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Source: CNN

Barcelona terror attack: How it happened 01:17

Barcelona terror attack: What we know

By Kara Fox, CNN

Updated 0101 GMT (0901 HKT) August 18, 2017

(CNN)On Thursday afternoon, a van rammed into a crowd of people in Barcelona, killing 13 people
and injuring at least 100.
It's the worst attack on Spanish soil since the 2004 Madrid bombings, which killed 191 people and
injured more than 1,800.
As the country mourns and police continue to search for answers, here's what we know so far.
When and where did the attack happen?
Around 5 p.m. local time (11 a.m. ET), reports of the incident emerged on social media.

A white van with blue markings accelerated into scores of people enjoying a late afternoon stroll on
Las Ramblas, a predominantly pedestrian zone in the heart of the Catalan capital.
The popular tree-lined street runs around three-quarters of a mile through the city center and is one of
Barcelona's most popular locales, boasting a number of the city's most visited sites as well as cafes,
bars, street performers and entertainment.

As the attack unfolded, some took shelter in nearby shops, barricading themselves against the terror as
they watched scenes of chaos and panic continue.
Ali Shirzainia was cycling when he saw the van drive past him. "I saw people flying into the air and
everyone was running into the shops on either side," he told CNN.
"I saw a lot of ambulances, I saw a lot of emergency vehicles almost immediately," he said.
Another witness who was hiding in a shop nearby heard gunshots, according to state-run broadcaster
TVE24. A third said he saw a van driving "around 80" kph (50 mph).
Who is responsible?
The van believed to be the one used in the attack, is surrounded by forensics officers on Thursday.
The van believed to be the one used in the attack, is surrounded by forensics officers on Thursday.
Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy described the attack as "jihadi terrorism" during a news
conference late Thursday. The perpetrators' motive is still unclear.

The driver of the van escaped and is still on the run, according to police.
Two other suspects have been arrested. At a news conference on Thursday, the head of Catalonia Police
said one of the suspects is from Morocco and the other is from the Spanish enclave of Melilla.
ISIS' media wing, Amaq, issued a statement that said the attackers are "soldiers of the Islamic State,"
although ISIS has not explicitly claimed responsibility for the attack. The terror group has not
mentioned any names nor did it post any photos or additional details about the perpetrators.
Were there multiple attacks?

It's not clear.

Catalan police said on Twitter in the early hours of Friday that an incident in Cambrils, a coastal city
around 100 kilometers from Barcelona, was being treated as a possible terror attack.
State broadcaster TVE said that five terrorists were taken down, and four are dead.
In a separate incident earlier, police tweeted that a driver had run over two police officers at a security
checkpoint in Barcelona and that the driver had been found near the city.
The two officers suffered minor injuries but did not require hospitalization, according to police. It was
unclear whether that incident was related to the terror attack.
One person was killed in an explosion in a house in Catalonia, according to Spanish police. The
incident is connected to the Barcelona van attack, but it's not clear how. That victim is Spanish and was
not on police radar.
Watch: Vehicles as weapons, a disturbing trend
Who are the victims?
Witness sees 'a bunch of people dead here'

Witness sees 'a bunch of people dead here' 00:36

By Thursday evening, Catalan Minister of the Interior Joaquim Forn said 13 people had died. At least
100 people were injured, with 15 of them in serious condition.
Local officials have said the number of dead is "bound to rise."
One Belgian was killed in the attack, Belgian Foreign Ministry spokesman Jose de Pierpont said.
Catalan authorities have dismissed local media reports that had said a hostage situation took place after
the crash.
Police sealed off the area and advised that people avoid the Plaa de Catalunya and Las Ramblas
All scheduled public events were canceled. The metro station and other train stations in the vicinity
were temporarily closed.
How are leaders responding?
Rajoy tweeted that terrorists "will never defeat a united people who love freedom versus barbarism."
German Chancellor Angela Merkel called the attack in Barcelona, "revolting," according to her
US President Donald Trump said: "The United States condemns the terror attack in Barcelona, Spain,
and will do whatever is necessary to help. Be tough & strong, we love you!" He later tweeted about a
debunked episode related to countering Islamic terrorism.
Anne Hidalgo, mayor of Paris, tweeted that the Eiffel Tower would go dark Thursday night in tribute to
the victims.

Al menos 13 muertos y 100 heridos en un "ataque terrorista" con una furgoneta en Las Ramblas de

El ataque, que sucedi alrededor de las 17:00 hora local en el icnico paseo del centro de la capital
catalana que visitan cada ao millones de turistas, fue reivindicado por el autodenominado Estado
Islmico. Dos personas fueron detenidas, ninguno de los cuales era el conductor de la furgoneta. Horas
despus, la polica abati a 4 "supuestos terroristas" en otro atentado en Cambrils, a 120 km de
17 agosto 2017
Segundo ataque en Catalua: la polica abate a cinco "terroristas" en Cambrils horas despus del
atentado en Las Ramblas de Barcelona
18 agosto 2017
As son Las Ramblas, el corazn y el paseo ms emblemtico de Barcelona en el que un ataque dej al
menos 13 muertos
17 agosto 2017

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