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ee — PP Arkananta Apta Pratista ‘Ballkpapan Head of JLIMT Haryono Not31-193 Balikpapulh 76126, Indonesia Phone: +62-542 7212700 “02-542 7212730 462-542 7212720 Facsimile: 462-542 7212730 Jakarta Branch Office: Jlcejend TB. Simatupang Kav38 Jakcarta Selatan 12540, Indonesia Phone: +62-21 7829404 462-21 7884394 Facsimile: +62-21 7808314 Contact Person. Business Development Manager YulsIsnawan $62-813-498-77713 62852638 53777 Business Development Engineer Wahya Munandar #62-952.190-31131 462-812-11639390 Yobl Yosmarika +$62-812.099-2682 “To be the most admired, efficient and progressive mining contractor in Indonesia and recognized as the world class company standard for quality, service and product’. Consistently focused on safety, environmentally, highest quality and competitive engineering, management and contracting knowledge and its skills to contribute on business development, initiation and expansion of our clients’ PT. Arkananta Apta Pratista was established since August 11 2004 with Act No.24 by Melanla Miensye Hambali, SH, Notary in Balikpapan, Minister of Lawand Human Rights Decree Noc- 22849 IT.01,01.TH.2004 dated on September 10th 2004, Berita Negara Republik Indonesia Ne. 29 dated on April 11th 2006 ‘Tambahan Berita Negara Republik Indonesia No.3806/2000 Nature of Services Land Clearing : ac ic brilling & Blasting fis J ng nt al Fipping 4 Overburden Removal 1/Coal Hauling Level 2.500.000 2,000,000 41,509,000 4,000,000 00,000 APTA established in Tt was. during that the company Il known as ARKA, aL “PT Kitadin » PT. Penajams PT, Adimitra » PT. Kayan PrimaCoal Previous Project Inspired by the successful services, we then signed some other projects such as with PT, Bara Indah Lestari - Coal Mining Project in Bengkulu, PT.Kemakmuran Pertiwi Tambang - Nickel Mining Project in Halmahera, PT. Nusa Alam Lestari - Coal Mining Project in Sawahlunto, PT. Anugrah Tompira Nikel - Nickel mining Project in Central Sulawesi, PT. Nusantara Trade Net — Coal Mining Project in Kutai Kertanegara, PT. Tambang Damai - Coal Hauling Road Construction Project in Kutai Kertanegara, and PT. Tanito Harum ~ Coal Mining Project in Kutai Kertanegara. All the above project ventures were accomplished on timely satisfactory. scone) 08 (80M) Coa! (Ton) Borateme Purrautera Nusantara Management Expertise Yuwana (President Director) A mining engineer graduated with more than 24 year experiences in th mining Industry. He was spent his most quality of time in managing gold and coal mine projects, executed international standard mining operations with PT. Kaltim Prima I, PT, Berau Coal, PT. Darma Henwa for PT. Kendilo Arutmin, PT. Petrosea Tbk (for PT. Barisan Tropical Mining PT, Newmont Minahasa Raya, PT. Gunungbayan Pratama Coal PT. Kaltim Prima Goal), and Thiess Contractor Indonesia for PT. Kideco Jaya Agung He was a founder and ex commissioner OfPT. Madhani Talatah Nusantara Irpandi Muslimin, (Plant Equipment Manager) A. Mechanical With more than 10 ye in plant equipment re nd Agus Triyanto, (Mining Operations Director) A Petroleum Engine: ith more t experiences in the coal n Ey) was spent his mos quality of time in m mining operat : Mitra Jaya, P ani, F Matra Sejati VISILWud Vid¥ VINYNWIYY “Ld Occupational Health & Safety Fomiect our commitments, the following stipulations shall be complied! b; Ensuring OHS Policy and all P afe appropriately communicated, socialized, implemented by all relevant p. a ‘company’s employees, share holders and s ub-contractar’s personnel. Such people who involve directly in PT ARKANANTA's Work activities are also made aware of the OHS responsibility in their respect area «Establishing a OHS standard ane Tequired procedures in identifying iasards, assessing the risk and applying proper controls in order everybody Works safely and healthily parallel with their respective working area of Yesponsibility ¢Making sure that this OHS management system can be integrated with the wh PT ARKANANTA operations and oth administration management systems Fulfilling all applicable laws and regulat Of the government relating to Occupational Health and Saft: + Striving to obtain commitments ‘employees, sub-contractor's, suppliers consultants for OH ations on th activities throughout company’s operation + Monitoring, recording related tat Reponme tic OHS perintinatice evali(ati tothe authorit «Establishing the plana: tan Ind objectives (SMART h continual improven maintained We're all i Occupational Heal particular area, s ng ec ach 1 ultimate-gool accident, and so we'll have th safe and healthy working envi ‘anywhere we operate either in country or overseas NANTA place and regard Occupational Health HS) as the first priority of the company in || activities within our operations. This OHS standard imposed to all employees and partners to ensure they and healthy working environment *. & for to meet our customer's _ Ensure to establish communications and socializations of these Quality Policy Carry-out scheduled review to all Quality Documents to ensure their relevance with the latest development Give the service-products that meet orexceed the standards that have been stipulated Focus on customers by immediately responding and correcting their complaints through an appropriate method and satisfy all related parties. Establish a strategic program for courses and trainings ofall employees specially of those whose works directly affect the quality of products Establish quality performance processes in programs with measurable target or objectives at every function within the whole PT / ‘ARKA’s activities / LES LI ke | 1 2 4 6 ¥ 8 9g 10 11 12 13 14 15 Centimeters Inches Hens 2 3 4 5 Risk Assessmentand Risk Management Hazard arid Risk Identification Job Safety ad Environment a: Harard and Risic Assessment lysis (SEA) eI Hazard and Risk Control Measures Hazard and Risk Recording General Site Induction Management/Supervisor Induction Training + Audits and Inspection and Control * Permit Procedures = Incident Statistic External Course Relevant to Employees at site Emergenci Response Subcontractors and Support Service Procedures, Controls and Performance Standards Equipment Supply Sub:Contracter Organization and ‘Iraining © Occupational Health Service Industrial Sanitation and Hygiene Reporting and Recommend: * Fire Pieve Environmental agement Plan Motorized Equipment and Vehicle Safety Program Safe Operation Maintenance. In © Accidents Ineident / Injury Definition 250 ton 200 ton 120 ton 80 ton 40 ton 20 ton Various size Various size 10 ton 60 ~ 100 ton 20 ~ 30 ton 7m&1i2m

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