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How my brother Leon brought home a wife


How my brother Leon brought home a wife is a short story that focuses on how, can a
city Girl adapt the everyday lives of a normal or Probinsyano boy. This story focuses
on 5 main Characters:

Baldo: Who narrates the story. And the brother of Leon.

Leon/Noel: A responsible man, husband of Maria, and Eldest to Baldo

Maria: A girl that was born in the city, a loving wife to Leon

Father: The one who told Baldo on what to do while on the trip home to test Leons wife
Maria, and checking if Maria was worthy to be his daughter in Law

Labang: a cow.

The story started when Maria stepped down from the Carretela. And as Baldo described
how he was mesmerized by the Beauty of Maria when she set foot from the Carratela.
And so, finally Maria and Baldo met for the first time.

Baldo also introduced his cow Labang to Maria, and touched Labangs forehead. Baldo
expect Maria that she wouldnt touch Labang at all. But instead Maria touched Labangs
forehead even though at fir she hesitates because she was looking at Labangs Horns.

And so the Story continues in their trip Home. Their father was expecting that Maria will
be impatient because of the transportation, but she wasnt act like that But instead She
shows how much love she has for Leon. Because of that she didnt care if it takes too
long as long as that she was beside Leon , shes alright. On their way home the trip was
only full of laughter all of them together.

As they soon arrived, Maria was hesitant because, thinking that Leons father will not
like her at all. But as soon as Father asked Baldo what happened, Leons father
accepted Maria and treated her as a family.

Lesson of the Story: Dont judge someone who you still dont know. You might be
surprised and surpass you and what you expect for him/her.

My father Goes to Court


My father goes to Court Is a short story that focuses on differentiating a wealthy family
and an average family.

The story starts with an average family. They once lived in a country(which they prefer
to live) and by an unfortunate calamity. Their fathers was flooded. So theyve decided
to live in a Town. Which they had a rich neighbor.
this rich man has its own servants, that always cooks for them. But the average family,
whenever the rich mans servants cook, somehow the aroma of the cooking food went
to their house. As the spirit of this aroma uplifts the soul of their family.
But this rich man ignored them as if they werent there. The average family happily
laughs together and plays together. This rich man , I think was jealous of them having
But one day the rich mans family, has struck by I think tuberculosis or some kind of
sickness that causes him to cough. As the rich mans coughs hard, the virus spread all
over the rich mans family, and soon became all of them were coughing or barking.

But then one day, this rich man sued the average family with thief of the spirit of the
food and wealth. As one day the police came knocking to their door and was told that
they were complaints about them and they must go to the court.
So they did, the whole family went.
And as the rich man arrived with his young lawyer, and so the Judge arrived, they stood
heavily and sat down. As the judge ask the Average father if he has any lawyers, the
father said that he will be asking to defend on his own.

And their father ask permission to the judge if he would allow that the complainants
sons come into stand and be asked. The judge agreed, and average familys Father ask
the children if theyve been stealing the spirit of the food and their wealth
and the children replied yes. And so on.

At last the father asked the judge that he will go to his family for a few minutes. As long
as the father arrived in where his family were, he asks for some cents and coins. And
while on his way to the stands he shake the coins that it sounded .
So the father asked again the children, do you hear the spirit of the coins> and
children replied yes. And the father said and so we are paid. And the judge
declared that the hearing was done and the average family won

Lesson of the Story: it doesnt mean that if you are rich you are powerful and happy.
Sometimes all you need is a family who will love you through hard times and bad.

Like The Molave

It states that , work of Rizal is not yet done, or his dream of having the Philippines
freedom is not yet claimed. It is a poem of how the people of this country should work
hard just to attain rizals dream of gaining our freedom. Even though Rizals dreams is
not yet done and completed. We must strive to be independent to other countries. We
must work hard until we can finally be called independent. Nowadays, we say that the
Filipinos are now free. Yes we are free from colonization but are we free truly?

We still rely on other countries. We still in debt to them. We still need them. How can we
be called free if we still have bills to pay?. Is that the definition of Rizals Freedom that
he wants us to gain. I dont think so.

In this poem it also highlights the importance of the younger generation, and how they
must fight for their country and improve the Filipino way of living. The poet believes this
will grant the nation freedom.


To sum this up: it tells us , or inspires us to wok hard for our country to make it a better

Footnote to Youth


It is a story of a young boy who recently turned into a man. He fell in love with a girl
about his age. He was so eagerly wants to marry this girl at a young age.

As he went to tell his parents, he asks permission of the parents to marry the girl she
liked. But the father wants to deny his permission but still Dodong still wants to marry
her dream girl Teang.

But still Dodong wins but lost resentment for his father.

And then, came this day. Teang was giving birth to his first son. Dodong was feeling
ashamed of what he has done, that he cannot even get close to his wife and mother. As
he always thinks of being ashamed.

When the labor was done, her mother called him but somehow he cant go back to the
house, but after a several calls of his name. he came. As he entered the room He saw
his mother and his father looking at him, and he felt ashamed of himself.

As the manghihilot was done wrapping the child he immediately get his son.
As the years goes by, his first born grew and he had also another children.
But every night he couldnt get to sleep easily just because thinking of a better life or
better future. His what Ifs in life.
And then one night, his son came home. Had a cheery face. And Dodong called his
name and His son said Im gonna marry tona.

Just like what happened to dodong when he was young. It somehow mirrored to him.
And just like what Dodong did, his son asked permission from him, But just like
Dodongs father he didnt want to let his son marry at a young age.
but when his son asks him if he has any objections Dodong said None.

Lesson of the story: One cannot indeed live the life that one had not
lived. .(

*a comment from the said website*

Assignment In
Analysis to a short

Submitted By : John Benedict L Gonzales

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