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September 15, 2017Volume 103, Issue 7nique.



. .

technique OEP responds to Irma p3 UCF game cancelled p20

News 2 Opinions 5 Life 8 Entertainment 12 Sports 20



Begun in 1965 with the Metropoli-

tan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority
Act and approved by a referendum on
the sales tax that funded it in 1971,
from its first days MARTA strived to
be transit for all. Prices of bus fares
dropped substantially, and the West-
East line was built before the North-
South line, signifying that the system
was not just for Buckhead to get to the
airport but for serving the greater city
of Atlanta.
Over the past decades, MARTA
has faced a variety of challenges that
have kept it from being proportional to
Atlantas size, such as suburban coun-
ties repeated resistance to expansion.
However, our public transport is
still better than people give it credit
for, and with support it can grow to be
what our car-centric city needs.
A common complaint is that MAR-
TA only goes to the airport, but those
who make this claim clearly have not
explored the many destinations, from
shopping to institutions to stadiums,
that are along the train lines.
Recently, more transit oriented de-
velopments have occurred, such as the
planned housing and retail at King
Memorial or the existing Five Points
Station Soccer.
Next, critics will inevitably say that
MARTA only goes in the four cardi-
nal directions. While this is simply not
true due to the north and northeast
split of the red line to North Springs
and the gold line to Doraville, those
who complain about MARTAs limited
reach overlook buses.
See MARTA, page 6
Top L: Photo by Casey Gomez Student Publications; Top R: Photo courtesy of Ed Gomez; Above: Photo by Monica Jamison Student Publications


Guiding students through the communication process

nications Program for the School tant right off the bat during their
BOBBY GUILD of Chemical and Biomolecular first semesters at Tech.
STAFF WRITER Engineering, works tirelessly to Ive had a lot of younger stu-
make sure that students have the dents come to me for help with
When sharing technical re- tools and experience necessary their resumes and cover letters, es-
search and projects, bridging the to overcome these obstacles and pecially with the upcoming career
gap between in-depth knowledge common mistakes. fair, said Snedeker of her recent
and a general audience is chal- She works with students at the work with underclassmen.
lenging, and can be made more beginning of their first year all However, no matter ones
so through common mistakes in the way through graduate educa- stage in college or beyond, the
communication. Luckily, Tech tion utilizing various programs, basics can never be over stressed.
and the College of Engineering a senior lab class and individual Whether creating a presentation
offer several resources to guide advising to prepare and assist stu- for a group project, a lab report
students through the communica- dents at all levels. or an internship application essay,
tion process. For students, the ability to ef- cogently sharing what you find to Photo by Noah Bryant Student Publications

Jacqueline Snedeker, the Di- fectively communicate ones tech- be important truly matters. The CommLab, which is located in Clough 447, offers resourc-
rector of the Technical Commu- nical background becomes impor- See COMM, page 10 es to students seeking help in various multi-modal endeavors.
Polly Ouellette National Ranking Release technique
Jonathan Jeffrey
Tech maintains spot as number 34 out of all
universities, and number 7 out of all
public universities.44 September 15, 2017

the Chandler Stadium again for

two years.


Dean McLaughlin
discusses upcoming
On Saturday, Sept. 2 at 9:30
p.m., Atlanta Police Department
advised that GTPD support was
needed at Rocky Mountain Pizza.
An officer explained that while
sitting with his coworkers and eat-
ing at the pizza joint, he smelled
the distinctive scent of marijuana
goals for CoE
Photo Courtesy of Institute Communications
in the back parking lot.
Upon arrival, the GTPD offi- me with good news or bad news. in communications and informa-
JONATHAN JEFFREY cer detected a strong odor of weed POLLY OUELLETTE I hope students will feel really, re- tion theory, he has held a variety
ASSISTANT NEWS EDITOR coming from the back parking lot NEWS EDITOR ally comfortable to come and see of positions and received several
of Rocky Mountain Pizza. me and share their thoughts. awards. He says that the turning
DIVING ON SOME BASES He stated that he saw the driv- On Friday, Sept. 15, the Col- In addition to scaling up en- point in his career was his time at
On Friday, Sept. 1, at 9:30 er of a Honda Civic lighting and lege of Engineering welcomed trepreneurial programs, blended Techs Lorraine campus, especial-
p.m., a GTPD officer spied two smoking out of a brown bong be- Steve McLaughlin as the new learning formats are yet another ly his eventual position as deputy
men with what he described as fore passing it to his passenger so dean of engineering. way to reach more and more director of the program.
strange haircuts sneak into the that his friend could do the same. McLaughlin, the former Steve people in the Tech community. I really got an incredible ap-
Chandler Stadium, Techs base- After making contact with the W. Chaddick school chair for the Massive Open Online Courses preciation for the kinds of op-
ball venue. pair and catching them in the School of Electrical and Com- and other online programs will portunities that we can provide
At that time the stadium was act, the officer detained both sus- puter engineering, hopes to make increase in the coming years. He to students and more importantly
closed to all visitors, which should pects, confiscating a black grinder, a big impact on engineering pro- sees it as Techs responsibility to the impact that it can have on their
have been apparent from the fact brown bong and a green leafy sub- grams at Tech as well as the sur- positively impact those who arent lives, their academic careers and
that every single stadium light was stance (read: marijuana). rounding community. even Tech students. their job prospects, McLaughlin
off. Despite the darkened facade, The occupants were found to I love doing big things, Whats our role either locally said. Georgia Tech Lorraine re-
the pair chose to enter the arena. be Tech students who did not have McLaughlin said. I love complex or nationally in terms of making ally, really changed me in terms of
His suspicions piqued, the of- any warrants or wants and were challenges, and when they have a society more technologically sav- what we can do for students but
ficer called for backup and an given student code of conduct vio- positive impact on people and on vy, more technologically literate? also what Georgia Tech can do for
entourage of officers followed lations before being released from the Institution, theres nothing McLaughlin said. I think people the world.
the pair to Chandler Stadium the officers custody. more rewarding than that. really believe that the gap between For five years after he returned
and tried to make contact with The brown bong, black grinder One of McLaughlins goals as the haves and have-nots from a to the United States, from 2007 to
the alleged trespassers. Once the and green leafy substance were he transitions to the deans office technology standpoint is widen- 2012, McLaughlin served as vice
strangely-adorned men caught a placed in an evidence bin to be is to scale these entrepreneur- ing, and if you dont have those president for international initia-
glimpse of the officers, they took destroyed. ship and innovation programs skills youre going to be left be- tives and the Steve A. Denning
off running. The officers chased much larger in order to maximize hind. I think youll see more and chair in global engagement.
on foot, and eventually stopped WINDOW SMASHERS their impact. more thought going into how we In 2011, he was awarded the
and detained both men. At 11:55 p.m. on Sept. 3, a sus- He thinks that Tech has been engage society more broadly from second-highest civilian honor
They were searched but found pect smashed the windows of five doing great things with the CRE- a technology standpoint. from the Republic of France: the
to carry no weapons or contra- different cars in the McAfee Lot ATE-X entrepreneurship pro- McLaughlin says that his first Chevalier dans l`Ordre Nationale
band and had no warrants for and stole items whose value to- grams. McLaughlin remembers act as the dean will be to do a de Merite (Knight of the French
their arrest. taled to $402 dollars. that the aha moment for CRE- lot of listening in order to create National Order of Merit). He was
The trespassers explained that All cars belonged to students ATE-X happened in his office, a strategic plan for the next few the first professor from Tech to
they were members of the Georgia but were fortunately insured. when a student fresh out of the years in particular, one that receive the Presidential Early Ca-
Tech Swim and Dive Team and While the theft was caught Inventure Prize competition real- will focus on the education ex- reer Award for Scientists and En-
had entered the stadium as part on DVD, it was only first noticed ized that he did not know what perience of both undergraduates gineers, under President Clinton.
of a scavenger hunt for said team. at 2:09 a.m. on Sept. 4 when an the next step for his company and graduates. McLaughlin is the succes-
However, they could not explain officer passed by the lot and saw was. McLaughlin is also proud of McLaughlin began his profes- sor of Dean Gary May, who was
why they attempted to flee when broken car windows. Techs maker spaces and wants to sional journey at Tech as a pro- dean for six years and now serves
they saw the officer. Among the items that the sus- continue to develop them. fessor in the School of Electrical as the chancellor at the University
The students were driven back pect stole: two calculators (one of Above all else, McLaughlin, and Computer Engineering in of California, Davis. McLaughlin
to their residence hall, but not them a TI graphing calculator), who prefers people to call him 1996, when he was attracted by was chosen by a search commit-
before they were being given stu- one laptop, a Subway Gift Card, Steve, wants students to know the Institutes rapid advancement tee that was comprised of fifteen
dent code of conduct violations a black M-16 style AirSoft gun, that his door is always open. and growth. faculty and staff members and was
and criminal trespass warnings two ID cards, a debit card and Id love for students to stop Over his time at Tech, dur- chaired by Julia Kubanek, associ-
that ban them from entering a wallet. by, McLaughlin said. Come see ing which he has done research ate dean for research.

sliver // your thoughts

technique NEWS EDITOR
What does the coins used for Polly Ouellette
convection and radiation on the same surface?? The Souths Liveliest College Newspaper Zahra Khan
now that irmas proven to be a gentle zephyr i cant wait for tech Brighton Kamen EDITOR-IN-CHIEF LIFE EDITOR
Samira Bandaru
to never cancel class again ENTERTAINMENT
re: hate groups article - the problem isnt calling nazis nazis, its Founded in 1911, the Technique is the student newspaper of the Monica Jamison
calling everyone you disagree with nazis that has people pissed off Georgia Institute of Technology, and is an official publication of SPORTS EDITOR
the Georgia Tech Board of Student Publications. The Technique Harsha Sridhar
Hi polly I think youre cool publishes on Fridays, weekly in the fall and spring and biweekly in
the summer.
There once was a farmer from Leeds, Who swallowed a packet of Casey Gomez
ADVERTISING: Information can be found online at
seeds. It soon came to pass, He was covered with grass, But has ads. The deadline for reserving ad space is Friday at 5 p.m. one DESIGN EDITOR
week before publication. To place a reservation, for billing infor-
Megan Eberle
all the tomatoes he needs. mation or for any other questions please e-mail us at ads@nique. LAYOUT EDITOR
net. You may reach us at 404-894-2830, Monday through Friday Beatrice Domingo
i love LMC from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
hello there friends i hope you have a good week! Copyright 2017, Brighton Kamen, Editor-in-Chief, and ONLINE EDITOR
the Georgia Tech Board of Student Publications. No part of Zoie Konneker
I dont like blob fishes. Google it this paper may be reproduced in any manner without written WEB DEVELOPER
permission from the Editor-in-Chief or from the Board of Tristen Allen
my cs prof just used irma to make a point about computing. Student Publications. The ideas expressed herein are those of the
RuDE aS HeLl individual authors and do not necessarily represent the views of Elizabeth Sit
the Board of Student Publications, the students, staff or faculty of
i love bald people too the Georgia Institute of Technology or the University System of
Georgia. First copy free; for additional copies call 404-894-2830.
Vidya Iyer
// NEWS technique September 15, 2017 3

CampuspreppedforweatherbyOEP Diversity task force

At this point, OEP reaches
out to the campus community
via social media in order to in-
Eventually, the governor issued
a state of emergency for all coun-
ties in Georgia for Monday and
releases updates
form everyone that they are aware Tuesday, and Tech followed suit. changes to academic, orientation,
In response to the approach of of the situation and a decision The logic behind closing MERRITT KENDZIOR intercultural student and report-
Hurricane Irma, Techs Office of about the status of campus will be Monday and Tuesday was that if CONTRIBUTING WRITER ing system programs. The main
Emergency Preparedness (OEP) made soon. we did get a significant impact, we academic program, Challenge,
announced on Sunday, Sept. 10 In this case, and in all other would need time early Tuesday to Techs Institute of Diversity set a new goal of 175 underrepre-
that campus would be closed the weather emergencies, OEP begins do a true damage assessment and partnered with the Division of sented minority and women stu-
following Monday and Tuesday. talking with executive members really understand the impacts on Student Life and Undergraduate dents by 2019. This past summer
Days of discussion and months of administration at Tech, such campus and in the greater com- Education to create the Imple- the Challenge program welcomed
of preparation precede each time as the president, various executive munity so that we could give a mentation Committee, which will its largest group to Tech with 54%
campus is closed or an emergency vice presidents, the provost and full appraisal to the executive to carry out recommendations put women, 68% of whom were black.
is handled. others, early on. leadership team on whether or forth by the Black Student Experi- The orientation programs fea-
OEP coordinates with the As we see things coming that not the campus was ready to be ence Task Force in order to ensure ture changes to FASET and GT
executive leadership team and may impact the Institute and may opened, Smith said. a welcoming, inclusive campus. 1000 in an effort to identify a
GTPD as well as facilities, hous- impact safety, we start letting a lot Often, President G.P. Bud The committee features students broader orientation process be-
ing, transportation, dining and of our different stakeholder groups Peterson and other executives are and leaders from Institute Di- yond just FASET each year. This
other services for each closure. on campus know, said Will highly involved in making the versity, Student Life and Under- includes showing videos high-
In the week before Hurricane Smith, director of emergency pre- closed-campus decision, and are graduate Education and recently lighting Techs diversity at FASET
Irma made landfall on the eastern paredness. The big thing, besides given the final say in whether or released an update on its progress and conducting workshops on di-
coast of the United States, OEP just giving them information, is not it stays open. Peterson himself to address 11 recommendations. versity and inclusion for GT 1000
was briefed by the National Fore- we start having conversations and is known to walk around campus, Updates on the progress of, instructors before classes begin.
cast Office and kept up constant anticipating. With weather, we appraising conditions and keeping and with recommendations for In addition, the Implementa-
communication with other emer- have a little bit of an opportunity an eye on safety issues. new actions, are released quar- tion Committee plans to work
gency preparedness services. to get ahead of it. When campus closures occur, terly by the task force until the hand-in-hand with students in
OEP is concerned with suspend- end of the 2018-19 academic year. efforts to gain feedback on com-
ing operations on campus that The recommendations are sepa- munity and climate issues that
can wait, like classes, and retain- rated into the four impact areas, they can then develop solutions
ing essential services that feed and including: programs, trainings, for. Lastly, the committee is work-
house those that live on campus. physical spaces and planning and ing to develop a system where
In most cases of severe weather, assessments. students can report discrimina-
OEP tries to keep people off the As we enter the second year of tion and harassment through an
roads in order to make way for ve- implementation, our priorities are updated EthicsPoint portal this
hicles that will clean up from the to identify ways to substantively upcoming fall.
event as well as keep people safe. impact bias education within the Both the trainings and the
Campus reopens only when campus community, said Vice planning and assessment impact
it is determined that campus President of Institute Diversity areas saw three recommendations,
and the surrounding communi- Archie Ervin, who chairs the task each which feature changes to
ties will provide a strong enough force. The implementation com- community orientation and train-
infrastructure for students, staff mittee is also looking more ex- ing, cultural inclusivity leadership
and faculty to return to campus pansively at the recommendations training, continued training and
and class. and connecting them to broader support offered to Greek educa-
OEP is in the spotlight rarely campus issues. tion for training and initiatives to
usually when Georgia Tech Of the task forces 57 areas for continue and improve the strate-
Emergency Notification Services improvement, eight have been gic plan, campus climate assess-
issues an alert in a case that there completed to date, 30 are in prog- ment and institutional climate
is an imminent threat and imme- ress and 19 are on the agenda to be change and growth.
diate action is required. However, addressed before their three-year For the physical spaces catego-
OEP works throughout the year cycle ends in 2019. ry, the task force outlined goals of
Photo by Maria Furukawa Student Publications
to respond to, prevent and prepare Four of the recommendations identifying space and support for
The Office of Emergency Preparedness works year round to for the next challenge they have released on Aug. 25 fall under the the Multicultural Center as part
be sure that the Tech community is prepared for anything. to confront. programs category and include of the Student Center expansion.

FLAG 137
- Tuesdays -
AT 7:00 P.M.
No Experience


4 September 15, 2017 technique // NEWS





OPINIONS EDITOR: Zahra Khan technique

I set out to be a hero and a legend,
and ended up a lobbyist.
Lewis MacAdams
September 15, 2017

OUR VIEWS | Consensus Opinion

Pursuing design in an
Making career fair a positive experience
Planning with the students in mind engineering world
As the postponed career fair approach- es and participate in the fair. This is espe- Being an Industrial Designer information or a cool company
is tough, because no one out that you think you would like to
es, students polish their resumes, prepare cially true as professors continue to assign there takes you seriously enough. work for, only to find out that
their elevator pitches and work on their regular course loads during that time. Engineers seem to think you are 90% of the people there did not
portfolios. Tech fosters an atmosphere of Perhaps shifting the focus from the all- just an artist, while artists tend even know your major existed. To
to drift towards the perspective be successful in Industrial Design,
professional development, placing great majors career fair to the majors-specific that you are just a mediocre art- you have to go the extra mile,
emphasis on students earning internships ones could help make them a more posi- ist. Trying to land that dream job? more so than many other majors
Think again. are pressured to do.
and co-ops during their time here. Its clear tive experience. It would result in reduced In my time at Tech, I have de- Personally, I have made about
that career fairs hold great significance and traffic and the number of bags in an already veloped and acquired various skill five different online and print
the all-majors one in particular attracts crowded room at the all-majors fair. Fun- sets and experiences. I have learned portfolios in my four years here
that it does not matter what the at Tech. I can totally assure you,
over 5,000 students a year. neling resources towards the major-specif- engineering majors think of you, there is no worse feeling you can
Considering the large number of ic fairs, instead of the one encompassing all because at the end of the day you experience than when you spend
students who attend it, Techs policies majors, could also result in increased op- have to suck it up a couple of weeks
should not cause inconveniences for portunities for underrepresented majors.
and work together We depend on each straight on hun-
before they real- dreds of arrange-
those who wish to attend by having them Several departments could benefit from ize how much you other, and we also ments to present
choose between academics and their showcasing opportunities within their are actually worth. have to push ourselves yourself to the
And the artists world, only to look
career prospects. own fields rather than having students at- opinions do not individually to get to over your shoulder
The new no bags policy in particular tend an event prominently geared towards really matter ei- where we want to go. at your classmates
ther because you far superior collec-
does not consider students who may have STEM majors. are probably going tion. It is okay to
classes around the same time as the event. We ask that some policies be reviewed to end up making
more money than
DESIGN EDITOR want to cry.
But you pick
Housing is often located a great distance to make the career fairs that take place
them anyway. yourself up, start
from the CRC, with many having to com- effective and accessible to everyone, The thing that no one can real- over, and try again.
mute to campus, making it difficult for and some consideration be shown for ly prepare you for, however, is that I would like to tell you that I
them to work on assignments, attend class- the students. after all of the time and effort ex- have it all figured out, and that I
pended at this school, it is nearly am satisfied with what I have, but
impossible to land your dream job I cannot. I do not know if that will
The Consensus Opinion reflects the majority opinion of the Editorial Board of the right out of college. ever be true. But, unfortunately, I
Technique, but not necessarily the opinions of individual editors. You may start scrolling think that is what it takes to be in
through pages on LinkedIn or this field; you have to constantly
Glassdoor early on, trying to see push yourself more than others do
technique editorial board what options are out there for you. or will.
However you will quickly learn The one thing I can tell you is
Brighton Kamen EDITOR-IN-CHIEF that when you search industrial that there is also no better feeling
David Raji MANAGING EDITOR design jobs, nothing pops up and than when you get that call back
you will have to figure it out on or when you land that interview,
Polly Ouellette NEWS EDITOR Zahra Khan OPINIONS EDITOR your own. knowing that someone else looked
Samira Bandaru LIFE EDITOR Monica Jamison ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR Industrial design is such a cool at your work and thought you
Tristen Allen WEB DEVELOPER Harsha Sridhar SPORTS EDITOR major, in my opinion, because of were pretty awesome.
Casey Gomez PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR Zoie Konneker ONLINE EDITOR how diverse it is. There are essen- So here I am, approaching
Elizabeth Sit HEAD COPY EDITOR Megan Eberle DESIGN EDITOR tially limitless options for what graduation and I have no idea
we can do with our skills: graphic what I want to pursue as my ca-
design, interior design, product reer. That is okay.
design, packaging design, health- Even though there is this
PROFESSOR S PREFERENCE BY TONY WU care... the list goes on and on. looming pressure to find a job and
Although I choose to look start a career, I am more focused
optimistically at the broadness on coming to terms with what I
of this field, the realization of want to do with my life. Because
the downside does come heavily: I know that, being an Industrial
when you are trying to search for Designer, I can change the world.
that entry level position in your I may have poked fun at some
field after you graduate, you have of the engineers and artists earlier,
to know what you want to do with but in all honesty, we are all in
your life. Pretty scary, right? this together. We depend on each
There is only so much a project other, and we also have to push
in a studio course or that intern- ourselves individually to get to
ship you happened upon last sum- where we want to go.
mer can help you figure out about So look out, world. We are
your passion. coming at you with full force,
You can wander around the and I know it may not seem like
career fair aimlessly, looking for it now, but I will be ready for it.

Write to us: are responses to or commentaries on

content found within the pages of the Technique. Along with these letters,
we are open to receiving letters that
Got something to say? Then let focus on relevant issues that currently
your voice be heard with the Tech- affect Georgia Tech as a university, in-
nique. Sliver at, tweet us cluding its campus and student body.
@the_nique or check us out on Face- When submitting letters we ask
book at We that you include your full name, year
want to hear your opinion and want (1st, 2nd, etc.) and major. We ask that
to make it known to all of campus. letters be thought provoking, well
We also welcome your letters in written and in good taste. We reserve
response to Technique content as well the right to both reject or edit letters
as topics relevant to campus. We will for length and style.
print letters on a timely and space- For questions, comments or con-
available basis. cern, contact the Opinions Editor at
Each week we look for letters that
6 September 15, 2017 technique // OPINIONS

Are sanctions effective tools

ROUNDTABLE for political leverage?
As threats increase, countries attempt to deter
North Koreas leader through economic sanctions.
an even harder time restruc- with their own sanctions, cuts in the defense budget.
GRACE FLETCHER turing their economy. Aside VIVIAN WANG further enforcing a vicious WILL FINCH Moreover, the increased
CONTRIBUTING WRITER from Venezuela bearing a CONTRIBUTING WRITER cycle that does little to dif- STAFF WRITER cost of military campaigns
great cost, this sanction can fuse political tensions. Ad- due to sanctions deterred
Economic sanctions increase costs for the U.S. Contrary to Trumps ditionally, by forcing do- One the loneliest additional aggression. Put
have long been a part of as well because Venezuela lackluster assertion that mestic companies to side number is also the least simply, sanctions exacerbat-
United States history. Gen- is unable to sell or borrow North Korea would be met with their own country, number of nuclear weapons ed Russian macroeconomic
erally used to punish or de- assets. This drawback could with fire and fury like the naturally the de-globaliza- it would take to ruin your challenges to garner change
ter a certain government or potentially be prevalent in world has never seen, re- tion of trade ensues, further day. Truly, its an admirable in policy.
entity, sanctions can come any sanction, but it is par- cently the UN has stepped costing the world economy. goal to avoid having to use However, economic
in the form of tariffs, quotas ticularly relevant here. up economic pressure on However, strategic eco- weapons and even more sanctions are by no means
and more. While meant to Another downside of North Korea, halting key nomic action is not a zero laudable to steer clear of passive. On the contrary,
influence the policies and this sanction, and sanctions profitable exports. This begs sum game. Ultimately, eco- conflict altogether. Since they are a sort of diplomatic
decisions of the target, they in general, is the potential the question: will sanctions nomic giants will come out power belongs to the people strong-arming, taking ad-
often have broader implica- for civil war within the tar- like these prove effective on top, because they can af- with big sticks just as much vantage of market depen-
tions in terms of affecting get country or for a trade against resolute opposing ford to weather the econom- as it does to the people dencies to get a specific
the economies of more than war among involved coun- governments? ic expense as a cost to their with big pockets, economic policy. This kind of aggres-
just the target country and tries. The escalated ten- Since its inception, the political agenda and inflict threats can be just as influ- sion does have the potential
affecting innocent citizens sion that comes with trade political tool of economic more damage than they will ential as militaristic ones. to lead to a greater fallout,
more than the leaders. blocks and exclusionary sanctions has always fueled sustain in return. That be- But over the past year, especially for a country as
A recent example of a practices introduces the risk controversy over efficacy. ing said, embargoes do not as North Korea tested their erratic as North Korea.
sanction causing harm is of bigger conflict down the Most commonly wielded always have their intended nuclear capabilities This is part of the reason
in Venezuela, which is cur- road. Generally speaking, as a coercive tactic for re- effect, often reinforcing against the wishes of the US why China takes a softer
rently recovering from de- the global environment will gime change, policy-makers the undesirable political they further challenged position for North Korea:
pression. Within the past benefit more from peaceful continue to incorporate behavior and escalating a the relative power of eco- if the country collapsed, it
month, Trump has issued and collaborative negotia- such sanctions into foreign problematic response. Ad- nomic sanctions and forced could either ignite a refugee
an embargo that will inten- tion than it will from hos- policy despite a buildup of versaries may become more diplomats and coalitions crisis or leave a foothold for
sify Venezuelas shortages of tile trading practices. evidence that the economic extreme in their resolve to alike to consider wheth- American presence in Asia
food and other goods and Economic sanctions fall sanctions tend to backfire politically and socially un- er sanctions are actually neither of which the
will limit their ability for somewhere between diplo- long-term. dercut opposing countries. effective. country wants.
growth. Venezuelas infla- macy and war as they force- Even in the short-term, Moreover, the policy- Historically, economic However, considering
tion rate over the past year fully attempt to shape the economic sanctions are makers and foreign officials sanctions have been re- that sanctions are the sole
has been more than 600 policies of another nation inherently lose-lose in the that engage in this kind sponses to militant action, coercive instrument of pow-
percent, putting the coun- without direct violence. In economic sense. Domestic of mitigated warfare for- like when Russia invaded er short of military action,
try in an inflation-depreci- conclusion, the disadvan- businesses are hurt by limi- get that they are playing a Ukraine. There is evidence they should be used inter-
ation spiral. Additionally, tages of sanctions tend to tations in the global market surface-level political game that sanctions enacted by nationally and effectively so
now that the U.S. has ex- outweigh the advantages, and the target country is that has real-world con- the U.S. and the European as to minimize the damages
cluded the country from the making diplomacy a safer deprived of key trade. Long sequences for the popula- Union hurt Russias mili- done to people and directly
international financial sys- and objectively more pro- term, they may provoke tar- tions affected by economic tary capabilities. Damages target the rulers in charge
tem, Venezuelans will have ductive alternative. geted countries to counter downturn. to the countrys GDP led to of the disliked regime.

Do not disparage your English MARTA FROM PAGE 1 events out there, like Atlanta United games
and Music Midtown, the ease and practi-
While buses can be a bit intimidating cality of taking a train renders cars obso-

class at Tech just yet to use the first time one ventures to try, lete. Maintaining special event level rider-
a few tips make it painless: tap your card ship on average days would transform the
after entering the front of the bus; if you system positively.
English classes at Tech get a bad rap. personal skills that can separate the great use cash, have exact change; pull the cord Sooner or later, the already-enormous
Students often consider them a free engineers and scientists from the merely to request a stop; and press the doors with amount of cars on the road in Atlanta will
class and do not put in the effort. However, good ones. At the same time, being able your palms to exit. most probably reach an all-too critical
like most classes in college, the real lessons to analyze content in the way that English For further last mile connectivity, bring breaking point. As we face a future where a
are subtler and not written out in the cur- classes analyze literature teaches critical a bike on the trains or on the buses, which greater and greater amount of people move
riculum. Calculus, for example, does not thinking and trains technical minds to un- have racks on the front, or rent a Relay bike to our city, the people of Atlanta have a
just teach difficult math, cover deeper meanings and from the many station-ad- choice to make. Instead
but rather how to structure The inspiration to detect patterns. jacent terminals. of bemoaning MARTAs
thinking to solve a prob- ... there is some flaws, we need to take own-
lem. solve STEM problems allyEnglish classes are usu-
only taught the first
I admit that MARTA is
not as extensive or efficient sense of solidarity and ership of it. The public sim-
Tedious classes teach does not always come year or two at Tech, as they as it should be, but its short- ply needs to believe in pub-
patience and challenging are core classes, and un- comings do not disqualify community in mass lic transportation and then,
classes teach work ethic. from a STEM-centered fortunately Techs packed it from being an enjoyable transit. crucially, act on that belief.
English classes, ideally, class. curriculum in every major experience. With a little While MARTA defi-
teach communication. leaves little room for fur- patience and planning, rid- MONICA JAMISON strides undernitely made some great
As Tech is an engineer- BRIGHTON KAMEN ther writing and communi- ing MARTA can be both
ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR of General Manager Keith
the leadership
ing school, it is under- EDITOR-IN-CHIEF cation classes unless those individually rewarding and
standable that faculty and are major-related. This is communally beneficial as Parker, his recent departure
students prioritize STEM classes over a further shame because forcing students well, as we move toward a greener, more leaves questions for future leadership. The
communication-related ones. to work outside the skills they are most equitable city. 2016 referendum on a half-cent sales tax
However, one stumbling block tech- comfortable with in Techs case, STEM Personally, I savor that coffee shop supporting MARTA expansion was en-
nological innovation often encounters is skills gives them a more well-rounded feeling of being surrounded by people couraging to be sure, but citizens are going
reluctance from the general population, education and the ability to approach but not having to talk to them. Whether to need to continue to engage with improv-
sometimes because they do not fully grasp problems from multiple perspectives. with sleepy commuters on the train at 7 ing our own transit.
what that technology is. The inspiration to solve STEM prob- a.m. or with a bunch of tired folks escap- Through becoming educated about lo-
This is not entirely the general popula- lems does not always come from a STEM- ing the rain on the bus at 10 p.m., there is cal candidates transportation views and
tions fault many times, it is due to a centered class. Communication (and, by some sense of solidarity and community in voting in Novembers elections, volunteer-
break in communication, even a failure to extension, liberal arts classes) broaden a mass transit. ing with the MARTA Army to put up bus
explain. The engineers and scientists work- persons perspective and therefore their po- Getting outside of the Tech bubble stop signs all over town or simply by tak-
ing on these projects become so entrenched tential to find solutions. via public transportation is a healthy re- ing the train or bus once a month instead
in them that without the proper commu- It takes a different thought process to minder of the real world and makes you of calling an Uber, we can begin building
nication skills, they are unable to explain uncover themes in literature than it does face Atlantas continuing problems, like a MARTA that is truly smarta from the
them to a broader audience or have trouble to solve an engineering problem. Although staggeringly high income inequality and ground up.
working with people not used to a STEM- engineers and scientists do not need to gentrification. If you want to truly take the plunge,
centered mindset. be able to tell the difference in literature Pragmatically, MARTA riders can do you can buy a student or faculty monthly
Communication skills, especially writ- movements or types of poetry, the com- something productive or relaxing instead pass from the Buzzcard office.
ten communication skills, benefit every munication skills an English class teaches of experiencing the stress of Atlantas infa- Dont get me started on the ludicrous
student and working adult. The ability gives them the ability to connect with oth- mous traffic or fighting for a pricey park- decision to build SunTrust Park not near a
to convey a point clearly is one of those ers and better share their ideas. ing spot. Especially for some of the larger station. Try the 12 bus to get home!
// OPINIONS technique September 15, 2017 7

Livestock: the hidden

catalyst of climate change
percent of rainforests in Brazil are
... we have to realize that being destroyed for cattle grazing,
there is no way to sustainably and if we took the grain that were
feeding to animals and turned it
raise enough cattle to keep up into food for humans, we could
with the worlds demand for potentially alleviate poverty. We
have to keep up and adapt to the
meat. changing demographic and cli-
Slipping N Sliding Power Outages mate. The earth isnt what it was a
Some hide from danger; Even though a fraction of SAMIRA BANDARU century ago, and we have to real-
others laugh in its face such what hit Florida came through LIFE EDITOR ize that there is no way to sustain-
was the attitude of those who Atlanta, Irma still managed to ably raise enough cattle to keep up
slipped and slid across the affect a great deal of locations with the worlds demand for meat.
drenched ground in the Bowl. close to campus. Power outag- Trust me, I love burgers. So crease in proportion to the worlds The same goes for dairy. Mar-
Students in swimsuits with es swept through several hous- much so, I spent this summer go- rapidly growing population. In cus Benedetti, the President of
skim boards glided across the ing areas, including Home ing to (almost) every burger joint fact, meat production is projected Clover Stornetta Dairy, said out-
lawn with ease in the torren- Park and Midtown, preventing in Atlanta to see which was the to double from 229 million tons right, I think its too much to
tial winds and rain. As scary as students from enjoying their best burger, from Farm Burger to from 2001 to 465 million tons in expect that the world can be fed
Tropical Storm Irma seemed days off. Though minimal, Yeah! Burger to Cypress Pint and 2050. According to the Nation- with dairy in a sustainable way. If
to students unfamiliar with damage to Tech and the rest of Plate (Grindhouse wins). How- al Resources Defence Council, this is coming from the president
hurricane weather, the fun- the city is as unfortunate as it ever, the point of this article isnt the production of beef causes 34 of a dairy production company, it
loving students couldnt help is inconvenient and headache- to talk about my burger eating times more greenhouse gas pol- must be time for change.
but put a smile on our faces. inducing. endeavors, but to bring to light a lution than producing legumes. So why isnt anyone talking
more controversial issue. I was re- This isnt even including the cows about this? Why arent major en-
cently exposed to a problem that farmed for milk production. vironmental organizations speak-
I did not know existed until the The worlds population is not ing out? Why dont we hear about
end of this summer, an issue that getting any smaller and neither it as much as we hear about buses
if fixed could change the course of will the production of livestock and cars and planes polluting
our planet for the better. if there isnt a behavioral change earths atmosphere? The answer
While transportation, factories among people who choose to is simple and selfish it causes
and power plants are undoubtedly consume meat. And while this is a disruption in the profits in the
a concern for the massive amounts not everyone, a large portion of animal industry.
New at the Market iPhone X Price Tag of pollution on our planet, theres Americas culture includes over- The purpose of this is to bring
What better way to sup- Apple unveiled their lat- one trivialized factor that is a sure- eating, to gorge oneself on meat to light a factor of global warm-
port your community and lo- est iPhones, and many are not fire contributor to earths quickly and cheese, which also has effects ing that isnt addressed as much as
cal small businesses than at impressed. The iPhone 8 and 8 warming atmosphere and expo- other than just climate change. other factors like fossil fuels, but is
the Farmers Market on Skiles Plus are similar to what weve nentially increasing carbon diox- Edging towards a non-meat-based rapidly becoming an equivalent in
Walkway! The tradition on known in the past few models. ide levels. Whos to blame? Cows. diet would also bring ethicality, carbon emissions to all modes of
campus has even more to of- The star of the show is the And not just cows, but the humanitarianism and health back transportation combined. Theres
fer this year with new stands iPhone X, a $1000 smartphone whole livestock industry, dairy into society. The choice to cut more to climate change than just
that offer anything from quick with a different screen, larger included. down could be a win-win. fossil fuels. If everyone reduced
bites to eat, sweets to snack more detailed display and no This isnt to say that everyone The destruction doesnt just their consumption of meat, per-
on and coffee to fuel your day home button. For a company should become a vegan, but to come from cow farts. It comes haps wed be able to push back
after your weekly Tuesday all- that values itself as being on consider the basic principle of sup- from waste disposal from the mas- humanitys imminent demise. Its
nighter. It just goes to show the front-line of innovation, ply and demand. And because of sive amounts of livestock being something that can quickly (but
the impact that Tech has in the the price tag does not excuse a this principle, the number of cows produced and the deforestation of not easily) be fixed, a sharp turn
community. few bells and whistles. being farmed for meat is growing rainforests for grain and soy pro- from the destructive course were
exponentially, and will only in- duction for cattle to be fed. Eighty on now.
LIFE EDITOR: technique
Samira Bandaru Why We Love Tech
Hanna Warlick
The Technique dives into the complex and simple reasons 8
Tech students call this place home. 49 September 15, 2017

ity Sym
Te c h n i q u e :

Annua What is the one main

takeaway you want students and

support of a di- faculty to get from the annual

sts Nin verse and inclusive com-

munity is part of our DNA and
Ervin: I hope that those who

ech Ho posium theme

focused on the impact
we should be able to have discus-
sions that allow all voices in the
attended the Diversity Sympo-
sium realize that courageous con-

T day, Sept. 6 at
the Global Learning
Center and the Georgia Tech
of race and class on our efforts to
build an inclusive and welcoming
community at Georgia Tech and
campus community to be heard.
Technique: Could you elabo-
rate on having John Quiones,
host and creator of the TV show
versations about race, class and
other important personal identi-
ties we have as individual mem-
bers of Georgia Tech are impor-
Hotel and Conference Center in Given the national discus- What Would You Do? as a tant to our aspirations to be an
Tech Square. sions about how to balance free speaker for this event? inclusive campus where diversity
HANNA WARLICK This year saw the ninth itera- speech with ensuring a welcom- Ervin: Mr. Quioness ap- is embraced and is viewed as a
ASSISTANT LIFE EDITOR tion of the symposium with guest ing community... the Diversity proach and work on revealing the strength and asset to our campus
speakers like John Quiones, the Symposium Planning Committee private thoughts that people have community.
Diversity is part of what helps host and creator of What Would thought a day focused on these on issues like race, ethnicity and Technique: How do you sug-
college campuses thrive. You Do? The Technique spoke issues at Tech would provide a gender identity is done in a non- gest students, faculty and staff
The blending of backgrounds, with Dr. Archie Ervin, the Vice forum for a healthy discussion of threatening way which allows deal with intolerance in society
cultures and experiences creates President and Chief Diversity Of- these issues on our own campus. people in the audience to become and on-campus?
the most innovative and novel ficer for Institute Diversity. Technique: What is the major a part of the discussion and to Ervin: I believe that we all
ideas possible. Tech is commit- Technique: How has this goal of the symposium and other think more deeply about some of should engage these issues and
ted to diversity and even has the years symposium differed from events like it? the issues he raises. In fact, he was seek to find ways that we can have
Diversity Institute, which helps previous years? Ervin: The goal of the Diver- selected to be the first speaker of our voices heard and listen to oth-
ensure compliance with equal op- Ervin: Each year, the Diversity sity Symposium and all commu- the day because his story-telling ers whose voices may represent di-
portunity policies. Symposium Planning Committee nity conversations is to provide a style allows his audience not to vergent perspectives. Engaging in
In addition to the Diversity attempts to identify contempo- forum for civil, respectful discus- feel threatened and to participate these conversations will allow us
Institutes official policies, they rary and germane diversity, eq- sion of issues that are often diffi- in the discussion which allows to build linkages across the great
organize and host the annual Di- uity and inclusion issues that can cult to talk about openly but need more views to be heard on some diversity of GT and make us a
versity Symposium. This years serve as the theme or focus of each to be talked about as a communi- of the difficult issues he identifies welcoming community to every-
symposium was held on Wednes- years symposium. The 2017 Sym- ty. Our Georgia Tech values and during his talk. one who is a Yellow Jacket.

Photos courtesy of Digital Pictureworks

// LIFE technique September 15, 2017 9

high school that I came from demics and compassion for others here everyone has, like, been
its really nice to be surrounded by is invaluable. I started off at Tech coding since before they could
people who have the same kinds and fell flat on my face, but I was read or something. I didnt even
of goals and motivations for the able to turn it around. My friends know what computer science
same types of things that I have. helped me get back up on my feet, was until I came here, and then
Toler thanked Techs positive at- and I switched my major and re- I realized that I could actually be
mosphere for helping her strive to alized what my passions were. Its pretty good at it and I never
complete her degree. nice to always have a support sys- would have noticed that if I didnt
She elaborated: Being an tem that I feel like I never really have people around me challeng-
MSE major, its really, really small had before, said Kaley Findley, ing me, said Findley.
which is really nice. Everyones fifth-year CS. In addition to feeling sup-
willing to help each other out Tech has definitely challenged ported by each other, Tech stu-
and study together, and its not me in a way that Ive never been dents also feel supported by our
cutthroat. Everyone is just re- challenged before, Findley con- stellar faculty. Theres a lot of
ally helpful and really positive, tinued. Id never been around things I really love about Tech,
and everyone is there to help you people that were this smart be- but I have to say my favorite thing
succeed. She said that many stu- cause I came from such a small is the faculty that Ive interacted How to be
Favorite things dents in her major also use plat-
forms like GroupMe to help each
town in Florida, and most people
just wanted to stay in town. That
with. Theyre all so passionate,
theyre all so happy to be here, and Productive
about Tech other out with homework and
test preparation.
challenge definitely motivated
me to improve myself and realize
they want the best from us, said
Maryellen Malone, third-year
For those who have endured that I could do a lot more than I BCHM. The chemistry depart- AMY PATEL
ROSEMARY PITRONE challenging transitions at Tech, thought I could. I didnt think I ment as a whole, in particular, has CONTRIBUTING WRITER
CONTRIBUTING WRITER the intersection of passion for aca- was all that smart when I came See FAVORITE, page 11
With the first round of exams
In the midst of the effects of near, many of us are being hit
Hurricane Irma earlier this week with the reality of having a hell
and the imminent approach of week. Having multiple exams,
midterms, it is important to re- quizzes or assignments due in one
flect on the aspects of Tech that week can be stressful, but tack-
students are most thankful for. ling one at a time in an efficient
No matter how hectic and manner can certainly help to pre-
challenging student life may be, vent the common feeling of being
many are able to remain optimis- overwhelmed.
tic with the help of great friends,
engaging classes and the comfort FIRST THINGS FIRST
of specialty foods. Knock out the big bad wolf
Many students favorite thing so you can get to grandmas a lot
about Tech is the positive learning quicker. We all like to get the easy
atmosphere that the institute fos- busy work out of the way, but that
ters. Everyone is passionate about may mean youll be exhausted by
something here on campus. It just the time you actually get to a task
makes the campus a much more that requires the most effort. Start
exciting place it really is a great with and complete the tough-
quality of Tech students, said est task on your list first, and at-
Ryan Jacobs, fourth-year ME. tack the rest of your day with an
Students across all majors achiever attitude.
feel the same and often, tak-
ing tough classes and being sur- BE PROACTIVE
rounded by motivated peers helps If you know you have dead-
students achieve their goals. One lines coming up, put them in
of my favorite things about Tech your calendar weeks or even
is that everyone here is really mo- months in advance if you can.
tivated, said Meghan Toler, fifth- Photo by Noah Bryant Student Publications That way, if you know you have
year MSE. Its something thats The weekly farmers market brings students a variety of foods, fresh produce and coffee. something coming up, you can
really different from the type of Its one of the many opportunities Tech offers to relax and creates a sense of community. See TIPS, page 10

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ways students work is shared, tion is taught. Each student is on create a unique, powerful form of TIPS FROM PAGE 9
Snedeker said. their own level, and through in- communication.
For some students, one chal- However, while it is easy to dividual conferencing, Im able to Together with her colleagues plan around events or assign-
lenge is that they havent been become accustomed to the casual meet with students and work with in other schools, and with the ments. The key is to put all test,
immersed in writing since high interactions of modern life, the them on what they need specifi- various campus resources, such quiz and homework dates on a
school, Snedeker said. So they basics of writing reports and com- cally, she said. as the Communication Center calendar that you are able to look
may need a refresher on the ba- municating via email are still very Past undergraduate education, in Clough and the Language In- at regularly. This can be an app or
sics of writing that they learned important. Snedeker works with graduate stitute, Snedeker works to make a physical calendar on your desk
years ago such as proper organi- Writing is a constant. I often students to help with thesis pre- a student body better prepared at home find what works for
zation of paragraphs, sentence remind students that they need to sentations and research reports, to face whatever challenge may you and keep using it.
structure and even grammar and know how to write a report, how and has more plans in the future. await in the ever-changing realm
punctuation. to write an email. With friends, I give lectures on effective of communication. KNOW YOURSELF
They also have to learn how to you probably dont often send communication skills in an in- The College of Engineering While you can stay organized
communicate concisely and clear- each other emails, but in the cor- troduction to research class for is proud of its many in-house by allocating time slots to specific
ly with a technical audience that porate environment, communica- our graduate students, and I ad- technical communications pro- activities, just making a schedule
wants the bottom line first. tion via email is regular, Snede- vise students on applications for grams. The directors of these is not enough. Be aware of when
Yet, this is just scratching the ker explained. prestigious fellowships, said programs, all faculty members in you are most driven. If you can
surface of effective communica- Snedeker sees classroom in- Snedeker of her involvement with their schools, are experts in the focus well in the evening, make
tion. As the director of technical struction coupled with individual graduate students. field of technical communica- time to study then, and maybe
communication, Snedeker works advising as being the foundation Thus, by beginning with un- tions including Dr. Brandy Blake hit the gym or do something fun
with undergraduate students in of clear, effective communication. derclass students and by working (ISYE), Ms. Christina Bourgeois earlier in the morning. Make your
her senior level course, Unit Oper- I spend a lot of time work- all the way through graduate stu- (ECE), Dr. Jeff Donnell (ME), schedule and stick to it.
ations Lab. In this class, Snedeker ing through drafts with students, dents, Snedeker helps to create a Dr. Amanda Gable (MSE) and
uses her experience as a technical and thats really how communica- foundation and build upon it to Dr. Lisa Rosenstein (CEE). GET HELP
writer in industry, as well as her We have all helplessly been
15 years of experience at Tech, to stuck on a problem before. When
work with students and to refine professors say give it a try, that
their communication processes. does not mean for days. The
It is here that Snedeker sees sooner you go to office hours, tu-
communication addressed in a toring or a help desk, the better
meaningful way. you will understand material that
At this point in their college builds on that particular concept
careers, students understand the and move on from there. Do not
importance of communication be afraid to form study groups in
skills because they have used your more challenging courses.
them on the job, whether through
internships or co-ops, and are mo- STAY FOCUSED
tivated to practice and become Once you set your mind on
more effective communicators, completing a task, tune out the
Snedeker said. voice in your head telling you to
It is with similar motivation check Facebook, that craving for
that Snedeker seeks to direct the a donut or the urge to have an
enthusiasm of her students in the unproductive study party with
many facets of communication. your friends. If you need some
Through projects such as posters help, there are plenty of apps and
detailing technical findings, tech- productivity planners you can
nical reports and short explana- use to change things to-do into
tory videos, Snedeker combines real accomplishments and start
the benefits of modern technol- knocking items off your to-do list.
ogy with the basics of effective As with any other change,
communication. dedication is key. While each one
With the way writing has of these is not necessary to see
changed over the past 10 years improvement, if you pick one or
Photo by Noah Bryant Student Publications
because of social media and cell two and stick to them you will be
phones, Ive had to adapt the way Pictured above is the Communications Lab, which helps students with technical writ- navigating your way through the
I present material and change the ing, from projects such as lab reports, grant proposals, senior design papers and resumes. hurdles of Tech in no time.
// LIFE technique September 15, 2017 11

Photo by Noah Bryant Student Publications

me and brought me into her office so many songs. Harshil Shah, first-year CS, was par- Blue Donkey coffee in the Student Center;
times just because she genuinely cared, ticularly enthusiastic about one such tradi- in addition, she is one of many who en-
just been amazing. Ive had great interac- said Kennedy. tion. I love Buzz! I love all the things he joy the weekly Farmers Market on Tech
tions and theyve really pushed me to be my Robert Leon, third-year BIOL, shared does during the games I want to find out Walkway. My favorite thing at Tech is the
best and provided me with opportunities I similar sentiments. who Buzz is, Shah said. Farmers Market every Wednesday, since its
dont think I wouldve had anywhere else, If youre interested in learning more in Students also love recreational sports on a time where students can meet each other
continued Malone. a field or doing research, most professors are campus, and it is not a surprise why: the and socialize, and also try out different
Malone also gave a shout-out to Dr. Li- more than willing to help you any way they CRC, our fully equipped fitness center, is kinds of foods, said Sridhar.
otta, one of her organic chemistry profes- can, said Leon. available to use every day of the week. Shrey Food trucks are another favorite around
sors. I love him! Hes amazing; hes such Tech also has an abundance of resources Jain, first-year AE, said: Techs campus.
a great teacher. He made it make a lot of on campus for students seeking to go be- My favorite thing is playing at the CRC I really like the food trucks at Tech.
sense for a lot of the people I took that class yond class requirements. with my friends, and meeting new people There are a lot of different options and its
with, she said. The Invention Studio is great you and having fun over there. Its really cool; always fun getting stuff from food trucks
Tech students appreciate the faculty dont have to be an engineering major to I play badminton in the Badminton Club, with my friends, said Jack Amling, third-
members in every department on campus. use all its resources, Leon said. and I also like to play basketball and rac- year MSE. He recommended Bento Bus
Third-year CMPE Alison Kennedy re- In addition to the features that make quetball with my friends. and Pickle as quality food truck choices.
counted similar experiences: Tech a top-ranked academic institute, our Of course, in order to participate in As the semester continues to roll full
Ive had a lot of professors that actually campus also has plenty of beloved recre- such a variety of sports and academic pur- steam ahead, it is important to take advan-
helped keep me at this school its not ational features. Sporting events are a great suits, students need sufficient fuel; thank- tage of all that our school has to offer
normal how good our professors are. time for students to socialize and support fully, fueling up is easily achieved through from food trucks to academic support
She also praised one professor in partic- their fellow Yellow Jackets, as well as to par- the various food venues around campus. and to be thankful for the people and places
ular. Dr. Wills in my coding class helped ticipate in traditions like singing Tech fight Madhu Sridhar, third-year ME, is a fan of that make Tech so great.

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Monica Jamison
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12 September 15, 2017

Argha Noah brings fresh ideas to Grant Park

are farms in the West End the
MONICA JAMISON Atlanta Housing Authority and
ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR the Plate Sale, a local culinary din-
ing group. We have talked about
Art can be a powerful force in partnering with Atlanta City Stu-
a community, connecting people dio, a pop up urban design studio
and revitalizing urban space. The produced by the Department of
Technique talked to Kyle Mo- Planning My goal is to partner
rais, a member of Argha Noah, with more civic-oriented organi-
about how temporary art proj- zations who are focused on alter-
ects and installations act as an native forms of education for kids.
interactive means of community APS is one of the lowest funded
development. school systems per child.
Technique: How would you Technique: How are you
describe Argha Noah? funded?
Kyle Morais: Argha Noah is Morias: We had an Indiegogo
an artist-run civic engagement campaign. Our goal initially was
platform that transforms unused to raise $25,000, which would
urban spaces into pop up com- have allowed us to finish our proj-
munity art spaces. Were a plat- ects and allow the space to be open
form, an initiative, rather than a to the public more We are al-
physical space. We travel to dif- ways accepting donations online,
ferent sites This space [at Harp and our main source of income is
Transmission] is our first project, events. We do 90% free program-
but the whole idea is for them to ming and 10% paid. With the
be temporary projects to act as Photo courtesy of Argha Noah donation-based programming,
models for architecture, urban de- Visitors to Argha Noahs Harp Transmission space on Memorial Drive watch a film the suggested donation is $5 or
sign and planning for community screening outdoors. The inner space has been used for performances and exhibits. $10. We will be having some tick-
development. eted events coming up, and we are
Technique: How frequently next because our whole goal is to whirlwind or a city wonder for the hear whats happening in other working on fundraising.
are you planning on moving to serve the community We can time being. These events bring in communities. Technique: How can people
different spaces? act as a forum and a central hub all this fresh energy and give this We specifically focused on get involved?
Morais: We have this space to talk about problems in other fantastical experience. Grant Park, and I went to a cou- Morais: People can get in-
until Nov. 1, but we might get an parts of the city and come up with The theme park then was sim- ple neighborhood meetings here volved by volunteering for events,
extension for the remainder of the solutions. So were here to provide plified to become Argha Noah. to speak about the development such as managing on site tasks or
year. The next plan is to work with solutions to problems but also just At first, we questioned, What is of this project and talk about fu- taking photographs. Artists can
the city, including Tim Keane, the provide fun in the community. Argha Noah? Is it a space? Then ture development of this site. We help us install exhibitions, writers
Commissioner of City Planning Technique: How did you all we came up with the concept of let the community know that can cover us on blogs and small
and also MARTA to figure out get started? Argha Noah as an artist-run civic we were doing a pop up com- organizations can come host an
what the next space should be. We Morais: We started out with engagement platform. The spaces munity art space here. Weve event here.
want to work with the City more eight people, and we now have six are the projects. seen a lot of great support from If you have a new concept or
often than working with develop- people I had this idea about This is our first year, and were the community, but wed like to idea about art, music, education,
ers because we want to be a doing something called the Ur- testing out to see how much im- see more. recreation or agriculture and how
representation for a new thinking ban Theme Park of the Future. I pact weve made, what projects Technique: What organiza- that affects cities, then contact us
when it comes to urban design, wanted to take the idea of what did complete, what did we not tions have you partnered with? and we would love to speak with
community development, arts a theme park is or the model of a We went through many different Morais: We have partnered you and work with you. We are
and culture for the city. fair: coming in temporarily and planning stages, visited various with the Atlanta Underground looking to speak with more pro-
We are trying to be mindful putting up this extravagant ex- communities and went to differ- Food Market Grow Where You fessors at universities about this
and aware of the spaces we inhabit perience that becomes like a city ent neighborhood meetings to Are and Truly Living Well, which See ARGHA, page 15

Kings It returns with novel narrative framework

FILM the band of seven children tasked He lures the Losers into his
with defeating Pennywise by over- world of nightmares in a coquett-
It coming their own personal hor- ish, manipulative manner and
GENRE: Horror rors. They overcome these obsta- delivers a fully respectable perfor-
cles with hilarious quips and the mance to a challenging monster
STARRING: Jaeden Lieberher, bonds of friendship. to portray.
Bill Skarsgard While the novel and previous Georgies older brother Bill
DIRECTOR: Andy Muschietti adaptations have flipped between (Jaeden Lieberher, Midnight
the present day and the future, Special) begins investigating his
RATING: R this version of It stays in 1988 brothers disappearance, refusing
RELEASE DATE: September 8 to 1989, presenting the first part to admit Georgie could be dead.
of how the Losers confront Pen- His original gang of friends,
OUR TAKE: nywise in their adolescence. including the hilariously pro-
The film opens the same way fane Richard (Finn Wolfhard,
the novel does with an adorable Stranger Things), asthmatic
MOHAR KALRA six-year old Georgie Denbrough mamas boy Eddie (Jack Dylan
CONTRIBUTING WRITER (Jackson Robert Scott) chasing a Grazer) and the anxious Stanley
wax-covered boat as it floats down (Wyatt Oleff), expands to include
The latest iteration of Stephen into a drain, where Pennywise the overweight new kid Ben (Jer-
Kings iconic horror novel It hit charms him until poor Georgie emy Ray Taylor), the fantastically
theatres last week, capitalizing on disappears to tragically also float performed spunky-sole-female
the timely homicidal clown theme down here with It and the Beverly (Sophia Lillis), and the
while simultaneously bringing rows of terrifying sharp teeth that homeschooled only-black-kid-in-
equal parts of horror and humor hide beneath his clown mask. town, Mike (Chosen Jacobs).
to the big screen. Skarsgard absolutely nails the Thus assembled, the seven
Attempting to translate the ter- role of Pennywise. While witness- investigate the mystery of the
ror of the novels thousand pages ing a clown attempting to be terri- missing children, and each must
down to a two-hour film is an fying will inevitably involve some confront their own personal
ambitious undertaking, but audi- degree of absurdity, Skarsgard nightmares on their journey to
ences will be delighted by what manages to bring a deeply chilling face the source of the evil cursing
Bill Skarsgard (Allegiant) brings vibe to each scene and interaction. the town of Derry, Maine: It.
to the supernatural evil clown He does so without going over the Watching the Losers evokes
Photo courtesy of New Line Cinema Pennywise. top (or at least as not over the the endearing connection felt by
Bill Skarsgard terrorizes moviegoers as Stephen Kings Equally delightful to watch is top as one can get when playing a the groups in Stand by Me or
iconic evil clown Pennywise in Andy Muschiettis new film It. the acting of the Losers Club, deranged clown). See IT, page 14
// ENTERTAINMENT technique September 15, 2017 13

Destiny 2 improves on originals weaknesses

GAMES a single playthrough, many un- The open-world mechanic has get their hands on it. The PS4 and The Crucible is quite fun; doing
derwhelmed players put the game been completely redone to allow XBox One releases are both opti- battle with other guardians is
Destiny 2 away and never returned. for a more cohesive experience, mized for 4K, so graphically the tense and rewarding. Much time
CONSOLE: Xbox One, PS4 Only after a series of post-re- allowing each area to serve as a disparity between console and PC can also be sunk into the main
GENRE: First Person Shooter lease content updates and expan- hub of sorts in which players will not be as big an issue. quest missions themselves.
sions did Destiny find its stride. take on missions and do side- The games environments look Destiny caught flak for its con-
DEVELOPER: Bungie By the end of its lifespan, the quests without constantly return- stunning in 4K, and the wide va- voluted and often repetitive story,
RATING: Teen game had become one of the big- ing to their ship. riety of weapons and abilities all and one of the sequels biggest
gest and most robust time-sinks in The world has been fleshed out take advantage of the improved strengths is a more tightly-focused
RELEASED: September 6 the gaming world. with dozens of hidden chests, se- hardware of this console genera- and accessible plot. The politics of
The announcement of a se- cret boss fights and team-based tion. Composer Michael Salva- intergalactic warfare left players of
OUR TAKE: quel had players wondering what public events to keep players oc- tori, famous for the iconic Halo the original bored, while the end-
Destiny 2 could bring to the table cupied in between main story soundtracks and the original less menagerie of characters made
JON LONG that another one of the originals missions or competitive matches. Destiny, returned to provide the it hard to become invested in the
STAFF WRITER AT-LARGE game-transforming expansions Free-roaming through the games games stellar score. games overarching conflict.
did not. Would Bungie learn from planets and moons a boring The original games competi- Destiny 2 sifts all of this down
The release of Bungies Destiny its mistakes and launch a fully and tedious aspect of the original tive multiplayer mode, referred into the essentials, bringing back
in 2014 was something of a cul- fleshed-out game rather than a no longer feels like a chore. to in-game as the Crucible, gave popular characters from the origi-
tural phenomenon. Rarely does a barebones foundation? Bungie filled the game to the players the gameplay they had nal and framing the story as a
game generate that level of hype; Bungie undoubtedly handled brim with things to do, and the craved since the days of Halo 3. revenge tale rather than a lore-
Bungies reputation for creating the launch of Destiny 2 different- bad taste that the original Destiny The Crucible is back this time heavy snoozefest.
the lauded Halo franchise put ly than the original. Complaints left in players mouths is all but around with seemingly balanced The games most glaring issue
Destiny in the spotlight from the that plagued the first game, such nonexistent. maps and gameplay features. is barely an issue at all, but it still
second it was announced. as nitpicks about end-game con- Destiny 2 marks the franchises While there are currently few gives reason to worry about the
As details about the game be- tent and creating a full game first appearance on PC, though player-vs-player options, future future of the franchise. A new
gan to slowly trickle out, people world, have been virtually non- mouse-and-keyboard players will updates promise to bring back marketplace, called the Eververse
following Destiny began to dream existent since the sequels release. have to wait a few more weeks to fan-favorites like Trials of Osiris. was added to the game that uses
of a Halo-esque multiplayer RPG real-world currency to buy items
that would turn the genre on its in-game.
head. Bungie tacked on a prom- Many popular games have ad-
ising gameplay trailer at 2013s opted a micro-transaction model,
E3 conference and essentially simply because it makes them
laid claim on $60 from everyone more money. If the Eververse
watching. Destiny was going to be proves to be popular, Bungie could
the game to buy in 2014. be tempted to monetize more
That September, stores across parts of the game in an attempt to
the globe moved copies of Destiny milk players for even more cash. It
like it was the McRib. It easily i s 2017: at this point, our udders
became the largest new franchise are tired.
launch of all time. Techs streets If a games biggest flaw is an
seemed empty: its students were unlikely hypothetical future situ-
packed into dorm rooms and fra- ation that relates even tangen-
ternity houses to experience this tially to the word udders, it is a
new game. It was beautiful, it was great game sure to engage former
novel and, after a week it players and earn new ones.
was stale. Bungie kept everything good
Although Destiny went on to from the original and refined al-
become one of the most popular most every aspect of the gameplay
games of both the last and the to create a fun, content-filled ex-
current console generations, it perience.
came from unexpectedly humble There is no doubt that Destiny
beginnings. Upon release the 2 has some real staying power;
game offered little beyond its re- Photo courtesy of Jon Long Student Publications guardians will be doing battle
petitive story missions and com- Bungies new online multiplayer first person shooter Destiny 2 features stunning 4K graphics throughout the virtual solar sys-
petitive multiplayer mode. After and an excellent original score along with well designed maps and exciting gameplay. tem for years to come.
14 September 15, 2017 technique // ENTERTAINMENT

TNTs Will fails to revive Shakespeare IT FROM PAGE 12

Stranger Things, bringing back
the nostalgia and unique humor
TELEVISION Throughout the shows ten of childhood friendships.
episodes, the theatre and religion The decision to keep this chap-
Will converge on Wills unwilling ter of It contained entirely to
NETWORK: TNT character who simply does not this time frame made a more cap-
want any part of the religious war tivating and cohesive story, driven
WHEN: July 10 nor does he wish to conform to ac- by the character development of
STARRING: Laurie Davidson cepted practices on the stage. sharing the Losers backstories.
Will is extraordinarily flex- This narrative framework does
OUR TAKE: ible when it comes to accurately the book as much justice as one
portraying history, and its psyche- can expect when removing the
delic color pallet and punk rock horror story from the theatre of
JAMIE RULE music are shockingly out of place the mind and manifesting it on
STAFF WRITER in Elizabethan England. Despite screen. Although It will inevita-
the historical accuracy of the show bly disappoint those who seek the
Fans of The Bard beware. TNT being less credible than reports of level of fear achieved by the novel,
has deemed William Shakespeare a successful snipe hunt, there are the special effects in this version
worthy of his own TV series. Ten sufficient nods to reality to keep of It are far superior to former
episodes later, they recanted and the average Shakespeare enthusi- attempts. Pennywises revelation
cancelled the show. ast at least grudgingly interested. of his true nature and the Losers
Will follows a destitute At various moments, the char- entrance into the haunted house
country writer seeking his for- acters will spew lines from Shake- Photo courtesy of TNT display technological superiority.
tune in a big city. Leaving his wife speares plays verbatim, no matter Laurie Davidson stars as struggling playwright William Despite the lessening in im-
and three children behind, Will how out of context or jarring. The Shakespeare in TNTs short-lived drama series Will. pact felt during the underground
Shakespeare (Laurie Davidson, entertainment for knowledge- climax of the film, watching the
Vampire Academy) travels to able viewers lies then with guess- would be hard to blame the cam- but it went in so many directions Losers face their fears instead of
London with nothing more than ing which play was just forcibly era for hiding behind walls, stair- that it overwhelmed itself. For fleeing It makes for a classic tri-
his aspiration to be a playwright quoted, as anyone familiar with cases, clothing racks and other as- example, Christopher Marlowe umph that manages to not feel
and a letter to his cousin, a per- the English language would be sorted obstructions. However, the (Jamie Campbell Bower, The weary in its unfolding.
secuted Catholic priest who some- able to identify that those words cinematography for Will seems Twilight Saga) searches for an al- It is less about a supernatu-
times wears a rosary as a necklace. were not originally intended to be less like a valid artistic choice and ternative to the Protestant-Cath- ral clown and more about fear.
When this letter is stolen, the spoken where the show deigned to more like the consequence of poor olic divide while working on his Specifically, It is about the fears
second main plot commences place them. planning and sets too small to ac- mass-recognized play. The subplot that plague children on the cusp
as the audience is introduced to Will appears to be the re- commodate the camera crew. has little impact on the show be- of growing up, who are confront-
Richard Topcliffe (Ewen Brem- sult of throwing The Complete The resulting effect is more yond explaining why Bower ran- ed by both Pennywises manifes-
ner, Black Hawk Down). He is Works of William Shakespeare, a akin to the annoyance of an un- domly shows up on occasion. tations of their worst nightmares
another historical figure, who has list of heinous offences committed ruly video game perspective than While plotlines of Will could and the horrors of reality itself.
declared war on all Catholics in by 1900s prisoners and the blog whatever the shows creators have been better interwoven, each Muschiettis film highlights
the name of the Queen. of a cosplaying punk-rock fan into might have been hoping for. subplot had an adequate conclu- the terrors from monsters beyond
Meanwhile, despite having a blender without a lid. The re- Will seemed undecided sion as viewers were left with few this world but also the horror of
stellar actors, James Burbages sulting mess on the ceiling then about itself. One moment, it questions. Perhaps the most press- being attacked by a bully, the grief
theater is struggling to stay open becomes the shows script. Admit- would extoll Shakespeares cre- ing of these was why they had sat of an unexpected loss and the pain
and is in need of new writing tal- tedly, this is quite a unique take ative genius or follow a developing through ten episodes of bizarre of an abusive family.
ent. With his quick wit, which is on a subject oft labelled boring by romance; the next, it wallowed anachronisms, misplaced Shake- For fans wanting to see more
painfully displayed in a local tav- innumerable high school students. in the harsh reality of the Black speare quotations and a consider- of the book brought to life, the
erns pseudo rap battle, and inno- Considering that its subject Death or showing the sadism of able amount of footage dedicated ending credits suggest that more
vative writing style, Will becomes matter is rife with pedophilia, Topcliffes religious crusade. The solely to earning a For Mature Au- chapters of It may float to the
the theaters savior. torture, orgies and executions, it concept of the show had potential, diences rating. big screen in the future.
// ENTERTAINMENT technique September 15, 2017 15

Southern Blood punctuates influential life ARGHA FROM PAGE 12

project and they can come speak
here in our space.
Technique: What does being
MUSIC Of course, Allmans biggest in- While the song is about death, Swamp Rats and Out of Left an Atlantan mean to you?
spiration for this album was surely the cover is about music. Allman Field can fade into the back- Morais: Theres so much op-
Southern Blood his looming departure, but the al- played the same trick even more ground as Allman delivers his fi- portunity here now; theres a lot
Gregg Allman bums producer has been quick to effectively on the final and most nal tribute to blues-rock. of growth happening. Theres also
LABEL: Rounder Records note that the album is not wholly mournful track on the album, a Still, the listeners attention is a lot of gray areas, a lot of areas
a reflection on death. Allman cover of Jackson Brownes Song soon snatched back by Love Like that havent been tackled, espe-
GENRE: Rock wanted to use the work to reflect for Adam, which features a guest Kerosene and Song for Adam, cially when it comes to education,
TRACK PICKS: Going Going on the significance of his entire appearance from Browne himself. ensuring that the beginning and affordable housing and transpor-
Gone and Song for Adam life, not merely on the end of it. While the song, as written end of the album are engaging. tation.
This intention does show up by Browne, recounts the tragic In aggregate, Southern Blood We can do better in those ar-
OUR TAKE: in the final product: the tone of death of Brownes friend Adam is not just a good album, it is a eas, but were trying. And now is a
the album is not one of pain or Saylor, Allmans performance of great album. crucial time, since Atlanta is bur-
self-grieving but of appreciation, the song became a record of how As time goes on, one can ex- geoning right now.
JOSH TREBUCHON calmness and, ultimately, ac- music helped him digest his own pect to see more rock legends fad- Atlanta as a whole is some-
ASSISTANT ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR ceptance. Allman made it clear demise. Brownes appearance on ing and dying off, and the process times represented as an underdog
that he enjoyed life and was not the track further intensifies this will be punishing. In this com- of a city, but we are a global city
On May 27, Gregg Allman pleased with his coming demise effect, which allowed Allman to ing world of grief, one needs a and I enjoy seeing similar faces
passed away from liver cancer, on tracks like I Love The Life I celebrate his musical colleagues soundtrack to keep up morale, to in our very tight knit, integrated
officially closing the door on a Live and Willin. and the help he received from remind him that while the musi- community.
50-year musical career that in- Allman shifted the focus from them throughout his life. cians will die, their music never When youre an Atlantan, you
fluenced many and inspired even his death and reflected on tour life While most of Allmans album will. Southern Blood is that feel proud to be one: theres an en-
more. Luckily for the musical in My Only True Friend and is potent and inspired, it does get soundtrack. Listeners will not ergy thats within you to say This
world, Allman had one last gift on bittersweet love in Love Like bogged down in the middle of its soon forget Gregg Allmans final is my city. Sometimes it can be a
to leave behind. On Sept. 8, the Kerosene. In reality, however, track listing. Songs like Black shout into the void that the rock bit rocky since Atlanta as a whole
musicians last studio album, nothing Allman sang about on Muddy River, Blind Bats and world is quickly becoming. is still discovering its identity, but
Southern Blood, was posthu- the album shifted the focus from were very proud to be Atlantans.
mously released. death as effectively as the form of Technique: How did you ac-
The work consists almost en- the album: covers. quire the Harp Transmission
tirely of covers. The only excep- The album is not one of songs space?
tion is My Only True Friend, a composed by Allman about his fi- Morais: Pellerin Real Estate
powerful ode to music and tour- nal days; instead, the album serves and Clark Property R+D gave us
ing that Allman penned with his as a book of standards. Allmans a six-month lease to introduce our
guitarist Scott Sharrard. recorded celebration is a farewell vision and projects. This site will
The album was recorded just to the musical tradition in which be developed in 2018, and you can
a few months before Allmans he lived. Incredibly, the album is find more about it on harptrans-
death at FAME Studios in Muscle not about Allman at all: it is about Theyre focused on
Shoals, the Alabama town respon- what survives him. transit- and community-oriented
sible for such classics as the Roll- Allmans cover of Bob Dylans development, so we believe in
ing Stones Sticky Fingers, Bob Going Going Gone, the emo- their vision. Were grateful to
Segers Night Moves and Lynyrd tional and musical climax of the them for allowing us to activate
Skynyrds Street Survivors. album, is a song about feeling the space and manifest our ideas.
There could be no more appro- oneself slipping from the world. Technique: How can people
priate place to record this album Had Allman written the song for find out about your upcoming
than Muscle Shoals, a locale that the album, it would have been a events?
has become synonymous with narrative about his coming death. Morais: We have post on our
southern blues-rock. The inspira- However, since the song is a Facebook page and on our wes-
tion that Allman undoubtedly felt cover, the story is about how in bite Events are
while recording in the iconic stu- this stage of his life, just like in ev- Photo courtesy of Rounder Records typically posted for the next two
dio shines through every track of ery other, Allman found the words Gregg Allman poses on a motorcycle for a promotional photo. weeks, and we will be announcing
the album. to describe his situation in music. Allmans final album was released posthumously on Sept. 8. some big events soon.
16 September 15, 2017 technique // COMICS





// COMICS technique September 15, 2017 17




18 September 15, 2017 technique // SPORTS

Talent, experience abound for Tech golfUS Amateur, the Jackets are also
JOHN EDWARDS highly ranked individually. Nor-
CONTRIBUTING WRITER ton and Schniederjans sit just out-
side the top 100 amateur golfers,
Few on the golf team are ranked 103 and 133 respectively,
strangers to big stages. After a and their teammates Tyler Stra-
summer where a school-record faci, Andy Ogletree, Jacob Joiner
six golfers qualified for the US and James Clark also sit inside the
Amateur, the golf team looks top 500 rankings. All are impres-
primed for another season as one sive marks; a team with six play-
of the top collegiate teams in the ers ranked in the top 500 is even
country. Just ask golf coach Bruce more exciting.
Heppler, who, following a win The victory last weekend was a
at the Carpet Capital Collegiate welcome change for the golf team,
(CCC), praised the team. as last season had ended in disap-
This should be one of our pointment for them. For only the
deepest teams. Weve had some fourth time since the introduction
sporty groups ... but theyre im- of the current NCAA golf tourna-
pressive, Heppler said. Five guys ment format, the golf team missed
who can drive the ball well, and qualifying for the NCAA Cham-
we started making some putts. Ev- pionships, and did so in heart-
erybody feels like they were part breaking fashion losing by a
of it. After a disappointing previ- single stroke to UNC. The feeling
ous two seasons, in which the golf was all too familiar, as the golf
team was without a team title, the team missed the championship
victory at the CCC starts off the by four strokes the season prior as
fall season on the right foot. well. There is reason to hope that
The golf teams roster is rich the team will take the next step.
with talent the six students With golf seemingly stuck on
who qualified for the US Amateur the verge of success yet not quite
make up half the teams 12-man over the hill, the addition of Nor-
roster. Of those students, two of ton is a welcome boon the ic-
them sophomore Luke Schnie- ing on the cake that could finally
derjans and freshman Noah Nor- catapult the team to the top of
ton ranked among the top 200 the ACC. However, it is an uphill
amateurs in the world going into climb; the golf team has a difficult
the event, Schienderjans at No. schedule every year, and this sea- Photo courtesy of Danny Karnik
128 and Norton at 162. Norton son is no different. Senior golfer Jacob Joiner follows through on his swing during a practice round.
had a stellar showing at the event, They will have little time to Joiner is a veteran presence on a team of experienced, talented Tech athletes.
reaching the round of 16 before rest on their laurels, as the Maui
falling to senior Theo Humphrey Jim Invitational in Arizona awaits Championship and the NCAA response to the golf teams vic- such as Ollie Schniederjans, once
of Vanderbilt. the golf team on Sept. 22-24. Lat- Championship, the pinnacle of tory at the CCC. It is hard not to the number one amateur golfer
With such a deep roster, it is er next month, they will host the team collegiate competition. be excited for this team. The golf in the world, his team has never
little surprise that the golf team Golf Club of Georgia Collegiate, It is a difficult slate of upcom- team is back with a chip on their captured an NCAA champion-
has already been pegged for suc- whose 15-team field stacks up ing tournaments for the golf team, shoulder, and theyve got plenty to ship. They achieved second-place
cess in the pre-season coaches with 12 top-25 opponents, includ- but hopes are nonetheless high. prove, with all the tools to do so. marks in 2000, 2002 and 2005.
poll from the Gold Coaches As- ing No. 3 Oklahoma State. In the Roberto Castro, golf-team alumni This year marks Head Coach 2017 may be the year Tech finally
sociation of America, they were spring, the golf team will travel to and one of many pro-golfers to Bruce Hepplers 22nd with the breaks through and hoists a cham-
ranked No. 18 in the country Hawaii and Puerto Rico for tour- have taken the green for the Insti- team. His tenure in Atlanta out- pionship trophy of their own. No
and fourth overall in the ACC. naments, and hope to finish out tute, tweeted that this team could lives many of his players. But de- longer the bridesmaid, the Jackets
Following their successes at the their seasons with the ACC Golf stack [victories] up this year in spite incredible individual talent seek to at last play the bride.
// SPORTS technique September 15, 2017 19

Jackets offer bright spot to Irma evacuees

the Total Person Program, as well Athlete Advisory Board (SAAB), was bright and cool, with a bit of As tickets were passed out,
EMILY DYKSTRA as Associate Athletic Director Jo- including myself, worked to dis- a breeze that made for nearly per- I had the opportunity to speak
CONTRIBUTING WRITER eleen Akin. Both programs work tribute tickets to those wishing fect gameday conditions a far with some of the families about
to give back to the communities to attend the game that had been stretch from the conditions which where they were coming from and
As someone who grew up in that may not necessarily be as displaced by Irma. All we asked the families were fleeing. their journey from their homes.
the Southeast, I am no stranger fortunate as those to which Tech for was a valid piece of identifica- A thought that occurred to Some had traveled for as long as
to hurricanes and the havoc they students and athletes are accus- tion that linked a recipient from me was that the adults present 20 hours due to the traffic coming
can wreak on parts of the coun- tomed, while giving athletes a each party to Florida, Georgia or were fully aware of the implica- from Florida up the coast as the
try. With torrential amounts of chance to expand their experience South Carolina. tions that the storms may hold for whole state evacuated.
rain and high speed winds, these in volunteer activities and use Although there were a few peo- their futures, but the kids prob- To hear the length of time that
massive storms can rip through their influence for good. ple who chose to cheer on the Jack- ably just were enjoying having a many families had traveled and sat
counties and entire states, leav- On Saturday, the Jackets ets by themselves, most showed up few days off from school. Football in traffic gave me a new perspec-
ing destruction and hopelessness played Jacksonville State Univer- with family, some with small chil- cannot mend the damage that the tive on Atlanta traffic, which
in their wake. sity, a smaller Division I school dren in tow. It was rewarding to storms brought, but it helped cre- itself is renowned. It is one thing
As a large public university in from Jacksonville, Ala. Faculty give the children the opportunity ate a sense of family and togeth- to sit in traffic daily due to conges-
the midst of one of the largest cit- from the athletics department, as to experience, for some, their first erness in a time of need for the tion while traveling to work or to
ies in America, Tech felt a sense of well as members of the Student college football game. The day evacuees in town. run errands, yet another to experi-
responsibility in helping those af- ence complete standstill while not
fected by the hurricanes currently knowing what is going to happen
tearing through the southeast re- to your belongings and those you
gion, including Irma and Harvey. know from the place which you
Although efforts to help the areas are leaving.
affected are still underway, Tech It was intriguing to realize how
was able to implement helpful ini- many Tech students had connec-
tiatives such as handing out free tions to those affected by the hur-
tickets to those displaced by the ricane, as students were bringing
natural disaster. friends to our tent to receive their
Through the Jackets With- tickets. Even in times of need, col-
out Borders program, nearly one lege students find a way to band
thousand tickets were given out together and create fun experi-
to those who found themselves in ences for themselves. Tech alum-
the Atlanta area. The program is ni also reached out by donating
a recently created student-athlete season ticket seats and spreading
initiative that aims to disperse the word of the charitable event
student-athletes into the world amongst their networks.
to make a difference in the lives The distribution of free tick-
of those around them. This past ets to a collegiate football game
summer, Jackets Without Borders was gratifying, yet there is more
took off on a trip to Costa Rica that we as a population can do
with the goal of building a multi- as a whole. Within the upcoming
purpose athletic court with an or- months, various groups at Tech
ganization called Courts for Kids. will be working to collect items
The program was implemented and money to send to those af-
by Athletic Director Todd Stans- fected by the natural disasters,
bury as part of the Total Person so keep an eye out for those op-
Program within the Athletic As- portunities to reach out to those
sociation, which aims to aid stu- in need. The athletic department
dent-athletes in their growth into is working to organize a drive of
well-rounded people. The Jackets some sort in accordance with the
Without Borders program is led Photo by Casey Gomez Student Publications student body and will be looking
not only by Stansbury, but also Volunteers from Tech athletics hand out tickets for the Tech-Jacksonville State football game to send supplies or donations in
by Leah Thomas, who spearheads to residents of Florida, Georgia and South Carolina, many of whom were Irma evacuees. the near future.
SPORTS EDITOR: Off the Field technique
Harsha Sridhar
Casey Miles
Tech athletes volunteered their time
to help familes escaping from Hurri-
cane Irma enjoy a football game.419 September 15, 2017

Irma says bye to Tech football

With UCF tilt cancelled, Jackets turn to conference slate
would thrive against. As long as
ROHAN KANSARA the Jackets could have dominated
CONTRIBUTING WRITER the time of possession with our
clock-eating run game, they could
Hurricane Irma brought more control the pace of the game and
than widespread power outages keep the Knights on their toes.
and two days off from school to While fans (particularly
Tech the Jackets upcoming Tech alumni in the Orlando
football game against the UCF area) may be saddened by a sud-
Knights has been cancelled. Tech denly clear Saturday afternoon
reached out to Central Florida, of- football-watching schedule, the
fering to host the Knights at Bob- extra week off may mollify Paul
by Dodd on Saturday in return Johnson. Johnson has previously
for playing in Atlanta in 2020, complained that teams facing the
but the two teams could not reach Jackets face an unfair advantage
an agreement. In fact, many col- when a number of them are al-
lege football games and even an lowed byes the week prior (see be-
NFL game (Miami Dolphins vs. low graphic). The option offense
Tampa Bay Buccaneers) were can- Tech runs is unlike anything else
celled this past weekend due to run at the FBS level, save for the
the inclement weather. offenses of service academies and
As for Tech, this cancellation Georgia Southern. With an extra
brings good and bad news to the week to scheme for it, opponents
team. On one hand, they can now can defeat much of the strategic
treat this week as a bye week. This edge it provides.
means more time to game plan But with an extra bye week to
for an upcoming match against rest players and devise tactics of
the Pittsburgh Panthers as well Photo by Casey Gomez Student Publications their own before launching into
as more rest for players, some of Ricky Jeune jaunts towards one of his two touchdowns last Saturday against Jacksonville ACC play, Tech may fair better
whom looked sluggish against State. Jeune, along with the rest of the offense, will begin preparations for ACC play. than expected within the confer-
Jacksonville State. Coaches often ence. Offensive lineman Parker
use bye weeks to conduct extra ing a week without a game can game against Memphis was also no doubt the Knights would have Braun admitted after the Jackson-
research on the opposing team help players feeling fatigued to cancelled, meaning that they have given Techs corners and safeties a ville State game that much of the
by breaking down film and iden- replenish their energy by the time only played one game this year great challenge, especially in cov- team was fatigued entering the
tifying weaknesses of the other they face off against the Panthers. against a mediocre FIU Panthers ering the deep ball. The Knights game against the Gamecocks, and
team that the Jackets can exploit. The bad news is that players get team. Given the limited data sur- offense is also quite aggressive, as that fatigued showed early and
For example, if the Panthers have one less week of valuable experi- rounding their team this year, take even though they led against FIU often during a sluggish contest
a particularly weak cornerback ence playing a real game. No mat- their theoretical game against the almost the whole game, they went at Bobby Dodd Stadium. Such is
starting, coaches might plan out ter how hard they practice, game Jackets with a grain of salt. for a fourth down conversion and to be expected when a team plays
plays to force the ball to the re- experience is something that can- One thing that stands out succeeded all three times. This ag- nearly 100 offensive snaps in a
ceiver being covered by that cor- not be emulated yet is so crucial about the Knights is that while the gression would test Techs defense double-overtime game and plays
nerback next Saturday. An extra to winning tough games. Less Tech offense is run-heavy, their in high pressure situations. a follow-up a mere five days later.
week to strategize can prove very experience may be a factor in the offense is very pass reliant. In their In terms of offense, the Jackets Tech footballs first two games
valuable against a tougher oppo- teams contest next Saturday. game against the Panthers, quar- actually matched up well against have yielded vastly different re-
nent like the Panthers. One cannot help but wonder terback McKenzie Milton threw the UCF defense. Their front sev- sults, but both have shown a team
Furthermore, although Tech what could have been in Techs for 360 yards on just 16 comple- en is a relatively weak unit, allow- that has plenty of flaws defen-
players have only played two game versus Central Florida. tions and four touchdowns. While ing 5.2 YPC against the Panthers, sively and a good enough offense
games, being a full-time student- The Knights are a tough team to they did put up these numbers on that triple option rushers TaQuon to make noise. Now, those lessons
athlete can be very tiring and hav- analyze given that their previous a relatively weak secondary, theres Marshall and KirVonte Benson will be tested at the ACC level.

Against 5
Rested teams


Record 1

31-23 2013 2014 2015

2016 2017

number of games where teams had more than 7 days rest

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