CFD Assignment

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CFD Assignment

John Patmos B (me14btech11017)

Problem Definition:

Temperature of wall = Tw

Temperature of air = Ta

is defined as: = (T Tw)/(Ta Tw)

Boundary conditions:

The wall is maintained at a constant temperature of T w

=> = 0 at x = 0 (at the wall)

d/dx = 0 at x = 1 => N = N-1
The Governing Differential Equation is:

= 0

Length of fin is taken as L = 10m

is taken as 2 and dx as 0.01

X = 0:dx:L
The figure below is a plot of vs x (numerical solution)

Analytical solution is shown below ( = exp(-2x))

Below is a plot of both numerical and analytical solutions.

Shown below is the error between the numerical and analytical solution.
2. FTCS scheme for a 1D unsteady heat conduction equation :

= D*( )

Initial Conditions:

All nodes are assumed to be at 20oC initially except the last node which is at 100oC

Boundary Conditions:

The first node is maintained at 20oC and the last node is maintained at 100oC

After sufficiently long time, the system reaches a steady state and the transient term is
negligible. Then the equation reduces to


=> =

=> T is linear between the temperatures maintained at the end points
To compare the numerical solution with the above analytical solution, a large number of time
steps is chosen:

Number of time steps, n = 100,001

Number of nodes, N = 101, Length L = 1m

dx = L/(N-1) = 0.01m

x = 0:dx:L

The following are the results obtained

(Temperature of nodes along y axis and nodes along x axis)

FTCS scheme is unstable at = 1.

After a large number of time steps the Temperature distribution is linear as
expected from the analytical solution.

(I) = 0.25
At time step ceil(n/1000)

At time step ceil(n/100)

At time step ceil(n/10)

At time step ceil(n)

(ii) = 1

At time step ceil(n/10000)

At time step ceil(n/1000)

3. BTCS scheme for a 1D unsteady heat conduction equation:

Initial Conditions:

All nodes are assumed to be at 20oC initially except the last node which is at 100oC

Boundary Conditions:

The first node is maintained at 20oC and the last node is maintained at 100oC

The following results were obtained:

-> After a large number of time steps the Temperature distribution is linear as expected from the
analytical solution.

-> The BTCS scheme is stable even at =1

(I) alpha = 0.25

At time step ceil(n/10000)

At time step ceil(n/1000)

At time step ceil(n/100)

At time step ceil(n/10)

At time step ceil(n)

(ii) alpha = 1

At time step ceil(n/10000)

At time step ceil(n/1000)

At time step ceil(n/100)

At time step ceil(n/10)

At time step ceil(n)

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