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1076 Letters to the Editor

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D-dimer as an adjunct to compression ultrasonography in

patients with suspected recurrent deep vein thrombosis
P . P R A N D O N I , D . T O R M E N E , F . D A L L A V A L L E , A . C O N C O L A T O and R . P E S A V E N T O
Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences, Thromboembolism Unit, University of Padua, Padua, Italy

To cite this article: Prandoni P, Tormene D, Dalla Valle F, Concolato A, Pesavento R. D-dimer as an adjunct to compression ultrasonography in
patients with suspected recurrent deep vein thrombosis. J Thromb Haemost 2007; 5: 10767.

to have a high negative predictive value in patients with

Diagnosis of recurrent ipsilateral deep-vein thrombosis (DVT) suspected recurrent DVT who did not receive objective tests [5].
is difcult because of limitations in distinguishing acute from However, an incidence of symptomatic VTE as high as 6.0%
old thrombi. Clinical diagnosis is indeed inaccurate, and all (95% CI, 2.611.4%) in the 3-month follow-up of patients who
diagnostic approaches have limitations in this context [14]. were not treated because of negative D-dimer could not be
Among them, ultrasonography is by far the most widely excluded. We hypothesized that a negative D-dimer would help
adopted strategy. According to the results of an investigation simplify the diagnostic approach by safely preventing further
conducted in the 1990s, patients presenting with new leg vein testing in a substantial proportion of patients with stable or
incompressibility and those with an increased vein diameter of slightly increased (up to 4 mm) vein diameter.
more than 4 mm, as compared with earlier vein assessments, One hundred and forty-six consecutive patients, who had
are currently labeled as having a recurrent DVT, while all other received a clinical and echographic follow-up at our Institution
patients need further testing [4]. Recently, D-dimer was found after their rst episode of acute DVT and had discontinued oral
anticoagulant therapy, presented with clinically suspected
recurrent ipsilateral DVT. Table 1 shows the main character-
Correspondence: Paolo Prandoni, Department of Medical and
istics of the study patients. They received the ultrasound
Surgical Sciences, Thromboembolism Unit, Via Ospedale Civile 105,
evaluation of the proximal vein system according to methods
35128 Padua, Italy.
Tel.: +39 049 8212656; fax: +39 049 8218731; e-mail: described elsewhere [4]. Informed consent was obtained from all participants. Briey, the vein diameter of the common femoral
and popliteal vein was measured under compression and
Received 20 January 2007, accepted 13 February 2007 compared with earlier ultrasound results. Thirty-eight patients

 2007 International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis

Letters to the Editor 1077

Table 1 Characteristics of the patients included in the study We conclude that the D-dimer test has the potential to
Patients (n) 146 simplify the diagnostic approach to patients with the clinical
Age (median, range) 66 (2487) suspicion of recurrent ipsilateral DVT. It is safe to withhold
Sex (M:F) 77:69 anticoagulant treatment from patients with stable or slightly
Ultrasound location of the rst increased (up to 4 mm) vein diameter and negative D-dimer. If
deep-vein thrombosis (DVT) episode
Popliteal vein 48
D-dimer is positive, patients should undergo further testing.
Common femoral vein 27
Both 71
Disclosure of Conflict of Interests
Interval between the rst
DVT and the suspected recurrence The authors state that they have no conict of interest.
36 months 14 (9.6%)
612 months 18 (12.3%)
1224 months 48 (32.8%) References
Longer than 24 months 66 (45.2%)
1 Hull RD, Carter CJ, Jay RM, Ockelford PA, Hirsh J, Turpie AG,
Zielinsky A, Gent M, Powers PJ. The diagnosis of acute recurrent
DVT. A diagnostic challenge. Circulation 1983; 67: 9016.
(26.0%) with new leg vein incompressibility or increased vein
2 Leclerc JR, Jay RM, Hull RD, Hirsh J. Recurrent leg symptoms fol-
diameter of more than 4 mm were labeled as having recurrent lowing deep vein thrombosis. A diagnostic challenge. Arch Intern Med
DVT [4], and were treated accordingly. In the remaining 108 1985; 145: 18679.
patients a D-dimer test was performed, using the Biopool 3 Huisman MV, Buller HR, ten Cate JW. Utility of impedance plethys-
Autodimer (Trinity Biotech, Bray, Ireland), which was recently mography in the diagnosis of recurrent DVT. Arch Intern Med 1988;
148: 6813.
found to be accurate in patients with suspected DVT [6].
4 Prandoni P, Lensing AWA, Bernardi E, Villalta S, Bagatella P, Gi-
The D-dimer test was positive in 31 of the 108 patients rolami A. The diagnostic value of compression ultrasonography in
(28.7%), and negative in the remaining 75. The 31 patients with patients with suspected recurrent deep vein thrombosis. Thromb
positive D-dimer had further testing (repeat leg vein ultraso- Haemost 2002; 88: 4026.
nography within 1 week or ascending phlebography), which 5 Rathbun SW, Whitsett TL, Raskob GE. Negative D-dimer result to
exclude recurrent deep venous thrombosis: a management trial. Ann
showed ndings suggestive of recurrent DVT in six (26.1%).
Intern Med 2004; 141: 83945.
The 75 patients with negative D-dimer were not treated with 6 Gardiner C, Pennaneach C, Walford C, Machin SJ, Mackie IJ. An
anticoagulants and had a 3-month follow-up period, which was evaluation of rapid D-dimer assays for the exclusion of deep vein
uneventful in all (incidence of recurrent VTE, 0%; 95% CI, 0 thrombosis. Br J Haematol 2005; 128: 8428.

Determination of pediatric norms for assessment of upper

venous system post-thrombotic syndrome
B . M . B O U L D E N , S . E . C R A R Y , G . R . B U C H A N A N and J . M . J O U R N E Y C A K E
Department of Pediatrics, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, and the Hemophilia and Thrombosis Program in the Center
for Cancer and Blood Disorders, Childrens Medical Center Dallas, Dallas, TX, USA

To cite this article: Boulden BM, Crary SE, Buchanan GR, Journeycake JM. Determination of pediatric norms for assessment of upper venous system
post-thrombotic syndrome. J Thromb Haemost 2007; 5: 10779
ation and dysfunction involving the affected limb which
Deep venous thrombosis (DVT) is increasingly prevalent in develops weeks to months after diagnosis of DVT [2,3]. The
children and adolescents [1]. One of the major long-term clinical criteria for PTS involving the lower extremity are well-
complications of DVT is post-thrombotic syndrome (PTS), described in both children and adults [25], even although the
dened as swelling, pain, collateral vessel formation, discolor- commonly used scales have not been validated [4,6]. However,
there are no specic diagnostic criteria for PTS involving the
upper extremity, which is the most frequent site of DVT in
Correspondence: Janna M. Journeycake, University of Texas
children, primarily as a result of central venous catheter (CVC)
Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, 5323 Harry Hines Blvd,
Dallas, TX 75390-9063, USA.
use [1]. There is growing interest in identifying long-term
Tel.: +1 214 648 3896; fax: +1 214 648 3122; e-mail: janna. sequelae of CVC use in children. For instance, a report of hemophilia patients suggested that the arm ipsilateral to the
catheter site was longer and had a larger girth [7]. Additionally, a
Received 1 February 2007, accepted 6 February 2007 recent study of children with prior CVC inserted in their jugular

 2007 International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis

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