Plan of My Idea

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G324 Advanced Portfolio in Media

Short Film Treatment

Working Title (this may change later): What Kind of Man

Genres incorporated: Drama, Thriller and Horror

Primary Target Audience (age, gender, socio-economics, psychographics):

16-21, women, middle class, explorer

Log Line (a snappy description of your story in 2-3 sentences. Like a blurb):
A young man (Dylan) is subject to a series of unpleasant hauntings from his ex-
girlfriend (Katie). Dylan is currently in a relationship with his new girlfriend (Mia), and
as the hauntings intensify he forced to act irrationally.

Profile of the main character (name, age, gender, any relevant back story that
influences their actions or attitudes in the present):
Dylan, 18, male. Has been in a healthy relationship for a few months and enjoys a
relaxed life at home. He is easily peer pressured and often follows the crowd,
likewise, he doesnt always think independently.

Locations: Rural England, Suffolk. Also the interior of a house.

Props/ Costumes needed: Make-up for the ghost and for Dylan, as I plan on making
him suffer from insomnia as a result of the hauntings. There will be several costume
changes due to the fact that the film may take place over a few days and nights.

Breakdown of Plot (think about how your story fits together and why were watching
these characters journeys):
Minute 1 From first impressions the young man seems to be in a happy and
normal relationship. But very quickly he starts to notice a mysterious
figure in the corner of his eye.
Minute 2 Later that night he finds messages drawn on his bathroom wall
reading I loved you and reminisces of a previous girlfriend
Minute 3 Late that night while calling his girlfriend he describe how he is
suffering from insomnia. As he sits in his bed he watches the ghost,
which is at the end of his bed.
Minute 4 When he eventually goes to sleep he suffers from a nightmare in
which we the audience, discover who the ghost really is. Its the
spirit of a girls whom Dylan was once dating. And that his current
girlfriend killed so she could be with him.
Minute 5 The ghost tells him that the hauntings will stop if he kill his current
girlfriend. When Dylan eventually kills Mia, Katies spirit is finally put
at rest. Dylan then believes he is safe, however the spirit of his newly
deceased girlfriend comes to take her place to haunt him once

Narrative Structure:
It will have non-linear scenes with the initial shots perhaps being the end of the film,
also in Dylans dream sequence we will see parts of the past.
G324 Advanced Portfolio in Media
Short Film Treatment
Specific filming and/ or editing techniques you intend to include:
In the dream sequence I will most likely want to take advantage of editing effects that
create a disorientating effect and confuse the audience. Overall, I may strive to create
an abstract piece. I have always wanted to use a 360 shot, and I think a forest
environment will provide the perfect setting at which I can execute this shot.
Furthermore, I think a variety of fades and cross-dissolves could be used in some
inventive ways along the production of my film. There may be a drone at my disposal
so I might utilise this for some aerial tracking shots of characters.

Any additional requirements or considerations:

I may make use of a drone or a go pro to get some interesting shots into the film. Like
some overhead of a forest where the two girls were killed, as an opening shot.

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