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Programming with C

It is considered as mother of all languages
It is a system programming language used to make drivers, kernels, OS etc
Most of the compilers are written in C
It cannot be used in internet programming
It is a procedural language i.e it specifies series of steps or procedures for the program to solve
a problem
Procedural language breaks the program in to functions and data structures
It is a structured programming language i.e it breaks the program into parts or blocks
It is considered as mid level programming language, i.e it supports the features of both low level
and high level programming
Its code is converted into assembly language and it is also machine independent making it mid
level programming language

Machine independent
Mid level programming
Structured programming language
Rich Library
Memory Management
Fast Speed

Part I:
Stdio.h- includes standard input output library functions, printf(), scanf() are included in this library

Conio.h- includes the console input output function, getch() is included in this library

Void main()- main() function Is entry point of a programs, a program focuses only on main when it starts
to say, void is a keyword used to tell that it returns no value to the program.
Flow of C program:
1) First source code is sent to preprocessor, preprocessor converts the
Directive values to their respective values in an expanded source
2) Expanded code is sent to compiler which compiles it and send it to
The assembly code.
3) This assembly code is sent to the assembler which converts it into
Object code. A simple .obj file is created.
4) The object code is sent to linker which links it to the library such as
Header files, and then it is converted into executable file .exe.
5) The executable code is sent to loaderwhich loads it into memory and
then the code is executed.

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