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Reality Does Not Exist Unless We Are Looking

And It And The Future Decides The Past

Quantum Physics Reveals

June 03, 2017 Quantum Physics

Cynthia McKanzie

Famous physicist Niels Bohr once said If

quantum mechanics hasnt profoundly
shocked you, you havent understood it yet.

This is so true because quantum laws tend to

contradict common sense. Quantum
experiments constantly show us there is so
much we still dont understand about the
world around. One subject that is truly
bizarre, is the nature of what we define as

Reality Does Not Exist Unless We Are Looking

And It And The Future Decides The Past
Quantum Physics Reveals
Reality does not exist unless we look at it.
Quantum experiments have revealed that
reality does not exists unless we are looking at
it. During the experiment scientists discovered
that time went backwards. Cause and effect
appear to be reversed. The future caused the

Does this make your head spin? Dont worry,

because you are not the only. Scientists are
just as astonished as most of us.

John Wheelers Delayed-Choice Thought

Quantum physicists study subatomic particles,
which are the essential building blocks of
reality. All matter, including ourselves are
made up of them. But, the laws governing the
tiny microscopic world seem to be different to
those dictating how larger objects behave in
our own macroscopic reality.

A team of physicist from the Australian

National University conducted John Wheelers
delayed-choice thought experiment, which
involves a moving object that is given the
choice to act like a particle or a wave. The
goal with the Wheelers experiment was to
determine at which point does a photon
decide when to be one or the other?
Common sense says the object is either wave-
like or particle-like, independent of how we
measure it.

More About Quantum Physics

Quantum Physics
The quantum world is just as weird as
fascinating. Quantum physics is still a greatly
unexplored realm, but new discoveries force
us to reconsider much we know about nature,
reality and the Universe. Quantum physics or
quantum mechanics, in simple terms, is the
part of physics that relates to things that are
tiny. It explores the behavior of the photons,
electrons and other particles that comprise
the universe.
In this section, we explore the most
astonishing and interesting discoveries of the
incredible quantum world. Read about time
travel, parallel universe, the String theory,
other dimensions, reality vs. illusion, free will,
the connection between quantum physics and
consciousness and much more.

Quantum physics on the other hand predicts

that whether you observe wave like behavior
(interference) or particle behavior (no
interference) depends only on how it is
actually measured at the end of its journey.

Instead of using light, researcher decided to

apply helium atoms, which are heavier than
light photons, in the sense that photons have
no mass, whereas atoms do.

The results were astonishing. Scientists

expected the atom to behave just like light,
meaning that it would take on both the form
of a particle and/or a wave., but this is not
what happened.

The first-ever image of light behaving as both

a particle and a wave. Credit: Fabrizio
The research team trapped a collection of
helium atoms in a suspended state known as
a Bose-Einstein condensate, and then ejected
them until there was only a single atom left.

The single atom was then dropped through a

pair of counter-propagating laser beams,
which formed a grating pattern that acted as
crossroads in the same way a solid grating
would scatter light.

A second light grating to recombine the paths

was randomly added, which led to
constructive or destructive interference as if
the atom had travelled both paths. When the
second light grating was not added, no
interference was observed as if the atom
chose only one path.

However, the random number determining

whether the grating was added was only
generated after the atom had passed through
the crossroads.

The Future Decides The Past

If one chooses to believe that the atom really

did take a particular path or paths then one
has to accept that a future measurement is
affecting the atoms past, said Associate
Professor Andrew Truscott from the ANU
Research School of Physics and Engineering.
The atoms did not travel from A to B. It was
only when they were measured at the end of
the journey that their wave-like or particle-
like behavior was brought into existence,
Professor Truscott said.

This means that the arrow of time seemed to

work in reverse and the future caused the
past! It proves that measurement is
everything. At the quantum level, reality does
not exist if you are not looking at it,
Professor Truscott explained.

Past Present And Future Exist All At Once

Unravelling Secrets Of Quantum Physics
October 06, 2015 New Science, Quantum
Physics 0 Comment
First version of this article was originally
published on January 22, 2015

A. Sutherland With the discovery of the

crucial, though, unexpected link between
space and time, Einstein realized that these
two things could no longer be thought of as
separate things.

They are fused together and form the

continuum (manifold) of space-time, viewed
as a four-dimensional vector space.

Suddenly, he realized something unbelievable,

namely that our understanding of past,
present and future and the sharp difference
we see between them may only be an
The distinction between past, present and
future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion,
he said.

At first, he wasnt particularly thrilled with the

unified spacetime idea and dismissed new
four-dimensional geometry proposed by
Hermann Minkowski, as superfluous
pedantry but he eventually accepted the idea
and so must we.

Perception of time and space

As Arthur Schopenhauer expressed, the most

insignificant present has over the most
significant past the advantage of reality and
such a belief cannot be so easily dismissed.

Naturally, this illusion our understanding of

past, present and future is very convincing
for us, but its still an illusion, we live with
every day, every moment, continuously.

Centuries ago, St. Augustine of Hippo, one of

the worlds most influential thinkers was also
occupied with the phenomenon of time and

How can the past and future be, when the

past no longer is, and the future is not yet?
he asked.

As for the present, if it were always present

and never moved on to become the past, it
would not be time, but eternity.

Essentially the same question we are

pondering today.
Most of us are convinced that reality means
the events of the present moment.

Its our fundamental belief since we were

children because the only we understand is
the reality of the moment.

We divide time into past, present and future

and it seems essential to our experience of
reality our reality as anything, says Paul
Davies, a Professor of Natural Philosophy at
the University of Adelaide, Australia.

Past present and future exist all at once

But what if our perception of time and space

has simply deceived us?
Much of what we thought we knew about our
universe-that the past has already happened
and the future is yet to be, that space is just
an empty void, that our universe is the only
universe that exists-just might be wrong, says
famous physicist Brian Greene.

In our day-to-day lives, we experience time as

a continuous flow. But it can also be useful to
think of time as a series of snapshots, or
moments, and every event can be thought of
as the unfolding of moment, after moment,
after moment.

And if we picture all these moments, or

snapshots, line them up, every moment here
on Earth, every moment of Earth orbiting the
Sun, and every moment throughout the entire
universe, we would see every event that has
ever happened or will ever happen, from the
birth of our universe at the Big Bang, some
14-billion years ago; to the formation of stars
in the Milky Way galaxy; to the creation of
Earth, four and a half billion years ago; to the
time of the dinosaurs; to events happening on
Earth today, like me working in my office,
Greene explains.

Dont you have a strange feeling that

someone out there is so incredibly advanced
technologically that he can observe all those
movements (snapshots) in the entire universe
when they take place simultaneously?

And when we seriously consider the simple

but essential concept of now we begin to
understand that both past and future must be
real because they could be your now, which
means past, present and future are all
equally real and all exist.
Moreover, they exist all at once.

In Higher Dimensions We Could See Past,

Present And Future Events Simultaneously
MessageToEagle May 18, 2017 Quantum
Physics, Time Travel 0 Comment

Cynthia McKanzie

Did you know that if we could access higher
dimensions we could see all past, present and
future events appear before our eyes

We could see the construction of the

pyramids at Giza, the end of World War II and
an important event of the future we still know
nothing about. History of the past, present
and future would become available to us, just
like a movie.
Have you ever wondered what we would
experience in higher dimensions? Many
things, actually. We would have the ability to
travel in time, see other universes and much
more. Lets take a journey to other higher
realms, and see what awaits us there.

In Higher Dimension We Could See Past,

Present And Future Events Simultaneously
Image credit: anclajedeluz-rayma
Life Of A 3-Dimensional Creature Living In A
One-Dimensional World

Try and tell a snail the world he lives in has

more than two dimensions and you wont get
very far. Not only because the snail does not
understand you language or your means of
communications, but simply because the snail
does not comprehend the concept of a three
dimensional world. The snail lives in a world
of one dimension of space plus time. Yes, the
snail is a three-dimensional creature living in a
three-dimensional world, but its not aware of
it. The snail is only aware of one dimension at
just one point in time.

In Higher Dimension We Could See Past,

Present And Future Events Simultaneously
There are more dimensions, but they are not
accessible to us.
The space on the ground it has already
covered does not exists for him anymore
because it can no longer impart sensation to
him. The same applies to the ground ahead of
him. They belong to his past and future and as
such they exist only in time. The space above,
below and to the sides of the snail will never
exist in the world of this creature. This is how
the snail see his one-dimensional world.
We, humans live in world with three spatial
dimensions and the objects we interact with
have height, width, and depth. According to
the string theory, often called the theory of
everything, there are more space
dimensions, but the ones beyond three are
effectively inaccessible.

A Journey To Higher Dimensions

So, what would happen if we could access

those higher dimensions and what would we
experience in these higher realms? At this
point it gets really exciting. In another article
published on, we
explained that the past present and future all
exist at once.
The superstring theory, one of the leading
theories today has the potential to will unlock
one of the biggest mysteries of the universe,
namely how gravity and quantum physics fit
together. The superstring theory contends
that there are 10 dimensions. Nine of these
dimensions are of space and one is of time.

If we could access those dimensions we could

experience events from the past, present and
future simultaneously!

In Higher Dimension We Could See Past,

Present And Future Events Simultaneously
In higher dimension you could see past,
present and future. Image credit: Star Trek
In the fifth dimension, we would become time
travelers. We could move back and forward in
time. In the sixth dimension our ability to
move would no longer be linear. We could see
more possibilities. The fifth and sixth
dimensions offer us opportunity to witness
every possible permutation of what can occur
in the past, present, and future.

There are many myths and legends about

ancient sages, such as for example the Rishis
who could see past, present and future. Were
they inter dimensional beings?

The seventh dimension is intriguing if you are

interested in existence of other universes. In
the seventh dimension, every possibility for
these other universes, operating under these
new laws, becomes clear.

In the eight dimension, we could see the all

possible histories and futures for each
universe, branching out into infinity. In the
ninth dimension, all universal laws of physics
and the conditions in each universe become
apparent. Finally, in the tenth dimension, we
reach the point where everything becomes
possible and imaginable.

In Higher Dimension We Could See Past,

Present And Future Events Simultaneously
You could see alternate universes.
String theory is very powerful and it attempts
to explain the basic nature of matter and
energy. It is a theory physicists use when they
research hard science topics such as parallel
universe, wormholes, holographic universe,
extra-dimensions, time travel, the Big Bang
and the end of the Universe.

Like many other physics related subject, the

string theory can be difficult to understand,
but one you grasp the basics, this powerful
and exciting theory opens the door to new
possibilities and worlds we never though
could exist.

Superposition Phenomenon Can You Be In

Two Places At Once? How would you look

for something that can be in two places at
The answer, according to Oxford University
research into a quantum phenomenon called
superposition, seems to be to ask where it
isnt rather than where it is.
Superposition allows an atom to be
simultaneously here and there. Electrons
behave like tiny magnets which can point
both North and South at the same time,
explains Professor Andrew Briggs of Oxford
Universitys Department of Materials. This is
a distinctive quantum effect; it is quite
different from anything in our intuitive every
day experience of the world.
According to Professor Briggs you can imagine
an electron as being rather like a spinning top,
as it spins it generates a magnetic effect.
Just as a magnetic compass aligns itself with
the Earths magnetic field, because its energy
is lower when it points that way, so a single
electron in a magnetic field has a different
energy depending on which way its spin
points, he says.
But in the quantum world nothing is easy: try
to look directly at which way this quantum
compass is pointing and the very
superposition you wanted to catch in the act
of it pointing north and south at the same
time is destroyed. Instead the superposition
state will be replaced with one where the
magnet is pointing either north or south at
To get around this problem Dr Richard George
and others from Oxford worked with
colleagues at TU Delft in the Netherlands to
prepare a series of experiments.
The researchers used the magnetism of a
single atom of nitrogen trapped in a high-
purity diamond as their quantum mechanical
Under laser light, the nitrogen atom
fluoresced according to how it was
Rather than asking, Is the magnet pointing
north or south? the team asked, Is it pointing
not east?
Measurements that confirm not east were
still compatible with the quantum
superposition of pointing both north and
south at the same time.
The researchers studied three successive
rounds of measurement on the nitrogen
quantum compass, and used correlations
between different rounds to prove the
presence of quantum superposition in their
We had previously performed experiments in
which the nuclei of our atoms had two states
available to them. Now we have extended this
to a superposition of three states, if you like
North, South, and East, Professor Briggs

The investigation involved an intermediate

measurement, which was equivalent to
opening one of three boxes and seeing if a
ball was not in it. We showed that not only
could you not tell which box had been
opened; you could not even tell whether a
box had been opened. This in turn, thorough
some rather detailed reasoning, allowed us to
prove experimentally some fundamental
conjectures about the nature of reality.
According to Professor Briggs this work is
pushing the boundaries of quantumness and
developing techniques that will help to
investigate whether quantum superposition
applies to larger and more complex objects.
Dr George adds: Our confirmation of these
subtle quantum predictions is an important
step on the road to transplanting quantum
mechanics from a theoretical and laboratory
curiosity and into the devices which we use in
commerce and everyday life. Our vision is to
scale up and build computers in which every
bit is replaced with a quantum bit that uses
superposition as an integral part of their

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