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Kumar Clin Trans Med (2017) 6:21

DOI 10.1186/s40169-017-0151-8


IFNproducing CD4+ T lymphocytes:

the doubleedged swords intuberculosis

IFN-producing CD4+ T cells (IFN+CD4+ T cells) are the key orchestrators of protective immunity against Mycobac-
terium tuberculosis (Mtb). Primarily, these cells act by enabling Mtb-infected macrophages to enforce phagosome-
lysosome fusion, produce reactive nitrogen intermediates (RNIs), and activate autophagy pathways. However, TB
is a heterogeneous disease and a host of clinical and experimental findings has also implicated IFN+CD4+ T cells
in TB pathogenesis. High frequency of IFN+CD4+ T cells is the most invariable feature of the active disease. Active
TB patients mount a heightened IFN+CD4+ T cell response to mycobacterial antigens and demonstrate an IFN-
inducible transcriptomic signature. IFN+CD4+ T cells have also been shown to mediate TB-associated immune
reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (TBIRIS) observed in a subset of antiretroviral therapy (ART)-treated HIV- and
Mtb-coinfected people. The pathological face of IFN+CD4+ T cells during mycobacterial infection is further uncov-
ered by studies in the animal model of TBIRIS and in Mtb-infected PD-1/ mice. This manuscript encompasses the
evidence supporting the dual role of IFN+CD4+ T cells during Mtb infection and sheds light on immune mechanisms
involved in protection versus pathogenesis.
Keywords: Tuberculosis, Protection, Pathogenesis, IFN-gamma, CD4+ T cell, TBIRIS, Macrophage, Neutrophil,
Necrosis, Matrix metalloproteinase, Granuloma

Background underlines the critical role of IFN-producing C D4+ T

+ +
Tuberculosis (TB) continues to be one of the major cells (IFN CD4 T cells) in host resistance to Mtb [2].
causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide [1]. Myco- The protective role of IFN+CD4+ T cells against Mtb,
bacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), the causative agent of TB, however, is one side of the story. With advancements
mainly resides in host macrophages and modulates their in TB immunobiology, a host of studies has emerged to
cellular physiology to support its own growth and dupli- show that IFN+CD4+ T cells are directly or indirectly
cation. Although macrophages are armed with a battery involved in TB pathogenesis. It has been observed that
of antimicrobial mechanisms, elimination of the intracel- active TB patients mount a heightened T D4+
H1 type of C
lular bacilli from these cells is largely dependent on acti- T cell responses against Mtb antigens [3]. TH1 type of
vation signals arising from CD4+ T lymphocytes [2]. A CD4+ T cell response can also be observed in latently
key role in CD4+ T cell-mediated macrophage activation infected people, but its aggravation commonly precedes
can be attributed to IFN, which helps in Mtb clearance the reactivation of latent TB into the active disease [3].
by inducing iNOS expression and enforcing phagosome- Similar aggravation of TH1 type of antimycobacterial
lysosome fusion [2]. TH1-polarized CD4+ T cells are the immunity also occurs in TBassociated immune recon-
main source of IFN during mycobacterial infections. stitution inflammatory syndrome (TBIRIS) observed
Significantly enhanced susceptibility to TB in people suf- in a subset of antiretroviral therapy (ART)-treated HIV-
fering from HIV/AIDS or inherited IFN deficiencies and Mtb-coinfected people [4]. Studies in both human
patients and the animal models have attributed the
pathogenesis of TBIRIS to hyperactive IFN+CD4+ T
*Correspondence: cell responses [3, 5].
Special Centre forMolecular Medicine, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New
Mehrauli Road, New Delhi110067, India

The Author(s) 2017. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
(, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
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Kumar Clin Trans Med (2017) 6:21 Page 2 of 7

The present manuscript elaborates on the clinical and disseminated form in the severe cases. Similar to the case
experimental findings demonstrating the protective ver- of HIV/AIDS, idiopathic CD4+ T cell lymphocytopenia
sus the pathological role of IFN+CD4+ T cells during has also been shown to increase TB susceptibility and its
Mtb infection. It further sheds light on the underlying associated mortality [18, 19].
mechanisms of IFN+CD4+ T cell-mediated protection
against TB and TB pathogenesis. Besides broadening Mechanisms ofIFN+CD4+ T cellmediated
individuals perspective of TB immunobiology, this man- protection againstMtb
uscript will prompt the TB vaccinologists to retrospect Despite the long known role of IFN+CD4+ T cells in
their strategies to combat this age-old disease. protection against Mtb, its underlying mechanisms are
not completely understood. Studies aimed at elucidat-
Protective role ofIFN+CD4+ T cells againstMtb ing the mechanisms of IFN-mediated protection against
Nearly one-third of the worlds population is infected Mtb have largely focused on its effect on the infected
with Mtb [6]. However, most of the latently infected peo- macrophages. These studies have revealed that IFN-
ple never develop active TB, demonstrating the compe- activated macrophages eliminate the intracellular bacilli
tence of their immune system to contain the bacilli [2]. primarily by: (i) producing reactive nitrogen intermedi-
Both human and animal studies have established that ates (RNIs), (ii) enforcing phagosome-lysosome fusion,
IFN+CD4+ T cells are the key mediators of protective and (iii) activating the autophagy pathway.
immunity against Mtb. It has been shown that mice defi- Nitric oxide and other RNIs help in the clearance of
cient in IFN are unable to control low-dose Mtb infec- the intracellular bacilli by inflicting oxidative damage on
tion and succumb to the progressive disease [79]. As to them [20]. Mtb-infected macrophages, however, did
CD4+ T lymphocytes are the most important source of not produce copious amounts of RNIs in the absence of
IFN during mycobacterial infection, animals deficient in activating signals. IFN promotes iNOS expression in
CD4+ T cells have also been found to be susceptible to Mtb-infected macrophages which catabolizes l-arginine
low-dose Mtb infection. Other lymphocyte subsets such into nitric oxide (NO), which in turn is used as the sub-
as CD8+ T cells, natural killer (NK) cells, CD1-restricted strate to generate other RNIs [20, 21]. The indispensable
T cells and T cells also secrete IFN in response to role of RNIs in protection against TB is demonstrated
Mtb infection, but they are unable to compensate for the by the enhanced susceptibility of iNOS/ mice to Mtb
lack of C D4+ T lymphocytes as a source of this cytokine [22]. Besides having a direct effect on intracellular Mtb,
[2]. Mounting of IFN+CD4+ T cell responses relies on RNIs can also reduce the bacillary load by inducing apop-
IL-12 secretion by antigen-presenting cells. Consistently, totic cell death in infected macrophages [21]. Apoptosis
animals deficient in IL-12 are also unable to control Mtb of infected macrophages is a protective response and is
infection and die of the progressive disease [10, 11]. associated with diminished Mtb survival. As Mtb-con-
The importance of IL-12/IFN axis in protection taining apoptotic bodies are readily phagocytosed by
against human TB is illustrated by people having muta- dendritic cells, it also augments Mtb-specific immunity
tions in the genes encoding these cytokines [2]. Such [23].
people exhibit Mendelian susceptibility to mycobacte- One of the important strategies evolved by Mtb and
rial disease (MSMD) and are predisposed to progressive other pathogenic mycobacteria to survive within infected
infection with BCG and environmental non-tuberculous macrophages is to inhibit phagosome maturation. By
mycobacteria [12, 13]. Similarly, lack of IFN receptor excluding vacuolar H +-ATPase, pathogenic mycobacte-
1 (IFNR1) has been shown to cause fatal lepromatoid ria inhibit phagosome acidification and escape the deg-
BCG infection and disseminated non-tuberculous myco- radative action of lysosomal acid hydrolases [24]. Studies
bacterial disease [13, 14]. Since IFN production depends with Mtb-infected macrophages have shown that IFN
on IL-12, deficiency in IL-12 receptor 1 (IL-12R1) has signalling can activate these cells to enforce phagosome
also been shown to result in severe primary TB in the maturation and eliminate the intracellular bacilli [25].
affected individuals [2, 15, 16]. Transcription of pH-responsive genes in IFN-activated
One of the most important evidence supporting the macrophages and attenuation of the acid-susceptible Mtb
protective role of CD4+ T cells against human TB is strains in the infected animals shows that IFN signalling
provided by people suffering from HIV/AIDS. Infection enables the infected macrophages to overcome phagoso-
with HIV leads to selective deletion of CD4+ T lympho- mal maturation block both invitro and invivo [26, 27].
cytes, which in turn results in the significantly enhanced Autophagy was initially described as a cell sur-
susceptibility to TB [17]. Owing to the unrestricted vival mechanism during starvation. A plethora of
growth of the bacilli, TB frequently affects extrapulmo- recent studies has demonstrated that autophagy also
nary sites in HIV/AIDS patients, and can also occur in plays a key role in protection against the intracellular
Kumar Clin Trans Med (2017) 6:21 Page 3 of 7

pathogens including Mtb [28]. Antimycobacterial effects concomitant active disease or its future risk [38]. How-
of autophagy have been attributed to enhanced killing ever, it should be noted that lack of reactivity or anergy
of mycobacteria within the infected cells and reduced to Mtb antigens does not predict the resistance to active
inflammation in the affected tissues [29, 30]. The genetic TB. As it signifies the lack of TH1 response to mycobac-
link between autophagy, inflammatory conditions, and teria, anergy to mycobacterial antigens is associated with
TB susceptibility provides an important support to the enhanced risk of morbidity and mortality in the infected
role of anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties people [39].
of autophagy in protection against human TB [31, 32]. Studies aimed at characterizing the host immune
IFN is a potent autophagy inducer in the Mtb-infected response during Mtb infection further suggest the
macrophages and produces the cellular effects similar to involvement of IFN+CD4+ T cells in TB pathogen-
that of starvation [33]. Studies by Matsuzawa etal. have esis. These studies have shown the heightened levels
shown that IFN-induced macrophage autophagy is of IFN in lung tissue, broncho-alveolar lavage (BAL)
mediated by JAK1/2, PI3K, and p38MAPK and is inde- fluid, pleural effusion, and lymph nodes of active TB
pendent of STAT1 [34]. Interestingly, TH2 cytokines IL-4 patient [2]. BAL fluid IFN levels in active TB patients
and IL-13 have been shown to hamper IFN-induced have been found to directly correlate with the disease
autophagy in macrophages, suggesting an alternate severity and subsided with its successful treatment [40].
mechanism for their deleterious effects on anti-Mtb These findings are supported by transcriptomic analysis
immunity [35]. of whole blood cells from TB patients and healthy con-
trols by Berry et al. [41]. The authors have observed an
Pathological role ofIFN+CD4+ T cells duringMtb enhanced transcription of IFN-inducible genes in active
infection TB patients, compared with latently infected people and
Despite their protective role against Mtb, IFN+CD4+ healthy controls. Consistent with enhanced IFN levels,
T cells have been implicated in TB pathogenesis by a increased frequency of IFN-producing C D4+ T cells
number of studies. This section presents the clinical and during active TB has been reported by several studies
experimental findings demonstrating the involvement [4245]. Although most of these studies have shown the
of IFN+CD4+ T cells in TB pathogenesis. Notably, the polyfunctionality of CD4+ T cells in active TB patients,
pathological character of IFN+CD4+ T cells is predomi- the specific role of IFN+CD4+ T cells in TB pathogen-
nantly manifested in a subset of Mtb-infected immuno- esis is evident from animal studies.
competent adults and TBIRIS patients, wherein these Unequivocal support for the pathological role of IFN-
cells exhibit excessive responsiveness to mycobacterial producing CD4+ T cells during Mtb infection is provided
antigens [3]. In immunocompetent adults, active TB by TBassociated immune reconstitution inflammatory
develops from the reactivation of latent infection and pri- syndrome (TBIRIS). Affecting a subset of antiretroviral
marily affects lung tissue. An overly intense IFN+CD4+ therapy (ART)-treated HIV- and Mtb-coinfected peo-
T cell response is the most important immunologi- ple, TBIRIS occurs in diverse manifestations and poses
cal parameter distinguishing the active disease from a major challenge in the clinical management of HIV in
latent infection in these people [27]. On the contrary, these people. Mechanistically, theART-mediated decline
the incompetence of host immune system to contain the in the viral load allows for the rapid expansion of Mtb-
bacilli is responsible for TB pathogenesis in young chil- specific CD4+ T cells [4, 46]. Both terminally-differenti-
dren and immunodeficient people [3]. ated and effector memory CD4+ T cells with specificity to
Classical evidence supporting the pathological role Mtb antigens have been shown to expand in ART-treated
of IFN+CD4+ T cells during Mtb infection is provided HIV- and Mtb-coinfected people [47, 48]. Exaggeration
by tuberculin skin testing (TST)a diagnostic test to of antimycobacterial immunity (with CD4+ T cell expan-
examine Mtb exposure. TST involves the intradermal sion) in theART-treated HIV- and Mtb-coinfected peo-
injection of purified Mtb antigens, followed by monitor- ple is evidenced by their conversion from a negative
ing for the delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) reaction TST status to a strongly positive one [49]. Interestingly,
seen as local skin induration. As DTH is mediated by ART-treated people who develop TBIRIS demonstrate
TH1-polarized CD4+ T cells, a larger area of skin indu- a more strong TH1 type of CD4+ T cell response to Mtb
ration in TB patients demonstrates a strong association antigens, compared with those who do not experience
between IFN+CD4+ T cells and the active disease [36]. this condition [46, 50]. Evidently, immunological param-
In latently infected people, the area of skin induration has eters in TBIRIS patients pint out an active participation
been found to correlate with the future risk of active TB of IFN+CD4+ T cells in TB pathogenesis.
[37]. Therefore, an intense tuberculin reaction is consid- Direct involvement of IFN+CD4+ T cells in TBIRIS
ered as more serious and indicates the likelihood of the development is confirmed by a mouse model, wherein
Kumar Clin Trans Med (2017) 6:21 Page 4 of 7

the human disease has been mimicked by adoptively HIV- and Mtb-coinfected people. In contrast to immu-
transferring nave C D4+ T cells into M. avium-infected, nocompetent adults and TBIRIS patients, most young
T cell-deficient (TCR/) mice [5]. It has been shown children and immunodeficient people mount a hypoac-
that adoptively transferred C D4+ T lymphocytes rapidly tive IFN+CD4+ T cell response to Mtb, which is ineffi-
acquired TH1 phenotype and led to the failure of lung cient in containing the bacilli. Therefore, Mtb infection in
function, wasting and eventual death of host animals. these people leads to primary TB, frequently affecting the
The authors havefurther noted that ability of the donor extrapulmonary sites. The protective versus pathological
lymphocytes to cause lung pathology was lost in IFN- role of IFN+CD4+ T cells during Mtb infection is sum-
deficient CD4+ T cells [5]. Thus, both human and animal marized in Fig.1.
studies attribute the pathogenesis of TBIRIS to Mtb-
specific IFN+CD4+ T cells. Mechanisms ofIFN+CD4+ T cellmediated TB
Studies in PD-1/ mice and a macaque model fur- pathogenesis
ther confirm the direct involvement of IFN+CD4+ T Preferential expression of IFN-inducible genes in
cells in TB pathogenesis [51]. PD-1 is present on T lym- neutrophils (and to some extent in monocytes) dur-
phocytes and its engagement by PD-L1 results in the ing active TB indicates the involvement of these cells in
negative regulation of T cell functions [2]. As PD-L1 IFN-mediated TB pathogenesis [56]. Neutrophils are
was found to be abundant in TB patients, researchers frequently infected by Mtb and are abundant at the site
wondered over the outcome of PD-1 signalling during of active disease. Although these cells may help in the
Mtb infection and examined it using knockout mouse containment of the bacilli during the initial phase of
strains [51, 52]. Surprisingly, it was observed that instead infection, their involvement in TB pathogenesis is sup-
of developing resistance to Mtb, PD-1/ mice exhib- ported by a number of studies. It has been shown that
ited significantly enhanced susceptibility to mycobac- the frequency of neutrophils at the site of active dis-
terial infection. Further analysis of TB pathogenesis in ease correlates with the disease severity [57]. Higher
PD-1/ mice revealed that these animals mount an neutrophil count (neutrophilia) is associated with low
exaggerated IFN+CD4+ T cell response to the bacilli sputum conversion and poor TB prognosis [57, 58].
[51]. Besides PD-1, CD4+CD25+FoxP3+ T regulatory Increased frequency of neutrophils at the affected site
(Treg) cells can also suppress the exaggerated IFN+CD4+ has also been demonstrated in susceptible mouse strains
T cell response during mycobacterial infection [53, 54]. and their depletion from these animals resulted in the
In macaque model of TB, higher frequency of Treg cells enhanced resistance to Mtb [59]. Interestingly, IFN has
has been observed in the animals who would develop the been shown to increase neutrophil lifespan which may
latent infection, compared with those that would develop
the active disease [55]. These findings in PD-1/ mice
and the macaque model demonstrate that aggravated
IFN+CD4+ T cell response is the key mediator of TB
pathology and that its inhibition prevents the reactiva-
tion of latent infection into the active disease.
It is evident from the above-discussed findings that
protective versus pathological character of IFN+CD4+
T cells is defined by the degree of their responsiveness
to Mtb. A hyperactive IFN+CD4+ T cell response to
Mtb is pathological in nature and is frequently observed
in adult TB patients. After initial exposure, most of the
immunocompetent adults would contain Mtb infection
without developing any disease symptom. This condi- Fig.1 Protective versus pathological role of IFN+CD4+ T cells
during Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) infection. Mtb exposure in
tion of asymptomatic Mtb infection, referred to as latent mostyoung children and immunodeficient people evokes a hypoac-
TB, represents the state of protection against the bacilli. tive IFN+CD4+ T cell response, which is inefficient in containing the
Latent TB persists lifelong in most, but nearly 10% of the bacilli. Therefore, Mtb infection in these people results in primary TB,
infected people who would develop active TB in their frequently affecting the extrapulmonary sites. In contrast, most of the
lifetime. As discussed above, reactivation of latent infec- immunocompetent adults mount a balanced immune response to
Mtb and contain it in the form of latent TB. With the course of time,
tion into the active disease can be attributed to aggra- IFN+CD4+ T cell response would aggravate in nearly 10% of latently
vated anti-Mtb IFN+CD4+ T cell responses. Similar infected people, leading to the development of active TB in them.
aggravation of Mtb-specific IFN+CD4+ T cell responses Similar aggravation of IFN+CD4+ T cells is to blame for TBIRIS devel-
is to blame for TBIRIS development in a subset of opment in a subset of ART-treated, HIV- and Mtb-coinfected people
Kumar Clin Trans Med (2017) 6:21 Page 5 of 7

potentially contribute to neutrophilia in the infected ani- mechanisms to the development of TB, however, awaits
mals. Besides, the functional activity of neutrophils is further analysis.
also bolstered by IFN [60].
Mtb-infected neutrophils and macrophages are the Conclusion andfuture perspectives
potent producers of toxic molecules and matrix degrad- IFN+CD4+ T cells are the key orchestrators of antimy-
ing enzymes, including elastases, myeloperoxidases, cobacterial immunity. However, with increasing recogni-
collagenases, and serine proteases. MMP-1 is a key col- tion of TB as a heterogeneous disease [2], IFN+CD4+
lagenase up-regulated in TB patients and its enhanced T cells have also been implicated in TB pathogenesis.
levels have been shown to be associated with increased A more intense tuberculin reaction, which is driven
lung pathology in a transgenic mouse model [61]. MMP- by IFN+CD4+ T cells, is frequently observed in TB
9, which has been implicated in the pathogenesis of many patients, and its intensity in latently infected people indi-
inflammatory diseases, is also abundant in active TB cates the future risk of the active disease in them [27].
patients and is associated with poor prognosis of the dis- Active TB patients exhibit enhanced IFN levels in dif-
ease [62]. Interestingly, a heightened IFN+CD4+ T cell ferent tissues which correlate with disease severity [2,
response has been shown to be associated with enhanced 40]. In keeping with this, increased expression of IFN-
MMP production [63]. Additionally, IFN+CD4+ T cell- inducible genes has been observed in active TB patients,
activated neutrophils and macrophages produce copi- compared with latently infected people and healthy
ous amounts of reactive nitrogen intermediates (RNIs) controls [56]. The pathological face of IFN+CD4+ T
and reactive oxygen species (ROS) which can damage the cells during Mtb infection is also obvious in TBIRIS
healthy tissue [64]. A combined action of tissue-digesting patients and its animal model [5]. Enhanced susceptibil-
enzymes and RNI/ROS can result in the dismantling of ity of PD-1/ mouse strains, which mount heightened
granuloma and progression of latent infection into active IFN+CD4+ T cell responses to Mtb, further support the
TB. Supporting this, higher neutrophil and inflammatory pathological role of these cells during Mtb infection [51].
monocyte frequency, elevated serum nitrate levels, and Disrupted granuloma vascularization and/or neutrophil-
enhanced MMP expression have been observed in the and macrophage-mediated dismantling of granuloma
Mtb-infected animals, wherein pathology was mediated architecture are important mechanisms of IFN+CD4+ T
by IFN+CD4+ T cells [5, 63]. cell-mediated TB pathology.
Necrotic cell death of neutrophils and macrophages Owing to earlier studies demonstrating the protec-
also plays a key role in TB pathogenesis. The pathological tive role of IFN+CD4+ T cells during Mtb infection,
role of necrotic cell death in TB has been demonstrated vaccinologists had been aiming to boost IFN+CD4+ T
elegantly in the zebrafish model, wherein increased pro- cell response as a strategy to TB immunoprophylaxis.
duction of LXA4 (an inducer of necrosis) resulted in Unfortunately, these strategies have failed to confer sig-
reduced host resistance to mycobacterial infection [65]. nificant protection against human TB [69]. Failure of
These findings are relevant in human TB, for polymor- rationally designed vaccines against human TB and the
phisms in Alox5 and Ita4h, which regulate necrosis ver- dual role of IFN+CD4+ T cells during Mtb infection call
sus apoptosis, has been shown to define TB susceptibility for retrospection of our approach to TB vaccination. It
[65, 66]. Although IFN promotes the necrosis in Mtb- is imperative that instead of boosting antimycobacte-
infected macrophages [67], its effect on neutrophils is not rial immunity, researchers must attempt to dampen the
clear. It is probable that increased oxidative stress in the IFN+CD4+ T cell responses in susceptible immuno-
presence of IFN could direct Mtb-infected neutrophils competent adults to prevent TB in them. Likely success
to the necrotic pathway. of these approaches against human TB is suggested by
Another interesting mechanism of IFN-mediated TB animal studies.
pathology has been demonstrated by Aly and co-workers Conclusively, a significant volume of scientific data
[68]. The authors havedemonstrated that by altering the demonstrates that, besides conferring protection against
balance between angiostatic and angiogenic mediators, Mtb, IFN+CD4+ T cells also play a key role in TB patho-
IFN disrupts the granuloma vascularization and leads to genesis in immunocompetent adults. As adult TB repre-
a hypoxic central core. Deprived of nutrients and oxygen sents the major burden of the disease, there is an urgency
supply, the core of granuloma necrotizes and undergoes of legitimate efforts to evaluate the immune-dampening
caseation, resulting in the activation of latent infec- approaches in these patients. Not only these approaches
tion into active TB [68]. It is likely that the combined can improve treatment outcome against the active dis-
action of this and above-discussed mechanisms leads to ease, they are also likely to help in the effective manage-
IFN+CD4+ T cell-mediated TB pathogenesis in immu- ment of drug-resistant TB, which has emerged as a major
nocompetent adults. The individual contribution of these challenge for the clinicians.
Kumar Clin Trans Med (2017) 6:21 Page 6 of 7

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