
Between his arms is wedged the severed head of his mother

"This is a Serbian house" a notice placed by

Ustashi on the door of a Serbian house destined
to be blown up.
Serbian families flee through the forest.
Neither young or old are spared as the army of Roman Catholic Croatians
forcibly evicts and massacres the Serbs.

Once again, Serbian Orthodox Churches are being


Memorial Church in Jasenovac seen among destroyed blocks of buildings. It is

believed that the church has been mined.
The Serbian Orthodox Church of St. Spiridon in Petrinja was built in the 18th
century. Rev. Petar by the ruins of the Church which was mined by Ustashi.

150 Orthodox Churches have been bombed, burned and mined by Catholic
These pictures from 1991 show the other side of the Civil War in Yugoslavia,
these were the Serb victims you never see on your television or read about in your
However, the genocide continues to the present moment. During August 1995,
whilst the United Nations and N. A.T.O. sat idly by, Croatia was allowed to invade
Krajina and overran the region to expel tens of thousands of Serbs from the homes
where their families had lived for centuries. No United Nations protection was
given to them as they fled. No "safe areas" for Serbs.
Instead they were allowed to be beaten, robbed, raped and murdered by the Roman
Catholic Croatians, as they sought to reach safety. This is the true face of the New
World Order. The Serbs have dared to defy the Papal Beast, and they are to be

As we bring our study to a close we are faced with a number of questions:-

1. Will the current events in Yugoslavia bring an end to N.A.T.O. as we know it,
thereby paving the way for the rise of a new German militarism, which will
dominate the European Union, the embryonic United States of Europe?

2. Will the Serbs in sheer desperation and frustration move into the camp of a
resurgent Russia, the Gog and Magog of Ezekiel's prophecy who are destined
to come forth once again?

3. Will the one billion followers of world Islam, including the oil rich Moslem
states of the Middle East come to the aid of their co-religionists in Bosnia?

Remember: We are told in the Book of Revelation that three end time
philosophies, demon inspired and croaking like frogs, will lead the nations of the
earth (continental Europe) and of the whole world to the Battle of the Great Day of
God Almighty:-

"And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon,
and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. For
they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of
the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day
of God Almighty."
Revelation 16:13-14

We can identify these three forces as follows:





All three of these forces are at work in Yugoslavia today. It is a dress rehearsal
in miniature for the final conflict of the ages.
Jesus spoke of just such a time of conflict between Kingdoms, races and nations.
He said that it would be one of the signs of His soon return, and in the light of this
He encouraged the true believers to look up, for their redemption was drawing
nigh, and He warned the unconverted to repent and obey the Gospel, thereby
making their calling and election sure.

As this booklet goes into print N.A.T.O. war planes have commenced a
bombardment of the Bosnian Serbs which has included the use of Cruise missiles.
They have now gone beyond their role as "peace-keepers" and can be clearly seen
as seeking to bomb the Bosnian Serbs to the Conference Table where they hope to
compel them to sign a compromise agreement, under the threat of further attack.
Does it not appear strange that no such action was taken one month earlier against
Croatia, when tens of thousands of Serbs were driven from their homes, murdered,
raped and assaulted along the escape route to Serbian territory which became a
modern day "Trail of Tears".
Truly we are seeing the beginning of the One World Army in action, against
those who dare to withstand the conspiracy.

APPENDIX 1 Propaganda in Wartime

Every effort has been made to whip up anti-Serb propaganda and portray them as
the aggressors. On the same day, 22nd July 1995, two Scottish newspapers
published the same photograph from war-torn Bosnia. In the Daily Record we are
told this little Bosnian Moslem girl has had her leg blown off and the Serbs are
described as "warmongers". However the Glasgow Herald carried the same picture
and you can clearly see the leg has not been blown off.
We would not wish to minimise the hurt caused to any child in wartime only
to ask for accuracy and that the Serbs cease to be demonised.
The Daily Record

The Glasgow Herald

APPENDIX 2 Prominent Jews urge Germany to
intervene against the Serbs
Jewish personalities German Jewish leader Ignatz Bubis and Nobel Peace Prize
Winner Elie Wiesel are urging Germany to intervene militarily to stop Bosnian
Serbs from expelling Muslims from their homes.
Mr. Bubis said the mass expulsions are as threatening as the pre-Holocaust Nazi
harassment that drove about one-third of German Jews from Hitler's Third Reich.
"Every person we leave behind without help, every life we give up, will pursue
us like an eternal reproach," Mr. Wiesel said in an interview published in Stern
magazine yesterday.
Mr. Bubis, in separate comments, said Germany could no longer avoid a military
role by ruling out any action in areas brutally occupied by Hitler's Wehrmacht
during the Second World War.
"Many people hide behind the argument that Germany committed sins in former
Yugoslavia and we cannot intervene there militarily," he said. "I disagree
because Germany sinned back then, it has all the more duty to rush to help people
Traumatized by its Nazi past, Bonn has been slow to take part in international
military missions its allies expected it to join after Germany united in 1990.
After a long debate, parliament agreed on June 30 to send up to 14 fighter jets,
transport aircraft and a field hospital to support the United Nations' rapid reaction
Toronto Globe Mail, 21st July 1995

APPENDIX 3 Bosnia Moslems deliberately shot their

own people
peacekeepers trying to curtail Bosnian Serb sniping at civilians in Sarajevo have
concluded that, until mid-June, some gunfire also came from Bosnian government
soldiers deliberately shooting at their own civilians.
After what it called a "definitive" investigation, a French marine unit that
patrols against snipers said it traced sniper fire to a building usually occupied by
Bosnian soldiers and other security forces.
A senior French officer, who asked not to be identified, said: "We find it almost
impossible to believe, but we are sure that it is true."
Six French peacekeepers in the anti-sniping unit who took part in the probe were
interviewed and were willing to be identified, but their commander, General Herve
Gobilliard, requested that their names be withheld to avoid putting them at risk.
A spokesman for Bosnian President Alija Izetbegovic dismissed the results of
the investigation as preposterous.
"Instead of doing its duty, the United Nations wishes to blame both sides
equally," Kemal Muftic said. "By doing so, the United Nations can justify
remaining impassive." He added: "Is there anyone who thinks we have to add to
what the Serbs are already doing?"
French officers who conducted the investigation adamantly defend their
They say the sniper fire from the government position stopped in mid-june,
when, after several months of suspicion that the building was being used by
snipers, a gunman was seen firing from the building. The officers say they notified
the Bosnian army that the sniper was about to be shot by French troops, as they are
authorised to do. The Bosnian army said it knew nothing about the gunman, but
firing from the building stopped, the officer said.
They theorised that the shootings were designed to generate publicity and
sympathy. Unidentified diplomats said they believed that small rogue groups
within the Bosnian army might profit from the government's instability, either
politically or through control of commerce on the black market. The results of the
French investigation were not officially reported to U.N. officials in Sarajevo, and
no report was written, a senior French officer said. He said the matter had been
handled informally because the sniping from the government-controlled building
Sniper fire against civilians is a tactic used by Bosnian Serb nationalists since
they besieged Sarajevo more than three years ago. It has killed hundreds.
The French soldiers said they believed bullets fired from the building hit at least
two civilians, came close to others and damaged U.N. vehicles.
Toronto Globe Mail, 2nd August 1995

APPENDIX 4 U.S. builds influence in Croatia

Presence of 15 American military instructors one sign of a growing
link between two countries
BY ALAN COWELL, New York Times Service
ZAGREB At the Defence Ministry, 15 retired U.S. military men are training
Croatian officers in what is termed "democracy transition."
When the presidents of Bosnia and Croatia met recently and decided on joint
military action against rebel Serbs, the only foreign diplomat to attend
was Peter Galbraith, the U.S. ambassador in Zagreb.
At a time when Croatian forces, marching in neighbouring Bosnia, are scoring
battlefield successes that threaten the region's military balance, such emblems of
U.S. influence go far beyond a familiar relationship between superpower and
As if drawn by a historical imperative, this small land of 4.5 million people is
reclaiming the role of ethnic and political buffer that it has played for centuries,
and is coming to be defined more and more as the West's outpost on a frontier with
the chaos of the post-Cold War era.
Here, historically, Roman Catholicism drew its line against the Eastern Rite and
Islam. Here empires that ruled from the West collided with those of the East. And
here the United States seems to be setting the markers for a new sphere of
influence where the currency is pegged to the German mark and the sense of
protection to Washington. Last year, the United States and Croatia signed a
military co-operation agreement that provides for increased contacts between the
U.S. and Croatian armed forces, including Croatian access to an U.S. Defence
Department training programme.
Western ambassadors looked on without dismay at a military parade recently as
an array of missiles, tanks and artillery pieces showed just how effective Croatia
had been in breaking the United Nations arms embargo by importing former East
Bloc equipment, including attack helicopters said by defence experts to have come
from Ukraine and MiG-21s widely believed to have come from the former East
German air force.
Croatia, moreover, is widely seen as a staging point for arms supplies to Bosnia,
again infringing the U.N. embargo. When a cargo plane landed in besieged Bihac
last week with arms for the Bosnian government forces, there it began its journey
in Croatia, U.N. officials said.
The Western attitude suggests a long-term calculation that, ultimately, two local
powers will dominate this part of the world one in Zagreb, one in Belgrade; one
tied to Washington, the other locked into a Slavic bloc extending to Moscow.
NATO officials said that, when Croatian Serbs went on the offensive against
Bosnian government forces in Bihac, the U.S. embassy sent a message to the
insurgents saying it would reward an early military withdrawal from Bihac with
strong pressure to restrain the Croatian army from retaliation a clear signal of
the embassy's sense of its influence.
For all that, the arrival of the 15 U.S. military instructors raised eyebrows in
Zagreb, drawing comparisons between the U.S. mission and the way U.S. advisers
first appeared in Vietnam or Central America.
In December, the U.S. State Department licenced Military Professional
Resources Inc. made up of high-ranking retired military officers and based in
Alexandria, Va. to act as instructors to the Croatian army in a course supposed
to woo its officers away from Communist habits and instill the values of a
democratic army.
"We have a contract with the Croatian defence ministry to provide training in
transforming the army from an Eastern army to a Western army," said Ed Soyster,
a retired lieutenant-general and the former head of the U.S. Defence Intelligence
Agency. He is in charge of overseas operations at Military Professional Resoucres.
In a telephone interview, however, he denied that his company was providing
training that would infringe the otherwise porous U.N. embargo on military goods
and services throughout the former Yugoslavia.
He also denied published reports linking Croatia's recent military activities to
the presence of his company's representatives. "We would not get a licence" for
tactical training, he said.
Toronto Globe Mail, 2nd August 1995

APPENDIX 5 I.R.A. Training and fighting

alongside Roman Catholic Croatians
Former IRA gunmen are earning up to 500 a week as mercenaries in war-torn
SAS Ulster veterans first spotted the killers working for the Croats.
Now at least 18 Provos are known to have joined in the bitter civil war.
They are training Croat militia units in the use of small arms and mortars.
A senior British officer added: "They earn up to 500 a week teaching Croats
how to make IEDs Improvised Explosive Devices and set antipersonnel
The IRA killers are former "active service unit" men from Co. Tyrone and South
SAS men came across the Provos by accident after being tasked to end the
continuous theft of U.N. vehicles.
As they patrolled, they came across advancing Croats and their "military
advisers" including the Irishmen.
Sunday Express, 3rd September 1995

We feel sure the Roman Catholics of the IRA and Croatian Ustashi will get on
well together all bloodthirsty butchers.

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