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In witness whereof the parties have duly

affixed their signatures under hand and

seal on this 23rd day of March, 2017
Bridgeway Associates NP/ The Marie
Per: Chanel N. Harris (Seal) (Grand
Preliminary for Conference: Sports,
Music, Causes
Poezz Magazine HR Management
Please detach and return to Director:
Thank You!
This event is base on a Annual Charity Event
501c3 programing For the Marie Foundation

14 1
In witness whereof the parties have duly
affixed their signatures under hand and
seal on this 23rd day of March, 2017
Bridgeway Associates NP and the Marie (CLIENT)
Foundation presents the Ms. Outer Limits
Bridgeway Associates NP/ The Marie
North Carolina Full-Figured Pageant
Trademark for service Model Figurine .
This Icon of a women holding a globe in
replica to Miss Earth; is in support of the Per: Chanel N. Harris (Seal) (Grand
Ms. Outer Limits Full-Figured Model. Marshall)
The Black full shaped women in a right po- Preliminary for Conference: Sports,
sition in support of national causes for: Music, Causes
International and environmental events,
Poezz Magazine HR Management
beauty pageant entertainment ,industry
and effective tools to promote education Please detach and return to Director:
and environmental awareness.
Service Mark
Bridgeway Associates NP & Marie Founda-
tion Ms. Outer Limits Service Mark is im-
plemented in support of: (Fighting anti-
poverty , supporting education, and
Colors The Color Opulent or Lilac repre-
sents : encouragement, service , Volun-
teerism and Sliver for Charites, Literacy,
and Healthcare.
Classification and Service
Thank You!
The Ms. North Carolina Outer Limits Full-
This event is base on a
Figured Pageant is Classified with the Sec-
501c3 programing
retary of State Office for North Carolina
Trademark Class # 35 for Business and
Advertisements. National N2KH80KN8JHQ
NC CRC: 96607

2 13
Touristic Destination Ambassadors-
I , Purpose our propose is to capitalize
on recent research on tourism mar-
keting and destination choices; but al-
so and mainly on the conceptual re-
flections and research survey and
question on emotional and symbolical
brand relationships. We try to under-
stand how destinations could Com-
ADVERTISMENT. Consulting Agreement
This Consulting Agreement (the
agreement) dated this 23rd day
of March, 2017
The Client
Bridgeway Associates NP/ Then
Mare Foundation of 623 Carolina
Avenue Raleigh, NC 27606-1605

(SIGNATURE) The North Carolina Outer Limits

Full-Figured Pageant (Chanel Har-
ris) Individual and The Contractor
The Client is of the opinion that the
contractor has the necessary quali-
fication, experience and abilities to
provide services to the Client.
The Contractor is agreeable to
providing such services to the cli-
ent on the terms and conditions set
out in this agreement.
12 3
Notice: All notices, request, demands or
Preliminary and Crowning other communications required or per-
The Ms. North Carolina Outer Limits Full- mitted by the terms of this agreement will
Figured Pageant is am consultant service be given in writing and delivered to the
for the categories for contestants and parties of this agreement as follow.
coaches. Classified for Regional ser- Chanel Harris
vices for the local area of Raleigh, North 623 Carolina Avenue
Carolina (wake county); the Social and Raleigh NC, 27606-1605
Business Innovation award for coaches b. Bridgeway Associates NP/ The Marie
are: T-shirt design, Hair and Barbour, Foundation
Clothing & Design, Photographer and
c. The Ms. Outer Limits North Carolina Full
Makeup & Design.
-Figured Pageant,
Contestants: The consultant service for
Raleigh, NC 27606
the contests for the preliminary classifi-
cation for the Ms. North Carolina Outer Or/ the such other address as any party
Limits Full-Figured Pageant are: Ms. may from time to time notify the other and
Fashion, Ms. Photogenic, Ms. Sport, will be deemed to be property delivered
Ms. Talent, Ms. Congeniality, Ms. Beau- (a) immediately upon being served per-
ty, Ms. Swimwear. sonally (b) 2-5 days after being deposited
with an overnight courier.
Additional Clause
The Crowning for Ms. North Carolina
Rules and Code of ethics (Conduct) will be
Outer Limits Full-Figured Pageant is
read and signed during application pro-
placement for State , County and Region
cess. Supremacy Clause for North Caroli-
for: Ms. Outer Limits (state) Ms. Full-
na (chapter 6) Handbook and (Chapter 4)
Figured (county) and Ms. Full Fig-
of General Assemble applies for North
ured Plus (regional)
Carolina 10th District court Raleigh, NC
Pageant Creed and includings. Ms. Outer Limits North
BE YOUR OWN KIND OF BEAUTIFUL Carolina Full-Figured Pageant Solicitation
and Fundraising Contract for Licensing
Se' tu propio tipo de belleza


Sois belle a' ta facon

4 11
Gender: Words in the singular mean and
included the plural and vice versa words The parties agree to do everything neces-
in the masculine mean and include the sary to ensure that the terms of this
feminine and vice versa Mr. Outer Limits agreement take effect.
(Grand Marshall) (coaches) Governing
Law: It is the intention of the parties to Currency
this agreement that this agreement and Except as otherwise provided in this
agreement, all monetary amounts re-
the performance under this agreement,
ferred to in this agreement are in USD (us
and all suits and special proceedings un- Dollar).
der this agreement, be construed in ac- Compensation
cordance with and governed to the exclu- For the services rendered by the contrac-
sion of the law of any other forum, by the tor as required by this agreement the cli-
laws of the State of North Carolina, with- ent will provide compensation (the com-
out regard to the jurisdiction in which any pensation) to the contractor of a fixed
amount of 500.00.
action or special proceeding may be in-
A deposit of 130.00 (the Deposit) will be
stituted. (National), (State) and or payable by the Client (30) application fee
(Regional) or County, Town, or City. (Any is included in this payment.
program outside of Jurisdiction must be For the remaining amount, the client will
sponsored by a registered residential be invoiced after the work is completed.
Host and noted as a conference) Invoice submitted by the contractor to the
client are due within 15 days of receipts.
Severability: In the event that any of the
provision of this agreement is held to be Reimbursement of expenses
invalid or unenforceable in whole or in The contractor will not be reimbursed for
part, all other provisions will neverthe- any expenses incurred in connection with
less continue to be valid and enforceable providing the services of this agreement.
with the invalid or unenforceable parts
Confidential information (the confidential
severed from the remainder of the Information) refers to any data or infor-
agreement.. Waiver: The waiver by either mation relating to the client, whether
party of a breach default, delay or omis- business or personal, which would rea-
sion of any of the provision of this agree- sonably be considered to be private or
ment by the other party will not be con- proprietary to the client and that is not
strued as a waiver of any subsequent generally known and were the release of
that confidential Information could rea-
breach of the same or other provisions.
sonably be expected to cause harm to the
client or contractor.

10 5
Ownership of Intellectual Property
In Consideration of the matters de-
scribed above and of the mutual bene- All intellectual property and related ma-
fits and obligations set forth in this terial (the Intellectual property) that is
agreement, the receipt and sufficiency developed or produced under this
of which consideration is hereby agreement will be the property of the
acknowledged the client and the con- contractor. The client is guaranteed a
tractor. (Individually the party and non-exclusive limited-use license of this
collectively the Parties of this agree- Intellectual property. Title, copyright,
ment) agree as follow. intellectual property right and distribu-
tion rights of the Intellectual property
Services provided remain exclusively with the contractor
The client hereby agrees to engage the (s)
contractor to provide the client with Return of Property: Upon the expiry or
services ( the services) consisting of: termination of this agreement, the con-
Fundraising, volunteering and market- tractor will return to the client any
ing for a nonprofit organization. Duties property documentation records or con-
(includes performance appraisals for fidential Information which is the prop-
full-figured models, marketing tickets erty of the client. Capacity/ Independ-
and working with sponsors in supports ent contractor (marketing rep) In
for healthcare and promotions. providing the service under this agree-
ment it is expressly agreed that the con-
The services will also include any oth-
tractor is acting as an independent con-
er tasks which) the parties may
tractor and not as an employee. The
agrees to provide such service to the
contractor and the client acknowledge
client. (Holistic Wellness)
that this agreement does not create a
Term of Agreement partnership or Joint venture between
The term of this agreement (the them and is exclusively a contract for
Term) will begin on the date of this service. The Client is not required to
agreement and will remain in full force pay or make any contribution to any so-
and effect until March 31, 2018; subject cial security, local, or federal tax unem-
to earlier termination as provided in ployment compensation, workers com-
this agreement may be extended with pensation, insurance premium, profit-
the written consent of all parties. sharing pension or any other employee
benefit for the contractor during term.
6 9
Time of the Essence: Indemnification
This is of the essence in this agreement Except to the extent paid in settlement
no extension or variation of this agree- from any applicable insurance policies
ment will operate as a waiver of this pro- and to the extent permitted by applica-
vision. ble law; each party agrees to indemnify
and hold harmless the other party, and
Assignment: The contractor will not vol-
its respective directors, stockholders,
untarily or by operation of law, assign or
affiliates, officers, agent, employees,
otherwise transfer it obligations under
and permitted successors and assigns;
this agreement without the prior written
against any and all claims losses, dam-
consent of the client, and vs versa.
ages, liabilities, penalties, punitive
Entire Agreement: It is agreed that there
damages, expenses reasonable legal
is no representation, warrant collateral
fees and cost of any kind or amount
agreement or condition affecting this
whatsoever, which result from or arise
agreement except as expressly provided
out of any act or omission of the in-
in this agreement.
demnifying party, its respective direc-
Enurement: This agreement will endure
tors, stockholders and permitted suc-
to the benefit of and be binding on the
cessors and assigns that occurs in
parties and their respective heir/ execu-
connection with this agreement. This
tors, administrators and permitted suc-
indemnification will survive the termi-
cessors and assigns. (Grand Marshall) &
nation of this agreement.
or (Sponsoring Management
Modification of Agreement
Titles/Heading Headings are inserted for
the convenience of the parties only and Any amendment or modification of this
are not to be considered when interpret- agreement or additional obligation as-
ing this agreement. Ms. Outer Limits sumed, by either party in connection
Ms. Full-Figured & Ms. Full-Figured Plus with this agreement will only be binding
if evidenced in writing signed by each
party or any authorized representative
of each party.

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