Statement of Exclusivity and Availability Daramola A. O.

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RFP Case No.:RFP_2024_16_734B

Project: Provision of On-Site assessments of weapons and

ammunitions storage facilities in Mali
I, the undersigned, hereby declare that I agree to participate exclusively with the consultant
Bezaleel + Turnkey Contractors, Inc. in the above-mentioned request for services for the
provision of on-site assessments of weapons and ammunitions facilities in Mali.

I further declare that I am able and willing to work

o for the period(s) foreseen in the Request for Proposals attached to the above
referenced request for the position for which my CV has been included in the offer of
the consultant and

o within the execution period of the specific contract which runs from December,2016
to June,2017.

I confirm that I am not engaged in another UNOPS project in a position for which my services
are required during the above periods and that I will not charge the same working day to more
than one project

By making this declaration, I understand that I am not allowed to present myself as a

candidate to the other Consultants who are submitting proposals for the above mentioned
RFP. I am fully aware that if I do so, I will be excluded from this project, the offers may be
rejected and I may also be subject to exclusion from other tender procedures and contracts
funded by the UNOPS.

Furthermore, should this offer be accepted, I am fully aware that 1) if I am not available at the
expected start date of my services for reasons other than those beyond my control, I may be
subject to exclusion from other tender procedures and contracts funded by the UNOPS and
that the notification of award of specific contract to the Consultant may be rendered null and
void ; 2) this unavailability together with its justification or its absence will be recorded in an
internal data base of the UNOPS .

I am also aware that the UNOPS will assess the quality of my work under the above
mentioned project and this assessment will be recorded in an internal database of the UNOPS
for evaluation purposes during the 7 years.



Date 09th November, 2016.

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