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1. A block of wood 0.6m x 0.6m x h in dimension was thrown to the water and floats with 0.18 m projecting above
water surface. The same block was thrown into container liquid having SG=0.9# and floats with 0.14m above
water surface. Determine: (a) value of h and (b) SG of block and (c) weight of block.
2. If a 5+ kg steel plate is attached to one end of a 0.1m x 0.3m x 1.2m wooden pole, what is the length of pole
above water? Use SGwood=0.5. NEGLECT buoyant force on steel.




3. A block of wood requires a force of 40+ N to keep it immersed in water and a force of 100++ N to keep it
immersed in glycerine (SG=1.3). Find weight and SG of wood.


1. A horizontal pipe gradually reduces from 300++ mm diameter section to 100 mm diameter section. The pressure
at the 300 mm section is 100 kPa and the 100 mm section is 70 kPa. Determine discharge of flow.

2. Oil of SG=0.84 is flowing in pipe under the conditions. If total head loss from point 1 to 2 is 900 mm, find
pressure at point 2. Assume discharge is 56+ L/s.
3. Determine velocity and discharge through 150+ mm diameter pipe shown if (a) assuming no head loss and (b)
considering a head loss of 200 mm.


1. Water is being pumped from lower (El. 97.5 ft) to upper reservoir (El.132 ft). Find power horsepower required
(Pinput) assuming 75% pump efficiency. Neglect minor losses. Q = 2# ft3/s
2. Water flows through turbine at rate of 0.21# m3/s and pressures at A and B are 147 kPa and -34.5 kPa.
Determine power delivered to the turbine by the water.

3. Water flows from upper to lower reservoir by passing a turbine. Find power generated by turbine neglecting
head loss. Q = 0.1# m3/s

1. A vertical Venturi meter, 150 mm in diameter is connected to a 300 mm diameter pipe, and the vertical distance
from the inlet to the throat being 750 mm. If deflection of mercury in the differential manometer connected
from the inlet to the throat is 360 mm, determine flow of water through meter if coefficient of discharge is 0.6#.
Determine also the head loss from inlet to throat.

2. A 37.5 mm Venturi meter (C=0.957) is installed in a 75 mm diameter horizontal pipe carrying oil having specific
gravity of 0.8#2. If the recorded flow in the meter was 1.5 L/s, what could have been the deflection (h) of water
in the differential manometer connected between inlet and throat.


1. Carbon tetrachloride having SG=1.6# is flowing through a pipe. The differential gage attached to the Pitot-static
tube shows a 80 mm deflection of mercury. Determine flow rate of pipe.
# - lagay last digit of student number + - ADD last digit of student number
## - lagay last 2 digits of student number ++ - ADD last 2 digits of student number



4. A block of wood 0.6m x 0.6m x h in dimension was thrown to the water and floats with 0.18 m projecting above
water surface. The same block was thrown into container liquid having SG=0.97 and floats with 0.14m above
water surface. Determine: (a) value of h and (b) SG of block and (c) weight of block.
5. If a 12 kg steel plate is attached to one end of a 0.1m x 0.3m x 1.2m wooden pole, what is the length of pole
above water? Use SGwood=0.5. NEGLECT buoyant force on steel.




6. A block of wood requires a force of 47 N to keep it immersed in water and a force of 117 N to keep it immersed
in glycerine (SG=1.3). Find weight and SG of wood.


4. A horizontal pipe gradually reduces from 317 mm diameter section to 100 mm diameter section. The pressure at
the 300 mm section is 100 kPa and the 100 mm section is 70 kPa. Determine discharge of flow.

5. Oil of SG=0.84 is flowing in pipe under the conditions. If total head loss from point 1 to 2 is 900 mm, find
pressure at point 2. Assume discharge is 63 L/s.
6. Determine velocity and discharge through 157 mm diameter pipe shown if (a) assuming no head loss and (b)
considering a head loss of 200 mm.


4. Water is being pumped from lower (El. 97.5 ft) to upper reservoir (El.132 ft). Find power horsepower required
(Pinput) assuming 75% pump efficiency. Neglect minor losses. Q = 27 ft3/s
5. Water flows through turbine at rate of 0.217 m3/s and pressures at A and B are 147 kPa and -34.5 kPa.
Determine power delivered to the turbine by the water.

6. Water flows from upper to lower reservoir by passing a turbine. Find power generated by turbine neglecting
head loss. Q = 0.17 m3/s

3. A vertical Venturi meter, 150 mm in diameter is connected to a 300 mm diameter pipe, and the vertical distance
from the inlet to the throat being 750 mm. If deflection of mercury in the differential manometer connected
from the inlet to the throat is 360 mm, determine flow of water through meter if coefficient of discharge is 0.67.
Determine also the head loss from inlet to throat.

4. A 37.5 mm Venturi meter (C=0.957) is installed in a 75 mm diameter horizontal pipe carrying oil having specific
gravity of 0.872. If the recorded flow in the meter was 1.5 L/s, what could have been the deflection (h) of water
in the differential manometer connected between inlet and throat.


2. Carbon tetrachloride having SG=1.67 is flowing through a pipe. The differential gage attached to the Pitot-static
tube shows a 80 mm deflection of mercury. Determine flow rate of pipe.

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