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PRE-U TEXT PHYSICS VOLUME 2 ISBN: 978 983 3879 85 4

Physics Volume 2

Chapter 17 Electrostatics
Practice 17

At the end of this chapter, you must know the following:

Coulombs Law

Electric Field

Gauss Law

Electric Potential

Equipotential Surfaces

STPM : 1999, P1/Q29; 2002, P1/Q5; 2005, P1/Q15; 2005, P1/Q16; 2005, P1/Q18
Reference : Pages 235 to 236


Coulombs Law

F = Q1Q2 (in free space) e = -1.6 x 10-19 C


Electric Field

Definition a region in which an electric field will act on a charge that is

placed in the region

E= F F = electric force unit of E = N C-1 or volt/metre (V m-1)

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PRE-U TEXT PHYSICS VOLUME 2 ISBN: 978 983 3879 85 4

q q = charge

Gauss Law

Definition The total electric flux, , flowing through a surface of

arbitrary shape that encloses completely a charge Q within

that surface and in free space is equal to Q/0, that is

= Q (0 is the permittivity of free space)


Electric potential

E = - dV

V=-W where V = electric potential difference

q W = work
q = charge

V= Q (in free space)


Equipotential surfaces

Definition A surface where any point on it has the same electric potential

Examples (a) Point charge

(b) Charged parallel plates

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