Grade 4 Lesson One

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Music Lessons

Grade: Four (60min)

Lesson Date: Lesson One - Thursday, September 7th 2017

Stage One: Desired Results

Focus: Introduce the students to Unit One - Review basic musical elements (melody, beat,
and rhythm) through musical games and ice breakers.

S&S Creating C5: Improvise upon a basic pattern to reinforce the importance of an individual
within a group.

S&S Responding R6: Sing with accuracy and control focusing awareness on the musical elements.

Stage Two: Assessment Evidence

Formative During melodic and rhythmic games listen for the students ability to sing in tune,
Assessment keep a steady beat, and echo rhythmic patterns.

Summative Not applicable for this lesson.


Stage Three: Learning Experience

Prior to Lesson: Warm up - sing a little bit so the lesson isn't the first time singing in the day.

Resources to Lesson Plan

bring: Ball

Time Content and Description Notes


Activity 1

5min Introduce self to students - tell a little bit about where I am from.

Talk about excitement for the coming school year and creating music

Music as a safe space for creating and exploring - I LOVE hearing loud
mistakes over nothing at all - mistakes are how we learn in life and as
a performer, etc.

Activity 1

Introduction game:

There are only 8 Have the students sit in a circle and we go around the room and
students in the SAY: Your name, where you are from, your favourite thing from
class so it the holiday, and something about music that they really like.

shouldn't take ex) Emma, Canada, Being Musical director of a theatre camp,
very much time
and how music is an outlet for emotional expression.
Time Content and Description Notes

Activity 2 Pre-Assessment

Introduce Unit One

In music we will be talking about music as a method of

This is very communication.

dependant on ASK: Does anyone have any ideas o the top of their head how
class responses. we communicate through music? Listen to responses

If they are having SAY: These are all excellent ideas! we will be exploring these
a good ideas and topics in more depth and looking how we can use
discussion I will beat and rhythm, dynamics and tempo, instruments, and our
not stop it too voices to communicate through music.

early. If music didn't have words, would you still be able to understand
the message?
Activity 3

Circle activity

10-15min Go through in a circle and say one thing you LOVE about music
class and why and say one thing that isn't your favourite in
music and why.

Activity 4

Tue Tue

Introduce song - Traditional African Children's Song from Ghana

15min The song is about a little girl selling rice cakes at the market

Teach song line by line through rote

Have the students sing the song and patch the beat on their legs.

If there is more time left in the class try and introduce the song as a
cannon - have the students sing one part while I sing the other part.

2min Closure:

Wrap Up

Thank you so much for such an amazing first class

I am so excited to have this opportunity to learn and grow with

you as budding musicians.

Stage Four: Reflection

What went well? This was an amazing way to start my first lesson in the school. The grade 4s are
so attentive and responsive and a pleasure to work with.

I think over all the lesson went pretty well! The lessons are an hour, so that was a
bit weird to get used to - but it means more time for fun activities!

What could be Don't be afraid when you ask a question and no one replies - phrase it in a
done dierently? dierent way to stimulate conversation so the students get more inquiry based
instruction in their lesson.

Build upon the answers that the students gave - take the given answers and
explained upon them to go more in-depth on the central idea and lines of inquiry.

I would plan one more activity to do with the students - I had to be creative and
stretch the activity to fill the space - but the students were engaged the entire
time and they really got to internalize and feel the beat of the song.

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