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SALT HYDROLYSIS [Practice Questions]

[NEET Leader 2017-18 Dated: 15 Sep 2017]

1. pH of aqueous K2S solution is

1. >7 2. 7 3. <7 4. 14.
2. Which of the following does not undergo hydrolysis.
1. FeSO4 2. K2CO3 3. CH3COONH4 4. Na2SO4
3. The aqueous solution of NH4NO3 is acidic. This is due to the hydrolysis of
1. Anion 2. Cation 3. Both cation and anion 4. NO3-
4. In the aqueous solution of sodium acetate the ion that undergoes hydrolysis is
1. CH3COO- 2. Na+ 3. Na+ and CH3COO- 4. Na-
5. The aqueous solution of sodium cyanide is basic in nature. This is due to the hydrolysis of
1. Sodium ion 2. Cyanide ion 3. Cyanide ion and sodium ion 4. Iso cyanide ion
6. If pKa is more than pKb, the pH of the aqueous solution of the salt formed by the above acid and base is
1. 7 2. >7 3. <7 4.0
7. For an aqueous solution of NH4Cl, consider the A, B, C & D statements/arguments; Select the correct answer
A) Anionic Hydrolysis takes Place B) pH of the solution is greater than 7
C) It turns red litmus to blue D) KH = Kw / Ka
1) A and D are correct 2)All are correct 3) B and C are correct 4) All are wrong
8. Which of the following is an acidic salt?
1.Na2SO4 2.NaHSO3 3.Na2SO3 4.K2SO4
9. pH value is greater than 7 for the aqueous solution of
1. SO3 2. N2O5 3. CO2 4. Na2O
10. The following has lowest pH
1. MgSO4 2. MgCO3 3. NaCl 4. Sodium oxalate
11. Aqueous solution of the following has the highest pH in 0.1 M solution.
1. K2SO4 2. MgCl2 3. Na2C2O4 4. NH4Cl
12. NaClO is added to water then the ion that undergoes hydrolysis is
1.Na+ 2.ClO- 3. Both Na+ and ClO- 4. Cl-
13. A solution of sodium carbonate in water has a pH value
1. >7 2. <7 3. 7 4.Equal to zero
14. A solution of sodium carbonate in water has a pH value more than 7. This is due to the hydrolysis of
1. Na+ 2. CO 32 3. Both Na+, CO3-2 4. CO2

15. Aqueous solution of ammonium sulphate

1. turns blue litmus to red 2. turns red litmus to blue
3. Bleaches litmus 4. has no action on litmus 4. has no effect on litmus
16. An aqueous solution of sodium cyanide has a pH of approximately.
1. 7 2. 6.5 3. 11.5 4. 4.8
17. The following salt undergoes hydrolysis
1. KCI 2. NH4Cl 3. NaCl 4. K2SO4
18. The following salt solution has the lowest pH
1. K2C2O4 2. (NH4)2 SO4 3. K2SO4 4. NaNO3
19. The following salt undergoes hydrolysis, and yet its aqueous solution in nearly neutral. The salt is
1. Na+Cl- 2. NH4+Cl- 3.CH3COO-Na+ 4. CH3COO-NH4+
20. Which of the following has a higher value for K h at 270c
1. NaF 2. NaCl 3. NaBr 4. NaI
21. Salt hydrolysis in water is due to following nature of water
1. neutral nature 2. acidic nature 3. basic nature 4. amphiprotic nature
22. Aqueous solution of the detergents are
1. neutral 2. acidic 3. basic 4. amphoteric
23. Assertion A: Aqueous solution of CH3COONH4 is exactly neutral.( ka =kb)
Reason R: CH3COONH4is a salt of weak acid and strong base
1) A and R are true, R is correct explanation of A.
2) A and R are true. R is not correct explanation of A.
3) A is true but R is false. 4) A is false but R is true. 5) Both A and R are false.
24. Assertion A: An aqueous solution of NH4NO3 is acidic in nature.
Reason R: NH4NO3 in aqueous solution undergoes anionic hydrolysis.

25. SET -1(Solution) SET-2(Hydrolysis type)

I) Aqueous solution of AlCl3 A) only anionic hydroysis
II) Aqueous solution of (NH4)2CO3 B) only cationic hydroysis
III) Aqueous solution of NaCl C) Neither cationic nor anionic hydrolysis
IV)Aqueous solution of CH3COONa D) Both cationic and anionic hydrolysis
(1) D C B A (2) B D C A
(3) A B C D (4) C A B C
26. SET -1(pH value) SET-2(Solution)
I) 7 A) Aqueous solution of 1M NaOH
II) <7 B) Na2CO3
IV) 14 D) None
(1) B A D C (2) C D B A
(3) D C B A (4) A B C D

27. Aqueous solution of FeCl3 is acidic because of

1. Cationic hydrolysis 2. Anionic hydrolysis3. Both 4. Zwitter ion hydrolysis
28. The nature of an aqueous solution of sodium acetate (CH 3COONa) is
1. Acidic 2. Alkaline 3. Neutral 4. Amphoteric
29. Which of the following in not a salt ?
1. NaCl 2. Slaked lime 3. Lead Sulphide 4. Zinc nitrate
30. FeCl3 solution is
1.acidic 2.basic 3.neutral 4.amphoteric
31. An aqueous solution of salt is alkaline,.This shows that salt is made from
1. a strong acid and strong base 2. a strong acid and weak base
3. a weak acid and weak base 4. a weak acid and strong base.
32. Which of the following will not hydrolyse?
1) KNO3 2) KCN 3) Pot. Succinate 4) pot. Carbonate
33. Which salt will give basic solution on hydrolysis?
1) KCN 2)KCl 3)NH4Cl 4) CH3COONH4
34. An example of a salt that will not hydrolyse is
1. NH 4Cl 2.KCl 3. CH 3COONH 4 4. CH 3COOK

35. Which of the following aqueous solutions has highest pH

1. CH 3COOK 2. Na 2 CO3 3. NH 4 Cl 4. NaNO3

36. The hydrolysis constant Kh of a salt of NaOH and a weak acid (HX) if the Ka of the acid is 2 x 10 -6 is
1. 5 x 10-8 2. 5 x 10-6 3. 5 x 10-9 4. 2.5 x 10-7
37. Hydrolysis constant (Kh) of ammonium acetate (Ka = 1.8 x 10-5, Kb = 2 x 10-5, Kw = 10-14) is
1. 28 x 10-5 2. 2.8 x 10-5 3. 0.28 x 10-10 4. 1.8 x 10-5
38. Calculate the hydrolysis constant of a salt of weak acid (K a = 2 x 10 -6) and of a weak base (Kb = 5 x 10-7)
1. 10-4 2. 10-2 3. 10-6 4. 10-8
39. Which one of the following salt is more acidic in water
1) NiCl2 2) BeCl2 3) FeCl3 4) AlCl3
40. Hydrogen ion concentration in mol/L in a solution of pH = 5.4 will be
1) 3.98 x 108 2) 3.88 x 106 3) 3.68 x 10-6 4) 3.98 x 10-6
41. The compound whose 0.1M solution is more basic
1) Ammonium acetate 2) Calcium carbonate 3) Ammonium sulphate 4) Sodium acetate
42. A weak acid HX has the dissociation constant 1 x 10 M. It forms a salt NaX on reaction with alkali. The degree of hydrolysis

of 0.1M solution of NaX is

1) 0.0001% 2) 0.01% 3) 0.1% 4) 0.15%

43. In the equilibrium A-+H2O HA+OH- (Ka= 1.0 x 10-5). The h of 0.001M solution of the salt is
1) 10 -3
2) 10 -4
3) 10-5 4) 10-6
44. What is the percentage hydrolysis of NaCN in N/80 solution when the dissociation constant for HCN is
solution when the dissociation constant for HCN is 1.3x10-9 and Kw=1.0x10-14
1. 2.48 2. 5.26 3. 8.2 4. 9.6

MATCH THE COLUMN [One elemnt of Coulumn-I can match to One or More in Column-II]
45. Column-I Column-II
A. Aq. NH4Cl solution p. degree of hydrolysis depends of concentration
B. Mixture of 100ml 1M CH3COOH q. degree of hydrolysis independent of concentration
+ 100ml of 1M NaOH
C. Mixture of 100ml 0.1M CH3COOH r. pH= pKa
+50 ml of 0.1M NaOH
D. Aq.CH3COONH4 solution s. pH is independent on dilution

When a salt reacts with water to form acidic or basic solution, the process is called hydrolysis. The pH of salt
solution can be calculated using the following relations:
pH= [pK +pKa+logC] for salt of weak acid and strong base
2 w
pH= [pK -pK -logC] for salt of weak base and strong acid
2 w b
pH = [pK +pKa-pKb] For salt of weak acid and weak
2 w
When a weak acid or a weak base is not completely neutralized by strong base or strong acid repectively, then
formation of buffer takes place. The pH of buffer solution can be calculated using the following relation.
[Salt ] [ Salt ]
pH=pKa+log ; pOH=pKb+log
[ Acid ] [ Base]
Anwer the following questions using the following data: pKa= 4.7447,pKb=4.7447,pKw=14
46. When 50mL of 0.1M NH4OH is added to 50mL of 0.05M HCl solution, the pH is
1) 1.6021 2) 12.3979 3) 4.7447 4) 9.2553
47. 0.001MNH4Cl is aqueous solution has pH:
1) 6.127 2) 7.126 3) 2.167 4) 1.267
48. 50mL 0.1M NaOH is added to 50mL of 0.1M CH3COOH solution, the pH will be
1) 4.7447 2) 9.2553 3) 8.7218 4) 1.6021
49. 1 mole CH3COOH and 1 mole CH3COONa are dissolved in water to form 1 litre aqueous solution. The pH of the
resulting solution will be
1) 9.2553 2) 4.7447 3) 14 4) 7
50. When 50mL of 0.1M NaOH is added to 50mL of 0.0M CH3COOH solution. The pH of the solution is
1) 1.6021 2) 12.3979 3) 4.7447 4) 8.7218

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