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Lesson plan

Date: February 27th 2013
Lesson: Whats the weather like?
Textbook: Firm steps, Corint
Unit: 5
Grade: 4th
Year of study: 2nd
Nb.of classes/ week: 2
Type of lesson: Combined lesson

Skills: speaking, reading, writing, listening

Objectives: By the end of the lesson the students will be able to:
O 1 to express correctly the time;
O 2 to use correctly the prepositions which show time;
O 3 to listen for specific information;
O 4 to feel more positive when expressing their ideas in English.
Grammar: telling time
Vocabulary: weather
Techniques: discussion, exercise, listening for specific information, explanation.
Materials: notebook, blackboard, chalk, handouts, board, poster, laptop, video-projector, handouts.
Classroom management: frontal, individual, pair work
Anticipated problems: the students will not have much information about telling time.
Time: 50 minutes
Means of Types of
Lesson stages Objectives Activities Techniques Time
instruction interaction

Warm up Informal conversation. Discussion Frontal 2

Checking The teacher checks homework, Discussion Notebook Frontal 5
homework explains the mistakes. The Explanation
students correct their
and homework.

previous The teacher presents a board Exercise Board Individual 5

knowledge with some pictures that
describe the weather and the
students paste the word that
describe the weather.
Formulation of The students are announced Discussion Blackboard Frontal 3
the subject that they will learn to express Chalk
the time.
Comunication O3 The teacher explains the way in Explanation Poster Frontal 5
of knowledge which they can express the

O1 The students watch a video Listening Laptop Individual 15

with expressing time and for specific Video-
O2 answer the question: What time information projector
is it? Exercise

Fixation of O1 The teacher gives a handout Exercise Handout Pair work 10

knowledge with some clocks and asks the
O4 students to say what time is it.
Giving Students take notes about their
homework and homework, exercise 6 on page
assessment 49. Discussion Frontal 5

The teacher praises the most

active students and encourages
the others.

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