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N. E. O.

Intergalactic Confederation

House of Crowns

H.I.M Nebu Nupu

Asia -Muian. Africa- Afrekeya. America- Atlan. Albion- Lumeria

World Trust - Global District


Monetary Resolution Reform

Holy See Global Jurisdiction

Global Crypto-Bank

Acceptable Certification, Pre-paid, Pre-authorized, Pre-approved, Asset Issuance of Nibiru Reserve

on behalf of the Global District Authority.

Country: Kingdom Country of Atlan

Authority: H.I.M Nebu Nupu

Reserve Unit: Nomni

Tokenized Document: Document Notice of Nibiru Reserve Treasury Bond

Amount Issued Quota Amount: 900 Billion Nomni

Equal Global Exchange Rate: 1 Nmni : 9 All global Fiat Currencies

World Reserve Cryptocurrency

Holder Certificate: Nibiru Reserve

Guarantor: H.I.M Nebu Nupu

Title: Letter Patent Secured Token

Type: World Treasury

Subject: Master Account Record Design

Program: Nun Project, World Social Motivation Program

Authorized Printed Token: Noocratic Open Market Nibiru Index

Special Supervised Authority: World Common Realms Trust, Etherbank Trust, Nupu Royal Family Trust

On behalf of the world inhabitants inheritance!

I H.I.M authorize the Global District and all central and decentralized banks worldwide for The Holy See
Global District undersigned of all parties pursuant to the first party of the Royal Covenant including but
not limited to all countries and there authorized governments to close and open again for all natural
peoples the Global Financial Authority owner and actual genuine cryptocurrency lawful and legal money

This monetary resolution reform, for all global fiscal and monetary systems with full discovery,
disclosure, and knowledge, by endorsement to this presentment and statement, on behalf of Exhibit A-
999 and the banking security and protected peer to peer transfer of the Global Assets of
Cryptocurrencies including the natural land patented and precious metal resources in action by order of
Celestial Parentage and Divine Law, Owner State MI9 as the new world inheritance, certificate code
99.99 Series 00011-9 As fulfillment of the Finial Testament by the Canonically Bonded Owner issue MI9.

This new inheritance, confirmation letter by the Eternal Revenue Organization has issued this notice to
the beneficial owners and authorized trustee of this Exhibit for completing this Letter Patent under full
fate and obligation of the Global District Government in investing all world commodities to transfer peer
to peer ownership service by automation with responsibility of infinite banking and financial statements
eternally, by the Open Market Index. It's all under Certificate Rule Owner issues the token stated MI9.

MI8 is sum MI9....MI7.. MI6 as conditions are the same eternally.

Etherbank of the Holy See Global District application is precedently lawful prior to any registration or
qualifications under the global securities law of any such state and or authority.

For you are hereby notified that the Master Account Agreement called the Royal Covenant in all
financial institutions, authorities, etc eternally among you, the undersigned world authority.

This agreement can be found publically which terminates all debtor's wealth and continues the ancient
obligations to the divine law pursuant to the Royal Covenant.

For any and all officers, agent, etc on behalf of the world's former Apostolic Authority, "Holy See of
Peter" are obligated in action to and by the order of the Royal Covenant.

Notwithstanding any precedent instructions to you, you are hereby instructed to accepted all future
orders, directions, demands, etc with respect to any of the account from the Divine Law, Sacred Law,
and the Intergalactic Confederate Government. This notice terminates any authority you may have, had,
presume, assumed, and or formed on the beneficiary natural people of the world's authority with
respect to any and all properties. For contained in this notice nothing shall alter any lodial obligations on
which you may otherwise owe, in debt, to the beneficiary peoples.
Capitalized terms used but not defined in this notice requires due diligence of the parties in real interest
banded by and to this letter patent. It's all under Exhibits A-999, and Certificate Holder QR

HOLDER CERTICATE: 900,000,000,000 Nmni's

ENDORSE: This is the autographed signing of a financial instrument by Entitlement Owner stated by MI9,
the holder so that it may be transferred peer to peer secured parties.

Endorsements are branded for deposit only by special commercial presentment. Pay to the order of:

Indigenous World Service Authority

Indigenous Absolute Title

For this legal document shows that the secured party and legal entity & authority has total ownership of
all properties. Pre-paid, Pre-authorized, and Pre-minted including authorized Nibiru Reserve Global

For this certificate is for the new configuration of the global crypto banking system by:

Reserved Assets:

Noocratic Open Market Nibiru Index

Certificate Holder: House of Crowns Treasury

Subject: Global Etherbank Monetary Resolution Reform for all world institutions.

Note: World Interagency Financial Program. Cryptocurrency G.D. Nomni liquid unlimited globally. Units
of Certification Nine Hundred Billion in Global District Nomni, issue minted 2015.

Instructions: Letter Patent and Covenant for the world crypto-fiat; currency with Code MI9-Crypto-
microfilm-9 "MI9".

Holy See Global District


Asia-Muian. Africa-Afrekeya. America-Atlan. Albion-Lumeria


House of Crowns

Holy See Global District

H.I.M Nebu Nupu

Executive Crown Officer

World Trust


Holy See Global District

H.I.M Gen. Nebu Nupu L.P.S 1440

This letter patent royally decreed asset token for all Global District Financial Instrument printed, minted,
tokenized by the House of Crowns Treasury using crypto-security commercial paper and holographic
cryptography under Exhibit A-999 for construction of the Nun Project throughout the boundless

General Authority for the Vast Middle Estates of the Global District

Global Etherbank Trust Group - Noocratic Imperial Diet (Generally Assembled)

Authorized MI9

Holy See Global District

Certificate Code 99.99

Global Etherbank of the Holy See

Recorded & Verified Secured Creditor:

World Government Authorized Committee

Including but not limited to the 1st party of the Royal Covenant.

Confirmation Letter

Seal of Resolution

Endorsed Claim

New World Monetary Reform

World Trust
Holy See Global District

Crown Officer
From: Guarantor of MI9

Holy See Global District - N.E.O

Global Etherbank Trust - World Trust

World's Common Realms Fund

For: High Imperial Majesty

Holy See Global District - N.E.O

World Interagency Financial Authorities

Global Etherbank for Holy See Global District


To: Beneficiary Owner

Her Majesty - House of Crowns

House of Crowns Treasury

General Solutionist of the Global District

High Imperial Majesty of the Kingdom Countries


Holy See Global district

World Trust

Global Operation - Cryptographic Monetary Reform 2017

Global District

Greetings to all honorary ladies & gentlemen throughout the boundless Omniverse!
I am! H.I.M Nebu Wabu of the Royal Nupu Family . It is my honor and noble duty to present to all the new cryptomonetary for the global world system. A sacred
commerce monetary control finance under the global district authority letter patent covenant "The Atlanian Papyrus". All societies, governments, and
organizations of the world are free to ratify and accept the Exhibit A-999, noocratic format of true culture society, with financial flow charts of your token - MI9
claim. To be compensated under the authorization of the opening and closing of this agreement by owner of MI9's knowledge only.

You have 9 days starting from today's date to make your response and claim to receive you interest in the new quota of 900,000,000,000.00 to protect the
life, liberty, and happiness of all kingdom countries and natural peoples. You will also be oblige to peer to peer sharing and economizing using the interbanking
system of the Nibiru Reserve Etherbank Trust Group. Guaranteed expenses are to be allocated for all youth, adults, and elders including but not limited to any
conversions to the new global crypto fiat on behalf of the payment order sent peer to peer in the sharing of this authorized mandate, as a part and parcel of the
global immunity in hand. We meet all not just in the mind but in the heart affirmed by the recorded form 144 which is signed for the greatest event of the new
world covenant.

Contact: World Trust

L.P.S. Nebu

Holy Crown House

Attn: Known all natural peoples, men, women , and children of all kingdom countries throughout boundless omniverse, this is in your hands now given by the
divine forces of nature to the future generations eternally. The People of the Covenant and the new inheritance.

Acceptable Certification The authorization of the global authority, all properties, of the vast middle estate is not being giving to any government, institution,
or organization to change, remove, and or use any name, transact without permission of the Nibiru Reserve by security of peer to peer transfer against terrorist,
to protect and respect the letter patent covenant. This authorized documentary tokenized program "Exhibit A-999 using security crypto-economics for the New
World Covenant. This documentary token and credit cannot be altered, and any investment legal right is by way of the Royal Covenant.

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