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Examination Data(s) : ( example )

1. Light source : Indirect sunlight, or lamp state the distance

2. Light intensity : 1000 lux
3. Temperature : 34 deg C
4. Drying after pre -cleaning : 6 minutes
5. Penetrant application : By brush
6. Penetrant dwell time : 10 minutes
7. Removing excess penetrant : Wiping with dry rag and then with solvent moistened
8. Drying after remove excess : 10 minute
9 . Developer application : Spray, evenly
1 0 . Developing time : 30 minutes (as in procedure)


Examination Data(s) : ( example )

1. Light source : Indirect sunlight

2. Light intensity : 1500 lux
3. Temperature : 32 deg C
4. Magnetizing technique : Continuous method, twice in one area approx, right angle
5. Particle application : Spray
No Description Remarks
1 Visual / Surface Preparation
2 Check penetrant materials, cleaner, penetrant, record
3 Check test piece / part being tested record
4 Check Temperature, using temperature meter 40-125 Degree F -record
5 Check illumination, using light meter Min.100 fc. ( 1000 lux. ), record
6 Pre Examination Cleaning , using cleaner, by spray Wait Min 5 minutes, record
7 Penetrant Application, by brush Wait Min10 Minutes, record
8 Removal of Excess Penetrant, wipe with dry rag, Immediately not exceed 10
moistened rag until traced penetrant removed minutes, record
9 Application of Developer 30 minutes maximum, records
10 Inspection a. Immediately
a. observation b. Max.10 Minutes
b. interpretation c. Start from (a) Max a. 30
c. evaluation minutes
11 Post Examination Cleaning
12 Reporting


No Description Remarks
1 Visual / Surface Preparation
2 Check magnetic particle materials, cleaner,
particle, white contrast
3 Check test piece / part being tested
4 Check Temperature, using temperature meter
5 Check illumination, using light meter Min.100 fc. ( 1000 lux. ), record
6 Calibration, by lifting bar 10 lbs.
7 Pre Examination Cleaning , using cleaner,
wiping with wetted rag with cleaner
8 White contrast Application, by spray
9 Field verification, using Pie indicator
10 Examination, minimum 2x each area right angle
each other.
Lateral examination max. leg spacing
11 Inspection
a. observation
b. interpretation
c. evaluation
12 Post Examination Cleaning
13 De-magnetization
14 Reporting

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