Fce Phrasal Verbs 10001 PDF

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a Verbs with three parts Explanations The object always follows these verbs, and cannot be put between any of the parts, Verbs marked * can be used intransitively without the final preposition. T’ve decided to cut down on smoking. I’ve decided to cut down. A selection of verbs is listed here with examples. Others, and other meanings of those listed here, are included in the activities. Cut down on * T’ve decided to cut down on smoking. Catch up with * They are too far ahead for us to catch up with them. Come up against T'm afraid we've come up against a problem we can’t solve. Come up with Have you come up with an answer yet? Drop inon* I dropped in on Bill and Sheila on my way home. Face up to You must face up to reality! Feel up to You must feel up to going to work. Get away with ‘Jack stole the money and got away with it. Get along/on with* Do you get along with your new boss? Get on with Stop talking and get on with your work! Get out of I managed to get out of working late. Get round to haven't got round to decorating yet. Get up to What has young Bill been getting up to? Goin for Do-you go in for sailing? Grow out of Julie has grown out of playing with dolls. (reduce the amount of) (reach the same place as) (meet) (think of) (visited) (accept, deal with) (feel fit to do) (avoid discovery) (have good relations with) (continue with) (avoid a responsibility) (find time to do) (do, often something wrong) (haveas a hobby) (become too old for) 2 Verbs with two parts: transitive and inseparable Keep up with * You're going too fast! I can’t keep up with you! Look down on Our neighbours look down on anyone without a car, Look up to Treally look up to my teacher. Look forward to We are looking forward to our holiday. Make up for The wonderful dinner made up for the bad service. Putup with I can’t put up with these screaming children! Run out of * Oh dear, we've run out of petrol! Stand up for You must learn to stand up for yourself! (stay in the same place as) (feel superior to) (respect) (think we will enjoy) (compensate for) (bear) (have no more of) (defend) ‘These verbs take an object, but the object cannot be put between verb and preposition. T can't do without coffee in the morning! Ask after Jim asked after you yesterday. Call for Pilcall for you at six. Callon I called on some friends in Plymouth. Come across Joe came across this old painting in the attic. Come into Sue came into a large sum of money. Count on I’m counting on you to help me. Deal with How would you deal with the traffic problem? Do without We'll have to do without a holiday this year. Get at What are you getting at? Get over Barry has got over his illness now. Go over Let’s go over our plan once more. (ask for news of) (come and collect) (visit) (ind by chance) (inherit) (depend on) (take action about) (manage without) (suggest) (recover from) (discuss the details) 1 Rewrite each sentence so that itcontains the phrasal verb given, ina suitable form. Joinin Try to join in the lesson as much as you can. Live on They live on the money her father gives them. Look into The government is looking into the problem. Look round Let's look round the town today. Make for Where are you making for exactly? Pick on My teacher is always picking on me. Run into (contribute to) (have as income) (investigate) (look at everything) (goin the direction of) (choose a person to punish) Tran into Steve in the supermarket yesterday. (meet by chance) See about We'll have to see about getting you an office. (arrange) See to Can you see to the dog's food? (attend to, take care of) Stand for won't stand for such rudeness! (tolerate) Andrew is standing for parliament. (be acandidate) ‘Take after . Helen takes after her mother. (have the same characteristics as) Activities a) Sorry, but haven’t found time to fi (get round to) _Serty, but. Laven. gat.cound. de. fixing. your, bilse.yet. b) Ohbother, we don’t have any milk left. (run out of) ¢) Ittook me along time to recover from my illness. (get over) d) Peter is just like his father! (take after) e) Ithink we've found an answer to the problem. (come up with) £) [don’t think I’m well enough to play football today. (feel up to) g) Annis someone I really respect. (look up to) h) I must arrange to have the kitchen painted. (see about) 2 Complete the second sentence sothatit has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. ‘You must use between two and five words. i) Please help me. I’m relying on you. (count on) j). Julie must be too old to bite her nails. (grow out of) a) Quite by chance, Brenda met Philip at the station. ran Brenda ..xan.jnte. Chili. b) You'll just have to learn to accept the facts! face You'll just... c) It’s time that more women defended their rights! stood . It’s time that more .. d) How can you bear so much traffic noise? put How can you. Charles cheated in his exams, and didn’t get caught. got Charles cheated in his exams, and . I visited a few friends while I was in Manchester. called ie What are you trying to sa getting What h) [must go to the dentist, and get my teeth taken care of. seen I must go to the dentist... i) Do you have a good relationship with your get Doyou j) You're so lucky to have inherited all that money! come You're so lucky to ... at the station. ... the facts. rights, traffic noise? ©) while I was in Manchester. that money! 3 Complete each sentence with one of the words from the list. Use each word once only. 4 Complete each sentence with the most suitable word or phrase. ross against for in into on round to up with a) I'llsend someone to call . b) You'll have to work hard to keep « ) Jean didn’t expect to come up such difficulties. 4) Ie’s not fair. You're always picking me, ) Terry sang the first verse and then everyone joined 8) Icame one of your novels in a second-hand bookshop. g) Pmnot interested in buying anything. I’m just looking h) Don’t you think the manager should deal .. this problem? i) George came alot of money when his uncle died. 5) Youlook very guilty! What have you been getting up the parcel on Thursday. ‘with the rest of the class. a) Thereisn’t any sugar, I’m afraid. You'll have to 4. a)runout 8)putup with c)dowithout D) make for b) How much money do you manage 10 vv? ‘A)comeinto 3)goinfor C)dealwith p)liveon c) The weather was fine, and everyone was ....the coast. ‘A)goinginfor »)makingfor C)joiningin p)seeing about 4) Iwas passing their house, so I... Claire and Michael. a)droppedinon 3)cameup with c)gotonwith p) ran into ¢) Idon’treally....... winter sports very much. A)deal with B)faceupto C)goinfor p)getround to £) Losing my job was a great shock, but I think I’m... it A)seeingto 3)puttingup with C)standingfor D) getting over ) Sheila’s gone to... having a new phone installed. ‘A)seeabout B)deal with Cc) getround top) ask after b) Pve had to ..... lot of insulting behaviour from you! A)lookdownon 8)putup with c)standupfor D) get on with The hotel was terrible, but the wonderful beach....... our disappointment. A)gotover 3)facedupto C)sawto D)made up for j)_ Jack has decided to .... the time he spends watching television. ‘A)runoutof 3)seeto C)cutdownon D)comeup with it. 5 Choose the most suitable ending foreach sentence. Other meanings of verbs in this unit (possibly ina different category) are included here. KEY POINTS a) Ican’t put up with ..B.. A) you if you should come to London. 8) people who smoke all the time. c) the plates onto the top shelf. b) The chairperson of the committee then called on Tony ssn. + |) but his line was engaged. 8) to make a speech in reply. ©) so that his voice could be heard above the crowd. Mary has been chosen to stand f0F we. ‘) the bad behaviour of her colleagues, 8) herself in future. ©) Parliament in the next election. d) After my holidays ittakes mea few days to catch up with 4) the people running in front of me. B) all the news I’ve missed. C)areally bad cold. Small children soon grow out of A) their shoes. 8) all the good food they eat. c) the habits they have when they get older. 8) Pvedecided to go in for sun A) eating fruit for breakfast. )afew days restin the country. c)aphotography competition in Photographer's Weekly. T’'mafraid that our plans to open a new factory have run into . A)some old friends. B)atree by the side of the road. c)a few unexpected difficulties. h) We find that this type of tyre makes for wun: A) safer driving in wet weather, 8) the first place it can stop. C)all smaller types of car. Isaw my old friend John last week. I couldn’t get over a) my cold before I sawhim, though. 8) near enough to talk to him though. c) how young he looked. In this part of town, people are only worried about keeping up with ...... A) others who arefaster. 8) late-night television programmes. ©) the Joneses. ¢ é & 1 Check any new phrasal verb with a dictionary, to be sure what type itis. 2 Bear in mind that many phrasal verbs have more than one meaning. we Phrasal verbs tend to be more common in spoken language and informal written language.

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