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Signal Conditioning Circuit for RTD (Resistance Temperature Detector) .

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Introduction Theory Procedure Simulator Self Evaluation Reference Feedback

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Theory of RTD (Resistance Temperature Detector)

An RTD (resistance temperature detector) is a temperature detector based upon a variation in

electric resistance. The commonest metal for this application is platinum. RTDs rely on the positive
temperature coefficient for a conductors resistance. In a conductor the number of electrons available to
conduct electricity does not significantly change with temperature. But when the temperature increases, the
vibration of atoms around their equilibrium positions increase in amplitude. This result in a greater
dispersion of electrons, which reduces their average speed. Hence, the resistance increases when the
temperature rises.

The relationship between temperature and resistance of RTD is given by-

is resistance at

is resistance at 0oC, and is temperature coefficient of resistance. represents the change

in resistance per degree centigrade change in temperature. For example, Pt100 is platinum RTD with
resistance of 100 at 0oC. For platinum = 0.00385 and at 100 oC, Pt100 will have a resistance of

Measurement of RTD with Wheatstone-Bridge Circuit

Mostly RTD instruments used Wheatstone bridge circuit for measurement purpose. Bridge contains
RTD at one arm and other remaining three arms connected with standard resistances. Bridge is generally a
resistance measuring device which converts the resistance of RTD into electrical signal.

Here the as mention above the equation (1) may be written as

For given values of and , and and hence measuring the (With the help of

Wheatstone bridge circuit) change in temperature can be found out.

As shown in the fig. below

To measure the out-put voltage of signal conditioning circuit for RTD, following equations
are required-

is the resistance of platinum, is the resistance at 0 oC, is the temperature coefficient of

platinum wire and is the temperature.

2. Bridge output

Here is the resistance of platinum wire and are the standard resistances and

E is the input voltage applied to the bridge.

3. Differential amplifier output

where A is voltage gain of a differential amplifier.

Cite this Simulator:,. (2012). Signal Conditioning Circuit for RTD (Resistance Temperature Detector). Retrieved 8 September
2017, from
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