Population Studies

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10. Mead, R., Gilmour, S., and Mead, A. (1990) Statistical Principles for the design of — experiments: Applications to real experiments. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 11. Montgomery, D.C. (2000). “Design and Analysis of Experiments’, John Wiley, New York 12. Myers, RH. and Montgomery, D.C. (1995). “Response Surface Methodology; Process & Product Optimization Using Design”, John Wiley 13, Steel, G. D., Terrie, and Dickey A. (1997). "Principles and Procedures of Statistics: A Biometrical Approach” 3* Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York STAT-311: Population Studies Basic concepts of demography, Sources of demographic data: The Population and housing census, Registration of vital events. Demographic ‘surveys, Components of population growth, composition of population and vital events, Types and sources of errors, Data quality testing procedures, testing the accuracy of age and sex distribution, Fertiity and mortality measures, Estimation from incomplete Data Construction of complete and abridged life tables, Different types of life tables, Graphs of lk, qx and es, Description and uses of life table columns. Stationary population models, Population estimates and projections, Inter- censual estimates, Population projections through various methods. ‘Theory of demographic transition, Stable and stationary population models, their applications and uses, Malthusian and post Malthusian theories of growth, Consequences of world population growth & population explosion; State of Population in Pakistan, Development of demographic profile in Pakistan, Recent demographic parameters, Current and future ‘demographic activities in Pakistan Recommended Books 1, Bogue, DJ. Arriagu, E.6., Anderson, D.L. (1993), “Readings in Population Research Methodology’, Vol. I-Vill, United Nations Fund: Social Development Centre, Chicago. 2. Hinde, A., (1998). "Demographic Method”, Arnold New York. Impagliazo, J. (1993), Deterministic Aspects of Mathematical Demography, Springer Verlag New York. 4, Jay Weinstein, Vijayan, K. Pillai, (2001) ‘Demography: The Science of Population’. Allyn & Bacon.1 28

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