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less than 25% of their regular renumeration Labor standards

of the said days. Labor Law 1

In accordance with this rule, the BOOK III CONTINUATION
provision of Commonwealth Act No. 103
which confers upon the Court of Industrial
Relations power to settle dispute between
employers and employees in general,
including those relating to compulsion of 1. The Manila Electric Company v
laborers to work on Sundays and legal The Public Utilities Employees
holidays and additional compensation for Association
those working on those days, should be
considered as impliedly repealed by section Facts:
4 of Act No. 444, which limits or restricts This is an appeal in the decision of
the minimum of the additional the Court of Industrial Relations which
compensation and specifies the persons, orders the respondent company (Manila
firms or corporation who may be required to Electric Company Inc.) to pay 50% increase
pay said compensation. That is, that the for over time work done by ordinary days
Court of Industrial Relations may, under the and 50%% increase for work done during
provision of said section 4, order a person, Sundays and legal holidays irrespective of
firm or corporation or business the number of days they work during the
establishment or place or center of labor weekdays. The contends that such
who compel an employee or laborer to work decision is against the provision of section
on Sundays and legal holidays, to pay him 4, Commemwealth Act No. 444 which states
an additional compensation of at least 25 that No person, firm, or corporation,
per centum of his regular remuneration; but business establishment or place or center
said court can not require public utilities of labor shall compel an employee or
performing public service mentioned laborer to work during Sundays and legal
therein to pay said extra compensation to holidays, unless he is paid an additional
laborers and employees required by them sum of at least twenty-five per centum of
to work on Sundays and legal holidays, his regular remuneration: Provided,
because the necessity of public service so however, That this prohibition shall not
requires. apply to public utilities performing some
Annent to this, the principal purpose public service such as supplying gas,
of the Legislature in enacting said section 4, electricity, power, water, or providing
is not only to restrict the general power of means of transportation or communication.
the Court of Industrial Relations granted by
Act No. 103, [to fix the minimum additional Issue:
compensation which an employer may be WON the decision of the Court of
required to pay a laborer compelled to work Industrial Relation was erroneous to section
on those days], but principally to exempt 4, Commemwealth Act No. 444
public utilities affected with public interest,
from the payment of such additional Held:
compensation. If it were the intention of the The CA holds the decision that the
law makers in enacting section 4 of the Act decision made by the Court of Industrial
No. 444 to fix the limit of the minimum of Relations was erroneous of contrary to the
additional compensation of laborers clear and express provision of the above
working on those days, without exempting mentioned provision because it restricts
the public utilities, that is, leaving intact the section 1 of the Commomwealth Act No.
general power of the court to require the 103 in the sense that public utilities
public utilities to pay said additional supplying electricity, gas, power, water, or
compensation, the law would have only providing means of transportation or
provided, in substance, that all employers communication may compel their
are prohibited from compelling their employees or laborers to work during
laborers to work on Sundays and legal Sundays and legal holidays without paying
holidays without paying them an additional them an additional compensation of not
on the part of respondent arbitrator and not compensation of not less than 50 per cent
an error of jurisdiction; that it prays for the of their regular remuneration.
annulment of certain rules and regulations
issued by the Department of Labor, not for
the annulment of the voluntary arbitration 2. MANTRADE v. ARBITRATOR
proceedings; and that appeal by certiorari FROILAN M. BACUNGAN
under Section 29 of the Arbitration Law,
Republic Act No. 876, is not applicable to This is a petition for Certiorari and
the case at bar because arbitration in labor Mandamus filed by petitioner against
disputes is expressly excluded by Section 3 arbitrator Froilan M. Bacungan and
of said law. Mantrade Development Corporation arising
from the decision of respondent arbitrator,
These contentions have been ruled against the dispositive part of which reads as
in the decision of this Court in the case of follows:
Oceanic Bic Division (FFW) vs. Romero, "CONSIDERING ALL THE ABOVE, We rule
promulgated on July 16, 1984, wherein it that Mantrade Development Corporation is
stated: not under legal obligation to pay holiday
"We agree with the petitioner that the pay (as provided for in Article 94 of the
decisions of voluntary arbitrators must be Labor Code in the third official Department
given the highest respect and as a general of Labor edition) to its monthly paid
rule must be accorded a certain measure of employees who are uniformly paid by the
finality. This is especially true where the month, irrespective of the number of
arbitrator chosen by the parties enjoys the working days therein, with a salary of not
first rate credentials of Professor Flerida less than the statutory or established
Ruth Pineda Romero, Director of the U. P. minimum wage, and this rule is applicable
Law Center and an academician of not only as of March 2, 1976 but as of
unquestioned expertise in the field of Labor November 1, 1974."
Law. It is not correct, however, that this Petitioner questions the validity of the
respect precludes the exercise of judicial pertinent section of the Rules and
review over their decisions. Article 262 of Regulations implementing the Labor Code
the Labor Code making voluntary as amended on which respondent arbitrator
arbitration awards final, inappealable and based his decision.
executory, except where the money claims
exceed P100,000.00 or 40% of the paid-up On the other hand, respondent corporation
capital of the employer or where there is has raised procedural and substantive
abuse of discretion or gross incompetence objections. It contends that petitioner is
refers to appeals to the National Labor barred from pursuing the present action in
Relations Commission and not to judicial view of Article 263 of the Labor Code which
review. provides in part that "voluntary arbitration
awards or decisions shall be final,
"In spite of statutory provisions making inappealable, and executory," as well as the
'final' the decisions of certain rules implementing the same; the pertinent
administrative agencies, we have taken provision of the Collective Bargaining
cognizance of petitions questioning these Agreement between petitioner and
decisions where want of jurisdiction, grave respondent corporation; and Article 2044 of
abuse of discretion, violation of due the Civil Code which provides that "any
process, denial of substantial justice, or stipulation that the arbitrators' award or
erroneous interpretation of the Law were decision shall be final, is valid, without
brought to our attention. prejudice to Articles 2038, 2039, and 2040."
"A voluntary arbitrator by the nature of her Respondent corporation further contends
functions acts in a quasi-judicial capacity. that the special civil action of certiorari
There is no reason why her decisions does not lie because respondent arbitrator
involving interpretation of law should be is not an "officer exercising judicial
beyond this Court's review. Administrative functions" within the contemplation of Rule
officials are presumed to act in accordance 65, Section 1, of the Rules of Court; that the
with law and yet we do not hesitate to pass instant petition raises an error of judgment
This issue was subsequently decided on upon their work where a question of law is
October 24, 1984 by a division of this Court involved or where a showing of abuse of
in the case of Insular Bank of Asia and discretion in their official acts is properly
America Employees' Union (IBAAEU) vs. raised in petitions for certiorari." (130 SCRA
Inciong, wherein it held as follows: 392, 399, 400-401)
"WE agree with the petitioner's contention In denying petitioner's claim for holiday
that Section 2, Rule IV, Book III of the pay, respondent arbitrator stated that
implementing rules and Policy Instruction although monthly salaried employees are
No. 9 issued by the then Secretary of Labor not among those excluded from receiving
are null and void since in the guise of such additional pay under Article 94 of the
clarifying the Labor Code's provisions on Labor Code of the Philippines, to wit:
holiday pay, they in effect amended them
by enlarging the scope of their exclusion (p. ART. 94. Right to holiday pay. - (a) Every
11, rec.). worker shall be paid his regular daily wage
"Article 94 of the Labor Code, as amended during regular holidays, except in retail and
by P. D. 850, provides: service establishments regularly employing
less than ten (10) workers;
'Art. 94. Right to holiday pay.- (a) Every
worker shall be paid his regular daily wage (b) The employer may require an employee
during regular holidays, except in retail and to work on any holiday but such employee
service establishments regularly employing shall be paid compensation equivalent to
less than ten (10) workers. x x x' twice his regular rate; and

"The coverage and scope of exclusion of (c) As used in this Article, "holiday"
the Labor Code's holiday pay provisions is includes: New Year's Day, Maundy
spelled out under Article 82 thereof which Thursday, Good Friday, the-ninth of April,
reads: the first of May, the twelfth of June, the
'Art. 82. Coverage.- The provision of this fourth of July, the thirtieth of November, the
Title shall apply to employees in all twenty-fifth and the thirtieth of December,
establishments and undertakings, whether and the day designated by law for holding a
for profit or not, but not to government general election.
employees, managerial employees, field they appear to be excluded under Sec. 2,
personnel, members of the family of the Rule IV, Book III of the Rules and
employer who are dependent on him for Regulations implementing said provision
support, domestic helpers, persons in the which reads thus:
personal service of another, and workers
who are paid by results as determined by SEC. 2. Status of employees paid by the
the Secretary of Labor in appropriate month. - Employees who are uniformly paid
regulations.' by the month, irrespective of the number of
working days therein, with a salary of not
"From the above-cited provisions, it is clear less than the statutory or established
that monthly paid employees are not minimum wage shall be presumed to be
excluded from the benefits of holiday pay. paid for all days in the month whether
However, the implementing rules on worked or not.
holiday pay promulgated by the then
Secretary of Labor excludes monthly paid Respondent arbitrator further opined that
employees from the said benefits by respondent corporation does not have any
inserting under Rule IV, Book III of the legal obligation to grant its monthly
implementing rules, Section 2, which salaried employees holiday pay, unless it is
provides that: 'employees who are argued that the pertinent section of the
uniformly paid by the month, irrespective of Rules and Regulations implementing
the number of working days therein, with a Section 94 of the Labor Code is not in
salary of not less than the statutory or conformity with the law, and thus, without
established minimum wage shall be force and effect.
presumed to be paid for all days in the
and ERNESTO S. DE month whether worked or not.'" (132 SCRA
CASTRO, respondents. 663, 672-673)
This ruling was reiterated by the Court en
Facts: banc on August 28, 1985 in the case of
On 7 July 1988, Trans-Asia Philippines Chartered Bank Employees Association vs.
Employees Association (TAPEA) entered into Ople, wherein it added that:
a Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) "The questioned Sec. 2, Rule IV, Book III of
with their employer. The CBA provided for, the Integrated Rules and the Secretary's
among others, the payment of holiday pay Policy Instruction No. 9 add another
with a stipulation that if an employee is excluded group, namely 'employees who
permitted to work on a legal holiday, the are uniformly paid by the month'. While the
said employee will receive a salary additional exclusion is only in the form of a
equivalent to 200% of the regular daily presumption that all monthly paid
wage plus a 60% premium pay. employees have already been paid holiday
Despite the conclusion of the CBA, pay, it constitutes a taking away or a
however, an issue was still left unresolved deprivation which must be in the law if it is
with regard to the claim of TAPEA for to be valid. An administrative
payment of holiday pay. Since the parties interpretation which diminishes the benefits
were not able to arrive at an amicable of labor more than what the statute delimits
settlement despite the conciliation or withholds is obviously ultra vires." (138
meetings, TAPEA, led by its President, SCRA 273, 282. See also CBTC Employees
petitioner Arnie Galvez, filed a complaint for Union vs. Clave, January 7, 1986, 141 SCRA
the payment of their holiday pay in arrears. 9.)
On 18 September 1988, petitioners Lastly, respondent corporation contends
amended their complaint to include the that mandamus does not lie to compel the
payment of holiday pay for the duration of performance of an act which the law does
the recently concluded CBA (from 1988 to not clearly enjoin as a duty. True it is also
1991), unfair labor practice, damages and that mandamus is not proper to enforce a
attorneys fees. contractual obligation, the remedy being an
In their Position Paper, TAPEA contended action for specific performance (Province of
that their claim for holiday pay in arrears is Pangasinan vs. Reparations Commission,
based on the non-inclusion of the same in November 29, 1977, 80 SCRA 376). In the
their monthly pay. case at bar, however, in view of the above-
In response, Trans-Asia contended that it cited subsequent decisions of this Court
has always honored the labor law provisions clearly defining the legal duty to grant
on holiday pay by incorporating the same in holiday pay to monthly salaried employees,
the payment of the monthly salaries of its mandamus is an appropriate equitable
employees. In support of this claim, Trans- remedy (Dionisio vs. Paterno, July 23, 1980,
Asia pointed out that it has long been the 98 SCRA 677; Gonzales vs. Government
standing practice of the company to use Service Insurance System, September 10,
the divisor of 286 days in computing for 1981, 107 SCRA 492).
its employees overtime pay and daily rate WHEREFORE, the questioned decision of
deductions for absences. respondent arbitrator is SET ASIDE and
52 x 44 / 8 = 286 days respondent corporation is ordered to GRANT
Where: 52 = number of weeks in a year holiday pay to its monthly salaried
44 = number of work hours per week employees. No costs.
8 = number of work hours per day
Trans-Asia further clarified that the 286
days divisor already takes into account the 3. G.R. No. 118289 December 13,
ten (10) regular holidays in a year since it 1999
only subtracts from the 365 calendar days TRANS-ASIA PHILS. EMPLOYEES
the unworked and unpaid 52 Sundays and ASSOCIATION (TAPEA) and ARNEL
26 Saturdays (employees are required to GALVEZ, petitioners,
work half-day during Saturdays). Trans-Asia vs.
claimed that if the ten (10) regular holidays NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS
were not included in the computation of COMMISSION, TRANS-ASIA (PHILS.)
Independence Day June 12 their employees monthly salary, the divisor
National Heroes Day Last Sunday of which they would have used would only be
August 277 days which is arrived at by subtracting
Bonifacio Day November 30 52 Sundays, 26 Saturdays and the 10 legal
Christmas Day December 25 holidays from 365 calendar days.
Rizal Day December 30 Labor Arbiter and NLRC: Dismissed the
B. Nationwide Special Days complaint for lack of merit.
All Saints Day November 1 Issue: Whether the Trans-Asias use of 286
Last Day of the Year December 31 days as divisor is invalid.
On the other hand, Section 6 of the Held:
Implementing Rules and Regulations of No, it is not in such a way that the Supreme
Republic Act No. 6727 provides: Court adjusted the divisor.
Sec. 6. Suggested Formula in Determining Trans-Asias inclusion of holiday pay in
the Equivalent Monthly Statutory Minimum petitioners monthly salary is clearly
Wage Rates. Without prejudice from established by its consistent use of the
existing company practices, agreements or divisor of 286 days in the computation of
policies, the following formulas may be its employees benefits and deductions. The
used as guides in determining the use by Trans-Asia of the 286 days divisor
equivalent monthly statutory minimum was never disputed by petitioners. A simple
wage rates: application of mathematics would reveal
xxx xxx xxx that the ten (10) legal holidays in a year are
d) For those who do not work and are not already accounted for with the use of the
considered paid on Saturdays and Sundays said divisor. As explained by Trans-Asia, if
or rest days: one is to deduct the unworked 52 Sundays
Equivalent Monthly = Average Daily Wage and 26 Saturdays (derived by dividing 52
Rate x 262 days / 12 months Saturdays in half since petitioners are
Where 262 days = required to work half-day on Saturdays)
250 days Ordinary working days from the 365 calendar days in a year, the
10 days Regular holidays resulting divisor would be 286 days (should
2 days Special days (If considered paid; if actually be 287 days). Since the ten (10)
actually worked, this is equivalent to 2.6 legal holidays were never included in
Based on the above, the proper divisor that subtracting the unworked and unpaid days
should be used for a situation wherein the in a calendar year, the only logical
employees do not work and are not conclusion would be that the payment for
considered paid on Saturdays and Sundays holiday pay is already incorporated into the
or rest days is 262 days. In the present said divisor.
case, since the employees of Trans-Asia are However, SC held that that there is a need
required to work half-day on Saturdays, 26 to adjust the divisor used by Trans-Asia to
days should be added to the divisor of 262 287 days, instead of only 286 days, in order
days, thus, resulting to 288 days. However, to properly account for the entirety of
due to the fact that the rest days of regular holidays and special days in a year
petitioners fall on a Sunday, the number of as prescribed by Executive Order No. 203 in
unworked but paid legal holidays should be relation to Section 6 of the Rules
reduced to nine (9), instead of ten (10), Implementing Republic Act 6727.
since one legal holiday under E.O. No. 203 Sec. 1 of Executive Order No. 203 provides:
always falls on the last Sunday of August, Sec. 1. Unless otherwise modified by law,
National Heroes Day. Thus, the divisor that order or proclamation, the following regular
should be used in the present case should holidays and special days shall be observed
be 287 days. in the country:
However, the Court notes that if the divisor A. Regular Holidays
is increased to 287 days, the resulting daily New Years Day January 1
rate for purposes of overtime pay, holiday Maundy Thursday Movable Date
pay and conversions of accumulated leaves Good Friday Movable Date
would be diminished. To illustrate, if an Araw ng Kagitingan April 9
employee receives P8,000.00 as his (Bataan and Corregidor Day)
Labor Day May 1
monthly salary, his daily rate would be
Facts: P334.49, computed as follows:
Upon an inspection of the Wellington Flour P8,000.00 x 12 months / 287 days =
Mills, owned and operated by petitioner, the P334.49/day
latter was accused of non-payment of Whereas if the divisor used is only 286
regular holidays falling on a Sunday for days, the employees daily rate would be
monthly-paid employees. P335.66, computed as follows:
Petitioners Arguments: P8,000.00 x 12 months / 286 days =
1 Monthly salary of the monthly-paid P335.66/day
employees already includes holiday Clearly, this muddled situation would be
pay for all the regular holidays. violative of the proscription on the non-
2 To pay for the extra days (regular diminution of benefits under Section 100 of
holidays on a Sunday), as compelled the Labor Code. On the other hand, the use
by the Order of the DOLE, it is in of the divisor of 287 days would be to the
effect being compelled to pay for advantage of petitioners if it is used for
alleged extra working days. purposes of computing for deductions due
DOLEs Contentions: to the employees absences. In view of this
1 Regular holidays falling on Sundays situation, the Court rules that the adjusted
have precluded the enjoyment by divisor of 287 days should only be used by
the employees of a non-working day Trans-Asia for computations which would be
and the employees consequently advantageous to petitioners (i.e.,
have to work for additional days. deductions for absences), and not for
2 When a regular holiday falls on a computations which would diminish the
Sunday, an extra or additional existing benefits of the employees (i.e.,
working day is created and the overtime pay, holiday pay and leave
employer has the obligation to pay conversions.)
its employees for the extra day. SC Decision:
Issue: Whether or not a monthly-paid WHEREFORE, the Resolutions of the NLRC,
employee is entitled to an additional pay dated 23 November 1993 and 13
aside from his usual holiday pay, whenever September 1994, are hereby AFFIRMED
a regular holiday falls on a Sunday. with the MODIFICATION that Trans-Asia is
Held: hereby ordered to adjust its divisor to 287
No. days and pay the resulting holiday pay in
To agree with DOLEs theory would increase arrears brought about by this adjustment
the number of days in a year, instead of starting from 30 June 1987, the date of
365 days, as basis for computation of salary effectivity of E.O. No. 203.
for monthly-paid employees. There is no
provision of law requiring employers to
make adjustments in the monthly salary
rate set by them to take account of the
legal holiday falling on Sundays or to reckon
a year at more than 365 days.

5. G.R. No. 146775. January 30,

San Miguel vs CA

Upon a routine inspection done by the
Department of Labor and Employment in
the premises of San Miguel Corporation in
Iligan City, it was discovered that there was 4. G.R. No. 114698 July 3, 1995
underpayment by SMC of regular Muslim Wellington Investment vs Trajano
seamstress, sewers, basters, and Holiday pay to its employees. SMC received
plantsadoras and are paid on a the inspection result which later on
piece-rate basis (except two contested such thus DOLE conducted
petitioners who are paid on a summary hearings. Both DOLE Regional
monthly basis) and in addition, they Office and National Office ruled against
are given a daily allowance of P 3.00 SMC ordering the latter to consider Muslim
provided they report before 9:30 Holidays as regular holidays and to pay its
a.m. Muslim and non-Muslim employees holiday
Work sked: 9:30-6 or 7 p.m., pay.
Mondays to Saturdays and even on Thus, this appeal.
Sundays and holidays during peak Issue:
periods. Whether or not the Muslim holiday pay is
Unions first case was on: applicable to employees regardless of faith
underpayment of or religion
basic wage Held:
living allowance Yes.
non-payment of Although Article 3 of Presidential Decree
holiday pay 1083 (Code of Muslim Personal Laws)
provides that the provisions of the code
service incentive pay
shall be applicable only to Muslims, on
13th month pay
which the petitioner based its defense, the
benefits provided for under
same article provides further that nothing
Wage Orders 1-5
in the code shall be construed to the
While the first case was pending
prejudice of non-Muslims. The Supreme
decision, Pelobello left an open
Court stated that there should be no
package containing a jusi barong
distinction between Muslims and non-
tagalong with salesman Rivera. He
Muslims as regards the payment of benefits
was caught and confronted about
for Muslim Holidays. The Court, quoting the
this and he explained that this was
Court of Appeals, assuming that the SMC is
ordered by Zapata, also a worker, for
correct, then Muslims throughout the
his (personal) customer. Zapata
Philippines are also not entitled to holiday
allegedly admitted that he copied
pays on Christian holidays declared by law.
the design of the company but later
We must remind (SMC) that wages and
denied ownership of the same.
other emoluments granted by law are
They were made to explain why no
determined not on the basis of the workers
action should be taken against them
faith or religion, finds against the
for accepting a job order which is
petitioner, and dismissed the petition.
prejudicial and in direct competition
with the business. However they did
not submit and went on AWOL until
the period given for them to explain
expired hence the dismissal.
Illegal dismissal complaint on the 6. Makati Haberdashery vs NLRC,
second case filed before the LA 179 SCRA 449 (89)
LA declared petitioners guilty of Penned by Justice Fernan
illegal dismissal and ordered to Nature:
reinstate Pelobello and Zapata and Petition for certiorari to review the decision
found petitioners violating decrees of the NLRC which affirmed the decision of
of COLA, service incentive and 13th the Labor Arbiter who jointly heard and
month pay. Commission analyst was decided two cases filed by the Union in
directed to compute the monetary behalf of the private respondents
awards which retroacts to three
years prior to filing of case. Facts:
NLRC affirmed but limited Private complainants are working for
backwages to one year. Makati Haberdashery Inc as tailors,
Issue: WON employees paid on piece-rate
COLA basis are entitled to service incentive pay
Held: Entitled. They are regular employees. (relevant to title)
IRR of Wage No. 1, 2, and 5 provide that all
workers in the private sector, regardless of Held: NO, fall under exceptions set forth in
their position, designation of status, and the implementing rules
irrespective of the method by which
their wages are paid are entitled to such Ratio:
allowance. A
s to the service incentive leave pay:
13th Month pay as piece-rate workers being paid at a
Held: Entitled under Sec. 3(e) of the IRR of fixed amount for performing work
PD 851 which is an exception to the irrespective of time consumed in the
exception of such provision which states performance thereof, they fall under
that employers whose workers are paid on the exceptions stated in Sec 1(d),
piece-rate basis in which are covered by Rule V, IRR, Book III, Labor Code.
such issuance in so far as such workers are
concerned. Service Incentive Leave
SECTION 1. Coverage. This rule shall
Illegal dismissal apply to all employees except:
Held: Dismissed for justifiable ground based (d) Field personnel and other employees
on Article 283 (a) and (c). Inimical to the whose performance is unsupervised by
interest of the employer. Not dismissed just the employer including those who are
because of union activities. engaged on task or contract basis,
purely commission basis, or those who
are paid a fixed amount for
performing work irrespective of the
7. G.R. No. 123938 May 21, 1998 time consumed in the performance
Labor Congress of the Philippines vs. NLRC thereof;

Other issues discussed:

Ponente: J. Davide, Jr.

ER-EE relationship
Held: There is such relationship because in
Application of LC Article 286(n) in determination of
the application of the four-fold test, it was
status of piece workers as regular workers versus LC
found that petitioners had control over the
Article 86 definition
respondents not only as to the result but
also as to the means and method by which
the same is to be accomplished. Such
The 99 persons (Ana Marie Ocampo, Mary Intal, et al) control is proven by a memorandum which
as private petitioners in the proceeding (represented enumerates procedures and instructions
by the Labor Congress of the Phils.) were rank-and-file regarding job orders, alterations, and their
employees of private respondent Empire Food behavior inside the shop.
Products (a food and fruit processing company), hired
on various dates. Minimum Wage
Held: No dispute that entitled to minimum
Ocampo et al filed against Empire an NLRC complaint wage but court dismissed case for lack of
for payment of money claims and for violation of labor sufficient evidence to support claim that
standards laws. Alongside this they also filed a petition there was in fact underpayment which was
for direct certification for the Labor Congress to be ruled by the LA and which the private resp
their bargaining representative. On Oct. 23, 1990, did not appeal to in the NLRC nor in the SC.
petitioners represented by LCP, and private Well-settled is the rule that an appellee
respondents Gonzalo and Evelyn Kehyeng (Kehyeng who has not himself appealed cannot
spouses) entered into a Memorandum of Agreement, obtain from the appellate court any
recognizing the following: affirmative relief other than the ones
granted in the decision of the court below.
Declaration of ULP connotes a finding of Status of LCP as sole and exclusive Bargaining
prima facie evidence of probability that a Agent and Representative for all rank and file
criminal offense may have been committed so employees of the Empire Food Products
as to warrant the filing of a criminal regarding "wages, hours of work, and other
information before the regular court. terms and conditions of employment";
As regards the issue of harassment, threats With regard to the NLRC complaint, all
and interference with the rights of employees parties agree to resolve the issues during the
to self-organization which is actually an Collective Bargaining Agreement;
ingredient of unfair labor practice, Proper adjustment of wages, withdrawal of
complainants failed to specify what type of case from the Calendar of NLRC, non-
threats or intimidation was committed and interference or any ULP act, etc.
who committed the same.
On Oct. 24, 1990, the Mediator Arbiter approved the
NLRC (Part 2): memorandum and certified LCP as the sole and
Affirmed LA decision Part 2. exclusive bargaining agent for the rank-and-file
employees of Empire.
The fact that they are piece workers does not On November 1990, LCP President Navarro submitted
imply that they are not regular employees to Empire a proposal for collective bargaining.
entitled for reinstatement. However, on January 1991, the private petitioners Ana
LA and NLRC decisions were not supported by Marie et al filed a complaint for:
substantial evidence; Unfair Labor Practices via Illegal Lockout and
Abandonment of work was not proved by Dismissal;
substantial evidence; Union-Busting through harassment, threats
Much credit given to the Kehyeng spouses and interference to the right for self-
self-serving arguments. organization;
Violation of the Oct. 23, 1990 memorandum
Respondents: Underpayment of wages
Ana Marie, et al were piece workers hence Actual, moral and exemplary damages
they are exempt from labor standards
benefits Labor Arbiter (Part 1):
Absolved Empire for ULP, union busting,
Issues: violation of the memorandum of agreement,
1. [RELEVANT] WON the petitioners are entitled underpayment of wages and denied
to labor standard benefits, considering their petitioners' prayer for actual, moral and
status as piece rate workers. exemplary damages.
2. WON the actions of Ana Marie, et al Denied prayer for actual, moral and
constituted abandonment of work. exemplary damages
Directed reinstatement of complainants, due
Held: to the fact that Empire did not keep its payroll
1. YES, petitioners are entitled to labor records as per requirement of the DOLE.
standards benefits, namely, holiday pay, Admonition to Empire given as well re:
premium pay, 13th month pay and service further harassment and intimidation.
incentive leave.
2. NO, failure to appear to work did not NLRC (Part 1):
constitute abandonment, Remanded case to Labor Arbiter for further
proceedings due to overlooking the
Ratio: testimonies of some of the individual
Supreme Court decision cites that Ana Marie, et al, complainants which are now on record.
despite being pakyao or piece workers does not
imply that they are not regular employees entitled to Labor Arbiter (Part 2):
reinstatement. Applying the two-fold test from LC Complainants failed to present with
Article 286(n) [Art. 280 (old)], the SC found that the definiteness and clarity the particular act or
acts constitutive of unfair labor practice.
case shall the holiday pay be less than the supposedly piece workers had three factors in their
applicable statutory minimum wage rate. favor:
a) The nature of the tasks of Ana Marie, et al of
In addition, the Revised Guidelines on the repacking snack food items was NECESSARY
Implementation of the 13th Month Pay Law, in view of and DESIRABLE in the usual business of
the modifications to P.D. No. 851 19 by Memorandum Empire Foods, which is a food and fruit
Order No. 28, clearly exclude the employer of piece processing company. According to Tabas vs
rate workers from those exempted from paying 13th California Manufacturing, merchandisers of
month pay, to wit: processed food who coordinates for sales of
processed food was a necessity and was
2. EXEMPTED EMPLOYERS - The desirable for the day-to-day operations of a
following employers are still not covered by food processing company. With more reason
P.D. No. 851: would the job of food packers be necessary
d. Employers of those who are for the day-to-day operations of a food
paid on purely commission, processing plant.
boundary or task basis, and those b) Ana Marie et al worked throughout the year,
who are paid a fixed amount for with their employment being independent
performing specific work, from a specific project or season.
irrespective of the time consumed in c) The length of time that petitioners fulfilled
the performance thereof, except the requirement of Article 286(n).
where the workers are paid on
piece-rate basis in which case the Therefore, the SC considered the employees as regular
employer shall grant the required employees despite their status as piece workers,
13th month pay to such workers. according them benefits such as holiday pay, premium
pay, 13th month pay and service incentive leave.
However, the Revised Guidelines as well as the Rules
and Regulations identify those workers who fall under The Rules Implementing the Labor Code exclude
the piece-rate category as those who are paid a certain employees from receiving benefits such as
standard amount for every piece or unit of work nighttime pay, holiday pay, service incentive leave and
produced that is more or less regularly replicated, 13th month pay, inter alia, "field personnel and other
without regard to the time spent in producing the employees whose time and performance is
same. unsupervised by the employer, including those who
are engaged on task or contract basis, purely
They should also be paid for overtime pay, even commission basis, or those who are paid a fixed
though Sec. 2(e), Rule I, Book III of the Implementing amount for performing work irrespective of the time
Rules states that: consumed in the performance thereof." However,
workers who are paid by results including petitioners as piece-rate workers do not fall within this
those who are paid on piece-work, takay, group. Not only did the employees labor under the
pakiao, or task basis, if their output rates are control of Empire, the employees also worked
in accordance with the standards prescribed throughout the year to fulfil their quota as basis for
under Sec. 8, Rule VII, Book III, of these compensation.
regulations, or where such rates have been
fixed by the Secretary of Labor in accordance Further, in Section 8 (b), Rule IV, Book III, piece
with the aforesaid section, are not entitled to workers are specifically mentioned as being entitled to
receive overtime pay. holiday pay.

In this case, Empire Foods did not allege that they Sec. 8. Holiday pay of certain employees.
adhered to the standards set forth in Sec. 8, Rule (b) Where a covered employee is paid
VII, Book III, nor with the rates prescribed by by results or output, such as payment on
the Secretary of Labor. Therefore, even though they piece work, his holiday pay shall not be less
are piece workers, they are entitled to overtime pay. than his average daily earnings for the last
seven (7) actual working days preceding the
With regard to the issue of abandonment of work, the regular holiday: Provided, however, that in no
SC cited the Office of Solicitor Generals observations:
Certiorari seeking the reversal of the two In finding that petitioner employees
petitions to the NLRC abandoned their work, the Labor Arbiter and
the NLRC relied on the testimony of Security
Facts: Guard Rolando Cairo that on January 21,
1991, petitioners refused to work. As a result
F of their failure to work, the cheese curls ready
ive employees of Sentinel Security for repacking on said date were spoiled
Agency filed for illegal dismissal
against the Agency and its Client The failure to work for one day, which
Philamlife Cebu and prayed for
resulted in the spoilage of cheese curls does
payment of salary differential,
not amount to abandonment of work. In fact
service incentive pay, and
two (2) days after the reported abandonment
separation pay.
of work or on January 23, 1991, petitioners
filed a complaint for, among others, unfair
he complainants were assigned to
labor practice, illegal lockout and/or illegal
Philamlife Cebu but after nearly 20
years for some employees and more
than 20 years for some, Philam
requested on Dec 16, 1993 that Furthermore, the SC stressed that the burden of
security guards be replaced in the proving the existence of just cause for dismissing an
Clients offices in Cebu, Bacolod, employee, such as abandonment, rests on the
CDO, Dipolog and Iligan. employer. According to the SC, Empire Foods failed to
A discharge this burden as basis for dismissing the
gency issued a Relief and Transfer employees.
Order replacing the guards and for
them to be reassigned to other Also, the SC considered that, in terminating the
clients effective on Jan 16 1994. On employees for abandonment of work, Empire failed to
Jan 18 and Feb 4 1994, the serve to the employees a written notice of termination
employees filed an illegal dismissal (as required by the Two-Notice rule and Section 2,
complaint because of a threat from Rule XIV, Book V of the Omnibus Rules), violating the
the personnel manager who told employees right to security of tenure and the
them that they were replaced constitutional right to due process.
because they were old.
ence the complaint against the
Agency and the Client.
lient and Agencys defense: No
dismissal because the contract
allows them to recall security guards
from assigned posts at the will of
either party and that the Agency is
allowed for a period of not more
than six months, to retain the
complainants on floating status.
Agency should have been given a
chance to give new assignments to
lients defense: No ER-EE 8. Sentinel Security Agency, Inc. v.
relationship. Job contract, separate NLRC, 295 SCRA 123 1998)
corporate personalities and not
necessary and desirable to the Penned by Justice Panganiban
business or trade.
requires a deliberate and unjustified LA: Agency and Client ordered to pay
refusal of an employee to resume to solidarily complainants 13th month pay and
his work coupled with a clear service incentive leave benefits amounting
absence of any intention to return to to a little more than P60K.
his/her work and the fact that
complainants did not pray for NLRC: There was constructive dismissal.
reinstatement is not a sufficient Modified awards. Deleted 13th month pay
proof of abandonment, you moron. for previous years. Twin remedies. Ordered:
They reported to the Agency on 1) A
several dates but it did not give any gency to give separation pay at the
reassignment. Abandonment has rate of month pay for every year
been ruled to be incompatible with of service and
constructive dismissal as stated in 2) A
Escobin vs NLRC. Because I am gency and Client to solidarily pay
infallible and you are in dire need of backwages and 13th month pay for
enlightenment, let me demonstrate one year (Jan 1994-1995).
the correct reasoning why they are
illegally dismissed. Issue: 1) WON there was illegal dismissal
2) And if so, WON Philam may be held
It has been recognized that the liable
management has a prerogative to
transfer an employee from one Held:
office to another within the same
business establishment as the 1)
exigency of the business may Yes there was illegal dismissal but SC
require provided that transfer: does not agree with NLRC for its
- reasons for ruling that there was ID.
does not result in a demotion in rank NLRCs reason: Client and Agency
- wanted to circumvent the
diminution in salary, benefits, and other Retirement Law. SC: You NLRC are
privileges speculating and your contention is
- unsupported!
not unreasonable, inconvenient or
prejudicial to the latter SOLGEN: Complainants were placed on
- temporary off-detail which is a
not used as a subterfuge by the standard stipulation in employment
employer to rid himself of an contracts since the availability of
undesirable worker assignment for security guards is
dependent on contracts entered into
SC: Solgen, in case you dont know by the agency. Off-detail or Floating
what a transfer means, let me status means waiting to be posted
extend my unparalleled mastery of and this is not dismissal so long as
this craft which,unfortunately, you such status does not continue
dont have: beyond a reasonable time.
- Transfer may mean two things: a) from
one position to another of equivalent However SOLGEN made a
rank, level or salary b) from one office pronouncement that although
to another within the same business abandonment is inconsistent with
establishment. Oh please, do not even illegal dismissal, such rule is not
think this is equivalent to promotion applicable when the complainants
because the latter involves a scalar expressly reject this relief and ask
ascent. for separation pay instead.

It should have been a mere changing of SC (with conviction): You are wrong
the guards, a reshuffling or exchange SolGen! How dare you be wrong?
of their posts or assignments to their You know that abandonment
posts and such that no security guard
Art. 95 of the LC expressly provides that would be without assignment. But did
service incentive leave is expressly the Agency implement such
granted to every employee who has recognized concept? NO!!! It hired
rendered at least one year or service new security guards, younger, braver,
shall be entitled to a yearly service full of life men whose age are in their
incentive leave of five days with pay. prime! This resulted in a lack of posts
to which the senile, used and wrinkled
IRR of the LC: Unused service incentive men could have been reassigned.
leave is commutable to its money
equivalent as provided by Sec. 5: Floating status requires the dire
The service incentive leave shall be exigency of the employers bona fide
commutable to its money equivalent suspension of operation, business or
if not used or exhausted at the end undertaking. In security services, this
of the year happens when the clients do not
renew their contracts with a security
Pau: May the contrary be stipulated? If agency but in the case at bar, the
yes, when? Supposing the employer Client awarded a new contract to the
gives more than 5 days of service Agency. No surplus of security guards
incentive leave, can they now stipulate over available assignments. No
that such leaves may not be converted suspension of operation that would
to its money equivalent? When can such have justified placing the
leaves be not converted into cash? complainants off-detail and making
them wait for 6 months.

SC: The logical conclusion here Solgen,
9. AUTO BUS TRANSPORT in case you dont know whats logical,
SYSTEMS, INC. v. ANTONIO BAUTISTA is that the Agency illegally dismissed
G.R. No. 156367, May 16, 2005 the complainants.
2) Only solidarily to the service
FACTS: Antonio Bautista has been incentive leave pay. Since no ER-EE
employed by Autobus, as driver-conductor relationship between Client and
and was paid on commission basis, seven complainants, cannot be held liable
percent (7%) of the total gross income per for separation pay and backwages.
travel, on a twice a month basis. One day,
while Bautista was driving Autobus No. 114, Art 106, 107 and 109 provide when the
he accidentally bumped the rear portion of principal who contracted the
Autobus No. 124. Bautista averred that the contractor/subcontractor may be
accident happened because he was held solidarily liable. Art 109 states
compelled by the management to go back that every employer or indirect
to Roxas, Isabela, although he had not slept employer shall be held responsible
for almost 24 hours, as he had just arrived with his contractor or subcontractor
in Manila from Roxas, Isabela. He further for any violation of any provision of
alleged that he was not allowed to work this Code. In determining the extent
until he fully paid 30% of the cost of repair of their civil liability under this
of the damaged buses and that his pleas for Chapter, they shall be considered
reconsideration were ignored by direct employers.
management. After a month, management
sent him a letter of termination. Thus, he Such liability covers service incentive
instituted a Complaint for Illegal Dismissal leave pay of the complainant during
with Money Claims for nonpayment of 13th the time they were posted at the
month pay and service incentive leave pay. Cebu Branch. Service had been
Autobus maintained that Bautistas rendered, liability accrued even
employment was replete with offenses. when they were eventually
Furthermore, Autobus avers that in the transferred or reassigned.
the premises at specific times and arrive at exercise of its management prerogative,
the estimated proper time. These, are Bautista's employment was terminated only
present in the case at bar. The driver, the after the latter was provided with an
complainant herein, was therefore under opportunity to explain.
constant supervision while in the
performance of this work. He cannot be The Labor Arbiter dismissed the complaint
considered a field personnel. but ordered Autobus to pay his 13th month
pay from the date of his hiring to the date
Therefore, Bautista is not a field personnel of his dismissal, as well as his service
but a regular employee who performs tasks incentive leave pay for all the years he had
usually necessary and desirable to the been in service. Autobus appealed to the
usual trade of business of Autobus. NLRC which deleted the award of 13 th
Accordingly, Bautista is entitled to the grant month pay based on the Rules and
of service incentive leave. Regulations Implementing Presidential
Decree No. 851, particularly Sec. 3 which
exempts employers of those who are paid
on purely commission, boundary, or task
basis. Records showed that Bautista, in his
position paper, admitted that he was paid
on a commission basis. The award of
service incentive leave pay was
maintained. Thus, Autobus sought a
reconsideration which was denied by NLRC.
CA affirmed the decision of the NLRC.

ISSUE: Whether or not Bautista is entitled

to service incentive leave.

HELD: The contention of Autobus that

Bautista is not entitled to the grant of
service incentive leave just because he was
paid on purely commission basis is
misplaced. What must be ascertained in
10. Philippine Fisheries order to resolve the issue of propriety of the
Development Authority v. NLRC, 213 grant of service incentive leave to
SCRA 621 (1992) respondent is whether or not he is a field
Issue 1: WON an indirect employer is bound
by the ruling of NLRC which made the Along the routes that are plied by these bus
indirect employer liable when the guards companies, there are its inspectors
are not employees of the petitioner assigned at strategic places who board the
because the contract of services explicitly bus and inspect the passengers, the
states that the security guards are not their punched tickets, and the conductors
employees thus, no employer-employee reports. There is also the mandatory once-
relationship, thus the jurisdiction of the CSC a-week car barn or shop day, where the bus
may not be invoked in this case. is regularly checked as to its mechanical,
electrical, and hydraulic aspects, whether
Held: or not there are problems thereon as
reported by the driver and/or conductor.
Notwithstanding that the petitioner They too, must be at a specific place at a
is a government agency, its specified time, as they generally observe
liabilities, which are jointly and prompt departure and arrival from their
solidary with that of the contractor point of origin to their point of destination.
are provided in Art. 106, 107 and In each and every depot, there is always
109. the Dispatcher whose function is precisely
to see to it that the bus and its crew leave
EAGLE. However, in order for the security Its liabilities are under the NLRC
agency to comply with the new wage and scope and in addition, book three
allowance rates it has to pay the security title ii on wages provides that the
guards, the Wage Order made specific term employer includes any
provision to amend existing contracts for person acting directly or
security services by allowing the indirectly in the interest of an
adjustments of the consideration paid by employer in relation to an
the principal to the security agency employee and shall include the
concerned. What the Wage orders require, Government and all its
therefore, is the amendment of the contract branches, subdivisions and
as to the consideration to cover the service instrumentalities, all GOCCs and
contractors payment of the increases institutions as well as non-profit
mandated. In the end, therefore, ultimate private institutions or
liability for the payment of the increasees organizations.
rests with the principal.
Issue 2: Who should carry the burden of the
The Wage Orders are statutory and wage increases?
mandatory and can not be waived.
The petitioner can not escape Held:
liability since the law provides the
joint and solidary liability of the It is settled that in job contracting,
principal and the contractor for the the petitioner as principal is jointly
protection of the laborers. and severally liable with the
contractor for the payment of unpaid
But the Court here did not apply the wages. In the case at bar, the action
Eagle case because the petitioner is was for the payment of unpaid wage
equally guilty by not abiding to the differentials under Wage Order No.
law in the subsequent change of 6.
contract even when the WO6 was
already implemented. In the case of Eagle Security vs.
Therefore, security guards
immediate recourse is with direct The solidary liability of PTSI and EAGLE,
employer but the latter is not however, does not preclude the right of
prejudiced as to the claim of of reimbursement from his co-debtor by the
the wages it shall give the guards. one who paid. It is with respect to this right
of reimbursement that petitioners can find
Doctrine: Principal liable for Wage support in the aforecited contractual
Orders mandating wage increases. But stipulation and Wage Order provision.
when principal cannot pay, contractor is
the immediate recourse and should pay The Wage Orders are explicit that the
the whole claim with right to payment of the increases are to be borne
reimbursement from principal. But if by the principal or client. To be borne,
contractor is at fault, will be liable to however, does not mean that the principal,
of the claim. PTSI in this case, would directly pay the
security guards the wage and allowance
increases because there is no privity of
11. Chavez v. NLRC contract between them. The security
448 SCRA 478 guards contractual relationship is with their
immediate employer, EAGLE. As an
Facts employer, EAGLE is tasked, among others,
with the payment of their wages.
Petitioner Pedro Chavez was hired as
truck driver of Private Respondent Premises considered, the security guards
Supreme Packaging, Inc. immediate recourse for the payment of the
increases is with their direct employer,
2. Chavez is not and Independent Chavez requested to avail himself of
Contractor the benefits that a regular
* Proof that Chavez is not an Independent employees were receiving but his
Contractor request was denied
1. Chavez did not own the truck Chavez filed before NLRC a
2. SPI did not have substantial complaint for regularization. Later
capitalization or investment on he was dismissed by SPI
3. Delivery was exclusively done for He later on filed an amended
SPI for 10years complaint for illegal dismissal
* Er-Ee Relationship cannot be negated by
expressly repudiating it in contract and Issue
providing therein that the employee is an 1. W/N there existed an employer-
independent contractor. Indeed the employee relationship between SPI
employment status of the person is defined and Chavez?
and prescribed by law and not by what 2. W/N Chavez is an independent
parties say it should be. contractor?
1. Yes, there existed an
12. Aklan Electric Corp., Inc. v. relationship between SPI and
NLRC, 323 SCRA 259 (2000) Chavez
Applying four-fold test, all elements
are present
Facts: 1. selection and engagement of the
Employees working at Lezo but were told to - it was SPI who engaged the services of
transfer to Kalibo but they did not transfer. Chavez without intervention of third party
Claiming salaries, wages and benefits. 2. payment of wages
- that petitioner was paid on per trip basis
Issue: WON they are entitled to salaries and is not significant, this is merely a method of
benefits. computing compensation and not a basis
for determining the existence or absence of
Held: No. The employer gave orders to the er-ee relationship
employees to transfer office because of the
3. power of dismissal
dangers the environment poses to the
- power to dismiss was inherent in the fact
company, yet the employees disobeyed.
that they engaged the services of Chavez as
Moreover, the transfer of office was
approved by NEA Administrator in its
4. power to control employee's conduct
exercise of supervision and control over all
- an employee is subject to employer's
electric cooperatives. When the business
transferred, what was left to the employees power to control the means and method by
to work on? Thus no basis that the which the work is to be performed while an
employees continued to report for work in independent contractor is free from control
Lezo. and supervision of employer
* Manifestation of Power of Control of SPI
The age-old rule governing the relation to Chavez
between labor and capital, or management 1. truck was owned by SPI
and employee of a fair days wage for a 2. express instruction in the method
fair days labor remains as the basic of delivery
factor in determining employees wages. If 3. instruction on parking of delivery
there is no work performed by the truck
employee there can be no wage or pay 4. instruction on when and where
unless, of course, the laborer was able, Chavez would perform his task by
willing and ready to work but was illegally issuing to him gate passes and
locked out, suspended or dismissed, or routing slips
otherwise illegally prevented from working,
appropriate bargaining unit, eventually a situation we find is not present in the
caused a deadlock between the parties. instant case. It would neither be fair nor
just to allow private respondents to recover
something they have not earned and could
ISAE filed a notice of strike. Due to the
have not earned because they did not
failure to reach a compromise in the NCMB,
render services at the Kalibo office during
the matter reached the DOLE which favored
the stated period.
the School. Hence this petition.


petitioner, vs. HON. LEONARDO A.
Whether the foreign-hires should be QUISUMBING in his capacity as the
Secretary of Labor and Employment;
included in bargaining unit of local- hires.
capacity as the Acting Secretary of
RULING: Labor and Employment; DR. BRIAN
MACCAULEY in his capacity as the
NO. The Constitution, Article XIII, Section 3, Superintendent of International
specifically provides that labor is entitled to School-Manila; and INTERNATIONAL
humane conditions of work. These SCHOOL, INC., respondents.,
conditions are not restricted to the physical
workplace the factory, the office or the G.R. No. 128845, June 1, 2000
field but include as well the manner by
which employers treat their employees.
FACTS:Private respondent International
School, Inc. (School), pursuant to PD 732, is
Discrimination, particularly in terms of a domestic educational institution
wages, is frowned upon by the Labor Code. established primarily for dependents of
Article 248 declares it an unfair labor foreign diplomatic personnel and other
practice for an employer to discriminate in temporary residents. The decree authorizes
regard to wages in order to encourage or the School to employ its own teaching and
discourage membership in any labor management personnel selected by it
organization. either locally or abroad, from Philippine or
other nationalities, such personnel being
The Constitution enjoins the State to exempt from otherwise applicable laws and
protect the rights of workers and promote regulations attending their employment,
their welfare, In Section 18, Article II of the except laws that have been or will be
constitution mandates to afford labor full enacted for the protection of employees.
protection. The State has the right and School hires both foreign and local teachers
duty to regulate the relations between labor as members of its faculty, classifying the
and capital. These relations are not merely same into two: (1) foreign-hires and (2)
contractual but are so impressed with local-hires.
public interest that labor contracts,
collective bargaining agreements included, The School grants foreign-hires certain
must yield to the common good. benefits not accorded local-hires. Foreign-
hires are also paid a salary rate 25% more
However, foreign-hires do not belong to the than local-hires.
same bargaining unit as the local-hires.
When negotiations for a new CBA were held
A bargaining unit is a group of employees on June 1995, petitioner ISAE, a legitimate
of a given employer, comprised of all or labor union and the collective bargaining
less than all of the entire body of representative of all faculty members of the
employees, consistent with equity to the School, contested the difference in salary
employer indicate to be the best suited to rates between foreign and local-hires. This
serve the reciprocal rights and duties of the issue, as well as the question of whether
foreign-hires should be included in the
salaries of employees who fell below parties under the collective bargaining
provisions of the law.
the new minimum rates were also
adjusted to reach such rates under
their levels. The factors in determining the appropriate
collective bargaining unit are (1) the will of
the employees (Globe Doctrine); (2) affinity
and unity of the employees interest, such
Bankard Employees Union-WATU
as substantial similarity of work and duties,
pressed for an increase in the salary
or similarity of compensation and working
of its old, regular employees, but conditions (Substantial Mutual Interests
Bankard took the position that it had Rule); (3) prior collective bargaining history;
no obligation to grant an across-the- and (4) similarity of employment status.
board salary increase. The basic test of an asserted bargaining
Issue: units acceptability is whether or not it is
fundamentally the combination which will
best assure to all employees the exercise of
their collective bargaining rights.
Does wage distortion exist in this
Ruling: In the case at bar, it does not appear that
foreign-hires have indicated their intention
to be grouped together with local-hires for
purposes of collective bargaining. The
Article 124 of the Labor Code
collective bargaining history in the School
defines wage distortion as a
also shows that these groups were always
situation where an increase in treated separately. Foreign-hires have
prescribed wage rates results in the limited tenure; local-hires enjoy security of
elimination or severe contraction of tenure. Although foreign-hires perform
intentional quantitative differences similar functions under the same working
conditions as the local-hires, foreign-hires
in wage or salary rates between &
are accorded certain benefits not granted
among employee groups in an
to local-hires such as housing,
establishment as to effectively transportation, shipping costs, taxes and
obliterate the distinctions embodied home leave travel allowances. These
in such wage structure based on benefits are reasonably related to their
skills, length of service, or other status as foreign-hires, and justify the
logical bases of differentiation. exclusion of the former from the latter. To
include foreign-hires in a bargaining unit
with local-hires would not assure either
group the exercise of their respective
The four elements of wage
collective bargaining rights.
distortion are:

. 1) An existing hierarchy of WHEREFORE, the petition is GIVEN DUE

COURSE. The petition is hereby GRANTED
positions with corresponsing
salary rates

14. Bankard Employees Union-

. 2) A significant change in the
Workers Alliance Trade Unions v. NLRC
salary rate of a lower pay
class without concomitant
increase The Board of Directors of Bankard,
in the salary rate of a higher Inc. approved a New Salary Scale
one which increased the hiring rates of
new employees. Accordingly, the
. 3) The elimination of the
The case where the salesman and truck
distinction between the two
helpers received commission for cases sold.
Then there were irregularities and the levels
respondents were prompted to report cash
shortages. After a few days, they stopped
reporting for work, thus the conclusion of . 4) The existence of the
abandonment. Terminated without notice. distortion in the same region
of the country.
On the other hand, complain for illegal
dismissal, deduction, underpayment of
wages, premium pay for holiday and rest
day, holiday pay, incentive pay, etc. Bankards wage structure is based
on level, and not seniority; hence
Issue: there is no hierarchy of positions.
Even assuming that there is a
WON commissions in the computation of
decrease in the wage gap of the old
wages must only be paid after the minimum
and new employees, the Court finds
wage has been paid, thus excluding
commissions in the computation for that the gap is not so significant so
nd rd
benefits which rely on wage. as to satisfy the the 2 and 3
elements of wage distortion.
Held: No.

The Court has taken judicial notice of the In addition, Article 124 (LC) refers
fact that some salesman do not receive any
to a wage distortion resulting from a
basic salary but depend entirely on
prescribed wage increase by virtue
commissions and allowances or
commissions alone, although an employer- of a law or Wage Order issued by
employee relationship exists. any Regional Board. Clearly,
Bankards New Salary Scale is
This salary structure is intended for the neither of the two.
benefit of the corporation establishing such,
on the apparent assumption that thereby its
salesmen would be moved to greater
The mere factual existence of
enterprise and diligence and close more
wage distortion does not, ipso facto
sales in the expectation of increasing their
sales commission. But this does not detract result to an obligation to rectify it,
from the character of such commissions as absent a law or other source of
part of the salary or wage paid to each of obligation which requires its
its salesmen for rendering services to the rectification. This Court will not step
corporation. in to interfere with Bankards
There is no law mandating that
management prerogative.
commissions be paid only after the
minimum wage has been paid to the
The is no wage distortion in the
employee. Verily, the establishment of a
instant case.
minimum wage only sets a floor below
which an employees remuneration cannot
fall, not that commissions are excluded
from wages in determining compliance with
15. Arms Taxi v NLRC SCRA
the minimum wage law.

In one case it was acknowledged that

drivers and conductors who are
compensated purely on a commission basis
16. Iran v. NLRC, 289 SCRA 433
are automatically entitled to the basic
should receive separation pay. minimum pay mandated by law should said
commission be less than their basic
Under the employment contract, each of minimum for eight hours work. It can thus
the dismissed employees receive a monthly be inferred that where said commissions
salary of P40,000 plus commissions for equal to or even exceed the minimum
every sale they made. On the other hand, wage, the employer need not pay, in
the CBA entered between Zuellig and the addition, the basic minimum pay prescribed
union contained the provision that an by law. It follow then that commissions are
employee who is permanent lay-off, should included in determining compliance with
receive an amount equivalent to one
minimum wage requirements.
month's salary per year of service. On the
other hand, Article 284 of the Labor Code
and Implementing Rules provide that the
retrenched employees should receive a
separation pay equivalent to one month
pay or at least one-half month pay for every
year of service, whichever is higher.

The dismissed employees alleged that their

earned sales commission should be
17. Millares v. NLRC & PICOP, 305
included in their monthly salary for the
SCRA 500 (1999)
purpose of computation of their separation
18. Songco v. NLRC (1990)
In defense, Zuellig argued that if it were G.R. Nos. 50999-51000 | 1990-03-23
really the intention of the Labor Code to
include commission in the computation of Subject: Transportation and emergency
separation pay, it could have explicitly said living allowances are included in the
so in clear and unequivocal terms. computation of separation pay; Earned
Furthermore, in the definition of the term sales commissions are included in the
"wage", "commission" is used only as one computation of separation pay; Judicial
of the features or designations attached to Notice: some salesmen do not receive any
the word remuneration or earnings. basic salary but depend on commissions
and allowances or commissions
The Labor Arbiter ordered the company to alone; Commissions must be earned by
pay the dismissed employees their actual market transactions attributable to
separation pay equivalent to their one the employee; All doubts in the
month salary (exclusive of commissions, implementation and interpretation of the
allowances, etc.) for every year of service. provisions of the Labor Code shall be
The NLRC affirmed the Labor Arbiters resolved in favor of labor
F.E. Zuellig (M), Inc., filed with the
Transportation and emergency living Department of Labor an application seeking
allowances are included in the clearance to terminate the services of Jose
computation of separation pay Songco, Romeo Cipres, and Amancio
Manuel allegedly on the ground of
1. In the computation of backwages and retrenchment due to financial losses. This
separation pay, the transportation and application was seasonably opposed by the
emergency living allowances should also be employees alleging that the company is not
taken together with the basic salary. (See suffering from any losses.
Santos v. NLRC)
Songco, Cipres and Manile alleged that they
Earned sales commissions are included are being dismissed because of their
in the computation of separation pay membership in the union. At the last
hearing of the case, they manifested that
2. Article 97(f) of the Labor Code is explicit they are no longer contesting their
that commission is included in the definition dismissal. However, they argued that they
to employees receiving a monthly basic salary of not Implementation of the 13-month pay law was
more than P 1,000.00 said benefit was, and still is, to promulgated by the then Labor Secretary Franklin
be computed on the basic salary of the employee- Drilon, among other things, defined particularly what
recipient as provided under P.D. 851. Thus, the remunerative items were and were not included in the
interpretation given to the term basic salary was concept of 13-month pay, and specifically dealt with
defined in PD 851 applies equally to basic salary employees who are paid a fixed or guaranteed wage
under M.O. No. 28. The term basic salary is to be plus commission or commissions were included in the
understood in its common, generally accepted computation of 13th month pay)
meaning, i.e., as a rate of pay for a standard work
period exclusive of such additional payments as A routine inspection was conducted in the
bonuses and overtime. In remunerative schemes premises of petitioner. Finding that petitioner had not
consists of a fixed or guaranteed wage plus been including the commissions earned by its medical
commission, the fixed or guaranteed wage is patently representatives in the computation of their 1-month
the basic salary for this is what the employee pay, a Notice of Inspection Result was served on
receives for a standard work period. Commissions are petitioner to effect restitution or correction of the
given for extra efforts exerted in consummating sales underpayment of 13-month pay for the years, 1986 to
of other related transactions. They are, as such, 1988 of Medical representatives. Petitioner wrote the
additional pay, which the SC has made clear do not Labor Department contesting the Notice of Inspection
from part of the basic salary. Results, and expressing the view that the commission
paid to its medical representatives are not to be
included in the computation of the 13-moth pay since
the law and its implementing rules speak of REGULAR
Moreover, the Supreme Court said that, including or BASIC salary and therefore exclude all
commissions in the computation of the 13th month remunerations which are not part of the REGULAR
pay, the second paragraph of Section 5(a) of the salary. Regional Dir. Luna Piezas issued an order for the
Revised Guidelines on the Implementation of the 13th payment of underpaid 13-month pay for the years
Month Pay Law unduly expanded the concept of 1986, 1987 and 1988. A motion for reconsideration
"basic salary" as defined in P.D. 851. It is a was filed and the then Acting labor Secretary Dionisio
fundamental rule that implementing rules cannot add de la Serna affirmed the order with modification that
to or detract from the provisions of the law it is the sales commission earned of medical
designed to implement. Administrative regulations representatives before August 13, 1989 (effectivity
adopted under legislative authority by a particular date of MO 28 and its implementing guidelines) shall
department must be in harmony with the provisions be excluded in the computation of the 13-month pay.
of the law they are intended to carry into effect. They
cannot widen its scope. An administrative agency Similar routine inspection was conducted in
cannot amend an act of Congress. the premises of Phil. Fuji Xerox where it was found
there was underpayment of 13th month pay since
commissions were not included. In their almost
identically-worded petitioner, petitioners, through
common counsel, attribute grave abuse of discretion
to respondent labor officials
20. Philippine Duplicators, Inc. vs. Hon. Dionisio dela Serna and Undersecretary
NLRC, 241 SCRA 380 (1995) Cresenciano B. Trajano.

Posted by Pius Morados on November 10,

2011 ISSUE: Whether or not commissions are included in
(Labor Standards Commissions included the computation of 13-month pay
in the computation of 13th month pay)
Facts: Petitioner Corporation pays its
salesmen a small fixed or guaranteed wage; HELD: NO. Contrary to respondents contention, M.O
the greater part of the latters wages or No. 28 did not repeal, supersede or abrogate P.D. 851.
salaries being composed of the sales or As may be gleaned from the language of MO No. 28, it
incentive commissions earned on actual merely modified Section 1 of the decree by
sales of duplicating machines closed by removing the P 1,000.00 salary ceiling. The concept of
them. Thus the sales commissions received 13th Month pay as envisioned, defined and
for every duplicating machine sold implemented under P.D. 851 remained unaltered, and
constituted part of the basic compensation while entitlement to said benefit was no longer limited
NAGKAKAISANG LAKAS NG or remuneration of the salesmen of the
MANGGAGAWA (NLM)-KATIPUNAN, Philippine Duplicators for doing their job.
respondents. The Labor Arbiter directed Petitioner
Duplicators to pay 13th month pay to
Facts: private respondent employees computed
on the basis of their fixed wages plus sales
On September 1984, respondent
Sec. 4 of the Supplementary Rules and
Nagkakaisang Lakas ng Manggagawa
Regulations Implementing PD No. 851
(NLM)-Katipunan filed a complaint against
(Revised Guidelines Implementing
petitioner Plastic Town Center Corporation th
13 Month Pay) provides that overtime pay,
earning and other remuneration which are
not part of the basic salary shall not be
violation of CBA by crediting the P1 per included in the computation of the
day increase in gratuity pay to resigning 13th month pay.
employees instead of 30 days equivalent to Petitioner Corporation contends that their
one month sales commission should not be included in
unfair labor practice by giving only 26 the computation of the 13th month pay
days pay instead of 30 days equivalent to invoking the consolidated cases of Boie-
one month as gratuity pay to resigning Takeda Chemicals, Inc. vs Hon. Dionisio dela
employees. Serna and Philippine Fuji Xerox Corp. vs
Hon. Crecencio Trajano, were the so-called
In the CBA, it was provided that: commissions of medical representatives of
Boie-Takeda Chemicals and rank-and-file
employees of Fuji Xerox Co. were not
Company agreed to grant regular workers
included in the term basic salary in
who rendered at least one year of
computing the 13th month pay.
continuous service of P1 per worked day.
Issue: WON sales commissions comprising
Company to grant gratuity pay to a
a pre-determined percent of the selling
resigning employee or laborer amounting
price of the goods are included in the
to, among others, one month salary for
computation of the 13th month pay.
those who rendered two to five years of
Held: Yes. These commission which are an
integral part of the basic salary structure of
the Philippine Duplicators employees-
Plastic Town Center Corporation maintained salesmen, are not overtime payments, nor
that under the principle of fair days wage profit-sharing payments nor any other
for fair days labor, gratuity pay should be fringe benefit. Thus, salesmens
computed on the basis of 26 days for one commissions comprising a pre-determined
month salary considering that the percent of the selling price of the goods
employees are daily paid. were properly included in the term basic
salary for purposes of computing the
Labor Arbiter: Ruled in favor of NLM Union. 13th month pay.
As daily wage earner, there would be no Commissions of medical representatives of
instance that the worker would work for 30 Boie-Takeda Chemicals and rank-and-file
days a month since work does not include employees of Fuji Xerox Co. were not
Sunday or rest days. included in the term basic salary because
these were paid as productivity bonuses
NLRC: Reversed the decision of Labor which is not included in the computation of
Arbiter and held that PTC should grant 13th month pay.
gratuity pay equivalent of thirty days salary.


Whether the PTCs contention that the 21. PLASTIC TOWN CENTER
gratuity pay should be computed on the CORPORATION, petitioner, vs. NATIONAL
Facts: Respondent ALU for and in behalf of basis of 26 days for one month salary
all the rank-and-file workers and employees instead of 30 days is valid.
of petitioner sought to recover from the
latter the 13th month pay differential for Held:
1982 of said employees, equivalent to their
sick, vacation and maternity leaves,
No, PTCs contention does not hold merit in
premium for work done on rest days and
this case.
special holidays, and pay for regular
holidays which petitioner, allegedly in
disregard of company practice since 1975, Gratuity pay is not intended to pay a worker
excluded from the computation of the for actual services rendered. It is a money
13th month pay for 1982. benefit given to the workers whose purpose
Issue: WON in the computation of the is to reward employees or laborers who
13th month pay under PD No. 851, have rendered satisfactory and efficient
payments for sick, vacation and maternity service to the company.
leaves, premiums for work done on rest
days and special holidays, and pay for While it may be enforced once it forms part
regular holidays may be excluded in the of a contractual undertaking, the grant of
computation and payment thereof. such benefit is not mandatory so as to be
Held: Yes. Basic salary does not merely considered a part of labor standard law
exclude the benefits expressly mentioned unlike salary, which are covered in Labor
but all payments which may be in the form Code. Nowhere has it ever been stated that
of fringe benefits or allowances. gratuity pay should be based on actual
Sec. 4 of the Supplementary Rules and number of days worked over the period of
Regulations Implementing PD No. 851 years forming its basis. Court saw no point
provides that overtime pay, earnings and in counting the number of days worked
other remunerations which are not part of over a ten-year period to determine the
the basic salary shall not be included in the meaning of two and one- half months
computation of the 13th month pay. gratuity.
Whatever compensation an employee
receives for an 8 hour work daily or the
Moreover any doubts or ambiguity in the
daily wage rate is the basic salary. Any
contract between management and the
compensation or remuneration other than
union members should be resolved in favor
the daily wage rate is excluded. It follows
of the laborer. When months are not
therefore, that payments for sick, vacation
designated by name, a month is understood
and maternity leaves, premiums for work
to be 30 days.
done on rest days and special holidays, as
well as pay for regular holidays, are likewise
excluded in computing the basic salary for As such, NLRC did not act with grave abuse
the purpose of determining the 13th month of discretion when it decided that the
pay. gratuity pay should be equivalent to 30

23. Nasipit Lumber Company Inc. v WHEREFORE, the petition is hereby

NLRC SCRA DISMISSED for lack of merit.

22. Davao Fruits Corporation vs

Associated Labor Unions, G.R. No.
85073, August 24, 1993; 225 SCRA 562

Posted by Pius Morados on November 10,

(Labor Standards Fringe benefits not
included in 13th month pay)
cannot preempt CBAs by
establishing ceilings
Boards may only adjust floor wages
THE PHILIPPINES, petitioner, vs.
Solicitor-General (for NWPC) comments
The across-the-board hike did not
grant additional or other benefits to
workers and employees, but rather
fixed minimum wages according to
the salary-ceiling method
PHILIPPINES, respondents.
RA 6727 is to correct wage
J. SARMIENTO; September 24, 1991
distortions and the salary-ceiling
method does just that
On October 15, 1990, the Regional
Court rules
Board of NCR issued Wage Order No.
The Court is inclined to agree with the
NCR-01, increasing the minimum wage
by P17 daily.
The NWPC noted that the determination of
The Trade Union Congress of the
wages involved 2 methods: the floor-wage
Philippines (TUCP) and Personnel
method and the salary-ceiling method.
Management Association of the
Philippines (PMAP) moved for
Floor-wage method- involves the fixing of a
reconsideration. Petitioner Employers
determinate amount that would be added
Confederation of the Philippines (ECOP)
to the prevailing statutory minimum wage
-adopted in earlier wage orders
Board then issued Wage Order No.
NCR-01-A, amending the wage order
Salary-ceiling method- wage adjustment is
by stating that all workers and
applied to employees receiving a certain
employees in the private sector already
denominated salary ceiling
receiving wages above the statutory
-used in RAs 6640 and 6727 as well
minimum wage rates up to P125 per
as 11 COLA issuances
day shall also receive the P17 daily
The shift is due to the labor disputes arising
from wage distortions. Petitioner ECOP appealed to respondent
National Wages and Productivity
RA 6727 was intended to rationalize Commission (NWPC).
wages. NWPC: Appeal dismissed for lack of
This is done by: merit.
1. providing full-time boards to police Motion for reconsideration denied.
wages round-the-clock Hence, this petition.
2. giving the boards enough power to
achieve this objective ISSUE:
SO, if RA 6727 only intended boards to set Whether or not respondent NWPC
floor wages only, the Act would not need a committed grave abuse of discretion. NO.
board but only an accountant to keep track
of the latest consumer price index or have REASONING:
Congress do it when the need arises. Petitioner says
Wage Order No. NCR-01-A is an
The Board did not perform an unlawful excess of authority as under RA
act of legislation. 6727, the boards may only prescribe
Congress may delegate he power to fix minimum wages, not determine
rates, provided that it leaves sufficient salary ceilings.
standards. RA 6727 gave statutory RA 6727 is meant to promote
standards for fixing the minimum wage. collective bargaining as the primary
mode of settling wages, so boards
5. Under the LC, the State shall ART. 124. Standards/Criteria for Minimum
regulate the relations between labor Wage Fixing The regional minimum
and management wages to be established by the Regional
6. Under RA 6727, the State is Board shall be as nearly adequate as is
interested in seeing that workers economically feasible to maintain the
receive fair and equitable wages minimum standards of living necessary for
7. The Constitution is primarily a the health, efficiency and general well-
document of Social Justice and has being of the employees within the
not fully embraced the concept of framework of the national economic and
laissez-faire social development program. In the
Court cannot give an Act a meaning that determination of such regional minimum
will conflict with these basic principles. wages, the Regional Board shall, among
other relevant factors, consider the
The concept of minimum wage is more than following:
setting of a floor wage to upgrade existing (a) The demand for living wages;
wages as ECOP believes. (b) Wage adjustment vis-a-vis the
Minimum wages underlies the rationales of consumer price index;
RA 6727 and the Constitution. (c) The cost of living and changes or
increases therein;
The salary-cap method serves the purposes (d) The needs of workers and their
of RA 6727. Whether or not it is a families;
permanent policy of the Board s a question (e) The need to induce industries to
we may only speculate. At the moment, it is invest in the countryside;
a reasonable policy. (f) Improvements in standards of living;
(g) The prevailing wage levels;
Dispositive: Petition denied. (h) Fair return of the capital invested
and capacity to pay of employers;
(i) Effects of employment generation
and family income; and
25. Cagayan Sugar Milling Co. v. (j) The equitable distribution of income
Secretary of Labor and Employment, and wealth along the imperatives of
284 SCRA 150 (1998)SCRA economic and social development."
The wage order was not acted in excess of
boards authority. The law gave reasonable
limitations to the delegated power of the

26. Prubankers Association v. Prudential Bank &

ECOP is of the mistaken impression
Trust Co. (1999)
that RA 6727 leaves labor and
management alone to decide wages.
Ponente: Panganiban, J.
The Court does not believe RA 6727 is
Petitioners: Prubankers Association meant to deregulate the relation between
labor and capital for several reasons:
Respondents: Prudential Bank & Trust Co. 1. The Constitution calls upon the State
to protect labor
Facts: 2. The Constitution calls upon the State
to intervene when the common goal
1. On Nov 18 1993 the Regional
so demands I regulating property
Tripartite Wages and Productivity
and property relations
Board of Region V issued Wage
3. The Charter urges Congress to
Order No. RB 05-03 which provided
diffuse the wealth of the nation and
for a Cost of Living Allowance
regulate the use of property
(COLA) to workers in the private
4. The Charter recognizes the just
sector who had rendered service
share of labor in the fruits of
for at least 3 months before its
effectivity, and for the same
3. As the matter could not be settled period thereafter, in the
by both parties, both agreed to following categories:
submit the matter to voluntary
arbitration. - P17.50 in Naga & Legaspi;

- P15.50 in the municipalities

of Tabaco, Daraga & Pili and
VA: Ruled that the regional implementation the city of Iriga;
of the wage orders by PET resulted in a wage
distortion nationwide which should be - P10.00 in all other areas of
resolved in accordance with Art. 124 of Labor the Bicol Region.
On Nov 23 1993 the Regional Tripartite
Wages and Productivity Board of

CA: Ruled that there was no wage distortion Region VII issued Wage Order No. RB VII-
on the following grounds: 03, which directed the integration of the
COLA mandated pursuant to Wage Order
- The variance in the salary No. RO VII-02-A into the basic pay of all
rates in different regions are workers. The wage order also called for an
justified by R.A. 6727. increase in the minimum wage rates for
all workers and and employees in the
- The distinctions between
private sector as follows:
each employee group in the
region are maintained, as all - P10.00 in Cebu, Mandaue &
employees were granted an Lapulapu;
increase in minimum wage
rate. - P5.00 in the municipalities
of Compostela, Liloan,
Consolacion, Cordova,
Talisay, Minglanilla, Naga
PETs contentions: RESPs regional
and the cities of Davao,
Toledo, Dumaguete, Bais,
1. A wage distortion exists, Canlaon and Tagbilaran.
because the implementation
2. Pursuant to the said wage orders,
of the two Wage Orders has
RESP granted a COLA of P17.50 to
resulted in the discrepancy
its employees at its Naga branch
in the compensation of
and integrated the P150.00 per
employees of similar pay
month COLA into the basic pay of
classification in different
its rank-and-file employees at its
Cebu, Mabolo and P. del Rosario
2. Implementation violated the branches.
principle of equal work, equal
2. On June 7 1994, PET wrote to RESP
requesting that a Labor
3. RESP-Bank when it adopted a Management Committee be
uniform wage policy has convened to discuss and resolve the
sufficiently established a wage distortions that resulted from
management practice thus, it the implementation of the wage
is estopped from orders. PET also demanded that PET
implementing a wage order extend the application of the wage
for a specific region only. orders to its employees outside
Region V & Region VII, claiming that
the regional implementation of the
said orders resulted in a wage
Issue/s: distortion.
2. A significant change in the 1. WON PET is guilty of forum
salary rate of a lower pay shopping?
class without a concomitant
increase in the salary rate of 2. WON a wage distortion resulted from
a higher one; RESPs implementation of the
aforecited Wage Orders?
3. The elimination of the
distinction between the two
levels; and
Held + Rationale:
4. The existence of the
1. YES. PET failed to comply with
distortion in the same region
Section 2 of Rule 42 of the Rules
of the country.
of Court, which requires that parties
must certify under oath that they
have not commenced any other
In the case at bar, there is no wage distortion action involving the same issues in
because elements 2 and 3 are missing. First, the Supreme Court, the Court of
the implementation of the wage orders in the Appeals, or different divisions
covered branches resulted in an increase in thereof, or any other tribunal or
the salary rates of all pay classes. Also, the agency... as PET failed to inform the
quantitative difference in compensation SC that an action involving the same
between the pay classes remained the same parties and issues allegedly similar
in all branches in the affected region hence to those raised in the present
the hierarchy of positions based on skills, controversy, NCMB-NCR-RVA-O4-
012-97 (In Re: Voluntary Arbitration
length of service and other logical bases of
between Prudential Bank and
differentiation was preserved.
Prubankers Association) is pending.

2. NO. There was no wage distortion as

Answer to PETs contentions: there is no wage parity between
employees in different rungs,
1. A disparity in wages instead there is a wage disparity
between employees holding between employees in the same
similar positions but in rung but located in different regions
different regions does not of the country.
constitute wage distortion
as contemplated by law.
Different regional wages are
Art. 124 of LC gives the statutory definition of
mandated by the law
wage distortion: a wage distortion shall
(specifically RA 6727) as
mean a situation where an increase in
there is recognition that there
exist regional disparities in prescribed wage results in the elimination of
the cost of living. RA 6727 severe contraction of intentional quantitative
recognizes that there are differences in wage or salary rates between
different needs for the and among employee groups in an
different situations in establishment as to effectively obliterate the
different regions of the distinctions embodied in such wage
country. structure based on skills, length of service,
or other logical bases of differentiation.
2. Equal pay, equal work
contention: RA 6727
mandates that wages in
every region must be set Wage distortion involves 4 elements:
by the particular wage
1. An existing hierarchy of
board of that region, based
positions with corresponding
on the prevailing situation
salary rates;
therein. Necessarily, the
admits that the P1.00-per-tuna movement is the wages in different regions will
actual wage rate applied to private respondents as not be uniform. Thus, under
expressly agreed upon by both parties. Petitioner RA 6727, the minimum wage
further admits that private respondents, per their in Region 1 may be
request, were entitled to retrieve the tuna intestines different from that in
and liver as part of their compensation and even Region 13, because the
exceeded what was provided under the Minimum socioeconomic conditions in
Wage Law. the two regions are different.

3. Management practice
ISSUES: contention: Said nationwide
1) Whether or not petitioner complied with the uniform wage policy of the
Minimum Wage Law regarding their form of payment. Bank had been adopted prior
2) Did the Court err in granting separation pay to the to the enactment of RA 6727.
private respondents. After the passage of said law,
the Bank was mandated to
HELD: regionalize its wage
1) NO. The Labor Code expressly provides: structure.
Article 102. Forms of Payment. No.
employer shall pay the wages of an
employee by means of, promissory Dispositive: Petition is DENIED and CAs decision is
notes, vouchers, coupons, tokens AFFIRMED.
tickets, chits, or any object other
than legal tender,even when
expressly requested by the
employee. 27. DOMINICO C. CONGSON, petitioner, vs.
money order shall be allowed when BARGO, ROGER HIMENO, RAYMUNDO BADAGOS,
such manner of payment is PATRICIO SALVADOR, SR., NEHIL BARGO, JOEL
customary on the date of effectivity MENDOZA, and EMMANUEL CALIXIHAN, respondents
of this Code, or is necessary as G.R. No. 114250 (April 5, 1995)
specified in appropriate regulations
to be issued by the Secretary of FACTS:
Labor or as stipulated in a collective Petitioner is the registered owner of Southern
bargaining agreement. Fishing Industry. Private respondents were hired on
various dates by petitioner as regular piece-rate
Undoubtedly, petitioner's practice of paying workers. They were uniformly paid at a rate of P1.00
the private respondents the minimum wage by means per tuna weighing thirty (30) to eighty (80) kilos per
of legal tender combined with tuna liver and intestines movement, that is from the fishing boats down to
runs counter to the above cited provision of the Labor petitioner's storage plant at a load/unload cycle of
Code. The fact that said method of paying the work until the tuna catch reached its final
minimum wage was not only agreed upon by both shipment/destination. They worked seven (7) days a
parties in the employment agreement but even week.During the first week of June 1990, petitioner
expressly requested by private respondents, does not notified his workers of his proposal to reduce the rate-
shield petitioner. Article 102 of the Labor Code is clear. per-tuna movement due to the scarcity of tuna.
Wages shall be paid only by means of legal tender. The Private respondents resisted petitioner's proposed
only instance when an employer is permitted to pay rate reduction. When they reported for work the next
wages informs other than legal tender, that is, by day, they were informed that they had been replaced
checks or money order, is when the circumstances by a new set of workers, When they requested for a
prescribed in the second paragraph of Article 102 are dialogue with the management, they were instructed
present. to wait for further notice. They waited for the notice
of dialogue for a full week but in vain.
2) NO. A careful scrutiny of the records of the case at No amicable settlement was reached
bench, however, readily discloses the existence of between the parties before the Labor Arbiter.
strained relationship between the petitioner and Petitioner sought recourse with the NLRC. Petitioner
Payment of wages to a leader of group is not in private respondents.Firstly, petitioner consistently
violation of direct payment since the contract to refused to re-admit private respondents in his
perform the services was made by the leader of the establishment. Petitioner even replaced private
group, for and in behalf of the latter, not for each and respondents with a new set of workers to perform the
every one of them individually. tasks of private respondents. And secondly, private
respondents themselves, from the very start, had
As the group undertook to render service for vessels
already indicated their aversion to their continued
other than those of the Escao, it was absolutely
employment in petitioner's establishment. The very
necessary that some sort of leadership be instituted in
filing of their second case before Labor Arbiter
the group to determine which of the members will
Aponesto (RAB-1 1-07-90179-90) specifically for
work for one vessel and which for another. Leadership
separation pay is conclusive of private respondents'
is also essential to obtain work for the group as
intention to sever their working ties with petitioner.
employers naturally prefer to deal with a leader of a
group than with each member individually. Leadership
was, therefore, essential not only to secure work for
the group but to arrange the laborers who are to
perform the service. The leadership must be paid for
and it was not shown that the head of the groups got
the lion's share of the cost of the service rendered.
Under the circumstances that the provision of law on
direct payment of wages has been violated.

28. EUFROCIO BERMISO, ET AL., petitioners, vs.

29. ERNESTO M. APODACA, petitioner, HIJOS DE F. ESCAO, INC., ET AL., respondents.
vs. FACTS:
MIRASOL and INTRANS PHILS., INC., respondents. Petitioners instituted an action before the Court of
Industrial Relations, praying for reinstatement with
G.R. No. 80039 April 18, 1989 back wages, direct payment of wages to the laborers
instead of through the union, payment of accrued
overtime pay and wage differentials, prohibition from
FACTS: Petitioner was employed in respondent carrying load in excess of 50 kilos, minimum daily
corporation. He was persuaded by respondent Mirasol wage of P5.00, vacation and sick leave, free
to subscribe to 1,500 shares or for a total of hospitalization, accident insurance, free choice of
P150,000.00. He paid P37,500.00. On September 1, labor union and grievance committee.
1975, petitioner was appointed President and General
Of the original petitioners only five continued to take
Manager of the respondent corporation. However, on
interest in the action, the other having desisted
January 2, 1986, he resigned. petitioner instituted with
therefrom. After hearing the Court of Industrial
the NLRC a complaint against private respondents for
Relations ordered the reinstatement of the said five
the payment of his unpaid wages, his cost of living
laborers to their former work and positions in the
allowance, the balance of his gasoline and
Sabay group, but without back wages, but dismissed
representation expenses and his bonus compensation
the other claims.
for 1986. Private respondents admitted that there is
due to petitioner the amount of P17,060.07 but this Petitioners argue that the decision violates the law on
was applied to the unpaid balance of his subscription direct payment of wages.
in the amount of P95,439.93. Petitioner questioned
the set-off alleging that there was no call or notice for ISSUE:
the payment of the unpaid subscription and that,
Whether the payment of wages must be directly paid
accordingly, the alleged obligation is not enforceable.
to the workers.
ISSUES: (1) Whether or not NLRC has jurisdiction to
resolve a claim for non-payment of stock subscriptions
to a corporation. (2) If so, whether or not an obligation
of the cash bond they filed with the company at the arising therefrom be offset against a money claim of
start of their employment. an employee against the employer.
Whether or not Marbella et al are entitled to the RULING: (1) NLRC has no jurisdiction to determine
refund of the cash bond they filed with Dentech at such intra-corporate dispute between the stockholder
the start of their service. and the corporation as in the matter of unpaid
Held: subscriptions. This controversy is within the exclusive
The Court held that refund of the cash bond filed by jurisdiction of the Securities and Exchange
Marbella et al is in order.Article 114 of the Labor Commission.
Code prohibits an employer from requiting his
employees to file a cashbond or to make deposits, (2) No. the unpaid subscriptions are not due and
subject to certain exceptions: "when the employer is payable until a call is made by the corporation for
engaged in such trades, occupations or business payment. Private respondents have not presented a
where the practice of making deductions or resolution of the board of directors of respondent
requiring deposits is a recognize done, or is corporation calling for the payment of the unpaid
necessary or desirable as determined by the subscriptions. It does not even appear that a notice of
Secretary of Labor in appropriate rules and such call has been sent to petitioner by the
regulations."Dentech have not satisfactorily respondent corporation. As there was no notice or call
disputed the applicability of this provision of the for the payment of unpaid subscriptions, the same is
Labor Code tothe case at bar and further failed to not yet due and payable.
show that the company is authorized by law to
require the private respondents to file the cash Even if there was a call for payment, the NLRC cannot
bond in question. Its to the effect that the proceeds validly set it off against the wages and other benefits
of the cash bond had already been given to a certain due petitioner. Article 113 of the Labor Code allows
carinderia to pay for the accounts of the private such a deduction from the wages of the employees by
respondents there in does not merit serious the employer, only in three instances.
consideration. In fact, no evidence or receipt has
been shown to prove such payment.

31. Five J Taxi vs NLRC


- Private Respondent Maldigan and

Sabsalon was hired by the Petitioner
Company as taxi drivers. The
contract was composed of a 24-hour
shifting sched on 4 days. They had
to make a boundary from 450 (non
aircon) and 700 (aircon), adding to
that are car washing expense and
deposit for any deficiency in the
boundary 30. Dentech vs. NLRC

- Petitioner learned Maldigan has 172 SCRA 588 | April 19, 1989
been working for another taxi Facts:
company, while Sabsalon was held Benjamin Marbella, Armando Torno, Juanito Tajan,
up by armed passengers. Jr. and Joel Torno were employed as welders,
upholsterers and painters by of Dentech
- Sabsalon went back to work but
Manufacturing Corporation, a firm engaged in the
failed to report on several occasions,
manufacture and sale of dental equipment and
even leaving his taxi, and failing to
supplies. However, they were dismissed from the
remit his boundary mark
firm due to their alleged abandonment of their
- Respondents requested for the work without informing the company about their
reimbursements of their respective reasons fordoing so. Marbella et al filed a complaint
deposits, but petitioner refused with the arbitration branch of the NLRC for illegal
dismissal and violation of Presidential Decree No.
851. Among other things they sought the payment
present its employment records because of the repairs incurred by
on the allegation that they had been their vehicles.
sent to the main office in Manila.
The case was then set for - Respondent now files complaint for
conference on 25 January 1983 but illegal dismissal and deduction
had to be reset 3 times: 1 st to enable
SOUTH MOTORISTS to present all its
employment records; 2nd because of - W/N deductions were illegal.
its lawyer's tight schedule; and 3rd
because of the alleged voluminous Held:
records it had to locate and its
desire to submit a memorandum - Yes, the deposits made were illegal
regarding complainants' claims.
- Article 114 of the Labor Code
However, on 2 March 1983, SOUTH
provides as follows:
MOTORISTS once again requested
an extension of 30 days on the Deposits for loss or damage. No employer
ground that the documents were still shall require his worker to make deposits
being prepared and collated and from which deductions shall be made for the
that a formal manifestation or reimbursement of loss of or damage to tools,
motion would follow. Nothing did. materials, or equipment supplied by the
On 7 March 1983, the assigned employer, except when the employer is
Labor Regulation Officers submitted engaged in such trades, occupations or
an Inspection Report on the basis
business where the practice of making
of which an Order dated 14 April
deposits is a recognized one, or is necessary
1983 was issued by Labor Officer
or desirable as determined by the Secretary
Domingo Reyes directing SOUTH
of Labor in appropriate rules and regulations.
MOTORISTS to pay Tosoc, et al., the
total amount of P184,689.12
representing the latter's
corresponding emergency cost of
living allowances. SOUTH
reconsideration of the Order, which SOUTH MOTORISTS ENTERPRISES, petitioner, vs.
was denied. ROQUE TOSOC, ET AL. (46 employees in total),
The Secretary of Labor and and HON. SECRETARY OF LABOR AND
Employment affirmed the appealed EMPLOYMENT, respondents.
Order. SOUTH MOTORISTS moved for January 23, 1990
reconsideration but this proved
unsuccessful. A Second Motion for WAGE PROHIBITIONS: Prohibition against
Reconsideration was filed, which was keeping of employees records in a place other
likewise denied in an Order dated 7 than the workplace
March 1989.
Hence, this certiorari Petition FACTS
questioning the monetary award by In January of 1983, complaints for
the Regional Director and, in non-payment of emergency cost
general, his jurisdiction to validly of living allowances were filed by
award money claims. 46 workers, Tosoc, et al., against
SOUTH MOTORISTS maintains that SOUTH MOTORISTS before the Naga
said officials are bereft of authority City District Office of Regional Office
to act on such claims as this falls No. 5 of the then Ministry of Labor.
under the original and exclusive The Labor Regulation Officers were
jurisdiction of Labor Arbiters. ordered by the District Labor Officer
Respondents maintain otherwise. to conduct an inspection and
verification of SOUTH MOTORISTS'
ISSUES employment records. However,
SOUTH MOTORISTS was unable to
aggregate claim of each 1. Main issue in this case: WON the
employee or househelper does Regional Director has jurisdiction to
not exceed five thousand try this case on money claims
pesos (P5,000.00). . . . 2. Relevant to our topic: WON the
Art. 217. Jurisdiction of Labor Secretary of Labor and Employment
Arbiters and the Commission. erred in affirming the award based
(a) Except as otherwise provided on a mere Inspection Report
under this Code, the Labor
Arbiters shall have original and RULING
exclusive jurisdiction to hear and 1. Partly yes, the Regional Director has
decide, within thirty (30) jurisdiction only over those claims
calendar days after the not exceeding P5,000.
submission of the case by the 2. No, SOUTH MOTORISTS was afforded
parties for decision without ample opportunity to present its
extension, even in the absence side.
of stenographic notes, the Disposition:
following cases involving all The award of P 184,689.12 is hereby MODIFIED.
workers, whether agricultural or The individual claims of Macario Gavino, Vito T.
non-agricultural: Euste Jose, Brequillo, Domingo Cis, Alberto Agreda,
xxx xxx xxx Amancio Galona, Roque Tosoc, Hilarion P. Guinoo,
(6) Except claims for employees Felipe Cea, Roberto Guinoo, and Ernesto Osoc, each
compensation, social security, of which exceeds P5,000.00, are hereby
medicare and maternity benefits, all remanded to the Labor Arbiter for proper
other claims arising from employer- disposition. All other individual awards not in
employee relations, including those of excess of P5,000.00 are hereby AFFIRMED. Costs
persons in domestic or household against petitioner.
service, involving an amount exceeding
five thousand pesos (P5,000), whether REASONING
or not accompanied with a claim for ON THE REGIONAL DIRECTORS JURISDICTION
reinstatement. Two provisions of law are crucial to
xxx xxx xxx the issue
In accordance with Articles 129 and Art. 129. Recovery of wages,
217 of the Labor Code, as amended, simple money claims and other
supra, those awards in excess of benefits. Upon complaint of
P5,000.00, particularly those given any interested party, the
to Macario Gavino, Vito T. Euste, Jose Regional Director of the
Brequillo, Domingo Cis, Alberto Department of Labor and
Agreda, Amancio Galona, Roque Employment or any of the duly
Tosoc, Hilarion P. Guinoo, Felipe Cea, authorized hearing officers of the
Roberto Guinoo, and Ernesto Osoc, Department is empowered,
each of which exceeds P5,000.00, through summary proceeding
should be ventilated in a proceeding and after due notice, to hear
before the Labor Arbiters. The other and decide cases involving
awards, or those not in excess of the recovery of wages and
P5,000.00 and having no issue of other monetary claims and
reinstatement set forth, should be benefits, including legal
affirmed. interest, owing to an employee
or person employed in
REPORT AS THE BASIS OF THE AWARD service and househelper
SOUTH MOTORISTS failed to present under this Code, arising from
employment records giving as an employer-employee
excuse that they were sent to the relations: Provided, That such
main office in Manila, in violation complaint does not include a
of Section 11 of Rule X, Book II claim for reinstatement:
Provided, further, That the
Petitioner then filed with the CIF of of the Omnibus Rules Implementing
Manila a motion to lift said garnishment on the Labor Code providing that:
the ground that her salaries, commission All employment records of the
and or remuneration" are exempted from employees of the employer shall be
execution under Article 1708 of the New kept and maintained in or about the
Civil Code. premises of the workplace. The
Said motion was denied by the lower premises of a workplace shall be
Court understood to mean the main or
CA dismissed the petition holding branch office or establishment, if any,
that petitioner is not a mere laborer depending, upon where the employees
as contemplated under are regularly assigned. The keeping of
Article 1708 as the term laborer the employee's records in another
does not apply to one who holds a place is prohibited.
managerial or supervisory position like that SOUTH MOTORISTS also caused the
of petitioner, but only to those laborers resettings of all subsequent
occupying the lower strata. hearings. Its repeated failure to
attend the hearings, and to submit
Issue: WON the Petitioner is covered by Article 1708 of the any motion as manifested may be
New Civil Code. construed as a waiver of its right to
adduce evidence to controvert the
RULING: Petitioner is not covered by Article 1708 worker's claims.
since she does not fall within the criteria of laborer.

Article 1708 of the Civil Code provides: The laborer's

wage shall not be subject to execution or attachment, 33. Gaa vs Court of Appeals (1985) 140 SCRA 304
except for debts incurred for food, shelter, clothing Facts:
and medical attendance." It appears that respondent Europhil
Industries Corporation was formerly
one of the tenants in Trinity Building
It is beyond dispute that petitioner is not an ordinary
at T.M. Kalaw Street, Manila, while
or rank and file laborer but a responsibly place
petitioner Gaa was then the building
employee, of El Grande Hotel, responsible
for planning, directing, controlling, and coordinating
On December 12, 1973, Europhil
the activities of all housekeeping personnel so as to
commenced an action in CFI Manila
ensure the cleanliness, maintenance and orderliness
for damages against petitioner for
of all guestrooms, function rooms, public areas, and
having perpetrated certain acts that
the surroundings of the hotel. Considering the Europhil considered a trespass upon
importance of petitioner's function in El Grande Hotel, its rights, namely, cutting of its
it is undeniable that petitioner is occupying a position electricity, and removing its name
equivalent to that of a managerial or supervisory position. We from the building directory and gate
do not think that the legislature intended the exemption in passes of its officials and employees",
Article 1708 of the New Civil Code to operate in favor of On June 28, 1974, said court rendered
any but those who are laboring men or women in the sense that judgment in favor of respondent Europhil,
their work is manual. ordering petitioner to pay the former
the sum of P10,000.00 as actual
Persons belonging to this class usually look to the reward of a day's damages, P5,000.00 as moral damages,
labor for immediate or present support, and such persons are P5,000.00 as exemplary damages and to
more in need of the exemption than any others. Petitioner is pay the costs.
definitely not within that class. The said decision having become final and
executory, a writ of garnishment was
issued pursuant to which Deputy
Sheriff Roxas on August 1, 1975 served a
34. REPUBLIC V PERALTA Notice of Garnishment upon El Grande
150 SCRA 37 Hotel, where petitioner was then
FELICIANO; May 20, 1987 employed, garnishing her "salary,
NATURE: commission and/or remuneration."
employer in favor of the employee for the Review on certiorari
latter's dismissal or FACTS:
separation from service - The Republic of the Philippines seeks the
ISSUE review on certiorari
WON separation pay of their respective of the Order of the CFI of Manila in its Civil
members embodied in Case No. 108395
final awards of the NLRC were to be entitled "In the Matter of Voluntary
preferred over the claims of Insolvency of Quality
the Bureau of Customs and the BIR (WON Tobacco Corporation, Quality Tobacco.
separation pay is - In its questioned Order, the trial court held
included in the term wages8) that the above enumerated
HELD claims of USTC and FOITAF (hereafter
1. YES collectively
Ratio For the specific purposes of Article referred to as the "Unions") for separation
1109 and in the pay of their
context of insolvency termination or respective members embodied in final
separation pay is awards of the NLRC were
reasonably regarded as forming part of the to be preferred over the claims of the
remuneration or Bureau of Customs and
other money benefits accruing to the BIR. The trial court, in so ruling, relied
employees or workers by primarily upon Article
reason of their having previously rendered 110 of the Labor Code.
services to their - The Solicitor General, in seeking the
employer; as such, they fall within the reversal of the questioned
scope of "remuneration Orders, argues that Article 110 of the Labor
or earnings for services rendered or to be Code is not
rendered ." applicable as it speaks of "wages," a term
Liability for separation pay might indeed which he asserts
have the effect of a does not include the separation pay
penalty, so far as the employer is claimed by the Unions.
concerned. So far as concerns "Separation pay," the Solicitor General
the employees, however, separation pay is contends: is given to a
additional laborer for a separation from employment
remuneration to which they become computed on the
entitled because, having basis of the number of years the laborer
previously rendered services, they are was employed by the
separated from the 7 SEC. 1. Requirements for Issuance of
employer's service. License. Every applicant for license to
Reasoning operate
- We note, in this connection, that in a private employment agency or manning
Philippine Commercial and agency shall submit a written application
Industrial Bank (PCIB) us. National Mines together with the following requirements:
and Allied Workers xxx xxx
Union, the Solicitor General took a different f. A verified undertaking stating that the
view and there applicant:
urged that the term "wages" under Article xxx xxx xxx
110 of the Labor (3) Shall assume joint and solidary liability
Code may be regarded as embracing within with the employer for all claims and
its scope severance liabilities which may arise in connection
pay or termination or separation pay. In with the implementation of the contract;
PCIB, this Court agreed including but not limited to payment of
with the position advanced by the Solicitor wages, health and disability compensation
General. We see no and reparation.
reason for overturning this particular employer; it is a form of penalty or damage
position. against the
share in the assets of the employer. - The resolution of the issue of priority
(emphasis supplied). among the several
claims filed in the insolvency proceedings
instituted by the
Insolvent cannot, however, rest on a
35. Manila Banking Corp. v. NLRC, 279 SCRA 602, reading of Article 110 of
621-642 (1997) SCRA the labor Code alone.
- Article 110 of the Labor Code, in
determining the reach of its
terms, cannot be viewed in isolation.
36. CIRINEO BOWLING PLAZA, Rather, Article 110 must
INC., petitioner, vs. GERRY SENSING, BELEN be read in relation to the provisions of the
Civil Code concerning
the classification, concurrence and
preference of credits, which
provisions find particular application in
insolvency proceedings
where the claims of all creditors, preferred
APPEALS, respondents.
or non-preferred,
may be adjudicated in a binding manner.
NATURE OF THE CASE: Special Civil Action for Disposition MODIFIED and REMANDED to
Certiorari under Rule 65 of Rules of Court the trial court for
FACTS: On November 27, 1995, one of the employee further proceedings in insolvency.
of the petitioner filed a letter complaint with the DOLE Article 97 (f) of the Labor Code defines
in Dagupan District, Dagupan City for inspection and "wages" in the following terms:
investigation of the petitioner for various labor law Wage' paid to any employee shall mean the
violations such as underpayment of wages, 13 th month remuneration or earnings,
pay, non-payment of rest day pay, overtime pay, however designated, capable of being
holiday pay and service incentive pay. Pursuant to the expressed in terms of money,
visitorial and enforcement of the Secretary of Labor whether fixed or ascertained on a time,
and Employment, his duly authorized representative task, piece, or commission basis, or
conducted an inspection/investigation and validated other method of calculating the same,
such complaint. Petitioner was then called for a which is payable by an employer to
hearing for four(4) times, however, failed to appear. an employee under a written or unwritten
DOLE then ordered the petitioner for lawful contract of employment for work
done or to be done, or for services
remuneration amounting to Php377,500.58 for the
rendered or to be rendered, and includes
thirteen(13) affected employees and also to submit
the fair and reasonable value, as
proof of payments, and adjust the salaries of the
determined by the Secretary of Labor, of
employees and to submit proof thereof within the
board, lodging, or other facilities
same period.
customarily furnished by the employer to
The claims of two(2) of the thirteen(13) affected the employee. 'Fair and reasonable value'
employees have been settled and thereby dismissed. shall not include any profit to the
However the order for the remaining eleven(11) employer or to any person affiliated with
employees still stands. On October 21, 1996, DOLE the employer.(emphasis supplied)
Director Maximo B. Lim issued a writ of execution. 9
Article 110. Worker preference in case of
Having such act, the petitioner attacked the validity of
bankruptcy In the event of bankruptcy
such writ, averring that the DOLE Director do not have
or liquidation of an employer's business, his
the jurisdiction to decide on such case, thus, praying
workers shall enjoy first preference as
that it should be dismissed.
regards wages due them for services
ISSUE: WON the DOLE Director has a jurisdiction over rendered during the period prior to the
the case. bankruptcy or liquidation, any provision of
law to the contrary notwithstanding. Union
HELD: YES. Pursuant to the provisions of Article 128 of paid wages shall be paid in full before other
the Labor Code, the Secretary of Labor or his duly creditors may establish any claim to a
the provisions of Articles 129 and 217 of this Code to authorized representatives, including labor regulation
the contrary, and in cases where the relationship of officers, shall have access to employers records and
employer-employee still exists, the Secretary of premises at any time of the day or night whenever
Labor and Employment or his duly authorized work is being undertaken, and the right to copy
representatives shall have the power to issue therefrom, to question any employee and investigate
compliance orders to give effect to the labor standards any fact, condition or matter which may be necessary
provisions of the Code and other labor legislation to determine violations or which may aid in the
based on the findings of the labor employment and enforcement of this Code and of any labor law, wage
enforcement officers or industrial safety engineers order or rules and regulartions issued pursuant
made in the course of inspection. The Secretary or his thereto. Therefore, the instant petition was dismissed.
duly authorized representatives shall issue writs of
execution to the appropriate authority for the
enforcement of their orders, except in cases where the 37. Francis Guico, Jr., doing business under the
employer contests the findings of the labor name and style of COPYLANDIA SERVICES & TRADING
employment and enforcement officer and raises issues vs. Hon. Secretary of Labor & Employment Leonardo
supported by documentary proofs which were not Quisumbing, the Office of Regional Director of Region
considered in the course of inspection. An order I, Dept of Labor & Employment, Rosalina Carrera, Et.
issued by the duly authorized representative of the Al.. (November 16, 1998) G.R. 131750
Secretary of Labor and Employment under this article
may be appealed to the latter. In case said order Facts:
involves a monetary award, an appeal by the employer The case started when the Office of the Regional
may be perfected only upon the posting of a cash or Director, Department of Labor and Employment
surety bond issued by are putable bonding company (DOLE), Region I, San Fernando, La Union, received a
duly accredited by the Secretary of Labor and letter-complaint datedApril25, 1995, requesting for an
Employment in the amount equivalent to the investigation of petitioner's establishment, Copylandia
monetary award in the order appealed from. Services &Trading, for violation of labor standards
(Emphasis supplied.)The records of the House of laws. Pursuant to the visitorial and enforcement
Representatives show that Congressmen Alberto S. powers of the Secretary of Labor and Employment or
Veloso and Eriberto V. Loreto sponsored the law. In his his duly authorized representative under Article 128 of
sponsorship speech, Congressman Veloso categorically the Labor Code, as amended, inspections were
declared that "this bill seeks to do away with the conducted at Copylandia's outlets on April 27 and May
jurisdictional limitations imposed through said ruling 2, 1995. The inspections yielded the following
(referring to Servando) and to finally settle any violations involving twenty-one (21) employees who
lingering doubts on the visitorial and enforcement are copier operators: (1) underpayment of wages; (2)
powers of the Secretary of Labor and underpayment of 13th month pay; and (3) no service
Employment."Petitioner's reliance on Servando is thus incentive leave with pay.
38. Dentech MFG. Corp v NRC WON the Regional Director has jurisdiction over the
Supra labor standards case.

39. ARCHILLES MANUFACTURING Regional Director has jurisdiction over the case citing
CORPORATION, ALBERTO YU and Article 128 (b) of the Labor Code, as amended.
ADRIAN YU, petitioners, vs. NATIONAL
We sustain the jurisdiction of the respondent
Secretary. As the respondent correctly pointed out,
this Court's ruling in Servando that the visitorial power
RINDON, respondents.
of the Secretary of Labor to order and enforce
compliance with labor standard laws cannot be
There are three issues to be resolved in this exercised where the individual claim exceeds
special civil action for certiorari under Rule P5,000.00, can no longer be applied in view of the
65 of the enactment of R.A. No. 7730 amendingArticle 128 (b)
of the Labor Code, viz: Art. 128 (b) Notwithstanding
On 11 May 1990 the management ordered Revised Rules of Court, namely: (a) whether
private respondent to remove their families a writ of execution is still necessary to
from the enforce the Labor

bunkhouse and to explain their violation of Arbiter's order of immediate reinstatement

the company rule. Private respondents pending appeal; (b) whether dismissal for
remove their cause results

families from the premises but failed to in the forfeiture of the employee's right to a
report to the management as required; 13th month pay; and, (c) whether the
instead, they award of

absented themselves from 14 to 18 May attorney's fees is proper in the instant case.
1990. Consequently, on 18 May 1990,
ARCHILLES Archilles Manufacturing Corporation
(ARCHILLES for brevity), Alberto Yu and
terminated their employment for Adrian Yu are the
abandonment and for violation of the
company rule regarding the petitioners, the latter two (2) being the
Chairman and the Vice-President of
use of the bunkhouse. 3 ARCHILLES,

Private respondents filed a complaint for respectively. Private respondents Geronimo

illegal dismissal. On 10 July 1991 the Labor Manuel, Arnulfo Diaz, Jaime Carunungan
Arbiter found and

the dismissal of private respondents illegal Benjamin Rindon were employed by

and ordered their reinstatement as well as ARCHILLES as laborers in its steel factory
the payment located in Barangay

to them the backwages, proportionate 13th Pandayan, Meycauayan, Bulacan, each

month pay for the year 1990 and attorney's receiving a daily wage of P96.00. 1

ARCHILLES was maintaining a bunkhouse in

fees. 4 ARCHILLES appealed. the work area which served as resting place
for its

workers including private respondents. In

On 10 September 1991 private respondent
1988 a mauling incident nearly took place
filed with public respondent National Labor
involving a
relative of an employee. As a result
ARCHILLES prohibited its workers from
Commission a motion for the issuance of a
bringing any member
writ of execution for their immediate
reinstatement, of their family to the bunkhouse. But
despite this prohibition, private respondents
continued to
pending appeal, either physically or in the
company payroll. On 19 September 1991 bring their respective families to the
ARCHILLES bunkhouse, causing annoyance and
discomfort to the other

opposed the motion. workers. 2 This was brought to the

attention of ARCHILLES.
Their motion for partial reconsideration Since no action was taken by NLRC on the
having been denied by public respondent in motion of 10 September 1991, private
its resolution of respondents filed a

8 September 1992, petitioners filed the

instant petition praying that the questioned similar motion on 15 July 1992. Both
NLRC decision of motions however have remained
11 August 1992 as well as its resolution of 8
September 1992 be partially annulled in
connection with On 11 August 1992 NLRC vacated and set
aside the decision of the Labor Arbiter and
the award of "withheld" salaries, ruled that the
proportionate 13th month pay and
attorney's fees. dismissal of private respondents was valid
since they wilfully disobeyed a lawful order
As regards the first issue, i.e., whether a of their
writ of execution is still necessary to
enforce the Labor employer requiring them to explain their
infraction of a company rule. In the dispute
part of its
Arbiter's order of immediate reinstatement
even when pending appeal, we agree with decision, however, NLRC ordered
petitioners ARCHILLES to pay private respondents their
"withheld" salaries

that it is necessary. The third paragraph of from 19 September 1991 when it filed its
Art. 223 of the Labor Code provides opposition to the motion for issuance of a
writ of execution

In any event, the decision of the Labor until the promulgation of the NLRC Decision
Arbiter reinstating a dismissed or separated (11 August 1992) on the ground that the
order of
employee, insofar as the reinstatement
aspect is concerned, shall be immediately reinstatement of the Labor Arbiter was
immediately executory, even pending
executory, even pending appeal. The appeal. And since
employee shall either be admitted back to
work ARCHILLES in its opposition alleged that
actual reinstatement was no longer possible
under the same terms and conditions as it would
prevailing prior to his dismissal or
separation affect the peace and order situation in the
steel factory, clearly, ARCHILLES had opted
or, at the option of the employer, merely for payroll
reinstated in the payroll. The posting of the
reinstatement of private respondents. NLRC
bond by the employer shall not stay the also ordered ARCHILLES to pay their
execution for reinstatement provided proportionate
13th month pay for 1990 and P12,351.30
We have fully explained the legal basis for representing 10% of the total judgment
this conclusion in Maranaw Hotel Resort award of
P123,513.00 as attorney's fees. 5

(Century Park Sheraton Manila) v. NLRC and

Gina G. Castro 6 thus
which shall include an entry of judgment.
It must be stressed, however, that although
In the absence . . . of an order for the the reinstatement aspect of the decision
issuance of a writ of execution on the

reinstatement aspect of the decision of the is immediately executory, it does not follow
Labor Arbiter, the petitioner was under no that it is self-executory. There must be a
legal obligation to admit back to work the
private respondent under the terms and

of execution which may be issued motu

conditions prevailing prior to her dismissal
proprio or on motion of an interested party.
or, at the petitioner's option, to merely

reinstate her in the payroll. An option is a

right of election to exercise a privilege, and Article 224 of the Labor Code provides:

the option in Article 223 of the Labor code

is exclusively granted to the employer. Art. 224. Execution of decisions, orders or
awards. (a) The
The event that gives rise for its exercise is
not the reinstatement decree of the Labor Secretary of Labor and Employment or any
Regional Director, the
Arbiter, but the writ for its execution
commanding the employer to reinstate the Commission or any Labor Arbiter, or med-
Arbiter or voluntary
employee, while the final act which compels
the employer to exercise the option is arbitrator may, motu proprio or on motion
of any interested party, issue a
the service upon it of the writ of execution
when, instead of admitting the employee writ of execution on a judgment within five
(5) years from the date it
back to his work, the employee chooses to
reinstate the employee in the payroll only. becomes final and executory . . . .

If the employer does not exercise this The second paragraph of Section 1, Rule
option, it must forthwith admit the XVIII of the New Rules of Procedure of the

back to work, otherwise it may be punished NLRC also provides:

for contempt.

In the case at bench, there was no occasion The Labor Arbiter, POEA Administrator, or
for petitioners to exercise their option under the Regional Director, or his duly
Art. 223 of
authorized hearing officer of origin shall,
the Labor Code in connection with the motu proprio or upon motion of any
reinstatement aspect of the decision of the interested
Labor Arbiter. The
party, issue a writ of execution on a
motions of private respondents for the judgment only within five (5) years from the
issuance of a writ of execution were not date
acted upon by
it becomes final and executory . . . . No
NLRC. It was not shown that respondent motion for execution shall be entertained
exerted efforts to have their motions nor
resolved. They are
a writ be issued unless the Labor Arbiter is
in possession of the records of the case
automatically vested in the employee who deemed to have abandoned their motions
has at least worked for one month during for execution pending appeal. They cannot
the calendar now ask that

year. As correctly stated by the Solicitor the writ of execution be issued since their
General, such benefit may not be lost or dismissal was found to be for cause.
forfeited even in the
On the second issue, which refers to the
event of the employee's subsequent propriety of the award of a 13th month pay,
dismissal for cause without violating his paragraph 6 of
property rights.
the Revised Guidelines on the
With respect to the third issue, the disputed Implementation of the 13th Month Pay Law
attorney's fees can only be assessed in (P. D. 851) provides that
cases of unlawful
"(a)n employee who has resigned or whose
withholding of wages. 7 It cannot be said services were terminated at any time
that petitioners were guilty of unlawfully before the payment
withholding private
of the 13th month pay is entitled to this
respondents' salaries since, as earlier monetary benefit in proportion to the length
discussed, the occasion never arose for of time he
them to exercise that option
worked during the year, reckoned from the
under Art. 223 of the Labor Code. Clearly, time he started working during the calendar
the award of attorney's fees is baseless. year up to

WHEREFORE, the instant petition is partly the time of his resignation or termination
granted. The challenged Decision of the from the
National Labor
service . . . The payment of the 13th month
Relations Commission dated 11 August pay may be demanded by the employee
1992 is MODIFIED by deleting that portion upon the
cessation of employer-employee
petitioners to pay private respondents their relationship. This is consistent with the
salaries from 19 September 1991 to 20 principle of equity that as
September 1992 as
the employer can require the employee to
well as that portion awarding 10% of the clear himself of all liabilities and property
total judgment award as attorney's fees for accountability,
lack of legal and
so can the employee demand the payment
factual basis. In other respects, the of all benefits due him upon the termination
Decision is AFFIRMED. of the

40. Ultra Villa Food Haus vs, Geniston
Furthermore, Sec. 4 of the original
(1999) G.R. 120473 Implementing Rules of P.D. 851 mandates
Facts: employers to pay their

Private respondent Renato Geniston was employees a 13th month pay not later than
employed by petitioner Ultra Villa Food House the 24th of December every year provided
and/or its alleged owner Rosie Tio. Private that they have
respondent alleged that he was employed as a "do
worked for at least one (1) month during a
it all guy" acting as waiter, driver and calendar year. In effect, this statutory
maintenance man, in said restaurant. During the benefit is
Food Haus. There is substantial evidence to elections of May 11, 1992, private respondent
support such conclusion, namely: acted as Poll Watcher. The counting of votes
lasted until 3:00 p.m. the next day, May 12.
(1) Private respondent's admission during the
Private respondent did not report for work on
mandatory conference that he was petitioner's
both days on account of his poll watching. As a
personal driver.
result, his employment was terminated by

(2) Copies of the Ultra Villa Food Haus payroll petitioner Tio on the ground of abandonment.

which do not contain private respondent's name.

Private respondent filed a case of illegal dismissal

(3) Affidavits of Ultra Villa Food Haus employees against petitioners. Petitioner Tio maintained that

attesting that private respondent was never an private respondent was her personal driver, not

employee of said establishment. an employee of Ultra Villa Food Haus and denied
dismissing private respondent whom she claimed
(4) Petitioner Tio's undisputed allegation that she abandoned his job.
works as the branch manager of the CFC
Corporation whose office is located in Mandaue The Labor Arbiter found that private respondent

City. This would support the Labor Arbiter's was indeed petitioner's personal driver. The

observation that private respondents' position as Labor Arbiter concluded that private respondent,

driver would be "incongruous" with his functions being a personal driver, was not entitled to

as a waiter of Ultra Villa Food Haus. overtime pay, premium pay, service incentive
leave and 13th month pay.On appeal, the NLRC
(5) The Joint Affidavit of the warehouseman and reversed the decision of the labor arbiter and
warehouse checker of the CFC Corporation ordered the reinstatement of private respondent
stating that: Renato Geniston usually drive[s] and payment of backwages, overtime pay,
Mrs. Tio from her residence to the office. premium pay for holiday and rest days, etc. The
Thereafter, Mr. Geniston will wait for Mrs. Tio in NLRC also granted private respondent separation
her car. Most of the time, Renato Geniston slept in pay in lieu of reinstatement on account of the
the car of Mrs. Tio and will be awakened only establishment's closure but denied his prayer for
when the latter will leave the office for lunch. Mr. moral, actual and exemplary damages, and
Geniston will again drive Mrs. Tio to the office at attorney's fees. Petitioner moved for
around 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon and reconsideration but was denied.
thereafter the former will again wait for Mrs. Tio
at the latter's car until Mrs. Tio will again leave Issues:

the office to make her rounds at our branch office

(1) Whether private respondent was an
at the downtown area. In contrast, private
employee of the Ultra Villa Food Haus or the
respondent has not presented any evidence other
personal driver of petitioner; and
than his self-serving allegation to show that he
was employed in the Ultra Villa Food Haus. (2) Whether private respondent was illegally
dismissed from employment.
On this issue, therefore, the evidence weighs
heavily in petitioner's favor. The Labor Arbiter Held:
thus correctly ruled that private respondent was
petitioner's personal driver and not an employee
of the subject establishment. Accordingly, the
terms and conditions of private respondent's
employment are governed by Chapter III, Title III,
ESTABLISHMENT. We find that private
Book III of the Labor Code as well as by the
respondent was indeed the personal driver of
pertinent provisions of the Civil Code.
petitioner, and not an employee of the Ultra Villa
fall. Accordingly, private respondent is ordered to I. PETITIONER IS NOT OBLIGED
pay private respondent the sum of P1,000.00. UNDER THE LAW TO GRANT
41. Boie Takeda v Dela Serna Supra



43. Honda Phils., Inc., vs Samahan ng Malayang FOR PETITIONER'S FAILURE TO
Manggagawa sa Honda (2005) G.R. 145561
The case stems from the collective bargaining IN EFFECTING HIS DISMISSAL.
agreement between Honda and the respondent union
that it granted the computation of 14 th month pay as To constitute abandonment, two requisites must
the same as 13th month pay. Honda continues the concur: (1) the failure to report to work or absence
practice of granting financial assistance covered every without valid or justifiable reason, and (2) a clear
December each year of not less than 100% of the basic intention to sever the employer-employee
salary. In the latter part of 1998, the parties started to relationship as manifested by some overt acts,
re-negotiate for the fourth and fifth years of the CBA. with the second requisite as the more
The union filed a notice of strike on the ground of
determinative factor.
unfair labor practice for deadlock.

DOLE assumed jurisdiction over the case and certified The burden of proving abandonment as a just
it to the NLRC for compulsory arbitration. The striking cause for dismissal is on the employer. Petitioner
employees were ordered to return to work and failed to discharge this burden. The only evidence
management to accept them back under the same adduced by petitioner to prove abandonment is
terms prior to the strike staged. Honda issued a her affidavit. It is quite unbelievable that private
memorandum of the new computation of the 13 th respondent would leave a stable and relatively
month and 14th month pay to be granted to all its
well paying job as petitioner's family driver to
employees whereby the 31 long strikes shall be
work as an election watcher.
considered unworked days for purpose of computing
the said benefits. The amount equivalent to of the Though the latter may pay more in a day,
employees basic salary shall be deducted from these
elections in this country are so far in between that
bonuses, with a commitment that in the event that
it is unlikely that any person would abandon his
the strike is declared legal, Honda shall pay the
job to embark on a career as an election watcher,
the functions of which are seasonal and
The respondent union opposed the pro-rated temporary in nature. Consequently, we do not
computation of bonuses. This issue was submitted to
find private respondent to have abandoned his
voluntary arbitration where it ruled that the
job. His dismissal from petitioner's employ being
companys implementation of the pro-rated
unjust, petitioner is entitled to an indemnity
computation is invalid.
under Article 149 of the Labor Code.
Issue: WON the pro-rated computation of the 13th and
14th month pays and other bonuses in question is valid Petitioner likewise concedes that she failed to
and lawful. comply with due process in dismissing private
respondent since private respondent had already
Held: The pro-rated computation is invalid.
abandoned his job. As we have shown earlier
The pro-rated computation of Honda as a company however, petitioner's theory of abandonment has
policy has not ripened into a company practice and it no leg to stand on, and with it, her attempts to
was the first time they implemented such practice. justify her failure to accord due process must also
period on days they worked for at least eight (8) hours The payment of the 13th month pay in full month
and earned below P8.06 daily, and all complainants payment by Honda has become an established
their 13th month pay for the years 1978 and 1979. The practice. The length of time where it should be
Deputy Minister clarified that pakyaw workers were considered in practice is not being laid down by
excluded from holiday and service incentive leave pay. jurisprudence. The voluntary act of the employer
cannot be unilaterally withdrawn without violating
Issue: Whether awarding pay differentials, holiday and Article 100 of the Labor Code.
service incentive leave for pakyaw workers who are
The court also rules that the withdrawal of the benefit
not regular employees but are merely paid on piece-
of paying a full month salary for 13 th month pay shall
rate, contrary to Art. 82 of the Labor Code;
constitute a violation of Article 100 of the Labor Code.

Whether or not Framanlis Farm is required to pay 13th

month pay despite the fact that they had substantially
complied with the requirement by extending yearly
bonuses and other benefits in kind and in cash to the
44. Framanlis Farms, Inc., et. al. v. Hon. Minister
complainants, pursuant to Section 3(c) of PD 851
of Labor, et. al.
which exempts the employer from paying 13th month
G.R. No. 72616-17 March 8, 1989
pay when its equivalent has already been given;

Case Doctrine: Productivity Standards

Minister did not err in requiring the petitioners to pay
wage differentials to their pakyaw workers who
In 1976, PD No. 928 fixed a minimum wage of P7.00 worked for at least eight hours daily and earned less
for agricultural workers in any plantation or than P8.00 per day.
agricultural enterprise irrespective of whether or not
the worker was paid on a piece-rate basis. However, Under Section 3 of PD No. 851, such benefits in the
effective July 1, 1978, the minimum wage was form of food or free electricity, assuming they were
increased to P8.00 (Sec. 1, PD 1389). Subsequently, PD given, were not a proper substitute for the 13th
1614 provided for a P2.00 increase in the daily wage of month pay required by law. Neither may year-end
all workers effective April 1, 1979. The petitioners rewards for loyalty and service be considered in lieu of
admit that those were the minimum rates prevailing 13th month pay.
then. Therefore, the respondent Minister did not err in
requiring the petitioners to pay wage differentials to Facts: Eighteen (18) employees of Framanlis Farms,
their pakyaw workers who worked for at least eight Inc. filed against their employer two labor standard
hours daily and earned less than P8.00 per day in 1978 cases alleging that in 1977 to 1979 they were not paid
to 1979. emergency cost of living allowance (ECOLA) minimum
With regard to the 13th month pay, petitioners wage, 13th month pay, holiday pay, and service
admitted that they failed to pay their workers 13th incentive leave pay.
month pay in 1978 and 1979. However, they argued In their answer, Framanlis Farms alleged that the
that they substantially complied with the law by giving employees were not regular workers on their hacienda
their workers a yearly bonus and other non-monetary but were migratory (sacadas) or pakyaw workers who
benefits amounting to not less than 1/12th of their worked on-and-off and were hired seasonally, or only
basic salary, in the form of food and free electricity. during the milling season, to do piece-work on the
farms, hence, they were not entitled to the benefits
Unfortunately, under Section 3 of PD No. 851, such claimed by them.
benefits in the form of food or free electricity,
assuming they were given, were not a proper The Minister of Labor directed Framanlis Farms to pay
substitute for the 13th month pay required by law. PD the deficiency payment of emergency living allowance
851 provides: and service incentive leave pay, holiday pay and social
amelioration bonus for 3 years for 1977 to 1979. Upon
Section 3. Employees covered The the petitioners' appeal of that Order, the Deputy
Decree shall apply to all employees Minister of Labor modified it by ordering the employer
except to: to pay all non-pakyaw workers their claim for holiday
and incentive leave pay for the years 1977, 1978, all
xxx 'pakyaw' workers their pay differentials for the same
Executive Labor Arbiter ordered Kamaya
Point Hotel to pay the 14th month pay for The term 'its equivalent' as used in
1982 of all its rank and file employees and paragraph (c) hereof shall include
to pay the monetary equivalent of the Christmas bonus, mid-year bonus,
benefits of then existing Collective profit-sharing payments and other
Bargaining Agreement which will expire on cash bonuses amounting to not less
1 July 1984. than 1/12 of the basic salary but
shall not include cash and stock
NLRC set aside the award of monetary dividends, cost of living allowances
benefits under the CBA but affirmed the
and all other allowances regularly
grant of the 14th month pay for the reason
enjoyed by the employee, as well as
that it already ripened into a company
practice which respondent company cannot
withdraw unilaterally without violating
Neither may year-end rewards for loyalty and service
article 100 of the Labor Code.
be considered in lieu of 13th month pay. Section 10 of
the Rules and Regulations Implementing Presidential
Issue: Whether or not respondents are
entitled the 14th month pay in 1982? Decree No. 851 provides for the prohibition against
reduction or elimination of benefits or favorable
Ruling: There is no law that mandates the practice being enjoyed by the employee.
payment of the 14th month pay neither is
there stipulation as to such extra
remuneration in the CBA. The granting of
the 14th month pay is a management 45. Kamaya Point Hotel vs. NLRC GR
prerogative which cannot be forced upon 86200, Feb 25, 1992
the employer. It is patently obvious that Facts: Respondent Memia Quiambao with
Article 100 is clearly without applicability. thirty others who are members of private
The date of effectivity of the Labor Code is respondent Federation of Free Workers
May 1, 1974. In the case at bar, petitioner (FFW) were employed by petitioner as hotel
extended its 14th month pay beginning crew. On the basis of the profitability of the
1979 until 1981. What is demanded is company's business operations,
payment of the 14th month pay for 1982. management granted a 14th month pay to
Indubitably from these facts alone, Article its employees starting in 1979. In January
100 of the Labor Code cannot apply. 1982, operations ceased to give way to the
hotel's conversion into a training center for
Libyan scholars. . However, due to technical
and financing problems, the Libyans pre-
terminated the program on July 7, 1982,
46. Marcos, et. al. vs. NLRC AND Insular Life leaving petitioner without any business,
Assurance (1995) aside from the fact that it was not paid for
the use of the hotel premises and in
addition had to undertake repairs of the
Petitioners herein have served respondent premises damaged by the Libyan students.
Insular for more than 20 years in multiples of Although petitioner reopened the hotel
five (20-30 years). They were terminated due premises to the public, it was not able to
to redundancy and thus were given special pick-up its lost patronage. In a couple of
redundancy benefits. But they were denied months it effected a retrenchment program
their service awards which was set apart until finally on January 7, 1984, it totally
from the redundancy fund. They were made closed its business. On April 18, 1983,
to sign a quit claim, which they complied, but private respondent Federation of Free
they still submitted a letter of protest. They Workers (FFW); a legitimate labor
organization, filed a complaint against
inquired from the DOLE-LS on the validity of
petitioner for illegal suspension, violation of
the denial of their service awards, to which
the CBA and non-payment of the 14th
DOLE decided in their favour. The service
month pay.
awards were part of the Employees Manual
and were therefore company policies. The
award was earned on the anniversary date.
Even if the employees were separated from
CASE LAW/ DOCTRINE: service before the anniversary date, they
LABOR LAWS AND SOCIAL were still entitled to the material benefits of
MANAGEMENT PREROGATIVES, PAY However, respondent still refused to pay this.
SEPARATION BENEFITS UNEQUALLY; On its 80th anniversary, the company
CASE AT BAR. Petitioners' right to approved an anniversary equivalent of one-
terminate employees on account of month salary to its employees. The
retrenchment to prevent losses or petitioners alleged that they were entitled to
closure of business operations, is this.
recognized by law, but it may not
pay separation benefits unequally
for such discrimination breeds The LA ruled in petitioners favour, but NLRC
resentment and ill-will among those reversed this, upholding the validity of the
who have been treated less quitclaim they signed voluntarily.
generously than others... xxx
Clearly, there was impermissible
discrimination against the private
respondents in the payment of their W/N the quitclaim was invalid and if so,
separation benefits. The law requires petitioners would be entitled to their service
an employer to extend equal award.
treatment to its employees. It may
not, in the guise of exercising
management prerogatives, grant HELD:
greater benefits to some and less to Release and Quitclaim INVALID, petitioners
others. Management prerogatives were ENTITLED to the service awards.
are not absolute prerogatives but
are subject to legal limits, collective
bargaining agreements, or general A deed of release or quitclaim cannot bar an
principles of fair play and justice employee from demanding payment to which
(UST vs. NLRC, 190 SCRA 758). he is entitled. Quitclaims are against public
Article 283 of the Labor Code, as policy and are therefore null and void. The
amended, protects workers whose Court does not believe that petitioners signed
employment is terminated because the Release and Quitclaim voluntarily, as the
of closure of the establishment or subsequent submission of a letter of protest
reduction of personnel (Abella vs. and the inquiry before the NLRC contradicted
NLRC, 152 SCRA 141, 145). their willingness to execute the quitclaim.

The special redundancy package could not

FACTS: have covered the service awards, and
Businessday Information Systems respondents actions estopped it from
and Services Inc. (BSSI) and its claiming such. Service awards are not
President/Manager (Raul Locsin) bonuses. They are stated in the Employees
sought to annul an NLRC Decision Manual, which is contractual in nature
which affirmed the finding that BSSI therefor the law between the parties. It is
is liable to pay the respondents company policy and has been in practice by
separation pay differentials and mid- the company.
year bonus.
BSSI was engaged in the
manufacture and sale of computer
48. Businessday Information
forms. Due to financial reverses, its
Systems and Services, Inc. v. NLRC
creditors namely the DBP and the
G.R. No. 103575 | 05 April 1993
However, mid-year bonus is deleted Asset Privatization Trust (APT) took
and set aside. Further, Raul Locsin is possession of BSSIs assets including
absolved from any personal liability. its manufacturing plant in Marilao,
RATIO: Due to the action of its creditors,
While the law recognizes BSSIs right BSSI had to lay off some plant
to terminate its employees on employees, after prior notice, as a
account of retrenchment to prevent retrenchment measure. They were
losses or closure of business provided separation pay
operations, it may not pay equivalent to month pay for
separation benefits unequally for every year of service. Upon
such discrimination breeds receipt, they signed individual
resentment and ill-will among those releases and quitclaims in favor of
who have been treated less BSSI.
generously. Not all employees were laid off.
The NLRC observed that the Some were retained in an attempt to
business climate did not improve rehabilitate the company.
during the small gaps in between Unfortunately, 2 and months
the retrenchment. later, the remaining employees were
There was obviously discrimination also laid off when the company
against the first batch of employees. decided to end the business
The law requires an employer to altogether. Unlike the first batch of
extend equal treatment to its laid employees, this batch received
employees. It may not, in the guise separation pay equivalent to a full
of exercising management months salary for every year of
prerogatives, grant greater benefits service plus mid-year bonus.
to some and less to others. Due to this obvious discrimination,
Management prerogatives are the first batch of laid employees (27)
not absolute prerogatives but filed a protest against BSSI and Raul
are subject to legal limits, Locsin.
collective bargaining During the conciliation proceedings
agreements, or general with the Labor Arbiter, BSSI denied
principles of fair play and that there was unlawful
justice. Article 283 of the Labor discrimination in the payment of
Code protects workers whose separation benefits to the first batch
employment is terminated because of laid workers. BSSI argued that
of closure of the establishment or they were paid retrenchment
reduction of personnel. benefits mandated by law, while the
In so far as the mid-year bonus, it is remaining employees were granted
settled doctrine that the grant of a higher separation benefits
bonus is a prerogative, not an because their termination was on
obligation, of the employer. The account of the closure of the
matter of giving a bonus over and business.
above the workers lawful salaries Labor Arbiter Decision: In favor of
and allowances is entirely the first batch of laid employees.
dependent on the financial NLRC: Affirmed Decision of the
capability of the employer to give it. Labor Arbiter. MR was likewise
The fact that the BSSI was no longer denied.
profitable and that the workers did
not work up to the middle of the ISSUE(S):
year were valid reasons for not W/N BSSI is liable for separation pay
granting them a mid-year bonus. differentials and mid-year bonus to
As regards Raul Locsin, he is not the first batch of laid employees.
liable as a corporate officer unless HELD:
he acted with evident malice and Yes, BSSI is liable to pay separation
bad faith in terminating their pay differentials to the employees.
"equality before the law" under the employment. No evidence was
Constitution does not import a perfect presented.
Identity of rights among all men and
women. It admits of classifications,
provided that (1) such classifications rest 49. Philippine Appliance Corp. v.
on substantial distinctions; (2) they are Court of Appeals, 430 SCRA 525 (2004)
germane to the purposes of the law; (3) - SCRA
they are not confined to existing conditions;
and (4) they apply equally to all members
of the same class.
50. Philippine Association of Service
The Court is satisfied that the Exporters, Inc. v. Drilon
classification made-the preference for G.R. No. 81958, 30 June 1988, EN BANC
female workers rests on substantial (Sarmiento, J.)
distinctions. As a matter of judicial notice,
the Court is well aware of the unhappy The Philippine Association of Service
plight that has befallen our female labor Exporters, Inc. (PASEI), a firm "engaged
force abroad, especially domestic servants, principally in the recruitment of Filipino
amid exploitative working conditions workers, male and female, for overseas
marked by, in not a few cases, physical and placement," challenges the Constitutional
personal abuse. The sordid tales of validity of Department Order No. 1,
maltreatment suffered by migrant Filipina Series of 1988, of the Department of
workers, even rape and various forms of Labor and Employment, in the character
torture, confirmed by testimonies of of "GUIDELINES GOVERNING THE
returning workers, are compelling motives TEMPORARY SUSPENSION OF DEPLOYMENT
for urgent Government action. As precisely OF FILIPINO DOMESTIC AND HOUSEHOLD
the caretaker of Constitutional rights, the WORKERS." The measure is assailed for
Court is called upon to protect victims of "discrimination against males or
exploitation. In fulfilling that duty, the Court females;" that it "does not apply to all
sustains the Government's efforts. Filipino workers but only to domestic
Discrimination in this case is justified. helpers and females with similar
skills;" that it is violative of the right to
There is likewise no doubt that such travel; and that it is an invalid exercise
a classification is germane to the purpose of the lawmaking power, police power
behind the measure. Unquestionably, it is being legislative, and not executive in
the avowed objective of Department Order character.
No. 1 to "enhance the protection for Filipino
female overseas workers" this Court has no ISSUE:
quarrel that in the midst of the terrible
mistreatment Filipina workers have suffered Whether or not Department Order
abroad, a ban on deployment will be for No. 1, a police power measure, is valid
their own good and welfare. under the Constitution

The Order does not narrowly apply HELD:

to existing conditions. Rather, it is intended
to apply indefinitely so long as those As a general rule, official acts enjoy
conditions exist. This is clear from the Order a presumed validity. In the absence of clear
itself ("Pending review of the administrative and convincing evidence to the contrary,
and legal measures, in the Philippines and the presumption logically stands. The
in the host countries . . ."), meaning to say petitioner has shown no satisfactory reason
that should the authorities arrive at a why the contested measure should be
means impressed with a greater degree of nullified. There is no question that
permanency, the ban shall be lifted. As a Department Order No. 1 applies only to
stop-gap measure, it is possessed of a "female contract workers," but it does not
necessary malleability, depending on the thereby make an undue discrimination
circumstances of each case. between the sexes. It is well-settled that
The Court finds, finally, the
impugned guidelines to be applicable to all
female domestic overseas workers. That it
does not apply to "all Filipina workers" is
not an argument for unconstitutionality.
Had the ban been given universal
applicability, then it would have been
unreasonable and arbitrary. For obvious
reasons, not all of them are similarly
52. Libres v NLRC G.R. No. 123737. circumstanced. What the Constitution
May 28, 1999. prohibits is the singling out of a select
BELLOSILLO, J person or group of persons within an
Facts: existing class, to the prejudice of such a
person or group or resulting in an unfair
Petitioner Carlos G. Libres, an electrical advantage to another person or group of
engineer, was holding a managerial persons.
position with National Steel Corporation
(NSC) as Assistant Manager. He was then Department Order No. 1 is a valid
asked to comment regarding the charge of implementation of the Labor Code, in
sexual harrassment filed against him by the particular, its basic policy to "afford
VP's secretary Capiral. This was included protection to labor," pursuant to the
with a waiver of his right tobe heard once respondent Department of Labor's rule-
he didn't comment. making authority vested in it by the Labor
Code. The petitioner assumes that it is
On 14 August 1993 petitioner submitted his unreasonable simply because of its impact
written explanation denying the accusation on the right to travel, but as we have
against him and offering to submit himself stated, the right itself is not absolute. The
for clarificatory interrogation. disputed Order is a valid qualification
thereto. Neither is there merit in the
The Management Evaluation Committee contention that Department Order No. 1
said that "touching a female subordinate's constitutes an invalid exercise of legislative
hand and shoulder, caressing her nape and power. It is true that police power is the
telling other people that Capiral was the domain of the legislature, but it does not
one who hugged and kissed or that she mean that such an authority may not be
responded to the sexual advances are lawfully delegated. As we have mentioned,
unauthorized acts that damaged her the Labor Code itself vests the Department
honor." They suspended Libres for 30 days of Labor and Employment with rulemaking
without pay. powers in the enforcement whereof.

He filed charges against the corporation in The petitioners's reliance on the

the Labor Arbiter, but the latter held that Constitutional guaranty of worker
the company acted with due process and participation "in policy and decision-making
that his punishment was only mild. processes affecting their rights and
Moreover, he assailed the NLRC decision as benefits" is not well-taken. The right
without basis due to the massaging of her granted by this provision, again, must
shoulders never discriminated against submit to the demands and necessities of
her continued employment, impaired her the State's power of regulation.
rights and privileges under the Labor
Code, or created a hostile, intimidating or
offensive environment. 51. Phil. Telegraph and Telephone Co.
He claimed that he wasn't guaranteed due
process because he wasn't given the right
be heard. This was due to his demand for
personal confrontation not being recognized
valid cause for termination. Whereas by the MEC.
petitioner Libres was only meted a 30-day
suspension by the NLRC, Villarama, in the In the Supreme Court, petitioner assailed
other case was penalized with the failure of the NLRC to strictly apply RA
termination. As a managerial employee, No. 7877 or the law against sexual
petitioner is bound by more exacting work harassment to the instant case. Moreover,
ethics. He failed to live up to his higher petitioner also contends that public
standard of responsibility when he respondents reliance on Villarama v. NLRC
succumbed to his moral perversity. And and Golden Donuts was misplaced. He
when such moral perversity is perpetrated draws attention to victim Divina Gonzagas
against his subordinate, he provides a immediate filing of her letter of resignation
justifiable ground for his dismissal for lack in the Villarama case as opposed to the one
of trust and confidence. year delay of Capiral in filing her complaint
against him. He now surmises that the
It is the the duty of every employer filing of the case against him was merely an
to protect its employees from afterthought and not borne out of a valid
oversexed superiors. Public respondent complaint, hence, the Villarama case
therefore is correct in its observation that should have no bearing on the instant case.
the Labor Arbiter was in fact lenient in his
application of the law and jurisprudence for Issue: Was Libres accorded due process
which petitioner must be grateful for. when the MEC denied his request for
personal confrontatiom?
As pointed out by the Solicitor General, it
could be expected since Libres was Held: Yes Petition denied.
Capirals immediate superior. Fear of
retaliation and backlash, not to forget the Ratio:
social humiliation and embarrassment that
victims of this human frailty usually suffer, On not strictly applying RA 7877- Republic
are all realities that Capiral had to contend Act No. 7877 was not yet in effect at the
with. Moreover, the delay did not detract time of the occurrence of the act
from the truth derived from the facts. complained of. It was still being deliberated
Petitioner Libres never questioned the upon in Congress when petitioners case
veracity of Capirals allegations. In fact his was decided by the Labor Arbiter. As a rule,
narration even corroborated the latters laws shall have no retroactive effect unless
assertion in several material points. He otherwise provided, or except in a criminal
only raised issue on the complaints case when their application will favor the
protracted filing. accused. Hence, the Labor Arbiter have to
rely on the MEC report and the common
On the question of due process- connotation of sexual harassment as it is
Requirements were sufficiently complied generally understood by the public. Faced
with. Due process as a constitutional with the same predicament, the NLRC had
precept does not always and in all to agree with the Labor Arbiter. In so doing,
situations require a trial type proceeding. the NLRC did not commit any abuse of
Due process is satisfied when a person is discretion in affirming the decision of the
notified of the charge against him and Labor Arbiter.
given an opportunity to explain or defend
himself. The essence of due process is On the Villarama afterthought-it was both
simply to be heard, or as applied to fitting and appropriate since it singularly
administrative proceedings, an opportunity addressed the issue of a managerial
to explain ones side, or an opportunity to employee committing sexual harassment
seek a reconsideration of the action or on a subordinate. The disparity in the
ruling complained of. periods of filing the complaints in the two
(2) cases did not in any way reduce this
It is undeniable that petitioner was given a case into insignificance. On the contrary, it
Notice of Investigation informing him of the even invited the attention of the Court to
charge of sexual harassment as well as focus on sexual harassment as a just and
making sexual advances on her since her advising him to submit a written
first year of employment and that when she explanation regarding the matter; that he
would not accede to his requests, he submitted his written explanation to his
threatened that he would cause her superior. The VP further allowed him to air
termination from service. As to the second his grievance in a private session He was
charge, the money entrusted to her was not given more than adequate opportunity to
lost, but given to the personnel-in-charge explain his side and air his grievances.
for proper transmittal as evidence by a
receipt signed by the latter. As to the third Personal confrontation was not necessary.
charge, she explains that she asked Homeowners v NLRC- litigants may be
someone to punch in her card as she was heard through pleadings, written
doing an errand for one of the companys explanations, position papers, memoranda
officers and with the permission of William or oral arguments.
Chua. As to the fourth charge, she asserts
that she had no knowledge thereof. To
constitute serious misconduct to justify
dismissal, the acts must be done in relation
to the performance of her duties as would 53. Philippine Aeolus Automotive
show her to be unfit to continue working for United Corporatoin v. NLRC
her employer. The acts of did not pertain to
her duties as a nurse nor did they FACTS: Private respondent was a company
constitute serious misconduct. However nurse for the Philippine Aelous United
due to the strained relations, in lieu of Corporation. A memorandum was issued by
reinstatement, she is to be awarded the personnel manager of petitioner
separation pay of one month for every year corporation to respondent Cortez asking her
of service until finality of this judgment. to explain why no action should be taken
against her for (1) throwing a stapler at
2. Yes. Private respondent admittedly plant manager William Chua; (2) fro losing
allowed four years to pass before coming the amount of Php 1,488 entrusted to her;
out with her employers sexual impositions; (3) for asking a co- employee to punch in
but the time to do such varies depending her time card one morning when she was
upon the needs, circumstances and not there. She was then placed on
emotional threshold of the employee. It is preventive suspension. Another
clear that respondent has suffered anxiety, memorandum was sent to her asking her to
sleepless nights, besmirched reputation and explain why she failed to process the ATM
social humiliation by reason of the act applications of her co-employees. She
complained of. Thus, she should be entitled submitted a written explanation as to the
to moral and exemplary damages for the loss of Php 1,488 and the punching in of her
oppressive manner with which petitioners time card. A third memorandum was sent to
effected her dismissal and to serve as a her informing her of her termination from
warming to officers who take advantage of service for gross and habitual neglect of
their ascendancy over their employees. duties, serious misconduct, and fraud or
willful breach of trust.

54. APEX MINING CO., INC. versus
NLRC 1. W/N petitioner was illegally dismissed.
2. If such dismissal was illegal, W/N
FACTS: petitioner should be entitled to damages.

Private respondent Sinclita Candida HELD:

was employed by petitioner Apex
Mining Company, Inc to perform 1. Yes. The grounds by which an employer
laundry services at its staff house. may validly terminate the services of an
employee must be strictly construed. As to
On December 18, 1987, while she the first charge, respondent claims that
was attending to her assigned task plant manager William Chua had been
The definition cannot be interpreted and she was hanging her laundry,
to include househelper or she accidentally slipped and hit her
laundrywomen working in back on a stone. As a result of the
staffhouses of a company, like accident she was not able to
private respondent who attends to continue with her work. She was
the needs of the company's guest permitted to go on leave for
and other persons availing of said medication.
De la Rosa offered her the amount of
The mere fact that the househelper P 2,000.00 which was eventually
or domestic servant is working increased to P5,000.00 to persuade
within the premises of the business her to quit her job, but she refused
of the employer and in relation to or the offer and preferred to return to
in connection with its business, as in work.
its staffhouses for its guest or even
for its officers and employees, Petitioner did not allow her to return
warrants the conclusion that such to work and dismissed her on
househelper or domestic servant is February 4, 1988.
and should be considered as a
Private respondent filed a request
regular employee.
for assistance with the Department
WHEREFORE, the petition is DISMISSED and the of Labor and Employment, which the
appealed decision and resolution of public respondent latter rendered its Decision by
NLRC are hereby AFFIRMED. No pronouncement as to ordering the Apex Mining Co. to pay
Candida the total amount of
P55,161.42 for salary differential,
emergency living allowance, 13th
month pay differential and
separation pay.

Petitioner appealed the case before

the NLRC, which was subsequently
dismissed for lack of merit.


Whether or not the private

respondent should be treated as
househelper or domestic servant or
a regular employee.


Under Rule XIII, Section l(b), Book 3

of the Labor Code, as amended, the
term "househelper" as used herein is
synonymous to the term "domestic
servant" and shall refer to any
person, whether male or female,
who renders services in and about
the employer's home and which
services are usually necessary or
desirable for the maintenance and
enjoyment thereof, and ministers
exclusively to the personal comfort
and enjoyment of the employer's

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