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The Connection

Connecting Ministry Partners with the Mission

June 2010 Volume 1 Issue 4

Grace + Truth + Time = Growth : Acadia Summer Project ‘10

I just returned from four of the most exhausting weeks of

my life, arguably. I love summer project because it is a spiritual
greenhouse. It is a concentrated time of grace and truth that is hard
to find and practice in every day life. It is hard because it is unnatu-
ral and it is exhausting because it is hard - both emotionally and
It was surreal returning to the same place I was just two
years ago as an intern, re-reading the same materials to prepare for
the summer but joining an almost entirely new group of people with
whom I would be experiencing it.
The first two weeks were a training for a group of eighteen
coaches and new staff. The coaches put us through outdoor pro-
gramming in sea kayaking, rock climbing, mountain biking and hik-
ing. Later they would teach us how to create and facilitate the same
programs for students. We wanted everyone’s experience to be one
of grace and truth, challenging others to take steps of relational trust
by being vulnerable, bringing up conflict in the group and challeng-
ing ourselves to move towards people in those moments.
There were just six student who attended the project. It
was overwhelming for them at first as all 18 staff stared them down
during every debrief. (Cont’d back page)

Support Update : What can $5.00 buy you?

For just five dollars you can buy a drink at Starbucks, five songs on iTunes, two
hours of parking, or a McDonald’s Happy Meal among other things. You can
also, for just five dollars a month help change the lives of students for eternity. If
everyone who receives this letter either starts giving just $5 a month or increases
their giving by $5 a month then my goal will be met and I will be done raising
support! I am currently at 86% of my goal, will you prayerfully consider helping
me finish the last 14 percent?

Now that project is over I am back to working on finishing my support in hopes

to report to campus for the fall semester.
It was such a blessing to be able to go on summer project. Typically for new
staff you have to be done raising financial support in order to attend. In my case
there were a number of reasons why it would be beneficial for me to go. After
talking to my Missional Team Leader and Support Coach they decided to let me
go! I had enough funds in my staff account, thanks to all of the faithful donors
over the past several months, to go without additional expenses on my part. You
are a huge blessing to me and this ministry and all of the students who are ef-
fected by it. I cannot thank you enough!

Mindy Sue Colvin ~ (269) 908-0611 NEW WEBSITE!
1111A Parker Place, Charlottesville, VA 22903
To donate online:
(Cont’d from front page) We
finally decided to only have the
staff that programmed the activ-
ity to be present during the de-
brief. This allowed for the stu-
dents to be more comfortable
but it made it difficult as staff to
plan for future programs not
knowing the progress that was
made or what had happened
previously. We managed to
develop our communication
skills enough to make it work.
There were a lot of things this
year that we were trying out.
On that note, for the
first time we had a guest
speaker for a week. Doug Pol-
lock, author of God Space,
came and spoke to us on how to
Front page top to bottom: create ‘God Space’ in our every-
Me climbing Otter Cliffs as day conversations. He talked to
Gabe belays, all of the us on how to get rid of our
students during their rock evangelism agenda and start
climbing/rappelling activity,
asking wondering questions,
Ryan trying to ride through
the carriage roads in gears
showing God’s love through
1-1 during a timed event. conversation and developing
This page top to bottom: A relationships. It was so refresh-
group of staff at 4am ing to be reminded of what our
watching the sunrise atop job is really about. It’s not
Cadillac Mt—the first to see about the conversion numbers
the sunrise in the US, but the changed hearts and peo-
pausing for a pic during our ple are changed by the power of
free-time of putt-putt golfing, God’s love.
safely anchored in three girls That is how Lifelines
lean over the edge to watch began. Students weren’t re-
the waves and other climb-
sponding to the evangelism
ers, Rachel shows off her
tracts, in fact they were turned
lobster after winning the
Amazing Race, Mike, Steven off by them. What has the most
and I during the Amazing impact is when we spend time
Race with the ice cream lob- with them, develop trust and
ster and after our canoe invest in their lives. We are not
challenge—we won! a ministry of numbers and stats,
we are in the ministry of chang-
ing lives!

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