Emma Arndt PD Letter

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Education Undergraduate Society

University of Lethbridge
4401 University Drive West
Lethbridge, AB T1K 3M4

December 19th, 2016

To Whom It May Concern:

The Education Undergraduate Society arranges and provides Professional Development

workshops for education students at the University of Lethbridge. This letter is written at the
request of Emma Arndt who attended the following seminars during the months of
September-November 2016.

Robin Bright: World Teachers Day

Come celebrate world teachers day with us, with snacks and a mini-PD session. Dr. Robin Bright will
share her favourite teaching moments and what teaching has brought to her life.

Lance Grigg: How to Teach a Controversial Issue Without Becoming One

Teachers are busy people. They have many curricular, extra-curricular and co-curricular
responsibilities. So, why throw controversy into the mix? In short, because using controversial issues in
the classroom gets students thinking critically, and critical thinking is a fundamental aim of public
education. In this session, we (1) identify key attributes of a controversial issue, (2) highlight the
relevance of controversial issues for teaching and learning, and (3) use the critical inquiry process to
demonstrate how one can teach a controversial issue without becoming one. Handouts and a powerpoint
will be provided.

Jenna Lowe: Watch Your Language! (Why Words Matter in Maintaining Professional Wellness
Theres a lot to be said about teachers. And a lot to be said by them. Sometimes the discourse around
educators and the work we do can be edifying, and all too often, it can be defeating. In this PD Session,
Jenna will present her findings from research in discourse awareness about the effects language has on
the building or harming of professional efficacy. While we may not be able to control the words of others,
we can control our own, and wellness is as much about what comes out of our mouths as what goes in.
The session will offer insight into healthy ways to vent about difficulties without becoming difficult, and
good practices for using your language to shape a positive teaching identity. Jenna will use multiple
formats and active learning to challenge you to choose your language about the profession wisely in
order to maintain the habits, health, and energy needed to do and fully enjoy your job.

If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me at edu.eus@uleth.ca
or at (403) 329-2442.

Abbey Hakin
Director of Professional Development
Education Undergraduate Society
University of Lethbridge

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