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Arch. Divinia S. Aspiras

GULINAO, Hyacinth Arienhail R. August 9, 2017

BS Architecture/ Blk 301/ MWF 10:00 11:00

Shown above is the Bayview Park Hotel located along

Roxas Boulevard, corner of United Nations Avenue in
The photo completely represents a Violation of
the Disallowed and Prohibited Structures/
Developments at RROW (Rule VIII, Guidelines on
easements, view corridors/ sight lines, streets/ road right-
of-way (RROW), sidewalks, etc., Letter C. b.(a.)), stating the prohibition of Any form of semi-
permanent/ permanent or semi-enclosed commercial structure/use and like structures/uses.


When travelers take the service road along Roxas boulevard, one would initially notice that
the Bayview Park Hotel is the only building along the road to exceed its building line. As seen
from the bottom right photo, other buildings near the Bayview Park hotel has observed the rule
and did not exceed the building line, nor did they attempted to build overhangs like the said hotel.
Other hotels along the service road also had overhangs, but they had it inside the building line.
Due to this, trucks, or other vehicles exceeding the height of the overhang might not be
able to take the service road, only permitting small vehicles to pass through. The service road is
also a two-way road, which might cause high vehicles to counter flow just to get rid of the
overhang. According to the Guidelines, if situated outside of private property limits, the RROW is
public land, public domain, which should be equally enjoyed by all members of the community,
hence, not to cause problems due to private/ personal gains.

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