EDUCATIONAL - Health & Enviroment

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Name of Teacher(s):
Pn. Fauzia Sultan and Pn. Shobana Nair
Form Duration(weeks) Grammar Item(s)
1 3 4.1.7 Can identify and use tenses
appropriately according to context
(i) Simple Present Tense
(ii) Simple Past Tense

Domain (s) Theme Topic

Educational Health and Environment A Healthier Lifestyle

(questions/statements to be answered while and after lessons-similar to objectives)
1. How to be Healthy
2. Caring for the Environment


1. Collaborative Learning
2. Student-centeredness


1. Environmental Sustainability - Knowledge about the importance of environmental conservation will cultivate
appreciation of the environment and subsequently affect positive behaviour
2. Language - The correct usage of the medium of instruction in all subjects should be emphasised.

Listening and Speaking Duration: 1 hour
Content Standard(s):

1.3 Can listen to and respond critically to a wide range of spoken, audio and visual texts

1.4 Can speak intelligibly, eloquently and appropriately for different purposes, audiences, contexts and cultures

Learning Standard(s):

1.3.1 Can listen to spoken, audio and visual texts to : (i) retrieve main ideas

1.4.1 Can express feelings and give simple descriptions of personal experiences orally


1. Watch a video clip on the importance of healthy diets and fill in the blanks in a worksheet
2. Ask and answer questions politely about lifestyle (pair work)

Formative Assessment:

Oral presentation in the Classroom


Online Listening Text


Reading Duration: 1 hour
Content Standard(s):

2.1 Can demonstrate understanding of a variety of texts using a range of strategies to construct meaning
2.2 Can apply a range of strategies to comprehend texts related to everyday living

Learning Standard(s):

2.1.2 Can understand meaning of words from print media by using (i) dictionary
2.2.1 Can demonstrate understanding by (i) identifying main ideas in given text
2.2.2 Can locate and organize information by (i) using graphic organisers
2.2.3 Can analyse and infer information by: (i) using textual clues to predict outcomes or conclusions


1. Brainstorm on the topic of How to be Healthy

2. Read a given text silently and underline unfamiliar words
3. Guess the meaning of words underlined using textual clues
4. Orally state the main ideas of each paragraphs

Formative Assessment:

Fill in the graphic organiser with information from the text


Star Newspapers


Writing Duration : 1.5 hours
Content Standard(s):
hohours hours
3.1 Can apply appropriate writing skills and strategies effectively.

Learning Standard(s):

3.1.1 (F1) Can write simple sentences correctly

3.1.3 (F1) Can apply pre-writing strategies

(i) Brainstorming (mind maps, bubble maps etc)
(ii) Note taking
3.1.4 (F1) Can select relevant information and elaborate / extend / explain ideas using appropriate cohesive devices

1. Brainstorming Eliciting ideas on How to be Healthy

2. Expansion of Ideas Drawing mind maps (Pair Work / Group Work)
3. Writing ideas in a paragraph(s) (Individual)

Formative Assessment:

1. Peer-editing of scripts
2. Checking of scripts by Teacher


Notes on cohesive devices effectively


Grammar Duration: 1 hour
Content Standard(s):

4.1 Can identify and use language structures appropriately according to context
4.2 Can apply grammatical rules at word, phrase and sentences levels correctly and meaningfully.

Learning Standard(s):

4.1.7 Can identify and use tenses appropriately according to context

(i) Simple Present Tense
(ii) Simple Past Tense
4.2.1 Can construct simple sentences correctly and meaningfully


1. Fill in speech bubbles using complete sentences in the Simple Present Tense
2. Fill in speech bubbles using complete sentences in the Simple Past Tense

Formative Assessment:

Error Identification Exercise on Tenses


1. Comic Scripts from Authentic Text

2. A Error Identification Of A Text


ACTION-ORIENTED TASK(S) Duration: 3 hours
(These action-oriented tasks ensure that all the four language skills and the Grammar elements
taught are integrated to emulate real-life situations. These tasks and experiences will be the bridging that helps students to overcome
challenges in real life which require them to communicate in English.)
Content Standard(s):

1.2 Can listen to, engage and interpret meaningful conversations

3.1Can apply appropriate writing skills and strategies
3.2Can produce a variety of text for creative, personal, academic and functional purposes

Learning Standard(s):

1.2.1 Can listen to and respond to directions, instruction and procedures

3.1.1 Can write simple sentences correctly
3.2.2 Can write for creative and personal expressions: (iii) posters


Make A Poster on Health in conjunction with the Schools Health Campaign (Group Work)


Posters are access by teacher.


A Checklist To Make A Poster given


Literature in Action Duration: 3 hours
Content Standard(s):

5.1 Can engage and respond to a variety of literary texts to express understanding of the broader world of
ideas and concepts

Learning Standard(s):

5.1.1 Can listen to and respond orally to various literary works

5.1.2 Can read and understand various literary works
5.1.3 Can share personal responses of issues related to literary works and develop new ideas or solve


1. Recitation of Poem Sad I Ams

2. Personifying the objects mentioned in the poem (Group Work)
3. Write out a short paragraph on how to protect Mother Nature

Formative Assessment:

Group Presentation on Recycling


Literature Component Poem (Sad I Ams Form 1)


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