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By 0235

Visual representation, not actual product.

P.S, you dont need to

print this page off, it will
save ink!

This model was designed, created, edited and produced by me (0235 (Richard Cockbill)) on behalf of the TTGL
fans (and me being very sad and wanting to make a paper model) and was produced due to the help information provided by flyvapnet
and other people on the Anime Council website, and thanks to them, they let me set up a thread for
the creation of this model, which helped considerably, many thanks. (Especially to [RED] for not removing it)

Legal stuff/ disclaimer.

This product is based on the superconductive sniper rifle used by Yoko Ritona/ Littner from the Gainax/ Bandai
entertainment/ ADV films/ Starz media/ TV Tokyo/ Aniplex and Konami film and anime series, Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, and
is a designed based on this product. This is non profit and entirely a fan made paper model, not an official
one. Hopefully this doesnt breech copyright of the products listed above but hopeful putting this makes it legal...
But you, the person who has downloaded it/ received it is not breeching my copyright (0235s copyright) due to this
product being copy left and is free to be distributed, so long as you said 0235 made it, not you. Please enjoy
this product and have fun, and support official model releases.

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All of these little squares are
colour bits, you dont need to
cut them out!


Red lines are modifications,

and are to be cut!

Y other side

X other side

Fold under so colour on
both sides

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This is an extremely basic guide to help you make the paper model of Yokos rifle. If
you have decided to make this, prepare for some bits of confusion.

TABS, this is an important word. What is a tab, its the bit you
glue to another part. These are usually white, whilst the rest of
the model is coloured, this shows the tabs outlined. As you can
see the tab goes on the inside.
For this you have to use common sense. Fold along the black
lines, but some of them you dont, such as on the main body on page 1, there
are lots of black lines, but only the ones going from end to end (and the tabs)
are the ones you fold.
Most pieces are either a cube or are a cylinder. The cylinders are a bit of a
problem, and the side without the tab may require trimming, due to the meas-
urements were done by me, and im not very good at maths.
The only parts that aren't are the magazine, muzzle break,
butt and the pistol grip, which are more tricky to make.
Pre fold all lines to make it easier.
I have attempted to make it as simple as possible, with most
parts folding inwards, so it is simpler to make, and tines that
shouldnt be folded are marked (most of them)
It is very basic, all over the model there are letters and ar-
rows, for example A and an up arrow. You then find the other piece with and A
and an up arrow, and connect them together, with the arrows facing the same
way. This may be wrong so again, use your brain!
Assemble the individual pieces before sticking them all to-
gether. This is much easier then making all the separate
pieces after you stick them together
For some parts, the tabs are in hard to reach places, such
as on the inside of a cylinder. For this, use a narrow object
such as, in my case, a pair of scissors to attach the tabs to
the piece.
Preferably use PVA liquid glue because it dries slower, giv-
ing you more time to stick it into place.
A tip for cylinders is to glue the large tab along the side first,
leaving the ends open, and then fold the top bits over
Preferably use a craft knife and a cutting mat, due to it being
more accurate than scissors, but this isn't vital if none are
Some parts might require dun dun dun!!!!! Selotape (scotch
tape, transparent self adhesive polymer tape). Try to avoid if
you want it to look nice but you might need it...
On the cylinders, there at triangle tabs, these are simply
there to show that triangle tabs are needed. You dont
necessarily have to cut them the same way as shown.
If there are any problems, contact me on the forums, im
0235 and tell me the problem, if you got this not from
the forums, contact me at: and state the problem (and say its
about the paper rifle or ill have no idea what you are on
PS, please spread this around, tell other TTGL fans
about it, or just tell anyone!
Instructions by 0235
P.S, you dont need to print this off!
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