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Often considered to be the first

acknowledged microscopist and microbiologist.

Antoine van Van Leeuwenhoek was the first to observe and
1670s Republic(modern-
Leeuwenhoek experiment with microscopic
day Netherlands)
organisms (animalcules), using simple single-
lensed microscopes of his own design.

36BC Terentius Roman Earliest proposal of the germ theory.

developed statistical analysis that

demonstrated that rigorous hand-washing
1860 Hungarian techniques and rules in the maternity ward
significantly reduced the mortality of women
giving birth in the hospital setting.

Developed the gram-staining technique that is
1884 Christian Denmark
used to identify and classify bacteria.

1898 Kiyoshi Shiga isolated a cause of bacterial dysentery.

1880 France discovered malaria is caused by a protozoan.

Received the Nobel Prize in Physiology and

1951 Max Theiler Medicine "for his discoveries concerning yellow
fever and how to combat it"

1870 Joseph Lister Scotland created and applied aseptic surgical technique.

proved that bacteria did not arise due

1765 Italian to spontaneous generation by developing a
sealed, sterile broth medium.

developed the germ theory of disease,

identified yeast as the responsible agent
1861 Louis Pasteur French in fermentation, developed pasteurization,
proved that bacteria do not arise
spontaneously, trained other microbiologists.

Discovered the use of agar agar that is used in

1884 Fanny Hesse German
bacterial culturing.
discovered and applied vaccination techniques
1796 Edward Jenner English
against smallpox.

Selman received the Nobel Prize in Physiology and

1952 Abraham Medicine for the identification of streptomycin;
Waksman an antibiotic effective against tuberculosis"

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine "for

United his work on malaria, by which he has shown
Sir Ronald
1902 Kingdom how it enters the organism and thereby has laid
India the foundation for successful research on this
disease and methods of combating it"

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine "for

1905 Robert Koch Germany his investigations and discoveries in relation
to tuberculosis"

Charles Louis The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine "in

1907 Alphonse France recognition of his work on the role played
Laveran by protozoa in causing diseases"

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine "for

Sir Alexander United
1945 the discovery of penicillin and its curative effect
Fleming Kingdom
in various infectious diseases]

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